Why did Jesus die?( for our sins? ) God could forgive us without his death.Wot would have happened if he lived
2006-07-25 08:42:29 UTC
Please give details, refs if you can. Deep thought required if possible...
39 answers:
2006-07-25 08:45:21 UTC
Jesus died in vain if the reason for his death was our sins.To achieve forgiveness all you need do is repent. Nobody can do it for you.
4HIM- Christians love
2006-07-25 08:55:56 UTC
God has always required a sacrifice for sin. In the Old Testament, it was animal sacrifice.

In the New Testament, God tells us that He loves us so much that He wants us to live in eternity with Him. However, we are sinful by nature and therefore cannot enter into Heaven.

No, God could not forgive us with out a payment for what we have done. God had a plan. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to this earth (God's Word made flesh) to become our sacrifice. The Bible states that Jesus became our sin. This is an awesome concept. He took all of our sins, past and future upon Himself and bled and died. God had to turn His back on Jesus as He was dieing because God couldn't look at sin and couldn't change His mind.

If Jesus had changed His mind, we would be lost forever. But, Good News, He didn't. All that is required of us is that we believe that Jesus is God's Son, that He lived on this earth, died for our sin and now lives in Heaven with God and is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, repent (turn away from sin) and follow Him.

P.S. The reason that Jesus could qualify for this feat , which no other man could, is because He is God. He is one in the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
2006-07-25 09:11:26 UTC
"Why did Jesus die?( for our sins? ) "

Jesus died for our sins because:

1) it was the fulfillment of many many prophecies in the Old Testament.

2) Man was cursed with sin. God does not tolerate sin, and will not have it around for all eternity.

3) Therefore, man needed to either be annhilated or redeemed.

4) This is a really important one: God made man to do certain things with Him. God wanted us to return to hIm to be whatever that was.

"God could forgive us without his death."

You can see evidence of what I am about to write prominently throughout these type boards.

God wanted to communicate; how much the fact that there is sin, means to Him. God hates. God hates sin. He wants it gone forever. He required blood as payment, even though it's really a spiritual thing. The life of the soul resides in the blood. Blood is a part of flesh. The flesh then became mortal instead of immortal.

It was through the flesh that man had to be redeemed.

Redemption was either going to be required by following a set of Laws, or it was going to be required by sacrifice. If the Law was perfectly fulfilled, it would save, but only then. Since men were incapable of performing that perfection, they:

1) sinned

2) died.

God had promised that salvation was of Him. There are many verses in the Old Testament that say just that. Especially this one:

Psalms 68:20 He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues from death.

God would in essence, send Himself in the form of a man, the type of the kisman redeemer found in Ruth, and become the Lamb of God, referencing the Passover, where a lamb is slain to protect a household. Jesus the Lamb of God was slain for the whole world.

To be forgiven, one must go the rest of the way by faith- trusting Him for it.

"Wot would have happened if he lived"

We would still be stuck in the Law of Moses. But worse is that scripture would not have been fulfilled. God Himself would have failed, and His word return void.

But since it didn't happen that way. . . .

We all have a choice.
2006-07-25 08:46:11 UTC
It is true God can forgive without death, but the world was so overcome with it at that time, that something more had to be done.

Jesus chose to die for our sins because, as our brother (which he is referred to in many religious texts), he loves us and cares about what happens to us.

If Jesus had lived, I do believe that it would not have been for much longer, unfortunately. The Romans would have found him still and killed him, possibly in a more brutal way. By dying that day on the cross, he proved to each and every one of us how deep his love truly is.
2006-07-25 14:48:14 UTC
Sin demands punishment. There is ALWAYS a price. "The wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23) and this warning was given right from the beginning (Gen 2:17).

Hebrews 9:27 says without the shedding of blood theres no forgiveness of sin. God has chosen to limit himself by his word. His very nature demands that he is just and true--even to himself. A substitute had to be found if forgiveness was to be possible. God could not "forgive us without his death". He gave the Israelites a temporary arrangement, they needed a lamb for a sacrifice, and a literal "scapegoat". But this provision proved ineffective in dealing with the root cause of sin.

