Question about creationism vs evolutionism?
2006-08-10 12:58:11 UTC
Agnostic, not wanting to convert anyone,

so if I understand what I am reading here on yahoo answers, there are people who believe that human was created by God, and that evolution of man from a different species is not what happened.

I can understand a person not believing in Evolution of man from a different species, this is something that is a scientific theory and heh, there might be a totally better theory out there that explains the Origin of the Species.

So, to those who believe in the creation of the human being by God, this is something that I am curious about.

So this leads me to this question, for the creationist,

What empirical evidence exists that is a basis of scientific facts that I could see and study, that would help me believe that the human being was created by God.
27 answers:
2006-08-10 13:53:52 UTC
I want you to answer mine first...Can you prove that God doesn't exist?
2006-08-10 13:29:30 UTC
There are a number of pieces of evidence that support creation, but like evolution, they rely completely on circumstantial evidence.

First is the law of irreducible complexity. This states that certain factors in living things may not have at any point evolved due to the type of complexity involved in the making. Laymen's terms that means things like the bombadeer beetle. He's a cute little guy that lives in south america. He has two chemicals, that when they mix, they explode into a firey explosion to fend off predators. This mechanism couldn't have evolved, because the sacs would not have evolved without a purpose, and if the chemicals evolved first, he would have blown up. Not only that, but there is a reinforced part of his rear that can endure the explosion when he lets it out. The eye is another such factor, but not as humorous. The eye has a number of complicated parts to it. If a creature was to develop part of an eye, it would be a vestigal organ for millions of years before being useful. Vestigal organs that provide a severe weak point in a creature don't kick around forever.

Due to irreducible complexity, it is safe to assume that different types of creatures existed side by side, and had similar properties, and yet were not related. Intelligent design theory states that creatures have similar design because hey, God had a good thing and he stuck with it.

The third law of thermodynamics, which I have been told by people for some reason wouldn't apply at the beginning of the universe like every other scientific law, is another reason. Unfortunately for those people, scientific laws don't have "unless" clauses written into them. Intelligent design, however, I will say also thinks that the third law was not always in place. They use the fact that all things are degenerating to support the fall of man, where people sinned and death and destruction entered the world.

Finally, we have the argument of design. All things in the universe seem to work with remarkable harmony. If you take a creature out of a food chain, it severely hampers the rest of the creatures that are in that chain. This has been seen in many cases throughout history. The fact that everything seems to be interdependent would suggest that there was some intelligent design to the matter. Design has a designer, that designer is defined by Creationism as God.

There are plenty more, and many books on the subject which you can read to look at the evidence for creation. I'd encourage you to look some of them up at the library.
2006-08-10 13:09:23 UTC
The evidence for the Creation of Man is the lack of Evidence for Creation. Since there is no evidence that man evolved from single celled organisms, it seems logical to conclude that someone or something created man. But that probably isn't what you are looking for.

Where does moral values come from? Animals really don't have any sense of moral values, so that means they had to come from somewhere. There is also so much chaos and distruction going on in the world. If man has been evolving for billions of years, you'd think someone would have made an effort to correct the mistake.
2006-08-10 13:09:25 UTC
I don't have imperical evidence, I just see way way too many holes in evolution. Take the eye for example. It has thousands of processes involved in seeing anything. If you take one of those processes out of order, the eye doesn't work. So how in the world did that evolve? Suddenly thousands of processes lined up in a perfect and unique order and boom you have an eye? Also why would creatures want to reproduce. If it is survival of the fittest, why would you want to create more creatures who will eat the limited food you already have? And if they were origionally asexual why did they descide to have males and females, it was working fine before! And if we did have ape like ancestors, why don't we still have a tail. Do you have any idea how handy that would be when you come to the door with your hands full? Evolution is dumb, and it is being passed off as science. The fact that evolution is so stupid is enough evidence for me!
2006-08-10 13:10:10 UTC
Of course you know that using scientific testing methods, neither evolution nor creation can be proven. But, we can look at the evidence we have and make our determinations based on the evidence. I give you this example:

The Amazing Cell

Evidence for creation and against evolution!

by Dr. Dudley Eirich

As a microbiologist, the bacterial flagellum has always fascinated me.

