I want to believe in God?
2014-10-03 07:56:00 UTC
I really want to believe. But I just don't. How can I believe and increase my faith. I want to go to Heaven. I don't want to just die and then that's it. I want to spend eternity in heaven. what can I do to believe please help me?


205 answers:
2014-10-04 04:34:13 UTC
Many people today say, just believe and you will be saved and go to heaven BUT the bible says something more than this...

At John 17:3 it says that "ever lasting life" is based on "knowledge of God and that of his Son, Jesus". Jesus disciples were again told that when they preached, they were first to teach then baptise those believers (Matthew 28:19,20) and lastly some Christians in the bible were mentioned for their diligence not just to believe what they were told but because they went back to the scriptures and checked for themselves Acts 17:11. What these accounts show us is God's thinking on what we should do.You can illustrate this like a letter you receive from an attorney telling you that you have received an inheritance. At first you wonder if it's a scam but would you throw it away or read it to the end first before you make a decision? Certainly any wise person would first read the letter and any instructions before making such a decision. Now if you agree with that, then when you are told the bible is offering so much more than any amount of money you could be offered, is it not worth taking a little time to decide for yourself rather than just accept other people's ideas and human philosophies? At least you are basing your decisions on your own thinking and not somebody else's.

The bible was written for people of all races, ages and cultures and is the most widely printed book in the world. So don't be daunted by those who say only educated persons should interpret it. The bible does not teach that, it says that it was "written beforehand were written for our instruction" (Rom 15:4). That means it was written for you and me.

One of the best bible aids I have found is "what does the bible really teach". It can answer any question you may have including...who go to heaven and why? why do we grow old and die? why does God permit suffering?

Best of all it is free, you can also ask for free assistance from the site. It is all free and has videos, books, magazines on every bible subject. Hope that helps
2014-10-05 06:06:41 UTC
Are you sure that you want heaven?

Heaven's basis is love, the foundation of all of it is love. If anything effects love it is not allowed.

You really want that? Can't have any pork. No fornicative elements allowed. The entire thing is about the collective well being. If something needs done then it gets done, no laziness allowed at all. No greed, none, not one iota of it is allowed. No selfishness either, not one little drop.

When you look at the earth and people you can see we aren't ready for heaven and do not even want it.

Like having children for instance, it's obvious there would be a collectively beneficial amount to have and that you must share the earth in this way, and you'd have to divide it up as equally as possible, no one has to many and no one has to few. People aren't ready for those things and don't even want them.

Thats heaven, no pork, no alcoholism, not even large amounts of disorganized sexual intercourse, the work is divided up evenly as possible as well, people don't want those things and aren't ready for them.

And if it feels good but gets in the way of the collective well being it's not allowed, anything that feels good, any drug at all that feels good. No more fairy tales in heaven, no more fairy tale relationships in heaven, the entire thing is about everyone being healthy and happy, if your relationship gets in the way of that it's not allowed.

Not to worry though, once you've had enough earth you'll come running.
2014-10-03 08:03:42 UTC
History 108 3/4

Mostly all people doubt the Holy Word of God, The Bible.

But This little History lesson will enlighten all.

It starts with the Hittites. And a lack of evidence they ever existed. Then in 1908 a Archaeological discovery was made by John Garstang. The 400 year civilization of the Hittites Empire (1600-1200 BC). Since then so much has been discovered about the Hittite Empire, you can study all you want about them.

And it’s not just The Hittite evidence. All kinds off engraved stones or cylinders from other ancient civilizations verify other Biblical accounts. The Taylor Prism confirms the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem that the Bible describes in 2 Kings 19-19, 2 Chronicles 32, and Isaiah 36-37.

The discovery of the Tel Dan Stele confirms the existence of Israel’s King David. The Cyrus Cylinder records Cyrus of Persia’s decree that allowed Babylonian captives to return to their homes and resume their religious practices. The Moabite Stone proves the events of 2 Kings 3. This stone not only chronicles the rebellion led by Mesha King of Moab but even mentions the name Yahweh.

Jewish and Roman historians referred to the life and works of Jesus. Josephus wrote about Jesus’ miracles. And Pliny the Younger, an ancient ruler, recorded that Christians in his province maintained their belief in and the worship of Jesus even when faced with death. We have evidence that the Gospels were written by apostles or at least in cooperation with them. Irenaeus, a disciple of Polycarp, who was a disciple of the apostle John, Writes: as far as someone inserting into the Bible what they felt like. The Dead Sea Scrolls put that idea to rest. The earliest copies of the New Testament date back to 114 AD.

The Holy Bible 100% accurate.

Earth’s Mass is 6.6 Sextillion tons. What holds it up?

Nothing! It spins on its axis at 1000 miles per hour.

As it hurtles through space in it’s orbit around the Sun.

Nothing = GOD!

For those of you who say, There is no God,Jesus, Sky Daddy, Satan, or Christians. Please go to Biblical Archeology And read some of what you find there. It proves that God is 100% Real. And so is His Holy Word The Bible.Just check out the below sites.

Thank you.

Chicago Bob


There is more joy in Jesus in one day.

Than there is in the World 365/24/7

I know, I tried them both.

Numbers 6:24-26

BTW, Sir Isaac Newton, The father of modern physics, was a committed Christian who

Claimed the Universe’s orderliness came from its Creator.
2014-10-03 09:04:05 UTC
It's very hard to make yourself believe something when you don't. Try to believe in fairies. You can't. It will take a lot of effort but you could try these things:

Do not read the bible and particularly the old testament.

Go to church instead and listen to the bits they want you to hear.

Read books by William Lane Craig. He is supposed to be the best apologist.

If all that doesn't work accept your non belief.
2014-10-03 08:44:48 UTC
I'm an evil atheist and I'm answering your question even though it's against the rules. Since I'm an evil atheist I take delight in breaking rules, especially God's rules.

If you don't get more faith and start believing in the Bible (even the parts that contradict each other) then you will turn evil and burn in Hell with me and Richard Dawkins.
2014-10-03 10:55:38 UTC
I start with this: the Bible is real. History is real. History is NOT science. Don't look for God in science. God made science; science is a set of rules of the physical universe, a type of order. God is over and above science. But God is part of history.

There are people in the world who believe that 9/11 never happened. There are also people in the world that believe the resurrection never happened. How do you know 9/11 happened? By historical documents, testimony, and your own good judgement. Apply the same technique to the historical account of God: aka, the Bible.

Who could raise themselves from the dead, except God himself? Whoever else has claimed to do this and had eyewitnesses to the same event?
2014-10-06 11:54:43 UTC
We are finite creatures us men and do not know everything and cannot comprehend everything about an infinite, all-knowing, all-seeing & all-powerful God and creator. We can, however, humble ourselves before Him and admit our need for Him and our desire to got to heaven which you have expressed, which is really great to see. Let me share with or perhaps remind you that:

1) God loves you (we don't initially love Him ) & has a wonderful purpose for your life

(John 3:16, 10:10, Jeremiah 29:11)

2) Man is sinful & separated from God and cannot experience His love & forgiveness

(Romans 3:23, James 3:2)

3) Jesus died on the cross for all the sins of all mankind for all time

(1 Peter 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:5, 1 John 1:9, Acts 4:12)

4) You can know you are a child of God and know this Jesus personally as your Lord by accepting

His invitation to be a part of your life, as an expression of your faith in Him

(John 1:12, Revelations 3:20, Hebrews 11:1,6)

Getting into a church (fellowship with others), praying, reading your Bible & sharing your faith in Him are all vital parts to your growth as a believer if you truly want to get to know God better. Don't listen to people who can only create doubt & seek to get to know this great God of all of the universe! Hope this helps.
2014-10-03 11:49:01 UTC
Whenever you're ready, you'll know. Don't turn to God just out of fear, turn to Him because you desire to. I can't tell you how to increase your faith and belief, every individual is different, I would suggest to open up your mind and heart to Him and He will do the rest. Everything happens for a reason, so don't give up, whenever the time is right, you will know.
The Arbiter of common sense
2014-10-03 09:32:46 UTC
Why would you WANT to believe? That does not change the facts in any way. If there is a God, and there is an afterlife (the two are not congruent), then you may live beyond the grave. If not, you won't. Your belief make no difference to that outcome.

Are you not interested in being RIGHT? That is what matters, not whether the answer is a happy one. Atheists prefer to be right, not believe in a preferred outcome.
2014-10-03 20:09:21 UTC
If you don't believe in God why are you concerned about eternity? The belief that secures your eternity is more than an intellectual belief about God. It is a belief that convicts us of our sinfulness which leads to Repentance and a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I would suggest that you start reading John's gospel and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal God to you. A good study Bible will help. If you are serious about wanting to believe you will find Him. Praying for you. God bless.
2014-10-06 14:35:22 UTC
First of all because I'm a spelling nazi it's spelled ALLOWED! :)

Second - you can't say NO atheists allowed because they frequent this forum and answer as many questions as they possibly can - the whole free country thing ya know! :) HA

Third - if someone has a sincere desire to believe that is the seeds of faith and in order for that faith to grow you must apply eternal principles which bring about spiritual results - namely, prayer, scripture study, change your behavior, your associations if necessary, your heart, your priorities, anything that might detract from or deflect the spirit of god from your life. You can't just have a desire but DO NOTHING - real spiritual strength, understanding, wisdom, knowledge and power comes from aligning ones life with God and Jesus CHrist and making every effort to change our hearts and try to become like they are as well. WIthout those things - you can not expect your desire to believe to become anything more than just that.
2014-10-07 12:51:55 UTC
Become Muslim. Its a very peaceful religion. All you have to do is pray when you can, follow the easy rules, follow the 5 pillars, and if you are a woman cover your body ex: short sleeve shirts=good jeans up to knees= good, women are precious like pearls. I'm sorry if my description is not that great, and it's okay if you choose a different religion. Also some people try to scare you into Islam but don't listen to the scary thing only be afraid of going to hell. I understand if you choose any other religion, if you still believe in God and his messengers you will go to heaven, may Allah (God) bless you and guide you to the ultimate paradise.
2014-10-06 00:38:00 UTC
The obey difference between theism and atheism is that theism is based in feelings and what someone wants to be true but atheism is based on fact and reality.

Think about it. Theists believe in heaven, atheists don't.

Theists believe in a god, atheists don't.

Theists believe in the supernatural, atheists don't.

The difference between these is that theists believe in something that would be cool if it was true but atheists face the harsh reality of death and the supernatural.
2014-10-04 08:04:36 UTC
Romans 10:9

Acts 3:19
2014-10-06 17:09:21 UTC
Honey, this makes me happy. The fact that you seek a relationship with God and not only want to believe but have faith and spend an eternity in heaven. Thats absolutely beautiful!! I have read some of the comments and I see some people questioning heaven. But do not listen... Heaven is a place where all suffering will cease & every ounce of pain will be deleted not only from our hearts but from our minds. YES heaven is LOVE but this isn't a bad thing, imagine an eternity praising the Lord and eating at feasts seated at the right hand of the king UGHH it gives me chills to think about how glorious that day will be !!! I can see you genuinely have a desire to believe... My suggestion... PRAYER ! Prayer is powerful !!! God is the truth, the light and the way! if you really desire to believe pray because God will help you :) HE LOVES YOU :) ! also if you want help with prayer I myself will be trying to pray for you when ever i have the chance and if you tune into k-love 96.7 or they will pray for you to! GOD BLESS YOU AND HELP YOU ! Remember this will all be worth it that day you enter the gates of heaven
2014-10-05 16:34:32 UTC
"No atheist answers ALLOWED."