Jesus had to die to pay the penalty that Gods justice demanded. He became the lamb who offered himself as a substitute...the sinless lamb of God (which was enough to not only pay the penalty for sin that Gods justice demanded, but also remove the power of sin over everyone who would accept Gods free gift of salvation in Jesus (Romans 6:6,11).

What would have happened if he lived? I dont know about that one, but certainly Gods plan for salvation wouldnt have been made possible, without God breaking his word... and making himself untrustworthy.
2006-07-25 14:29:26 UTC
God demands a blood sacrifice for sin. In other words when we sin we deserve to die. But God gave us a way out and that was lamb sacrifices. If a person sinned they would take the lamb to the temple in Jerusalem and at the entrance of the temple lay their hands on the lamb. This was a sign to say that they where giving the lamb there own sin. Then the priest waould sacrfice the lamb instead of the sinner. Many thousands of lambs where killed over thousands of years, The problem ws this didn't really deal with the problem of sin. When Jesus (Who is actually God) came he died instead of the lambs. He is known as the Lamb of God. But this sacrifice was going to be the only one needed. Instead of us reaching out to touch Jesus he reached out and touched us. All our sin was upon him. That's why he cried out, 'My God, my God, why have you foraken me?' This was because God could not look upon the sin that was upon him. Then Jesus died. But the amazing thing about this death was the subject was innocent. He never committed any sin. So death was reversed and Jesus conqured death and came back to life again. Thus he conqured sin and death. Now we need to give him our praise and worship, and turn our life towards him.
2006-07-25 08:52:59 UTC
Did you see the movie The Da Vinci Code? Well the idea is that if he had lived then he would have had children, thus creating a bloodline. Because it would have been too hard to control an entire bloodline, the church decided to have this ending for the story of Jesus that is told in the Bible. How can you think that God created us all just to torture us, to give us a soul, a mind, lusts, cravings, etc. and this all for what? just to get kicks out of our suffering? I think the entire Bible is based on some denaturing of things that started with the first christian monks that were in need of a means to control hoards of people towards being slaves for them... Think about it, hope i could be of some assistance...
Grandma Susie
2006-07-25 08:52:07 UTC
The wages (penalty) of sin are death. That is why He had to die, to pay for our sins. God is a just God, He also is Holy. His holiness cannot bear sin, when Jesus took our sins on His back and was punished for what we did, then the death sentence was lifted. He died so we won't have to. He does live now and forever. He has always lived.

All through the letters of Paul, he explains this.
Ann Tykreist
2006-07-25 08:49:26 UTC
You are so right. If god is so powerful, he could "forgive sins" any way he wanted. I think this is the single most fundamental flaw in the whole christian religion.

I love the "because blood is needed to wash away sin" and "not just any blood, the pure sinless blood only found in Jesus". This is not an explanation, just a redirection. The question then becomes Why is blood(shed) needed? why only pure blood? These "rules" are so random and arbitrary its sick.
2006-07-25 09:09:52 UTC
The idea of Jesus as "the lamb" (to be sacrificed) is compelling and may be the originator of the "died for our sins" idea. The only trouble is that this is essentially a Jewish idea not carried into the Christian era which may disturb some Christians. The history of theology is littered with religions adopting/adapting previous ideas then shedding what didn`t fit in with their ideals. Personally, I think the idea that women originated sin and it took a man to expunge it says volumes about the social control which is religion.
2006-07-25 08:53:03 UTC
Thanks For Your Questions :)

Well according to my religion Jesus peace be upon him was not a God infact A study of the Christian scriptures reveals that Jesus (pbuh) never claimed divinity. In fact there is not a single unequivocal statement in the entire Bible where Jesus (pbuh) himself says, "I am God" or where he says, "worship me". In fact the Bible contains statements attributed to Jesus (pbuh) in which he preached quite the contrary. The following statements in the Bible are attributed to Jesus Christ (pbuh):

(i) "My Father is greater than I."

[The Bible, John 14:28]

(ii) "My Father is greater than all."

[The Bible, John 10:29]

(iii) "…I cast out devils by the Spirit of God…."

[The Bible, Mathew 12:28]

(iv) "…I with the finger of God cast out devils…."