The flagellum is a corkscrew-shaped, hair-like appendage attached to the cell surface, which acts like a propeller, allowing the bacterium to swim. The most interesting aspect of the flagellum is that it is attached to—and rotated by—a tiny, electrical motor made of different kinds of protein.

Like an electrical motor, the flagellum contains a rod (drive shaft), a hook (universal joint), L and P rings (bushings/bearings), S and M rings (rotor), and a C ring and stud (stator). The flagellar filament (propeller) is attached to the flagellar motor via the hook. To function completely, the flagellum requires over 40 different proteins. The electrical power for driving the motor is supplied by the voltage difference developed across the cell (plasma) membrane.

In 1996, Dr. Michael J. Behe, a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University (and an evolutionist), published a challenging book to classical Darwinian evolution entitled “Darwin’s Black Box.” In this book he uses the flagellum to introduce the concept of “irreducible complexity.” If a structure is so complex that all of its parts must initially be present in a suitably functioning manner, it is said to be irreducibly complex. All the parts of a bacterial flagellum must have been present from the start in order to function at all.

According to evolutionary theory, any component which doesn’t offer an advantage to an organism, i.e. doesn’t function, will be lost or discarded. How such a structure could have evolved in a gradual, step-by-step process as required by classical Darwinian evolution is an insurmountable obstacle to evolutionists. How a flagellum is used, however, adds an additional level of complexity to the picture.

Some bacteria have a single flagellum located at the end of a rod-shaped cell. To move in an opposite direction, a bacterium simply changes the direction of rotation of the flagellum. Other bacteria have a flagellum at both ends of the cell and use one flagellum for going in one direction and the other for going in the opposite direction. A third group of bacteria has many flagella surrounding the cell. These flagella wrap themselves together in a helical bundle at one end of the cell and rotate in unison to move the cell in one direction. If the cell wants to change direction, the flagella unwrap themselves, move to the opposite end of the cell, reform the bundle, and again rotate in a coordinated fashion.

The structural complexity and finely tuned coordination of the bacterial flagellum attests to the work of a master engineer who designed and created the flagellum to function in a wonderfully intricate manner.

If you are really interested in examining the evidence without prejudice and presuppostions, then a web sight I would suggest is:
2006-08-10 13:40:00 UTC
For starters, you have the ark of Noah. It is located on the mountains, somewhere in Turkey, and it is being held captive by the Turkish govnment and was discovered some 25 years ago..Today it is sealed off and it was to the exact measurements to those written in the Bible.

Second you have the great Mammoths dicovered up in the north, I believe iceland. The only practical proof and many scientists, agreed, that why they were discovered with undigested food in their bellies was explained best with the happening of a great flood. Dr, Kent Hovin, explains it in more detail.

Or just type in Creation science evangelism, and you will get all the emperical evidence you need.
Cogito Sum
2006-08-10 13:24:59 UTC
Your question is problematic for it co-opts inherent dogma.

Creationism is the genesis account, thus this assumes the Christian Bible.

Evolutionism = the fossil record which is true and then co-opts the un-proven hypothesis that new, complex genetic code can occur naturally.

First, lets all of us assume the fossil record and scientific time-line is true, for it is proven.

The question ought to be: How did we get here? Are we created by a creator (evolved), or did we come into existence thru a scientific process that causes natural creation (evolved).

I think you will get a lot of same old, same old answers.
2006-08-10 13:09:03 UTC
If you think about it, if there was some evidence of creationism, that would mean that there is evidence of the existance of God. I feel pretty confident there will never be any proof of the existance of God, so thats why I believe in evolution. My question is this - if god created every living thing on earth, he would have created the property of creatures to evolve, therefor, evolution was created by god - allowing for all the proof of evolution to stay, while leaving the possibility of God intact.
2006-08-10 13:14:19 UTC
What the critics of evolution fail to consider is that evolution is not at odds with religion. If you simply look at people over the last 100 years, there continues to be an evolution humanity. People are taller, healthier, and look quite a bit differently from there relatives 100 years ago. People of European decent tend to have less body hair than 100 years ago. It is no longer need. We adapt to our environment.