Why can't we answer? Do we not have a point of view, here? Perhaps one that made us atheists in the first place? Besides, you're not in any sort of position to forbid our input on anything. If you want exclusion, ask your church.

The reason you're struggling isn't because your faith is being tested. It's because your rational mind is trying to tell you something. Why waste your life on a fantasy?
2014-10-06 03:42:22 UTC
My friend,i can guess that you are willing to believe in God but you don't that is because you didn't find the right reason and the right person to believe.

The right person is the one who loved you even when you couldn't love yourself.

I surely says that Jesus is the one who loves you the most.he died for you,just to give you eternity. Jesus says that "He is the way,the truth and the life"and no one dares to say this statement.Jesus is the only one way to heaven.

The only thing you need to do is..try Jesus and read the bible i am sure you will come to know what Jesus has done for you and you will find right reason to believe in him
2014-10-04 11:18:17 UTC
I remember going to a funeral... a person I loved deeply lost a child... I was heart broken as I stood near this person I love and they bowed their head and began to pray at that graveside. I thought, I can't believe they would pray at a time like this... when you feel like your insides are just ripped out... I was angry and hurt.

As this one I loves broken voice uttered their humble prayer I found myself crying uncontrollably... I fought to get myself under control worried that my heartache may interfere with the service... I began to realize, however, that I was not the only one so moved by the prayer, but in fact, their was a sound of mourning throughout the entire crowd. I can't explain the sound but it began to become beautiful to me because it represented the love that others felt toward the one I love... there was a connection we had and there was no pride, no envy, no hate or bitterness... the love was almost like a tangible thing I could touch in that moment... and it hit me this must be a little what heaven is like.

It also occurred to me that I was only visiting this moment of love, but I did not have what I experienced in that moment in my own life. I wanted that love and that connection to others and to something greater than myself that I recognized there in that solemn moment. I remembered a verse from my youth for some reason, I couldn't say at the time where I could find it or the context or anything else... I just remember it was a promise for me to hold on to... "Seek and ye shall find"...

it was about a year of reading and praying and searching until I felt like I had found the intellectual answers I needed, and several years after that before I had a tragedy of my own and felt honored to be loved and cared for.

I believe the promise is reliable... "Ask and it will be given to you; seek you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7) Take care, and may God bless you in your walk.

Joey Joe Joe
2014-10-03 10:40:18 UTC
Hello friend anonymous, simply love each and everything and do favor as far as yo lu can. Don't expect anything in turn. Simply love everything. No need to worry about God or any supernatural power. The very loving would give immense peace which is heaven.
2014-10-03 19:06:11 UTC
You seem to contradict yourself. Which question is it? Do you want to believe on God or not? You must have faith in yourself to accept the belief that God exists. One cannot increase their faith. You either have it or not. There are no two ways about it. Faith is not something that can be measured by a ruler or an electronic device that measures its level of intensity.

No one who dies will go to heaven or hell. The Bible tells us that the dead know only their grave. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only person who has ascended to heaven. The rest are still dead and await for their resurrection in the afterlife.
2014-10-03 17:05:49 UTC
The fact of the matter, the only way to believe in God Jesus Christ is if God put the faith into you, because remember how Saul, did not know God Jesus Christ, he only knew God, and then God Jesus Christ struck him down on the road to Damascus, and blinded him for 3 days, and then God Jesus Christ saved Saul and changed his name to Paul, but God has to circumcise are hearts because mans heart is desperately wicked, that is why we need a savior, because we are under the law of God an nobody can keep the law of God perfect, even though we want to serve God we can't because we are wicked until God Jesus Christ changes are wicked hearts and makes are heart pure, so we are sinless in God eyes, that is why it is written, by grace ye are saved, also No man comes to the father but through the son Jesus Christ, he did all the work before the foundation of the world, that is why God Jesus Christ is called the lamb slain before the foundation of the world, also we want everything to be easy but life is not easy that is why everyday is a test, and that is why it is written many are called but few are chosen to enter the kingdom of heaven, im just paraphrasing it.
2014-10-04 07:16:00 UTC
Wanting to believe in something & believing in something are two different things. You can't make yourself believe in a ideology if you already know through knowledge & common sense that the view isn't realistic. Like Ghenghis stated, not being willfully ignorant is not a bad thing. Unless you want to go through life lying to yourself & others about your belief in superstition, I see no reason why you should fight yourself to believe in a belief in god when your mind already knows it is simply not true. Just remain an atheist and accept that reality.
2014-10-03 08:00:32 UTC
Public forum. You have absolutely zero say over who answers. Deal with it.

You sound like someone whose having trouble accepting the finality of death. It's perfectly natural, and understandable. Some people need years to come to terms with it once they realize religion is a sham. Others simply can't accept that, and turn to deluding themselves with religious fairytales.

Surrounding and drowning yourself in christian/muslim propaganda isn't going to get rid of your fear. At the back of your mind you will ALWAYS wonder if it's actually true or not. That's just the way people like you and I think. You're too smart for religion, so calm down, give it time, and you'll eventually accept your fate, just like the rest of us have to. Take comfort in the fact that you're in no way the only one terrified of simply not existing one day.
robert p
2014-10-06 19:54:38 UTC
If you want to believe then read these verses: (also study and pray seriously)

Eph 2:8-9

John 3,6,10

1 & 2 Thes

2 Tim


Matt 34-25

Rev 1,7,13,18-22

1 John
2014-10-03 09:21:52 UTC
I'm getting the impression that you're speaking for all those here who want to ask what you are asking for them instead of you yourself needing salvation. The reason I say this is you've asked this several times before in different ways and many of us have shown you ways to ascertain that God is alive and real.

The simple way to find God is to search for him possibly through the Bible and/or directly speaking, repenting, and praying and giving praise to God for calling you out to his flock.

Any person who feels compelled to want to search for God is free to do so but more than that the very reason you or anyone else feels that compelling force to want to be saved or find God is mainly because God is calling that person or persons.
2014-10-04 10:11:02 UTC
You can't post a question on the internet and then decree that on particular group is not allowed. You can choose not to listen, yes- but that is unwise.

Did you ever think that maybe you just can not understand God until you've examined every nook and cranny of his supposed existence. question your religion, look through others, read philosophy. Do everything you can to actually understand what "God" is all about. For me, this process confirmed my disbelief in God, for my friend, it served as a way to strengthen her faith.

You cannot learn and understand unless you actually take the time to listen to those who oppose you.

Asking to understand God without listening to those who do not is like trying to win the Superbowl without an opposing team.
Christian Sinner
2014-10-03 08:01:32 UTC
I was agnostic until I was 24 years old. And I didn't get anywhere with God until I began to trust him for Christ and other things he said.

So you have to get past the existence issue, and go right for the substance. Tell him you trust him for what Jesus did, which was to provide us with a way to make peace with the Father.

That's what God wants from us, trust. He isn't after your perfection. And being saved isn't all about feelings, you know you are saved because you made peace with God through Christ. Jesus said that is the way it works.


44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. 45 It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’[d] Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me."

So if you are learning from God, you will want to approach him through Christ.
2014-10-03 08:07:55 UTC
Forgive me but I can't help thinking that you are not on a search for God at all. People who are genuinely saved are usually not looking for God but are confronted supernaturally with the reality of a God and yield to that call when they can resist no more. If you genuinely want to find the way, you will set time aside, still your thoughts for as long as you are able to, and say to God the Father "help me to believe" in Jesus' name (for no-one comes to the Father but through Jesus Christ. If you are sincere he will respond.
2014-10-03 21:26:22 UTC
Well, u do have the right mentality. We must seek God and try to get closer to him rather than stand back and demand God show himself. Were meant to serve him, not the other way around.

Im not sure which religion u are, Im a Muslim and just by praying 5 times a day my faith becomes solid. When praying we thank God a minimum of 34 times a day and ask for his forgiveness 17 times so that not a single day passes when we dont thank God at least that much.

Of course we thank him for the blessings that we do and do not realize. We cant count the blessings of God, we cant appreciate how valuable fundamental things like our sights. For one to please God, he must be thankful for the blessings and patient during the hardships.
2014-10-03 16:33:24 UTC
Add your answer[You believe U.S. Presidents; Millard Fillmore, Martin Van Buren, & Calvin Coolidge existed: Not because you ever met those men… but because you have blind faith in what you had read… along with billions of other people.]

[You might also believe that the sons of men were created by random cosmic forces… if you do, could not that same principle apply to the creation the Lord our God?]

[Did not scientists say when they first created the nuclear bomb that no other nation will using or creating those bombs based on the theory of "mutually assured destruction"? Have you been watching the news about North Korea and Iran?]

[Did not scientists use to say that asbestos, cigarette smoking, and off-shore drilling was safe?]

[Why are you adamant to believe them, instead of Him?]

King James Version Bible

John Chapter 5

43. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

44. How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that [cometh] from God only?

John Chapter 3

12. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you [of] heavenly things?

Mark Chapter 8

12. And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, THERE SHALL NO SIGN BE GIVEN UNTO THIS GENERATION.

John Chapter 16

1. These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.

1 Corinthians Chapter 4

14. I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn [you].

James Chapter 1

16. Do not err, my beloved brethren.
2014-10-06 23:37:52 UTC
Why do you want to go to heaven? If you want to go only for fear of nonexistence then I believe this is the wrong reasoning. Your reasoning is selfish which is the opposite of what is required to get into heaven. Instead you should search for the truth in all things and to be unselfish. For selfishness leads to a love of self which wishes well only for its self, which is not love. It may appear to love others, but this is for as stated, selfish reason, related to itself, how others make it feel good, or give it a sense of self worth. You love them only for the sake of yourself, then what profit do you gain in your soul? Instead do what is right at all times, and acknowledge when you're wrong, let go of anger for anger is a product of hate, which is the destroyer of love. This is no easy task, but if you seek the truth you shall gain wisdom that will teach you how to avoid falsities and teach you how to exist in a proper healthy wise way. The way we were to be created. For when you live by truth which is from God and love is from God, then you have heaven within you and you're already a part of heaven, even here on earth and shall not perish. If any tell you that you shall die and there is nothing, well think of it this way if they're right you won't know it. And if you're right and there is, you will know it.
2014-10-03 08:02:59 UTC
Belief is not a choice. Have you considered that perhaps you're just not capable of the type of self delusion that being religious requires?

Seriously, not being wilfully ignorant of reality is not a bad thing.

Ftr it's allowed not aloud.
2014-10-06 10:33:19 UTC
All you have to do is accept him into your heart, and accept that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. And once you do that you will be saved.

Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Revelation 3:20 Behold. I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him. And he with me.

Romans 10:13 For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

I am only sixteen but I can tell you right now that the alternative of Heaven is far worse than any mortal man can even come close to imagining. The only way to salvation, everlasting life, and eternal peace is through the Lord Jesus, there is no other way.
2014-10-03 08:55:35 UTC
Sounds like God is knocking on the door to your heart:) You hear Him but youre not sure how to proceed. God is obvious. Believing He exists is easy. Its trusting Him, receiving His love and instructions, allowing Him to work and change us and inviting Him to inhabit all our attitudes and moments that is hard sometimes.