[The Bible, Luke 11:20]

(v) "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just; because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

[The Bible, John 5:30]

and according to my beleifs too he didnt die for our sins God says in The Quraan "Say: "Shall I seek a lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things? No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then unto your Lord is your return, so He will tell you that wherein you have been differing."

so you see here this is more convincing actually and there is allot to say and talk about in this matter that is more convincing

if intrested please msg me on
2006-07-25 08:51:59 UTC
Jesus died in our place. The penalty for sin is death, bc sin separates us from God, it's an imperfection, and God can't associate with imperfection bc He's holy. So, sin separates us from God, and that separation results in death. Since Jesus lived a perfect life and died, He can take anyone's sin that wants Him to, and put it on Himself since that death allows Him to take on an infinite number of sins, as many as He needs it to pay for. If Jesus had lived, then our forgiveness through Him wouldn't be possible, we'd still have to offer sacrifices to pay for our sin. The Bible says, without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin, bc the penalty for sin is death. That's why the Jews had to offer sacrifices for sin. I hope this made some sense.
2006-07-25 08:47:36 UTC
Jesus died to for our sins, to ride the world of all the sins that have been created. If Jesus had still been alive, and died the way we do, what would be the point of him being born. He was God, in the image of man, and was born to show the world how powerful God really is, without his death the devil would have taken advantage of every bad situation and used it against. With the death and love on Jesus Christ, we have faith, joy and hope. with out him, we would not be here today.
2006-07-25 08:46:17 UTC
Jesus said : "My God! my God, why haven't u forsaken me?"

if God already forgave in the old testimony, then for sure he can forgive after that. Good people are not equal to bad people, and everyone are responsible of their sins.

and Jesus never said i am going to sacrifice myself for ur sins, but because people couldn't find an explanation to his death, so they came up with this explanation.

Jesus was hiding until someone betrayed him, he didn't want to die at all. and if he wants to die for our sin, then why should he go thru torture and disrespect like that?
more than a hat rack
2006-07-25 08:47:14 UTC
Since we're discussing Jesus and Biblical issues, the Bible is probably an appropriate reference.

The Bible says there is no remission of sins without the shedding of blood. Even in Leviticus, it says that atonement is made with the blood.

The wages of sin is death. Death requires an atonement, either innocent blood, or death. We all die. Jesus has appeased death by his blood, and offers forgiveness to everyone else, through his blood.
2006-07-25 08:49:44 UTC
Sure God can forgive without killing innocent men. Seems rather silly to say he is all-powerful and then say he couldn't forgive...

I'm not sure what would have happened, but I'm betting we wouldn't have a religion called Christianity right now if he had lived. He would have been viewed as either a great leader or a lunatic.
2006-07-25 08:49:42 UTC
Jesus is set as a propitiation for our sins. If he did not die, he would live for Himself. But he accept the suffering and the martyrdom to pay the price of the sins that we committed. Go read the book of Roman. I believe the answer to your question lies in there or at least in the Bible.
2006-07-25 08:48:50 UTC
He is the mediator. The go between. We became sinful beings when we entered into the world after Adam and Eve. Sin is now in our nature. Heaven cannot have sin. God could forgiveus, but we are just forgiven sinners. Sin again, still could not enter. So His Son into the world and he was perfect, sinless. He was the sacrifice FOR US.
2006-07-25 08:46:03 UTC
God was specific, as far back as Exodus, that blood is life. Blood sacrifice in the Old Testament was required to cover the sins of the people, for sin is death. Life (blood) would cover death (sin).

The problem is the blood of animals only covered the sin. It was still there.

Jesus spilled His divine blood which erased sin. Jesus blood, being the blood of God, is the only solvent (life force) strong enough to erase (wipe out or remove) the stain of death (sin) completely
2006-07-25 08:48:43 UTC
jesus has eternal life in heaven, obviously. but if he didn't die on the cross, then we would all not be saved, because people, being sinners, are bound to make mistakes in a lifetime, then no one would be fit for God. God could not forgive us without his death; sacrifices wouldn't be enough. jesus loved us, that's why he died, and God had it all planned out that he will, so it's [my opinion] not probable that Jesus could avoid death.
2006-07-25 08:44:45 UTC
a trade occurs

our sins are traded for the righteous act of Jesus on the cross

which is more pleasing to God than our sins are offensive

by leaning on the work of Jesus on the cross, we are glorifying God and unserstanding better ourselves

but more happens than that, as Jesus is raised from the dead, we are raised, changed to love God, adopted as his children

we are able to give God glory in a way not previously able

but more happens than that

the wrath of God is satisfied and heaven is purshased

but more happens than that

we are more free to love others and able to forgive and lean on Gods resources more in caring for people

but more happens than that

I like the reasons given in

Quest for joy

many things happened at the cross and I also really liked 50 reasons Jesus died, the book and pssstt!!!

the book 50 reasons Jesus died may be downloaded for person free use with acrobat reader from not for resale!!
2006-07-25 08:55:40 UTC
It was a story.