Evolution is just a path that we have traveled. To be created in God's own image, does not mean that he have a "face" for God. It merely means that this how he intended us to be.
2006-08-10 13:19:44 UTC
okay i am a christian and you should read the bible for that. See people say we "evolved" but i did major research for a project on how evolving is basically bull crap and i found out that before Darwin died he said that he was wrong and i didn't just look at one thing i got information from people who study that and many websites. Not many people know that though because the person he told never told anyone eltse. My friend used to believe in that and once i told her it really did make sence to her. The stuff they tot her she said did not make sence and Christianity does. Everyone has there own opinion and i have mine. People may not believe me but i got allot of help on that research project and i found out about that. seriously read Revaluation in the christian bible, or go to a christian church and ask the paster trust me he'll help you. i wouldn't lie about something like that. I'm serious that evolving stuff is really stupid, and if you don't wanna listen to me now when Jesus comes if i were you i would pray and ask him in your heart. If you don't i really think you will regret it.
2006-08-10 13:04:26 UTC
I am an Athiest, but I belive one of the arguments for creationism is that the chances of humans and all the other animals evolving from a single species is so small as to be practically impossible. I know this is not empirical evidence, but this is the only argument I can recall.
2006-08-10 13:05:04 UTC
What sort of "evidence" do you propose? A picture of God creating humans? As you state, there is no evidence of man evolving from another species either. Faith in God requires just that: Faith. If you require proof, you are going to be sorely disappointed.
2006-08-10 13:18:09 UTC
ROMANS 1:20-21

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
2006-08-10 13:21:01 UTC
There is no evidence. It is faith that is used as the "epistemological" foundation. This means that the belief is justified based on faith and not anything empirical or theoretcally based in science or for that matter sciences historical cousin "natural philosophy".

For you see in our study of the history of ideas there is a certain domain of philosophy that specialises in foundations for knowledge or the "truth" with a capital "T".

Absolute truth for those who uphold that such a thing has been discovered does not take for its genesis the type of proof or evidence you seek.

One might ask if it matters why we are here or how we got here. Some need this comfort and that can psychologically be explained as a basic need of the thinker. If you know why than you don't need to reflect and this makes life less frightening. But imagine a person who is a "sceptic" one who doubts everything simply because he or she does not see any other choice regarding how to encapsulate the cosmos ina neat little package.

The foundation of a system of beliefs is that which a theory uses to ground or justify what is held to be true. And we call this epistemology. Why we know something is true is refered to as ontology.

Religion is based on faith. I suggest you give up looking for the type of "evidence" you desire.

It is not based on logic or science.

Now even so, it should be pointed out that other systems of belief such as science and logic(a part of philosophy) are also flawed. And when we look at the history of our thoughts we see many mistaken assumptions and even results based on emprical study too.

Thus we come to the cruncher -which is to say that human beings are not infinite in their minds or their physical existence here. We are mortal and finite. This means we die and that we hit walls in our thought. They are barriers that evn the greatest of all thinkers have NEVER been able to overcome.

The best we have is our theories. And we hold them to be tru until another comes along to replace it. One builds on the other though.

Some thinkers are free in their thoughts and take aspects of all disciplines and utilise any knowledge or tentative knowledge to come up with what can be "more true".

The search for human understanding is a quest with many hurdles and seemingly impossible barriers to overcome. But once in awhile we realise something that is incredible and this persuit of knowledge or love of wisdom is philosophy: philo = love and sophia = wisdom.

Thus all scientists are philosophers which base their theories on empirical data if they can but not all for there are thigs which we see in quantum physics that occur or that we see that can not be justified in this way.

And the game keeps changing. So you have a choice:

2006-08-10 13:17:53 UTC
Hehe...Jim, I love ya and I try to read all of your questions, because I think you have some really good and thoughtful ones.

But I secretly think you're doing some kind of study, to see how many times you can get people to say "because the bible says so", or "because god says so" or "it's called faith"....or the various derrivations...before they get angry and lash out.