There is a big difference between believing and faith. Beliefs are like standing. They proclaim but do nothing. Faith is walking- it gets results. Take what you believe- trust it and act. Get to know Him. Read His Word the bible. Listen for His still small voice in your heart. Receive His love for you and let Him teach you how to love Him back.

He does not leave us to flounder alone. He desires to be a part of our lives- the biggest part but He must wait to be invited. We decide if we want Him or not.

Check out The Message. Its a very easy bible to read. Open your heart and He will meet you right where you are. He loves you very much!
2014-10-03 10:15:05 UTC
Please learn first what true Christianity is. You might get a surprise.

So, you want to go to God's Kingdom? You want to go to heaven, you do not want to go to hell? Then love God with all faculties that you possess totally and perfectly. So bottom line, you want to be in God's Kingdom? Love Him perfectly, it is about love, it is not really about Law. Cause if you love Him, you will keep His Law, is not that true?

When Luther pinned his 95 Thesis on the door of the church at Wittenberg, he had 95 declarations to make. Declaration number four called for self-hate. Nobody comes into God's Kingdom that does not hate himself. And the word "let him deny himself," the word here, the Greek term means to refuse to associate with. It is to disdain yourself. It is to refuse to associate any longer with the person you are.

Salvation is not about self-fulfillment, it is about self-denial. It is not about self-love, it is about self-hate. It is not about self-esteem, it is about self-disdain, disappointment. It is the rejection of who you are. It is hating yourself and loving God. And so the sinner is in an impossible situation because of his fallenness pride dominates his life, on his own he can not hate himself, and because he loves himself he cannot love God perfectly. But that is how you get into the Kingdom.

The Bible makes it clear that no matter what people’s “felt needs” may be, their real need is for forgiveness and salvation from sin, so as to escape eternal hell and enter the bliss of heaven. A fulfilled life, a happy marriage, a loving friendship, a successful career—those “needs” pale in comparison with the eternal issue facing every human being. It does not make any sense, then, for pastors to focus all of their energies on temporal surface attitudes while leaving the most profound eternal needs unaddressed. Besides, a true understanding of eternal life changes how you react to the passing troubles of this life.

The Bible also makes it clear that genuine belief includes more than just mental assent (cf. James 2:19). Biblical faith is more than just a profession of faith; it is a change of allegiance—from the mastery of sin to the lordship of Christ. It certainly would be convenient for me to preach a gospel that says, “If you’ve ever made a profession of faith in Jesus, then you’re saved, even if there’s nothing in your life to validate that claim.” But I can’t do that, because that’s not the true gospel. The true gospel repeatedly commands unbelievers to repent (Matthew 4:17; 11:20–21; Mark 6:12; Luke 5:32; 13:3, 5; 15:7, 10; 24:47; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 11:18; 17:30; 20:21; 2 Corinthians 7:9–10; 2 Timothy 2:25) and declares, “If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth” (1 John 1:6). It urges you to “test” yourself “to see if you are in the faith” (2 Corinthians 13:5), and reminds you that believers will be known “by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16-18; cf. Luke 6:43–44). So I preach the Bible because I want to make sure I’m preaching the true gospel, not a gospel of my own imagination. (John MacArthur,
2014-10-03 13:33:55 UTC
You can't believe because you want to believe in God on your

own terms. Like many unbelievers, it is hard for you to believe

in something or someone that goes beyond the 5 senses. If you

want to believe, then just call upon him and ask him instead of

man leading you to or from him.

Revelation 3:20 says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock...."

That door is the door of your heart. That is the door he wants

to enter into and you are the only one that can let him in.

One man came to Jesus for healing for his son, but his faith

wasn't what he thought it should be, so he asked Jesus to,

"Help thou, mine unbelief." To build up what he was lacking,

and Jesus healed his son.

So look outside of your humanity and you will find God, waiting

with open arms.
2014-10-07 13:53:20 UTC
Heaven and hell, the universe, all lifeforms known to man and unknown to man, to a person who believes in God says all this is his creation. So you're asking those who believe in God to show you some signs to increase your faith for you to end up in heaven after your death. But if you're not a believer at present then you're saying that God doesn't exist, so then how can heaven exist? Heaven can't exist without God can it.
Bill LaClair
2014-10-06 10:15:38 UTC
One issue that may help you towards a relationship with God is first asking yourself, Have you ever sinned? If the answer is yes, (which is probably a safe bet), then you need to ask God for forgiveness. Science, archaeology and proof of God's existence can often strengthen our faith, but you need to start with forgiveness first.

Check out my book, The Cosmic Bully? : Discovering the True Character of God by Bill LaClair
2014-10-07 10:55:01 UTC
The only reason why anyone would want to believe in God has be so that our soul would 'live' forever more.

After Adam and Eve sinned we (as human beings) had been banished from heaven. God had sent His son to become man so that after He dies He would return to heaven. This move had made it possible for the gates of heaven to be opened for all of us who believe in Him.

That is why the feast of EASTER is the most import event for all Christians.
It Is Always Now
2014-10-03 08:29:17 UTC

Okay, I'll answer quietly.

You cannot just change your beliefs at will. Though it might help if you avoided science and philosophy altogether, and just watch/read a lot of Christian apologetics and theology. Try not to think about what you are being told either. Just accept it without question. Don't read the Bible by yourself either. You might get the wrong ideas.
2014-10-03 20:48:45 UTC
Try study Islam, Britons, American and white across Europe started to convert to this religion 1 by 1. Yeah in Islam there's life after death. You can Youtubing Dr. Zakir Naik lecture about similarities and difference between Islam, Christian and Atheism.

p/s: most of us are into one religion because of the upbringing from our parent, so why not doing comparative study about religion? It's your own choice btw. Wish you luck mate.
2014-10-04 01:02:02 UTC
If you 'want to go to heaven' then obviously you believe in heaven, therefore you probably believe in god as well.

If you disbelieved like myself, then you would never be concerned about such a thing.
2014-10-04 04:09:48 UTC
True faith, however, involves more than just possessing knowledge or believing that something is true. It also involves the heart—the seat of motivation. Romans 10:10 says: “With the heart one exercises faith.” What does this mean? As you meditate on godly things, building up appreciation for them, you allow the Bible’s message to sink deep into your heart. Faith grows and becomes stronger as you are motivated to act on God’s promises and as you see the evidence of his blessing.—2 Thessalonians 1:3.
2014-10-06 19:10:14 UTC
I think you already believe in God. I also think your question should be do you believe in yourself to do what's right so that you can be with God in heaven for an eternity. Just do good deeds and you will find God. Vaya con Dios!
Bobby Jim
2014-10-04 18:41:29 UTC
So, believe already. Belief is a choice. It's not that difficult.

Find just one thing to believe in concerning God, and then build on it.
2014-10-03 08:31:24 UTC
Repent of any sin, get baptised, and YOU WILL RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. They are not empty words, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is often a very powerful physical experience. That will bring forth a relationship to a living God. The heavens declare Gods glory, go outside tonight and meditate on that verse and He may touch you and strengthen your faith. The words of the Bible are living words, sharper than any two edged sword. Meditate on scripture. Read the words of Jesus Christ. He is speaking to you through them!
2014-10-05 22:35:32 UTC
Believing in Jesus is more than intellectual assent to a fact...It is most importantly trust. So trust him enough to take him at his word when he says...

John 3:16-21 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who BELIEVES in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who BELIEVES in him. But anyone who does not BELIEVE in him has already been judged for not BELIEVING in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”

Now tell him you believe him and ask that his sacrifice on the cross would count as payment for his sins and that he would credit his perfect sinless life to your account just as he has promised to do. And since he is good for his word and you believe what he said...Go get baptized in a Christian church so the rest of the world will know that you believe in Jesus and are not ashamed to show it.
Alan H
2014-10-04 08:51:10 UTC
If you genuinely want to believe, you have taken the first step.

Why not attend a local Church? Let me know your area and I may be able to help.

God will listen to your prayer however unsure you are. Say something such as, "Dear God, I'm not even sure you are there.

If you are, show yourself to me."

You are in my prayers.
2014-10-07 09:53:27 UTC
First you believe in God; then you believe there is only one planet(earth) in which you have to lead a part of your life then you have to believe the reward of God for heaven or hell. You have to believe there is a place for heaven and hell in this universe which is nearer and dearer to God(your belief should be at the range of the belief "there is only one earth in this universe"). God want to test your belief on the things of seen and unseen things. Read Quran and realise God.
2014-10-07 06:20:39 UTC
Cultivating faith in God is difficult. It takes time something that isn't always easy for us living in a world that is easy for people to understand because we want everything now. Here is a quick recipe for success pray to God, read the Bible daily,and act in harmony with what you pray for that way you demonstrate you mean what you say,and you give God something to bless.
2014-10-03 11:59:12 UTC
God said himself for one to believe in God one must first believe there is a God. Now God and god are not the same--God is a living functional being who loved us all, created us in the beginning of time and sent his Son Jesus in human form to give us a path back to himself. You do not have to understand all of that but to find the peace and love offered by God through his Son, you merely have to have faith that Jesus as shown in the New Testament of the Holy Bible is truly the son of God. His gift to you then is a spiritual rebirth and everlasting life---heaven then will take care of itself--but without Jesus eternity is without God. Ask God to give you faith in his Son Jesus---you will know when he does--this is a living God, a living Savior, for Jesus truly lives.
2014-10-05 13:50:29 UTC
If yu truly want to believe in God, you must first believe that he has given us a guide book to live our lives by. Only "the wisdom from above" can and will help us enjoy happy lives. James 3:17

Jesus Christ spoke many times about his Father, Jehovah God and taught us many wonderful things concerning his purpose for humans and the earth. The Bible is the only book on this earth that teaches us the truth about God, Jesus Christ, the Devil, why this world is so wicked and what Jesus as king of God's Kingdom is going to do about all of our problems, including sickness and death.

Jesus said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need..."

Matthew 5:3 If you truly want to believe in God, go to our international website - and by means of a free home Bible study you can learn who God truly is, his name and his purpose for the human family and this beautiful life-filled earth.

John 17:3 tells us: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
Baffled Son
2014-10-06 13:07:05 UTC
Before worrying about believing in God, figure out if you believe in the absence of God. I do not believe in the absence of God for many reasons. Check out

If you find yourself agreeing, then start searching for alternate explanations. God will guide you.
2014-10-03 09:14:36 UTC
God's word says in John 14:6, Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by Me.”

In order to invite Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, you must believe in your heart that HE IS the Son of God, believe that He died upon the cross of Calvary as an atonement for your wrong doings, and believe that He arose from death and the grave. We must confess and repent of our sins and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you have never done this then stop right now and pray this prayer.

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus repenting and asking forgiveness of all my sins. Your Word says, “whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved: (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10. “If thous shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved” I do that now. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I am a Christian..a child of the Almighty God! I am saved!

You are now an heir to the Kingdom of God! Your future is assured. I want to encourage you to find a church in your local area to attend. Tell someone that you have just received Jesus as your Lord. Then start digging into God's Word.

“I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard that which I have entrusted to Him until that day.” (2 Tim. 1:12)
2014-10-06 10:54:37 UTC
Honey, YOU ARE going to Heaven. We all do. You can call me "atheist" all you want, but God does not create souls that are going to p|ss HIm off. He doesn't just decide, "I am All-Knowing, I think I will spend my time creating a soul that will not be to My Standards." He just doesn't. EVERYTHING that happens is blessed by God Himself as HE already knows it is going to happen long before it happens. They Middle Eastern Tomes (that would include the bible) WANT you believe/practice He does. This is only so they can justify their paychecks.