A story written forty odd years after the alledged happenings.

Jesus died(sic), because he was a militant and refused to accept the way of the law.

Had he lived there would have been no Christian religion.

A religion based on a cruel God and the contradictory stories written many years after his death.
2006-07-25 10:10:25 UTC
I hate to be practical, but he died because he was a heretic and revolutionary. The romans merely executed him in their normal manner. It was his survivors, trying to create a power base in order to challenge Rome who created the fiction of the ressurection. After all, no unbiased witness ever saw him. It had nothing whatever to do with anybody's sins except possibly his own. Each person is responsible for his/her actions.
2006-07-25 09:04:22 UTC
Most non christians have this belief that christians understand their God as being this all loving all forgiving diety that just lets people run all over them.

Jesus was the embodiment of the compleation to Gods laws. God created order, form and function, and LAWS. God is brfore anything else, something many christians leave out. JUST!

God was kind of like the strict parent, upholding the shape and function of every law and action and reaction in the universe. He had to be strict and strong and that often lacked mercy and forgivness and grace. Which is exactly what Jesus is and why God upheld His own laws through the life and death of His own creation a part of Himself sacrificed to complete the covenant and make whole a system of law and justification. Especially because in the beginning of recorded time, people were just running wild and screwing up morally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Look at Absalom raping his own sister and King David who was God's favored, murdering a womans husband to be able to have her and King Solomon taking wives all over the place. Men were just morally out of control back then...

Cops don't generally let people off. It seems mean when you are ticketed or cited but THEY HAVE TO do it to keep order. Kind of a cruel to be kind sort of thing. God is Holy and Just, the maker and author of the laws that keep the order in theuniverse and in the human heart. Jesus is forgiving and full of mercy and grace. He is the buffer so to speak because forgivness... is as necessary as laws and upholding them.

So even if you don't believe in God or in Adam and Eve or Cain and Abel. These stories this history of life affirmations are still full of example and wisdom in that there cannot be law, without mercy and there cannot be life without law. (Life being the solid form of the spirit)

When Cain killed abel God went looking for him and Cain lied and said "What am I my brothers keeper?" And because he lied Abel's blood cried out from the ground to God and because of that sin God made a law that stated that all sin be covered with a blood sacrifice. In the old days the Jews were required to slaughter a sacrificial lamb that would be given their sins and through the shedding of innocent blood the sins of the man were accounted for and covered. Forgiven so to speak...

Jesus is called the "Lamb of God." and "The final sacrifice." He died, for everyone, all at once and covered the sins of every man who acknowledged is error, the origins of the blood line of every man in creation, tainted as in the murderer slew the innocent man and was all that was left to carry on the bloodline. Jesusu covered the sins of the inheritence left to us by the murderer.

Where God is just and upholds the laws, Christ forgives and became the innocent, the sacrifice that would change the law and ammend it to their never being a need for blood shed ever again to cover the sins of Cain. To make us worthy because God is Holy and God is Just and cannot look upon sin.

Jesus was a kind of buffer... His blood, His innosence and His love recreated life and love and who in their right mind wouldn't want that? There are deep psychological lessons in this example, even if you don't believe it verbatum, even if you believe it is screwed up or changed beyond recognition. It is a beautiful story a beautiful example of life itself and what I CHOSE to believe because it is good and it is right and it is the best example we have in the history of humanity to what is good and just and filled with love and grace and mercy. Why would anyone delibrately shun such an example especially when it is alive in every instance, ever cell and fiber of humanity to its very core to its daily little experiences?