I wonder, have you ever gotten an answer that made you think "hmmm....maybe there is a god"? I haven't seen one yet, but I'm still lookin =)
2006-08-10 13:14:27 UTC
There is none. It's called "FAITH". There are certain things that are beyond our understanding. That's the way it's supposed to be. Jesus told Thomas, "blessed are you who have seen, and believe, but truly blessed are those who have not seen, yet still believe." We can't try to rationalize creation. It's irrational! We won't know until that day when we come face to face with our Maker.
2006-08-10 13:06:18 UTC
There isn't any evidence for them to show us that G-d created us! When we look there is evidence that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor! Throught the Scientifc explanation there is an explanation. But through religion there is none!
2006-08-10 13:10:24 UTC
- there is NO evidence that man evolved

- the complexity and balance of the human body is mind boggling

- there HAD to have been an intelligent designer

I understand it takes a great amount of faith to believe that God exists

but just remember....

If you go through life thinking there is a God and die being wrong, you loose NOTHING.

If you go through life thinking there is no God and die being wrong, you loose EVERYTHING!
2006-08-10 13:24:17 UTC
The use of evolutionary principles to guide disease diagnosis and drug development with respect to bird flu is evolution right before our eyes.
2006-08-10 13:11:55 UTC
Darwin? Yeh, right.

I suppose the best evidence is that no one can duplicate the feat, scientifically or otherwise. It speaks to a higher power.
2006-08-10 13:37:45 UTC
There is NO evidence for creatinism or IDiotism! They want everyone to believe there is but, there IS NOT!
robert p
2006-08-10 13:06:36 UTC
Ask any scientist to make a working brain (not with brain parts)
2006-08-10 13:02:47 UTC
Sorry, there is no evidence, empirical or otherwise, to support creationism.
2006-08-10 13:04:27 UTC
this question is so burnt out on yahoo answers. i'm sick of repeating myself over and over and OVER again and by the same people every time. look up the word Faith in webster's dictionary plz? ok thanks
Edith A
2006-08-10 13:07:24 UTC
Read your Bible. And then talk to you Pastor.
2006-08-10 13:03:29 UTC
2006-08-10 13:55:42 UTC
Hoo boy! That did it! LOL. Okay, here's my little contribution...

Far from being a blind faith, Christianity can be logically


In our everyday experience, just about everything seems to have a

beginning. In fact, the laws of science show that even things

which look the same through our lifetime, like the sun and other

stars, are running down. The sun is using up its fuel at millions

of tonnes each second. since, therefore, it cannot last forever,

it had to have a beginning. The same can be shown to be true for

the entire universe.

So when Christians claim that the God of the Bible created the

entire universe, some will ask what seems a logical question,

namely Where did God come from?

The Bible makes it clear in many places that God is outside of

time. He is eternal, with no beginning or end - He is infinite!

He also knows all things, being infinitely intelligent.

1 Is this logical? Can modern science allow for such a notion?

how could you recognize the evidence for an intelligent Creator?

Recognizing intelligence

For more information, visit Q&A: God Scientists get excited about

finding stone tools in a cave because these

speak of intelligence - a tool maker. They could not have

designed themselves. Neither would anyone believe that the carved

Presidents' heads on Mt Rushmore were the product of millions of

years of chance erosion. We can recognize design - the evidence

of the outworkings of intelligence - in the man-made objects all

around us.

Similarly, in William Paley's famous argument, a watch implies a


2 Today, however, a large proportion of people, including many

leading scientists, believe that all plants and animals,

including the incredibly complex brains of the people who make

watches, motor cars, etc., were not designed by an intelligent

God but rather came from an unintelligent evolutionary process.

But is this a defensible position?

Design in living things

Molecular biologist Dr Michael Denton, writing as an agnostic,


Alongside the level of ingenuity and complexity exhibited by the

molecular machinery of life, even our most advanced [twentieth

century technology appears] clumsy. It would be an illusion to

think that what we are aware of at present is any more than a

fraction of the full extent of biological design. In practically

every field of fundamental biological research ever-increasing

levels of design and complexity are being revealed at an

ever-accelerating rate.

3 The world-renowned crusader for Darwinism and atheism, Prof.

Richard Dawkins, states:

We have seen that living things are too improbable and too

beautifully designed to have come into existence by chance.