But go ahead, p|ss on my philosophy as it is not, "your opinion in my voice." And side yourself with people that view God as "too stupid to know that before hand and wastes time doing it anyway." Like planting a dangerous tree in a dangerous place and pretending that there was some OTHER wisdom responsible for the decision.)
2014-10-03 08:01:40 UTC
God is real. God is love and God is eternal. I think deep in your heart you know God is real. That's why you want Heaven and salvation. We all want salvation. Just pray and ask God into your life. and I will pray for you also.

God bless.
2014-10-03 10:48:42 UTC
you'll go to heaven no worries on that one,,,,,I promise I'm an angel myself,,,,,,,,,be patient,,,,, you can become a pope or saint in a day its takes time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,grow up and realize what you love first,,,,, then the maturity of you will kick in and you'll start realizing its time to give to god,,, as the angels of god have given so much to you..
s d
2014-10-07 01:05:32 UTC
First you have to accept salvation.

Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God? Do you believe that he died for you sins? Do you believe he was resurrected on the third day? Do you want God to forgive you sins? Do you want the gift of the holy spirit?

If you answered yes to the above pray this prayer aloud:

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ. You said in Your Word that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13) Father, I am calling on Jesus right now. I believe He died on the cross for my sins, that He was raised from the dead on the third day, and He's alive right now. Lord Jesus, I am asking You now, come into my heart. Live Your life in me and through me. I repent of my sins and surrender myself totally and completely to You. Heavenly Father, by faith I now confess Jesus Christ as my new Lord and from this day forward, I dedicate my life to serving Him.

Once you say that prayer and believe by faith....YOU ARE SAVED! You are apart of the kingdom of heaven, Just like that it's that simple.


Pray -- you talk to God.

Read your Bible -- God talks to you. (START at the NEW TESTAMENT)

Witness -- you talk for God.

Love ya!
2014-10-07 15:32:47 UTC
I completely agree with you I find it really hard not to question my family's religion. I believe god is real, or at least I really want to, it's just hard to believe when you can't see him or hear him or anything.
2014-10-06 16:33:15 UTC
First step is Baptism and a church home.

Next> speak to a minister to start some Bible school because

you need to know who Christ is and his teachings in order to

believe you have to have faith in Christ by reading the Bible

and accepting that he is Lord who gave his life on the cross

at Calvary for sinners which we all are. The message is I am

the way the Truth and the Life he who believes in me will have

life everlasting. Jesus is the answer.
2014-10-03 08:52:12 UTC
"want to believe"? That's obscene.

If reason tells you there's a God, fine.

Your distaste for uncongenial answers says little for your rigour.
2014-10-07 08:41:36 UTC
If you want to believe, you should read your bible every day.

King James Bible

Romans 10:17


NET Bible

Romans 10:17

Consequently faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the preached word of Christ.
2014-10-06 09:55:53 UTC
If you really want to be the best at your faith of choice... don't question anything they say. Believe solely on faith! Feel that God is with you.

Because if you ask questions and look for facts or need evidence.... you may have doubts.
2014-10-06 10:23:24 UTC
Say this prayer humbly before you sleep:

O almighty God,I dont know whether you exist or not,i am ignorant about you,if you exist then please show something so that i can believe in your existence..



nāyam ātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā, na bahunā śrutena: yamevaiṣa vṛṇute, tena labhyas tasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanῡṁ svām.

This atman(GOD) cannot be understood by study of the Vedas, nor by intelligence(arguments), nor by much hearing. He whom the GOD chooses, by him the God can be understood. To him GOD reveals His true nature(in your case,existence).
2014-10-04 08:50:29 UTC
Current trends in God believe seem to imagine him as a fatherly personage. Others personify evolutionary forces as God. A few are unsure if there is such an entity and others deny it. Listen to your band leader and follow his/her teachings. Make every today better than yesterday.
2014-10-03 12:49:08 UTC
What if the atheist whisper it to you?

Learn the difference between ALOUD and ALLOWED. Everything starts with a decent education. Get one.
2014-10-03 07:57:25 UTC
If you don't believe in god, how can you believe in heaven?
2014-10-03 08:17:00 UTC
Pray to Him. Ask Him to show you the way. The bible says that if you knock the door will be opened, seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you. So ask and seek. God wants us all to come to Him, He is waiting. You can look at the websites here to help you. Invest your time into learning about God and you will be amazed at everything you see. God bless you.
Bob L
2014-10-06 10:49:45 UTC
So, what's holding you back?

Choose to believe, and He will reveal Himself to you through His Word.
2014-10-07 08:15:23 UTC
This is Yahoo Answers, and anyone, including atheists can answer any question they like.

If you have a problem with that - get out.

You do not make any rules here.

Nobody, religious or not should even consider answering your offensiveness.
2014-10-06 17:11:02 UTC
Do you know how tiny a mustard seed is? That is the small amount of faith required of anyone by God to begin to believe in Him. But to get to know God, you must go through His son Jesus. Jesus loves you so much that He gave His life for you on the cross, and His Father God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. God did this with His son just so you and others like you can accept this free gift of salvation,by way of praying to Jesus, repenting of your sins to Him, letting Him know that you believe that He is the son of God who died on that cross for you and rose from the dead on the third day. Invite Jesus into your heart and give Him control of you life. This is why Jesus died for you on the cross, so through repenting of your sins to Jesus and accepting His free gift of salvation, that you will go to heaven when you die. Live your life for the Lord daily. repent of your sins to Jesus daily.Study God's Word in the KJV bible every day and grow closer and closer to God through His son Jesus. They love you so very much.
2014-10-05 11:37:11 UTC
God is Omnipresent .That is, the power and energy that is present in everything and everywhere is God .If you believe in your existence , in yourself , you already believe in God .God is in you so you do not have to go anywhere to see God .Forgetting the place He is in and not knowing that he is Omnipresent , people seek for God everywhere .they do not find .Because what they are trying to seek , is only the place where He is NOT .Ther is no place where He is not not so they do not find it.Ther eis a song of one Tamil Saint known as "Gnana Chithar " It goes like this " Irukkum Idathai vittu , Illatha Idam thedi , enkengo alaikintraar ,Gnana thangammay.Avar yethum Aritaar adi Gnanathangammay" Leaving the place where He is , people are searching for the place where He is not ,.They do not know ( see ) anything, my dear.

When Arjuna asked Sri,Krishna to show him the God , Krishna showed him the cosmos itself to him and told him to see all tha he would like to see and imagine , stand as one in His body.the entire cosmos is God .He is always before us and we do not see Him.

We are ourself made up of matter that is part of God and so we do not really die , but change from one to another . Matter is indestructible and matter is living and it never dies .It is we who create Heaven and Hell. If you are happy and make everybody happy , you create heaven around yourself and if you create sorrow for yourself ans for everybody around you , you create Hell so it is left to you to create what you want and live there .
2014-10-04 18:45:42 UTC
What's your question? Or are you just another person trying to troll.

- Sasuke Uchiha
2014-10-03 14:26:52 UTC
Ask God if you are there show me a dream;Jesus if you are real show me.If you want to go to heaven believe Jesus is lord and God raised him from the dead.
The Reverend Soleil
2014-10-03 08:01:27 UTC
Too bad for you -- heaven and God are both just pretend. Maybe someday you can go to Baltimore instead.
2014-10-03 12:34:59 UTC
that is so sweet dear...definietly god listen to u......

god is very kindhearted and he forgive everyone .......

god is not creat any religion and all thts the work of human

god is one

oneday m also asking this question to myself so many times how can i find god ....and now i believe tht there is god

who is watching us every moment in our life dear but we r nt aware of tht

god loves us like anything...

he does care for us but we cant know him

when i pray to god suddenely i feel something very special tht i cant express in words....

i cno everyone feeling so special after praying god

nothing can give us happy except praying

love more and more and more to god and talk his topic daily with his devotee then definietly oneday u find god and piece and heven and all u want
brother trucker
2014-10-03 09:04:10 UTC
You have asked this question many times in many different ways and you have the evidence. Its time to make a logical decision based on that evidence.
2014-10-08 12:19:21 UTC
You have to read Quran and hadiths to know what is under god's whim.other books are being edited so read this
2014-10-04 19:17:45 UTC
Just do it. Say Lord I believe in You please give me the gift of faith. and wait sometimes the Lord works in different time than ours be patient. Study faiths see which one you are more comfortable with.
2014-10-07 03:55:02 UTC
In Romans 1 Paul claims that all anyone has to do to see evidence of a Creator is look at the creation. Its perfection, its consistent order render the evolution option totally wanting. And according to Paul this should be sufficient evidence, because God says those who deny it are without excuse.

For the logic-minded God authenticates Himself through Bible prophecy.

We know God is who He claims to be because He’s done what He said He would do. That’s the whole point of prophecy and why studying it is so important to us. It’s God authenticating Himself.

For 6000 years He’s been describing things before they happened, so when they did His people would know that He was telling us the truth. Everything He said would happen in the past has happened, so it makes sense to believe that everything He said would happen in the future will happen.

There are over 135 historically verified, fulfilled prophecies in the first 35 verses of Daniel chapter 11 alone.

See for yourself:

God called King Cyrus of Persia by name in Isaiah 44:24-45:6 as His agent for freeing the Israelites from Babylon 150 years before he was even born. Daniel 9:25 prophesied Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on what would be the first Palm Sunday, to be 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem was given by King Artaxerxes Longimanus of Persia. That one was fulfilled to the very day. The decree was given in 445BC. The prophecy was given in 535BC, 90 years earlier. Alexander the Great refused to invade Jerusalem after the Temple High Priest showed him in the book of Isaiah the very dream he recently had that was written hundreds of years beforehand. You just can't make this stuff up.

There are over 300 Old Testament prophecies, all of them a matter of public record hundreds of years before the fact, predicting the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. The abundance and specificity of these prophecies demolish any notion of chance, exceed the requirements of statistical analysis, and prove more conclusively than any other fact of history that Jesus is the Son of God. In fact there is more hard evidence to prove that He is Who He claims to be, than there is that you are who you claim to be.

This is the unique and truly beautiful thing about the Bible. It stands alone among the so-called Holy Writings of the world, in its self-validating ability. Only the Bible tells the future with 100% accuracy. God knew we would be skeptical, unbelieving children. So early on, He began telling us things in advance of their occurrence so when what He said came true, we would be willing to believe Him. In this way we can be assured that our faith is justified.

In fact in Isaiah 44:6-8 God challenged anyone who claimed to be like Him to a two part test.  Part 1 is to accurately recount the past and part two is to accurately proclaim the future. Only God, who knows the end from the beginning  can do this.

Anyone who will put aside their pre-conceived notions and undertake an unbiased study of Old Testament prophecy can prove God’s existence beyond a shadow of doubt within a few hours. As God had Isaiah write, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.” (Isaiah 46:9-10)  No other so-called deity can make that claim. No other so-called deity has ever tried.