It is good... It is right... it is just... and it is mercy and love through sacrifice. We should all be grateful and accept if not the doctrine itself, then the life and the example of Jesus Christ as being a beautiful example of our existence as human beings.
2006-07-25 08:48:56 UTC
If God simply forgive us, we won't understand His deep love for us, that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross!

He wanted us to believe that He loved us enough to send His son to die for us...

God Bless You! =)
2006-07-25 08:45:01 UTC
Excellent question, I have pondered this for many years. How does somebody dying fix anything? It seems like a lame plan to me. It's the old world eye for an eye attitude.
2006-07-25 08:50:54 UTC
It's in John 3:16....."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son....." it pretty much sums it up if you have a Bible handy.....not that I'm a total Bible thumper, but I was raised in the Church...I'm on the fence, though...way too many questions to put all my faith in one know??
2006-07-25 08:46:28 UTC
Jesus is referred to as the lamb. He was sacrificed to save us. It is a key example of why we don't sacrifice people or animals anymore.
2006-07-25 09:22:25 UTC
God is just, someone must pay, Jesus was the only one who could.
g-day mate
2006-07-25 08:48:47 UTC
Just another one of Gods experiments. What if I have my son killed will those people on earth love me then?
2006-07-25 08:46:38 UTC
I know... it doesn't make sense... let's just wait for the giant spaghetti monster to save us from hunger in fifteen mins... lol
2006-07-25 08:46:17 UTC
CHECK OUT JOHN 3:16 in the Bible for all these answers.

He does live.....He rose again...remember.

John B
2006-07-25 08:48:53 UTC
If he'd lived? there would be no religious films / no books / no bedtime stories / no religious wars, and nowhere to go to get married!
2006-07-25 08:49:31 UTC
jesus died on the cross for are sins. but if he didn't we could'nt be forgivin. so we all prob. be going to hell
2006-07-25 10:25:21 UTC
Until Satan's power over mankind was destroyed, forgiveness would have been pointless, as man would have simply sinned again, almost immediately, and found themselves in the same decrepit, fallen state, still under the heel of Satan.

Gen 2:17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death.

Under God's most basic law, if you sin, you die.

The flip side of that most basic law is that a sinless man is not liable to die.

And no one (not even Satan) has the authority to take the life of a sinless man, let alone the only begotten son of the living God.

So Jesus had to become a sinless man, and he had to allow himself to be put to death, in order to destroy Satan's dominion over the earth and over mankind.

As Satan (the prince of this world) was ultimately responsible for using the Jews and the Romans to crucify the totally innocent and sinless Jesus,

Satan would have to answer to God for killing Christ.

Satan was subsequently judged by God, found guilty, and he was required to forfeit all that he had earlier gained from Adam's original sin.

The power and dominion over mankind and all the earth, that was originally given by God to Adam, then foolishly lost to Satan, was now awarded to the divine man, Jesus Christ, the new head of all mankind.

Here's what Jesus had to say about it:

Joh 12:31 Now is the judgment of the world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

Joh 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.

Joh 16:7 But I tell you the truth: it is expedient to you that I go. For if I go not, the Paraclete will not come to you: but if I go, I will send him to you.

Joh 16:8 And when he is come, he will convince the world of sin and of justice and of judgment.

Joh 16:9 Of sin: because they believed not in me.

Joh 16:10 And of justice: because I go to the Father: and you shall see me no longer.

Joh 16:11 And of judgment: because the prince of this world is already judged.

Mat 28:18 And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.

After Christ's atonement, while Satan no longer had any "official" dominion over the earth or over mankind, people could still make a free will choice to follow him, and to reject God, so mankind was still not "home free".

Knowing this, Jesus followed up his redemptive sacrifice by founding his church, which is the ordinary means for all to reject Satan, and to profess their faith and allegiance to God (via baptism).

The church, empowered and headed by Christ, now provides the reservoir of grace and forgiveness that we all need, to recover from our ingrained tendency to sin.

So, Christ could not have redeemed us simply by living. He had to die, in order to redeem us. There was no other choice.

Mar 10:44 And whosoever will be first among you shall be the servant of all.

Mar 10:45 For the Son of man also is not come to be ministered unto: but to minister and to give his life a redemption for many.

Luk 9:22 Saying: The Son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the ancients and chief priests and scribes and be killed and the third day rise again.