4 Thus, even the most ardent atheist concedes that design is all

around us. To a Christian, the design we see all around us is

totally consistent with the Bible's explanation that God created


However, evolutionists like Dawkins reject the idea of a

Designer. He comments (emphasis added):

All appearance to the contrary, the only watchmaker in nature is

the blind forces of physics, *albeit deployed in a very special

way.* A true watchmaker has foresight: he designs his cogs and

springs, and plans their interconnections, with future purpose in

his mind's eye. [Is this not what we SEE?]

Natural selection, the blind, unconscious,

automatic process which Darwin discovered, and which we now know

is the explanation for the existence and apparently purposeful

form of all life, has no purpose in.

[Seems like a non sequitur to me...]

It has no mind. It does not

plan for the future - it is the blind watchmaker.

[Two words: Bird wings.]

5 Selection and design

Life is built on information, contained in that molecule of

heredity, DNA. Dawkins believes that natural selection6 and

mutations (blind, purposeless copying mistakes in this DNA)

together provide the mechanism for producing the vast amounts

of information responsible for the design in living things.7

[One might as well expect a Sonata to emerge from radio static.]

Natural selection is a logical process that can be observed.

However, selection can only operate on the information already

contained in genes - it does not produce new information.8

Actually, this is consistent with the Bible's account of

origins; God created distinct kinds of animals

and plants, each to reproduce after its own kind.

One can observe great variation in a kind, and see the results of

natural selection. For instance, dingoes, wolves, and coyotes

have developed over time as a result of natural selection

operating on the information in the genes of the wolf/dog kind.

But no new information was produced - these varieties have

resulted from rearrangement, and sorting out, of the information

in the original dog kind. One kind has never been observed to

change into a totally different kind with new information that

previously did not exist!

Without a way to increase information, natural selection will not

work as a mechanism for evolution. Evolutionists agree with this,

but they believe that mutations somehow provide the new

information for natural selection to act upon.

Can mutations produce new information?

Actually, it is now clear that the answer is no! Dr Lee Spetner,

a highly qualified scientist who taught information and

communication theory at Johns Hopkins University, makes this

abundantly clear in his recent book:

In this chapter I'll bring several examples of evolution, [i.e.,

instances alleged to be examples of evolution] particularly

mutations, and show that information is not increased. But in

all the reading I've done in the life-sciences literature,

I've never found a mutation that added information.9

All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level

turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase


The NDT [neo-Darwinian theory] is supposed to explain how the

information of life has been built up by evolution. The essential

biological difference between a human and a bacterium is in the

information they contain. All other biological differences follow

from that. The human genome has much more information than does

the bacterial genome.

Information cannot be built up by mutations that lose it. A

business can't make money by losing it a little at a time.11

Evolutionary scientists have no way around the conclusions that

many scientists, including Dr Spetner, have come to. Mutations

do not work as a mechanism to fuel the evolutionary process.

More problems!

Scientists have found that within the cell, there are thousands

of what can be called biochemical machines. All of their parts

have to be in place simultaneously or the cell can't function.

Things which were thought to be simple mechanisms, such as being

able to sense light and turn it into electrical impulses, are in

fact highly complicated.

Since life is built on these 'machines', the idea that natural

processes could have made a living system is untenable.

Biochemist Dr Michael Behe (see The mousetrap man) uses the term

'irreducible complexity' in describing such biochemical


systems of horrendous, irreducible complexity inhabit the cell.

The resulting realization that life was designed by an

intelligence is a shock to us in the twentieth century who have

gotten used to thinking of life as the result of simple natural

laws. But other centuries have had their shocks, and there is no

reason to suppose that we should escape them.12

Richard Dawkins recognizes this problem of needing 'machinery'

to start with when he states:

"The theory of the blind watchmaker is extremely powerful given

that we are allowed to assume replication and hence cumulative

selection. But if replication needs complex machinery, since the

only way we know for complex machinery ultimately to come into

existence is cumulative selection, we have a problem." 13

A problem indeed! The more we look into the workings of life,

the more complicated it gets, and the more we see that life could

not arise by itself. Not only is a source of information needed,

but the complex 'machines' of the chemistry of life need to be

in existence right from the start!