When you study Bible Prophecy and World History side by side it doesn’t require much faith at all to believe the Bible. The evidence in fulfilled prophecy is just too overwhelming. But don’t take my word for this, try it for yourself. The truth converts emotion to logic, adds knowledge to zeal, and makes your faith unshakable. Someday soon that kind of faith might well come in handy.
2014-10-06 17:36:59 UTC
Wow, 200 answers!!!!! I don't bellieve I've seen that many before, is this a RECORD NUMBER?
2014-10-06 09:25:50 UTC
Dear Friend,

God wants to commune/fellowship with His creation ...with you. But, it is OUR sin (disobedience/rebellion) that 'blocks' that covenant relationship with a Holy God. And, it is only through Jesus Christ (who died as OUR substitute) by the Power of the Holy Spirit can anyone be 'reconciled' (restored) back, into a ...right relationship. We cannot approach a Holy God on our terms, only His.

I suggest that you get alone on your knees with God and confess to Him...that you agree with God that you are a sinner.

That, you need a Savior, Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, and that you surrender your will for your life for His 'perfect' will for your life. It is us humans that make mistakes, NOT God. Man is a 'rebellious' creature and "NEEDS" God's principles to live by in order to be FREE from the bondage, hurt and dysfunction of THIS world.

Get yourself a GOOD easy to read Bible, such as a New Living Translation One Year Bible. Every day you read a little of the Old Testament, a little of the New Testament, a little of Pslams and a little of Proverbs.

And here is the "key" dear one. ALLOW the Holy Spirit to teach YOUR spirit, absolute truth. No one can read the Bible like a 'literal' book such as, "Mary Had A Little Lamb." God's Word is His "Personal "spiritual" Instruction Manual" for man to live a safe, abundant life "in" Him. So, PERSONALIZE God's Word as I have illustrated below using Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV):

"For I know the plans I have for you (insert your name),” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you (insert your name) and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

12 Then (insert your name) you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

13 You will seek me (insert your name) and find me when you seek me (insert your name) with all your heart."

God's Word is like a "spiritual" Treasure Chest filled with spiritual Gems designed just for you. Your mission, to go Treasure Hunting and discover what God has for you. You will 'never' regret it. He is very real. Enjoy the most rewarding journey this life will ever have to offer. One with the lover of your soul. God knows what is best for humanity. We just 'think' (finite) ...we do.

Tender blessings,
2014-10-06 04:49:54 UTC
O people,, not kah your spirit is spirit dri seed that is given by God,,, you do not die .. you eternal life .. not kah you created with the natural nature metamorposis,,, of dust composed of protons, newtron and electron,, be human in nature will be content,, and become real human in nature and then you will be the disintegration of the soul and body,, and that life is your soul .. your soul will live forever,,, every human soul eternal life, , and joined with the universe ....
2014-10-06 01:38:04 UTC
First of all you have to know about the right religion. That is something you have to find yourself. Only then you will be able to believe in God because if you know the wrong definition of God you can't believe in Him. I can't tell tell you the right religion because that is something you must find by yourself. All I can do is to provide clues if you are interested. You know if you want to play baseball and you arrive to a cricket ground you can't play it even if you want to. If you find the right religion you will find your heart filled. And one more thing that if you want to earn something you have to loose something. So you have to die if you want to go to heaven.
2014-10-05 18:32:26 UTC
Assuming you seek Heaven through Jesus (He is the only way to the Father), then some suggestions are:-

First and foremost, abandon your self centeredness and in everything put God first; commandments 1 and 2. Anything that drives your life is your god (including your own prideful self which people often make into a god) and you must give control to God and seek His help. So seek faith and belief not for yourself (“I want to go to Heaven”), but for the Glory of God. And hence be careful of following people’s answers that have a lot of “I”, “my” and “me” words in them.

Then, how about ABC:-

*Admit that you fall short of the perfect goodness needed by God and that you cannot achieve the perfection required through your own works.

*Believe that God sent Jesus as a perfect sacrifice to bridge the gap between the good and evil in ourselves and that only this makes us acceptable to God.

*Confess your past sins (especially the “me me me, I, I, I” self-centredness and pride and the belief that you know everything) and ask for the Grace of God.

You could also say one of the variations in the sinner’s prayer which you can google. For some people the effect is immediate; for others His workings in you (including faith) may take more time. Each person’s journey is different. Pray to God for strength and protection, have faith in the Christian worldview and read plenty of good Christian material to help reinforce your belief. Pray for God’s help when selecting what to read and His help to understand. There are plenty of easy to read websites that will teach you and lead you deeper into an understanding of Christ; pose your question to their sites too; you will get better answers. Youtube has many excellent resources too. Then the more you seek Him, the more He will come to you and the deeper your faith will become.

Along the journey, you may discover that:

1) There is plenty of evidence for Christ (there is more historically acceptable proof of Christ on Earth than there is for his relative contemporary Caesar).

2) God is spirit and cannot be disproven; even the famous atheist Richard Dawkins agrees with that statement.

3) Christians have a worldview just as Atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus etc all have a worldview. The most that anyone can do is try to swing you over to their opinions (yes opinions - a worldview ultimately resides in a set of unprovable opinions / axioms / beliefs which rest on faith).

4) In the end you will need to choose a worldview, even if it is one you concoct yourself from a hodgepodge of picking and choosing from the others (or for atheists, not picking or choosing). One measure that might be considered when selecting a worldview is to examine what the ultimate logical conclusions are for that worldview. For an atheist world view for example, Alex Rosenberg in The Atheists Guide to Reality (second or third page of 1st chapter) says there is no God, no soul, prayer is useless, no purpose to you or the universe, no hope, no free will, no good or evil, nihilism is OK and I suppose anarchy is too given he says that "anything goes" is OK too. The atheist's scientism worldview surely sounds like a nasty, hellish Godless place. However, some people do find that worldview attractive and comforting.

So, if you find the Christian worldview attractive, then pray to God to give strength and seek to allow Him to work His Will in and through them. Just remember you will need to abandon the self centeredness of “I, my and me” and in everything put God first. Everything you do, you should do for God, not for yourself.
2014-10-05 11:36:32 UTC
You believe in God. Only those who believe in God are sure about the existence of Heaven. You are just confused with all the religion in the world.
2014-10-05 08:55:45 UTC
please believe, Islam is the only true "religion"... and there's no other God but Allah ..

I'm just saying the one truth.. not convincing...

human life is own by "life creator(the Creator of everything)"

2014-10-05 07:26:21 UTC
Genuine belief, genuine faith, comes from knowledge and understanding. The Bible itself teaches, "Wisdom is the prime thing. Acquire wisdom, and with all that you acquire, acquire understanding." (Proverbs 4:4-7) People believe all manner of things and are motivated to do so by everything from simple convenience to a desire to align with popular thought. If, however, you are interested in the accurate knowledge which leads to well founded (rather than blind) faith as defined in the Bible at Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” you must do more than just want to believe or even read the Bible. Research and study are the keys to the depth of Bible understanding which leads to accurate knowledge and ultimately assured belief. If it is this accurate understanding you seek, Jehovah's Witnesses can help you. We offer free home Bible studies in whatever translation of the Bible you prefer. You can study at a time and place most convenient to you. Simply go to our website and follow the links to request a free Bible study. Jehovah's Witnesses website is It is a non commercial website where you can read the Bible in a number of translatiojns and languages, as well as arrange for a free home Bible study. My vest wishes to you,
2014-10-04 17:13:22 UTC
god is real and start believing because when your having hard time in life or something happens to u, u will start believing because no one else will care
2014-10-04 11:07:19 UTC
faith comes by the word of God
2014-10-06 07:39:02 UTC
Surely, God exist for every one poor, rich,, black and white. No doubt in Islam there is no compulsion in believing One God. Read Quran thoroughly you will find the straight way. Thanks and God bless u.
Groove doctor
2014-10-06 03:10:07 UTC
Your absolute best bet in these things, is to interpret Christian beliefs metaphorically and realise that Jesus was more like a Buddhist because god means enlightenment. Where the doctrines become slightly disorted is in man's anxiety about death, which I presume is your fundamental drive to want to believe in heaven. If you watch Alan Watt's "book of taboo" on youtube, it will give you a good idea of what I'm talking about.
Coop 366
2014-10-06 00:19:36 UTC
For your sake you should believe in God and our Savior Jesus Christ!!!! But you know he knows you!!!!!
2014-10-05 23:11:17 UTC
you just close your eyes and pray "Lord I accept you as my savior, my leader, my Shepard, my heavenly father.I love you Lord with all my heart and I want you inside of my heart. I shall love you forever please lord accept me and remember me when i pass on. I will follow in your ways. I will repent. In the name of Jesus Christ i Pray Amen
Adullah M
2014-10-05 21:50:32 UTC
You look to have a good intention, so my duty is to provide you with the real source of Islam ,so that you can ponder upon it.

Mind you ,there is no compulsion in religion .because the truth stand out clearly from falsehood.Please see.
2014-10-05 11:52:20 UTC
if you believe in it then you can achieve it
2014-10-05 09:46:22 UTC
No atheists aloud? Don't you mean "allowed"? Instead of believing in some fairy tale, maybe you should take some English lessons.
2014-10-05 04:34:20 UTC
Never fall prey to god of testaments and quran. they are perverts and violent
2014-10-05 00:06:27 UTC
One sided input is little more than "brainwashing". One can "believe" in ANYTHING if the other point of view is denied.

So you want prejudiced , one sided input that might convince you of anything they say ? Cults are very good at that , but don't expect objective input, or a balanced result. Good luck. Peace.
2014-10-04 18:26:12 UTC
You cannot force yourself to believe. This has to come from the Holy Spirit inside of your heart that makes the changes. I would first look for a church that teaches God's Word from the Bible - not just a church that says things they think the people want to hear. In time you will either accept God and Jesus or you won't.
Thomas Galbridge
2014-10-04 16:03:27 UTC
Jesus f-cking Christ, are you stupid?
2014-10-04 14:57:13 UTC
That is a mighty good idea and a wonderful way to begin!
Invisible spiritman
2014-10-04 14:44:13 UTC
If you believe there is a heaven then you must believe that there is a God...
2014-10-04 12:35:50 UTC
It makes no difference if you believe in God or not. Your very emotions are hardwired to what is right and wrong. Just listen to your heart and not the voices in your mind. Keep this and you will do fine by who or what ever is watching us.
2014-10-04 11:32:28 UTC
if u want logic and faith intermingled u can cross Christianity out! talk about a pun eh ? look into islam! it is the only religion which makes sense and has not been altered or changed by man and has no errors or contradictions people need to comprehend the diff between a contradiction and a contradistinction! and i the quran has scientific miracles as well to embrace ur faith scientists all over the globe marvel at the accuracy of the quran and many atheists even convert to islam it's the perfect religion but muslims are not learn the diff islam is perfect people are not! but regardless if u do in depth non biased research i guarantee u will come to the conclusion tht islam is the religion for u! also already 70 or 80% of the quran goes along with science and the other 30% is ambiguous. if u are about looking into god etc reflecting upon life and finding a religion which doesn't believe in numerous gods like Christianity islam is the right choice. + it's also the religion which gives women more rights then any other faith and alot of stereotypes regarding islam and women are false such as how many people 1 can wed the limit is 4 but under strict criteria one must meet and the quran also states o mary only 1 no other religious book/text and proclaim that statement the bible there is no limit. 1 can marry 400+ wifes it's mentioned in there. and in islam women have modesty piety etc
2014-10-04 09:51:00 UTC
How do you think you got here?