And only Jesus could have done it, because it was impossible for any other man to be born without the inherited stain of original sin.

For more about this, post your question at and receive a confidential, absolutely free answer via email, in about one day.
2006-07-25 09:03:48 UTC
I'll let you in on a well known secret: it's nonsense
2006-07-29 07:46:18 UTC
because he woz showing us that he would die for us and he would forgive us no matter what
2006-07-25 08:46:19 UTC
Jesus Christ had to die for the sins of man because God the Father decided that was the only way to save men from their sins.

Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Heaven!

In The Holy Bible in John14:6 “Jesus saith unto, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” He meant: I am the only way to get to God the Father and to heaven. I am the only truth you need to know to get to God the Father and to heaven. I am the only spiritual life available to mankind. In other words, I am the only true and living God. All other so-called gods are false gods. They are not real. They do not exist. They are Satan or his demons appearing to be gods. No other so-called god has any power to forgive, remove and cleanse men from all their sins and get them to God the Father and to heaven.

The Holy Bible in Hebrews 11:6 says “But without faith it is impossible to please him (God); for he that cometh to God must believe (have faith) that he (God) is, and that he (God) is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (God).” Parentheses mine!

I pray that, by faith, you will acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only true and living God. (Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus {that Jesus is Lord} and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believed unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”).

I pray you will believe all of this and, by faith, accept the fact that you are a sinner needing to be saved from all your sins (Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” and Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”) and that the blood Jesus Christ shed for you at Calvary is the only way you can have all your sins forgiven, removed and cleansed and the only way you can get to God the Father and to heaven. I pray you will, by faith, acknowledge all of this and ask Jesus Christ to forgive, remove and cleanse you from all your sins and accept Him into your heart and life to live for Him the rest of your life. (John l :12 But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to come sons {children} of God, even to them that believe on his name.”) I pray you will, by faith, turn from all your sins and receive Jesus Christ into your life/heart today, without delay. Do that today.
Action's Fury
2006-07-25 10:53:56 UTC
First of all let me clear you that Jesus (Peace be upon him) was not crucified:



Crucifixion was known as the most humiliated punishment in the JESUS days, ppl even used to say that hang me, cut my head or behead me but not crucified me, the most humiliated punishment how GOD let it happen to his beloved prophet the JESUS (peace be upon him)?????????????


Christians say do as much crime as u can do bcoz Jesus took our punishment and v will go to heaven no matter what v do(Read Scofield’s comments in book Prophecy and politics), WHY JESUS CURCIFIED 4 OUR SINS this is not justice from GOD and how can GOD be unjust?







HOW A GOD TO CHRISTIANS JESUS GOT SUFFEREING AND PERSECUTIONS FROM ITS CREATION MEN? Can u digest it? Even a brainless infant can not digest it but fools Christians do.

Some CHRISTIANS SAY: God turned His back on Jesus while He was getting crucified is bcoz He couldn’t stand to see His Sons pain. TELL ME THE TRUTH CAN U DIGEST IT?

My new finding about saint paulian’s religion (CHRISTIANITY) GOSPEL OF JUDAS does not contain any mentions of the crucifixion or resurrection.

That is exactly what ISLAM says so again proved ISLAM IS TRUTH.

Even Christians r not clear what exactly happened to JESUS (peace be upon him), after or before crucifixion which did not happened to MUSLIMS, Christians say different things about it:

1-Jesus (Pbuh) died on cross, but then came alive and he talked to his apostles.

2- Jesus (Pbuh)’s only body died & buried but his soul took away by GOD.

3- Jesus (Pbuh) after dying on cross his body took by God.

(ISLAM says about JESUS peace be upon him crucifixion)

JESUS (peace be upon him) prayed all night to ALLAH to save him from the most humiliated punishment which is crucifixion, & Allah accepted his prayers:

They slew him not, nor did they crucify him but it was made dubious to them.

(Holy Qur'an, Surah Nisaa, Verse 157)

And surely they slew him not. But Allah (God) raised him unto Himself.

(Holy Qur'an, Surah Nisaa, Verse 157-158)

What ISLAM says about the true prophet of ALLAH “JESUS (peace be upon him)”

( If u want 2 know then Just click the link below )

May Allah guide us all, Amen’.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.