A greater problem still!

Some still try to insist that the machinery of the first cell

could have arisen by pure chance. For instance, they say, by

randomly drawing alphabet letters in sequence from a hat,

sometimes you will get a simple word like "BAT".14 So given long

time periods, why couldn't even more

complex information arise by chance?

However, what would the word "BAT" mean to a German or Chinese

speaker? The point is that an order of letters is meaningless

unless there is a language convention and a translation system

in place which makes it meaningful!

In a cell, there is such a system (other molecules) that makes

the order on the DNA meaningful. DNA without the

language/translation system is meaningless, and these systems

without the DNA wouldn't work either.

The other complication is that the translation machinery which

reads the order of the 'letters' in the DNA is itself specified

by the DNA! This is another one of those 'machines' that needs

to be fully-formed or life won't work.

Can information arise from non-information?

Dr Werner Gitt, Director and Professor at the German Federal

Institute of Physics and Technology, makes it clear that one of

the things we know absolutely for sure from science, is that

information cannot arise from

disorder by chance. It always takes (greater) information to

produce information, and ultimately information is the result

of intelligence:

A code system is always the result of a mental process (it

requires an intelligent origin or inventor). It should be

emphasized that matter as such is unable to generate any code.

All experiences indicate that a thinking being voluntarily

exercising his own free will, cognition, and

creativity, is required.15

There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise

to information, neither is any physical process or material

phenomenon known that can do this.16

What is the source of the information?

We can therefore deduce that the huge amount of information in

living things must originally have come from an intelligence,

which had to have been far superior to ours, as scientists are

revealing every day. But then, some will say that such a source

would have to be caused by something with even greater


However, if they reason like this, one could ask where this

greater information/intelligence came from? And then where

did that one come from. One could extrapolate to infinity, for

ever, unless...

Unless there was a source of infinite intelligence, beyond our

finite understanding. But isn't this what the Bible indicates

when we read, In the beginning God...? The God of the Bible is

an infinite being not bound by limitations of time, space,

knowledge, or anything else.

So which is the logically defensible position? - that matter

eternally existed (or came into existence by itself for no

reason), and then by itself arranged itself into information

systems against everything observed in real science? Or that

a being with infinite intelligence,17 created information

systems for life to exist, agreeing with real science?

The answer seems obvious, so why don't all intelligent

scientists accept this? Michael Behe answers:

Many people, including many important and well-respected

scientists, just don't want there to be anything beyond nature.

They don't want a supernatural being to affect nature, no

matter how brief or constructive the interaction may have

been. In other words, - they bring an a priori philosophical

commitment to their science that restricts what kinds of

explanations they will accept about the physical world.

Sometimes this leads to rather odd behavior.18

The crux of the matter is this: If one accepts there is a God

who created us, then that God also owns us. He thus has a

right to set the rules by which we must live. In the Bible, He

has revealed to us that we are in rebellion against our Creator.

Because of this rebellion called sin, our physical bodies are

sentenced to death, but we will live on, either with

God, or without Him in a place of judgment.

But the good news is that our Creator provided, through

the cross of Jesus Christ, a means of deliverance for our

sin of rebellion, so that those who come to Him in faith, in

repentance for their sin, can receive the forgiveness of a

Holy God and spend forever with their Lord.

So who created God?

By definition, an infinite, eternal being has always existed

- no one created God. He is the self-existing one, the great

"I am" of the Bible.19

He is outside of time - in fact, He created time.

You might say, "But that means I have to accept this by faith,

as I can't understand it."

We read in the book of Hebrews, But without faith it is

impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must

believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that

diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6).

But this is not blind faith, as some think. In fact, the

evolutionists who deny God have a blind faith - they have to

believe something that is against real science, namely, that

information can arise from disorder by chance.

The Christian faith is not a blind faith, it is a logically

defensible faith. This is why the Bible makes it clear that

anyone who does not believe in God is without excuse:

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world

are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are ade,

even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without

excuse. (Romans 1:20).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.