What makes you think that you "die?"
sarah T
2014-10-04 08:09:25 UTC
Hi, I was raised Christian (Catholic) and although I'm atheist now, I am of the understanding that want God asks of you in the Bible is to love your neighbour as yourself and do onto others and you would have done to you. When I was younger I had strong faith and went to mass twice a week, I loved God and 'knew' he loved me (why I lost my faith is not important here) but I do believe that what it takes to be a good Christian is the same as what it takes to be a good person, respect one another, treat all Gods children with love and remember that what you aquire in this life can not be brought with you after death no matter where you go so just do what you can to help others. Hope this helps and that you don't just dismiss my response because I'm atheist. Good luck in life.
2014-10-04 07:45:43 UTC
believe in your self. see how unique you are ll start realising him...
2014-10-04 07:42:23 UTC
I'm sorry. I am a Christian and an atheist. It is not possible for you to forbid me from answering. You are on the internet and you cannot keep humans from responding.

If you want to believe in God you have to expand your faith.

I have spent many years believing that God wasn't meant to be taken literally. You can still be a good Christian by understanding what the lessons mean without believing a God actually exists.
2014-10-04 06:21:29 UTC
Anon--great question.

In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul is speaking to his Jewish people, who have not put their faith in the One Person of Jesus Christ, that can save them.

Romans 10V1:"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.

V2:"For I bear record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

V3:"For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not SUBMITTED themselves unto the righteousness of God."

So we see here people who know God, even before the Gentile Christian church, and yet they are considered to be lost for now.

So ask yourself, how can they know God and still be lost?

Under the heading of:Righteousness is by faith in Christ

Romans 10V9:"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

V10:"For with the Heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

"Confession made unto salvation": means One is not saved by his mouth's confession, but rather, the mouth testifies readily of the grace of God in Christ which has been received by Faith."

V13:"For Whosoever shall Call Upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be Saved.

V14:"How then shall they call on him in whom they have NOT BELIEVED? and how shall they BELIEVE in him of whom they have not Heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"

"Whosoever" means your responsibility and mine.

V16:"But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah saith, Lord who hath BELIEVED OUR REPORT?

V17:"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Notice that it is not faith in what is heard, but faith that COMES ABOUT by what is heard.

This is what Paul meant when he said the gospel "is the power of God unto salvation."

Saving faith is not man doing his part in esponse to God's having done His part (synergism). This also shows that there is no other way to be saved but they the explicit gospel of Christ.

Salvation is the most common biblical expression used to identify the subjective changes in people's lives, when by faith they have received the benefit of the Christ's death and resurrection.

The term implies deliverance, safety, preservation, healing, and soundness. It occurs in three phases.

First, the Christian has been saved from the guilt and penalty of sin (Eph.2:5, 8).

Second, the Christian is being saved from the habit and dominion of sin in tis life (gal.2:19, 20).

Finally, when the Lord returns, the Christians will be saved from all the physical results of sin and of God's curse on the world (8:18-23)

With salvation comes change, not the other way around.

In conversion and salvation, believing has to do with accepting the fact that Jesus Christ died on the Cross to save our souls, and is not as complicated as some people think.

We accept and take as truth or facts, the means of salvation, and then belief is part of the package whereby the Holy Spirit work on the Word of God we read in the Holy Bible or preached through a pastor or even us on the forum, do not make it more complicated than it really is.

Come Just as you are and believe the words as fact and truth, and God will do the rest.

The love of God and Jesus has to be accepted in childlike trust.

Peace and blessings to you.
2014-10-06 06:48:10 UTC
2014-10-05 23:14:22 UTC
come to the islamic center and they will give you some lessons for free.
2014-10-05 21:20:46 UTC
Well just say like the rest of the religious nutters, I believe, not difficult. And as The greatest Physicist in the world Stephen Hawking said that religious people are just scared of the dark, and their definitely no god.
2014-10-05 14:44:51 UTC
He died for us
2014-10-05 10:21:00 UTC
Keep searching, reading, watching docs, keeping mind & eyes open for evidence.

A 3rd of the Bible is prophecy. It can be interesting & enjoyable to discover & learn about.

Pray on it as well.

For the clown putting down Heaven. We'll have transformed bodies & no reason to know there will not be sex, pot & many other pleasures. Even if they are not. The guy who created the ecstatic feelings that they produce, can just as easily have us feel as good or better all the time.
2014-10-05 07:29:48 UTC
Believing is a choice. Belief flows from your heart. If you want to believe then do.

Then follow your chosen beliefs as you live your life.

Pray because you believe there is someone listening

Obey because you believe someone gave the commandments.

But above all Love and forgive others. You could do that, even if you didn't believe, but you might often be tempted to ask "why?" Especially when others didn't love or forgive you. Now you know: you do it because you believe.

If you do this then you believe.
2014-10-05 02:24:40 UTC
You don't need to be a church goer to believe. seems like you already believe in god or something like it. No need to pressure yourself you either believe or you don't. There is no need to prove it or force it.
2014-10-04 18:54:30 UTC
2014-10-04 16:22:30 UTC
2014-10-04 15:20:08 UTC
I highly-reccommend you try the intro section of !!! It's the most-solidly-founded & far-reaching stuff I've ever found! (balanced between religion & math ~50/50)

"I ... want to believe" seems like a strange thing to say. That's almost like saying, "I want to think." You're always thinking & believing. The way I interpret what you said is that you're just wanting to fit in to get the social results of a certain group. A lot of people want to go to heaven for eternity; but belief of any sort may have no impact on such matters. Don't worry, once you're dead, maybe that's all-over for you, and you won't be able to feel sorry for not going to heaven.
al l
2014-10-04 07:12:50 UTC
It's not what's in your head but in your heart. People have a tendency to over think a lot about god. They ask for everything and anything under the sun expecting him to grant wishes like a genie or when bad things happen they ask why he caused them. In reality, god doesn't have control over our lives. He gave us free will. He is however there to listen to you and help you make wise decisions based on the stories in the bible. There are many ways to worship him but to believe in him is no different than believing in yourself. Sometimes you look for a sign when in reality you just need to go out and do it.
Dawn G
2014-10-04 05:55:16 UTC
When you made your account, you agreed to abide its Terms of Service. Obe of those terms states that Anyone can ask/answers any question in any category, so you have violated that term. So atheists are permitted to answer yur question, and any other the decide and you misspelled "ALLOWED."

It is easy to remember if you think of ALOUD meaning it can be heard because it is LOUD, and ALLOWED something you ALLOW!"
2014-10-04 05:14:20 UTC
Beware of false prophets Those who would preach to you their interpretation of Gods holy words Do not be swayed by those who preach in houses of decadent adornment The sermon on the mount was given in the open under the Heavens of Gods creation and was not given to any one denomination but to all those that have ears to hear the true words of God spoken by his Son to believe that creation was an accident is to shut out the signs that are plain to see many seek God but cannot find him But he is there in your heart and the gift of love You say you want to believe then believe your eyes and behold God in his many signs that he gives you
2014-10-03 23:11:54 UTC
Read the inspiring experiences of others (people like George Mueller). Read about the amazing universe. Read the Bible, especially Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and realise what God has done for you.

Ask God to come into your life and help you give ALL your choices to Him, then sit back and watch Him work in your life. What a ride!

Get hold of the book, "Escape to God" by Jim Hohnberger (you should find it on Amazon - get a second-hand copy!) to see how to develop a deep and living relationship with God. It is amazing, how He works for us. He knows the road ahead, which we have no idea about.

Give God your dreams and see how He will help you achieve those dreams. Bless you!
2014-10-03 19:51:05 UTC
When I was little, I wanted SO MUCH for Narnia to be real. I would go to bed wishing real hard that I would find a garden gate that would lead to another world, that I would find my own adventure and fly over the lands and go on a journey with my own Marsh-wiggle...

But then I grew up.
2014-10-03 18:46:16 UTC

(Revelation 7:9) After this I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands.

These are the ones...apart from the 144,000...who have a future BACK ON THE EARTH...

The ones who have been promised an end to death...

This promise can only apply to living people...

Only the 144,000 have been promised a future, as spiritual heaven...

The proof is in the SEPARATION in scripture.

IF we all went to heaven, for which we have to die first, then there would be no point in promising an end to death.

(1 Corinthians 15:26) And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.

(Revelation 20:14) And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.
2014-10-03 18:04:53 UTC
the Bible says it is God who is at work in us helping us to want His will and helping us to do it. You desire to go to heaven and not hell... thats a good place to start. Just say out loud: God I want to believe in You, open my eyes, reveal Yourself to me. I have heard where Orthodox Jews have said similar things and Jesus revealed Himself as their Messiah. The "want to believe" is from God. Begin to read the new testament and talk to God...
2014-10-03 15:09:40 UTC
Staring Is Rude So Don'T Stare
2014-10-03 15:09:32 UTC
you can by reading the Qur'an and seeing the signs of God in nature and all around us.....

God is real even if you dont believe in the afterlife you will still be having one but in hell.

Nothing can create nothing so it's illogical to think there is no God.

Please read the Qur'an if you want to go to heaven forever and here
2014-10-03 14:31:47 UTC
Not "aloud"? How about if I whisper then? Psssst, it's all superstition. Shhhhhh.
2014-10-06 09:12:15 UTC
Wow! has your question gotten responses! You sound genuine and know who you want to answer your question. I commend you for it.

The Bible, god's word tells us that our Creator placed in us all a spiritual need, a need to worship. Jesus pronounced a person 'happy' at Matthew 5:3, IF they recognized and were aware of that spiritual need and filled it. Because if your stomach growls, you are aware that your hungry, you get happy when you fill that need, with some food, right?

God Himself, who uses the Bible to introduce Himself to us, at Exodus 6:3 and Psalm 83:18, tells us His name is JEHOVAH (english translation of His name from the Hebrew form). But God himself tells us this at Acts 17:24 - 27:

"The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples (as if he were an idol of stone); nor is he served by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all people life and breath and all things. And he made out of one man (Adam) every nation of men to dwell on the surface of the entire earth....SO THAT THEY WOULD SEEK GOD, IF THEY MIGHT GROPE FOR HIM AND REALLY FIND HIM, ALTHOUGH, IN FACT, HE IS NOT FAR OFF FROM EACH ONE OF US."

So first, a person would have to recognize that need to worship the Creator and then to fill that need by means of the book that God has given men, the Bible (Romans 15:4 & 2 Timothy 2:16,17).

It is God's will according to 1 Timothy 2:3,4 that:

"....all sorts of people should be saved and come to an ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH."

(SEE Jesus words at John 17:3 also).

Now, you need to take in accurate knowledge of what the Bible

REALLY teaches.

There is a fine publication that can be found almost everywhere on the planet, a Bible-based book titled, What Does The Bible REALLY teach?" -it takes you to the Bible for God's Word in answer to many questions, including questions about Him.

When you get answers to questions that can help you move on and progress in your knowledge and in your faith of God.

Jehovah's Witnesses can indeed help. They're helping millions daily who want to believe in God, and to know so very much more!

Visit JW.ORG or talk to the Witnesses in your local area.

May Jehovah god help you to come to know and to believe in Him.

(John 6:44)
2014-10-06 08:01:46 UTC
Hi, Yours is a very serious and important question. I'm glad that you have asked it. I will try to send you an answer by the end of today Monday October 6. Just look for my reply later on today Monday October 6.
2014-10-05 23:49:26 UTC
God made it plain and simple......he did the hard part.....


ask him with a sincere heart( he knows if you are serious ) ask him to forgive you of your sins.....then ask him to come into your soul........plain and simple...a prayer away.....then read his word(Bible) it renews your mind.
2014-10-05 23:44:27 UTC
Then don't believe in God......what we think God is an almighty power that controls the universe...let it be that could also believe that God is like a judge...if you do wrong in this life you spend your next life in a worse in hell or even as an animal or tree...if you have normal good deeds like if you practised humanity ...u may be a human aaiu=n and extra good deeds like living your life for the benefit of others will make you a god........if you want to understand who God is ...who you really are...wanna realize your self...visit
2014-10-05 18:18:40 UTC
Sounds to me like you may already believe in something because if you believed in absolutely no God whatsoever, then you wouldn't be asking this question. God does not have to be described, defined or explained in a way you can understand. I believe in God but I don't let any religion (all of which are man-made) define what God is because truth is no one knows. Lots of people claim to know about God but all they have is an opinion. What I'm telling you now is just my opinion but it is what I personally have chosen to believe.

Lots of people claim to be going to heaven like they know the future but not one of them can tell me tonight's winning lottery numbers. I don't know anyone who has ever went to heaven or hell but I still choose to believe that their is a superior creative being (God) who is in control. I cant explain God nor do I want to try, but I just can't believe that all this just came about on it's on out of nothing. So I just believe that there is a God. I also believe that eternity is here and now, not a place we are going to after we die. The here and now is all we have and I want to make the best of this life, and I hope, and I believe that there will be more, somewhere, sometime.
2014-10-05 16:32:06 UTC
Atheist are only going to speak the truth. You would be wise to listen to them.
2014-10-04 23:18:20 UTC
Well, there is a story in the Bible in which a man came to Jesus because his son was possessed of the devil. When Jesus spoke to him he responded " I believe, but help thou mine unbelief" in other words. " I want to believe." This is all that is needed and is considered sufficient belief to start from. If you will pray exactly what you have asked us to God, he will answer.
2014-10-04 20:25:19 UTC
Allowed, got that? Just believe and move on.
2014-10-04 15:21:19 UTC
From the quietness of your heart ask Jesus to come into your heart, ask him to forgive your sins and tell him that you believe he died to save you and God raised Him on the third day and the Holy Spirit will come and live inside you and that will increase your faith in God.

God Bless You
2014-10-04 13:49:23 UTC
go to church
2014-10-04 08:30:29 UTC
so do I. I just don't want to believe in the Abrahamic god
2014-10-04 08:00:29 UTC

God cares about you personally.—1 Peter 5:7.

God’s personal name is Jehovah.—Psalm 83:18.

Jehovah invites you to draw close to him.—James 4:8.

Jehovah is loving, kind, and merciful.—Exodus 34:6; 1 John 4:8, 16.
2014-10-04 04:38:31 UTC
No one can tell you how to believe or have faith. The very definition of faith is: : strong belief or trust in someone or something: belief in the existence of God : strong religious feelings or beliefs; a system of religious beliefs. You either believe that God is or God is not. The Bible cannot "give" you faith, it comes from within and in knowing that there is a power greater than yourself and that there is a plan, which you do not get to know in advance.
bevley b
2014-10-03 21:49:25 UTC
I agree with all above. here is your test

ask God to test you " the result with be the biggest test. juts gotta believe.

just ask this "test me lord", or whatever.(your world view Is yours, this is just me)
2014-10-03 20:02:20 UTC
So you want to believe, but just don't. That's tricky, because normal people can't just believe by choosing to believe. You need to be convinced to actually believe something is true.

It seems like your biggest obstacle is that you're just not convinced that God is really real.

A few ideas about how you might get around that:

• Reject the idea of absolute truth, and adopt the postmodern idea that eveybody makes their own subjective world where things are "true for them". So while God may not be real for other folks, he can be 'true for you'.

• Decide that sometimes it's better to believe what feels good, than what's actually true. For example, carrying a rabbit's foot might make you feel lucky, which encourages you to seize opportunities that bring you good fortune. It seems you already believe in believing in God, so I don't need to tell you of the social benefits of being a believer. You may just need to stop caring whether the things you believe are actually true.

• Fake it till you make it. Go through the motions. If you're weak-minded enough, pray until cognitive dissonance tricks you into feeling like you're actually talking to someone existing, not just empty air.

Alternately, you could strive for more realistic goals. For example, you could try to get over the realization that death is permanent and heaven is just as imaginary as God, and instead strive to make your only life in this world meaningful, finding joy in the merely real.
2014-10-03 19:31:11 UTC
Pray and keep on praying - that's what I did. I prayed a little prayer I read, "Father God please let Jesus come and dwell in my heart." I prayed it continuously, almost as a kind of mantra that gave me a sense of peace. Then one day I found a little Gospel of Luke booklet my daughter had brought home from religious instruction at school and when I read it my prayer became a reality. Sometimes I think that God saved me to shut me up but really it is biblical to "knock an keep on knocking until you get what you're seeking" - so basically prayer and the Gospel are the basics of receiving saving Grace and faith.
2014-10-03 18:52:12 UTC
Firstly, let me tell you that no one goes to heaven or hell after they die. That is a misconception and a myth. The Bible tells us that the dead know only their grave. The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, is the only one who has ascended to heaven.

You say that 'you don't' believe in God and yet, you have the temerity to ask how to increase your faith. You must have faith in the first place in the belief that God exists before attempting to increase your religious knowledge. You must have an open mind to the possibilities that God does exist.
2014-10-03 15:07:34 UTC
Umm... If you don't believe in God... then why do you believe in Heaven? I was under the impression that those two things kind of went hand in hand. If there is no God, then there is probably no Heaven either. On the other hand, if there is a Heaven, then there is most likely a God. Your question seems to paint you as someone who doesn't have a clue WHAT they believe in. Just sayin'.
2014-10-03 13:57:12 UTC
Scientists cannot find that the butterfly has a brain! They do not often mention this fact. How else other than GOD can we explain these gentle and glorious creatures doing all that they do than by faith in God? I think there must be a special place in Hell for anyone who hurts one.
2014-10-03 10:56:24 UTC
You can not make yourself believe in something you do not think exists. if you want to believe in gods, find some proof of their existence. Then it it will be impossible not to believe
2014-10-06 09:24:00 UTC
I'll give you a couple things to search in YouTube. For me, seeing was believing, and after I opened my heart to God he showed me things which I asked through prayer. Remember God created us to have the free will to believe or not to believe. So once you open up to God he'll open up to you :)

Search; Pete Cabrera jr ( all his videos are good but search " Pete Cabrera jr carnival " and click on the first video, that's a good one )

Pete doesn't really upload that often but you can go threw all his older videos. Hes more of a teacher. Every christian can do what he's doing its just we doubt that it will work, the spirit that lived in Christ now lives in us, "But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if i don't, the Advocate won't come. if I do go away, then I will send him to you." This is just saying when Jesus leaves he'll send the Holy Spirit to live in all the believers so that we can perform the miracles he was performing :)

" The 700 Club " is another channel you can search on YouTube

So to answer your question "what can I do to believe"

You need to repent and confess that your a sinner, and ask God to bless you with the Holy Spirit to start guiding you in your walk. Also find a church to start going to. If you don't like that church don't just give up, look for another and make sure they hold true to the bible.
Apostate Son Of God
2014-10-06 05:14:37 UTC
It's hard to say "I don't believe in God".

I would love to know if God exists.

But it's a very difficult thing for me to believe....

- Rafael Nadal, Spanish tennis player
2014-10-05 21:19:49 UTC
I was diving into the world of atheism until I read these books. I am NOT trying to threaten you but these books are true.
2014-10-05 21:17:44 UTC
You are going to get way to many long winded religious answers. Honestly, if you don't believe in god, you can't trick yourself into believing in him. I struggled with the same thing, and eventually i decided to be agnostic. If you still really want to try to bring yourself into religion, spend some time with your pastor, tell him how you feel, and he will try to help.
2014-10-05 20:32:49 UTC
no answer
2014-10-05 17:24:17 UTC
Yes I can finally answer a question !

Believe in God because without God there would be no creation. Evolution is a lie that's had billions pumped into it to deceive everybody !
2014-10-05 09:57:58 UTC
As a 14 year old who has been a Catholic all her life, I can't answer for sure (Catholics ARE Christians, Christians are people who believe in the trinity and that Jesus died on the cross and made Easter, which we do!) But face it. Read the Bible and all those science books. Isn't science powerful? Yes. Is it as powerful as bible info? NO! So there must be a god, right? And could something fictional make such a strong bond all around the world? I don't think so. So that is mostly why I believe in God. Pray and ask for God to audibly speak within the next 5 seconds for proof, and see what you hear. This is my evidence God exist. Atheists, you can thumb me down and report me like your lives depend on it, but you shouldn't because I don't do that to atheists that respect my opinion, and I want to respect yours. This person wants to believe in God, so I'm helping him/her, so please don't do that, but you won't denture my spirit, because it wouldn't denture God's, because God is always right.
2014-10-04 23:25:23 UTC
just because you are scared of death, doesn't mean you should force yourself to believe in something, that you don't believe in.
2014-10-04 19:17:09 UTC

~~~ Sorry, arrogant Sparky, you have no say in who answers or not!

You are certainly sufficiently arrogant to be a 'Xtian'!



~~~ "Allowed"...

"He was 'allowed' to read the answer 'aloud'!"

Literacy is a good thing.
2014-10-04 18:55:56 UTC
Are you sure you really want to believe? You're sure now? Well the truth of the matter is that no human can ever do what you are asking them to do. You want proof there's a God your going to have to go to Him. Just pray in your most sincerest heart "Jesus, I don't believe in you! But I really want to know if you truly are God and I expect you to answer me." Without a doubt... He will!
2014-10-04 06:05:52 UTC
Here is what I have learned from both sides of the fence. The universe is about 14.5 billion years old. While God did create it, he also used science to seed life here and watch it develop. He provided some spiritual direction in as much as he inspired some holy men to write things down that we now call a Bible. Sadly many have corrupted the Bible which has led to Atheism. Also religion and its leaders have led many away from their spiritual side instead of seeing the bigger picture. The flood was only in the area of Mesopotamia where man resided. There is a God and he truly is a God of love. He has lovingly given us free will so we may learn, develop and grow as a species. Everyone wants to blame him when they suffer problems from their own bad decisions. They forget to thank him for all he has done when things go right. He is so very forgiving and really wants the best for all of us. But if he rescues us from our problems we will not learn to solve them on our own. He will help you if you ask him for help but because so many do not believe him they do not see it when he helps them. He wants all the souls to return to him, the source of our life. The only way to do that is by showing unconditional love to one another.
2014-10-04 05:17:12 UTC
Pray and ask God.

JAMES 1:5-6

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
2014-10-03 20:51:45 UTC
A lobotomy might work.


That is not how this works.


Again, that is not how this works.
2014-10-03 17:32:44 UTC
Well, one thing to remember is that it takes more than belief to be saved. According to the Bible, the demons 'believe' as well, but it does their future no good. (James 2:19) One must not just exercise faith, but have works that show that you believe to be true what it is you claim to believe.(James 2:26) Also, it takes endurance clear to the end to be saved.(Matthew 24:13) If you want to believe, seek Jehovah's help through heartfelt prayer. (Philippians 4:6 & 7) And during that prayer, ask him for wisdom on what to do, and he'll guide you the way you're supposed to go.(James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5 & 6)

But only if you REALLY want to do what he asks of you.
2014-10-03 15:16:34 UTC
Ok first of all u need to ask urself what are the obstacle that are making it hard for u not to believe. I can show u Mandy evidences rant are compelling evidences for God but I would need to know the problem are that is keeping u from believing in him.

I really think that looking into Christian inclusivism as I think it will bring u and many seekers and agnostics as well as people from others religions some peace .

As far as evidences email me and I will show u evidences for God that will amaze you.

My email is

I guarantee you will love the evidences I will show u but I will need to know of your area of doubt is in science, history or philosophy first .

Don't be afraid to email me my friend , u won't regret it I guarantee u

God bless

Praying for u
2014-10-03 14:24:19 UTC
Truly in today's world many people feel exactly the same way. When you look at the world and the injustice, sickness, crime, violence, inhumanity that man has towards his fellow human, it is very discouraging and for some to believe that God exists is very difficult and many have asked, "Why would a God of love allow this to happen to us???"

The Bible tell's us at James 1:14, "When under trial let no one say, "I am being tried by God." For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does He himself try anyone. However in today's world, persons have been taught the opposite, that God doesn't love us and He just doesn't exist. By reading the Bible, and through prayer and meditation, you will begin to draw close to God and He will draw close to you. (John 6:44) By drawing close to God you will see that He is a real Person who has a purpose to very shortly rectify the injustices that man has experienced in their lives. can be a great source of information, and going to that website which is now in 700 languages can answer this question and many, many more.
2014-10-03 12:39:58 UTC
It is a slow process. Start with meditation, thinking of your life, of your past, of culture and civilization. Commence with praying simple prayers. Address God and ask for directions in your life. You may through your meditation slowly open your heart and brain to God. Just listen to your inner ears.
Anne Arkey
2014-10-03 12:32:47 UTC
Whew, it's a good thing you allow atheists answers, and I know what you mean that atheists can be loud sometimes.

Oh, you meant no atheists allowed. Well that's different. Since I already started I may as well finish and remind you that the only way you can prevent an atheist fro answering is to block them, and since you choose to be anonymous, you can't do that.
Jerry B
2014-10-03 12:15:36 UTC
*** Video Proof ***

Yo! Here's all the evidence you need! :)

Apparitions of Saint Mary - 1968 to 1970

A rigorous look at the Book of Daniel Prophecy:

God Bless You!
2014-10-03 12:03:30 UTC
Believe in him its as simple as that.
George Patton
2014-10-06 05:35:34 UTC
Wanting to go to heaven is sort of irrelevant if it's not there right?

Oh and by the way, you don't set the rules for who answers your question.
2014-10-06 02:56:37 UTC
So many good things happen to me because of my strong good faith in him...
2014-10-05 13:44:19 UTC
Heaven (with clouds & all) is a Hollywood fantasy. The Bible does not say there is a heaven for normal humans when they die. Do some serious biblical research and you will find this to be true. Read the Old Testament, search Yahoo Answers.

Also research other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. They have totally different ideas of what happens after death.

You can't make yourself "believe" in anything. Either you do or you don't. Admit it and move on.
2014-10-05 03:20:30 UTC
Here are the Proof Believing in God Almighty



Human nature in itself provides us with a strong inclination towards a belief in God. There are certain sins which human nature doesn't like to get involved in. For instance, relationship with Mother, sister and daughters, uncleanliness owing to certain discharges from body. These are certain things which even a atheist will not like to do. But if there is no fear of a super being, Why not to lie all the times?, why not to steal and commit adultery? What are the reasons that keep them away from these evils? If they do not feel the power of some unseen, then they should do whatever pleases them. Then truth and lie and justice and oppression should be all the same for them. Its only God's fear that is ruling on their hearts. Although their mind does not acknowledge the existence of God but the human nature created by God cannot defy it. So even an atheist at heart holds some view about God and judgment day. While in distress, everybody pray to a super-Being for relief. Why so, if they don't believe in that super-being, whom we call God?




It has always been God's practice to communicate to people of every age. Not only He talks to the chosen ones (Prophets) but also to other righteous people and sometime even to very mean and filthy people, just to show his manifestations. Sometimes, God foretells people news about future and sometimes also about next world. Many times He has revealed news about the events, that are to happen hundreds of year later. God told in Quran some fourteen hundred years ago about the great progress of Christians, which was to occur sometimes later. It was foretold that a time will come when camels would be no longer used. Even it was told that the transportation that will be used in future would work with fire. It was foretold that a time will come when people would die in large numbers by earthquakes, storms and rains, and wars would also bring large number of fatalities. And such large scale destruction would have never happened before on this earth.


Some atheists claim that this universe is in existence from ever and it will last for ever. If this universe is in existence from ever, then it must have infinite source of power and energy, but we see that no material thing is infinite in this universe. The temperature of Sun is falling down, even the earth is cooling off. All the sources of energy in this universe are being consumed up and exhausting. So the world is approaching to its end as was prophesied by all the religions. It proves that the universe came into being a finite time ago and it also has a definite end. We know from our whole life's experience, that if we consider any process, there are only two possibilities, that a process is either started by some human beings, or it might be a result of some other process. If we move back in this tree of processes which are a result of some other process, ultimately we shall come across a process, which could not be attributed to any other process. At that place, we are left with no other argument, except to believe that it was started by some Super being. We refer to that super being as 'GOD', some atheists call this Super Being by the name of 'nature'. Actually just giving a different name to this Super Being really does not make much difference, they believe in GOD, and all they need is just a little fine tuning.


All the non believers should think that if there is a God then they will be in deep trouble on the day of Reckoning and in the next world. So if anybody is interested in getting the true knowledge about God, then he should pray earnestly that if there is a God with infinite powers as the people claim then may GOD manifest Himself on him. May God show him the right path. If anybody does such prayers earnestly for 40 days, then we believe, whatever his origin, religion and country is, God will show him the true path and he will have no doubt about the existence of God.
2014-10-04 14:13:31 UTC
You can start by read the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. While studying you should pray often asking God to open his word, the Bible, so you may understand the truth of what is written there. Follow the teachings of Jesus and you will find that you will want to do the things pleasing to HIM.
2014-10-04 14:06:44 UTC
you only say "you want to believe" because that's what you think you're supposed to do.......congrats!!! weren't cursed with a primitive functioning brain that's susceptible to ancient superstitious nonsense........
2014-10-03 18:08:21 UTC
right now the fear of dying and going DOWN rather than UP> a minor problem in your life. When it becomes important in your life as you will hunger for knowledge of the mysteries of God which are here for man. You dont need a watered down church that gives no need meat rather than milk.

Most churches today are NOT lead by a prophet, so they dont understand what God wants from mankind.

and.................because most churches dont have modern day revelation...they have no idea where to seek after this knowledge that is necessary for salvation,.

1...................we know from Modern day prophets that God is a man,,,,and exlated man and he is also the father of our spirits.

2..............that the Abrahamic covenant is suppose to be entered by all men...t be SEALED as the scriptures so often speak of....which is something attained in the temple of God...just as the early people of God had . The SEAL of God is the final merit of it states in the bible...that the SAINTS would have this given unto them....and who so ever was found with the SEAL of God would be candidates for heaven....

3...........................that the SAINTS would be the people of God in the last that is your find who the SAINTS are,

4........that anyone saying...once saved always false doctrine....because that would mean a person can stand in the middle of the floor and say..I accept jesus.....and then sin....and think repetnance is not necessary... repentance is necessary every day to remain clean...and one is saved when jesus proclaims the last day. Until then, one endures this life and makes a journey toward his Heavenly by day.

When you have a real hunger for the mysteries of will begin your journey toward knowledge...for the Glory of God is knowledge. The more you know...the less you will sin.

We either desire to be goodly......................and walk in that direction knowing nothing at first...or slip into the worldly things of life...and let it all pass you.

One day you will wake up with a hunger to really make it.....and when you do, you will seek after the church of the SAINTS...and investigate it...become baptized and start your journey toward salvation.

Until will be but a hope.

we all find that moment of desire at different times in our lives...mine was at 21........................

Habakkuk 2:4
2014-10-03 11:25:24 UTC
2014-10-03 11:23:40 UTC
Consider the possibility that your reticence to believe is not derived from the nonexistence of a Creator, but from an inherent rejection of man-made writings which capture some truths about this Creator but at the same time instill many falsehoods clearly born of human fears, fantasies, and bigotries. Every one of the hundreds of scriptures made by man claims to be universally true, and yet none has successfully impressed itself on more than a third of the human population at any time.

But the one point which all of these scriptural religions agree on is that our Universe is the work of a great designer. So if you wish to gain awe of our Creator, forget the scripture books and study the Creation itself. Study science and mathematics and logic, and allow these to guide you towards an understanding of the intricacy of design with which our Universe is made, an intricacy far more sophisticated and evolutionarily robust than could be imagined by the superstitious ignorants who wrote the religious books of their day.

All of this is wonderfully fully accounted for by the revolutionary, evolutionary theological theory of Pandeism -- but I need not press that point here. If you truly study the one great and undisputed work of our Creator, which is our elegantly constructed Universe, you will arrive at Pandeism of your own accord.
2014-10-03 10:36:34 UTC
You can want to believe in anything you wish. However, that has absolutely no bearing on the truth.
2014-10-05 15:50:01 UTC
a lot of things have been found, from the chariots in the red sea to the blood of christ himself (blowing both islam & common jews out of the water)

that link above should help :)
2014-10-03 07:57:01 UTC
Join Isis Group and be free
2014-10-03 08:11:56 UTC
"He has told you, O man, what is good.

And what is Jehovah requiring of you?

Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty,

And to walk in modesty with your God!" (Micah 6:8. Bible).
2014-10-03 15:05:44 UTC
Pray to God about your unbelieving heart tell him how you feel about him and ask him to guide you to the truth in Jesus Christ
2014-10-03 08:01:28 UTC
what you seek requires more space, and study, than YA allows.... I would be glad to offer some assistance in your seeking to come to God....

I invite you to visit my very amateur site at:

look it over, and if you think I might be of some help to you, you may contact me from their

I also accept Ya email
2014-10-03 08:28:23 UTC
Prayer, and lots of it. If you want to know the true God, he will make himself known to you. Keep praying, pour your heart out to God. He listens to sincere ones who want to know him.
2014-10-03 13:49:57 UTC
if you want to believe in god then you need to read the Law of One. here is a link, it will explain who god is and how our existence came to be. by RA the angel.
2014-10-03 09:44:09 UTC
2014-10-06 09:54:22 UTC
ther is many answers !i just say one thing and i really used this.

"research about god in shia islam and monotheism in that too"

it really help you , a world with a really cause and objective and Result!
2014-10-03 16:53:30 UTC
Belief is a choice just choose it and honestly follow it. It will become real.
2014-10-03 08:20:15 UTC
2014-10-03 10:04:09 UTC
stop being skeptical and believe what god says
2014-10-03 18:07:42 UTC
Better try as hard as you possibly can.
2014-10-05 03:08:07 UTC
If you hnow is name you are helf way
2014-10-05 02:47:44 UTC
Dee D
2014-10-03 09:51:42 UTC
You know the way, walk in it! (Matthew 7:7,8)
2014-10-03 20:02:29 UTC
just believe
2014-10-03 19:08:52 UTC
Swish! .......2 points
2014-10-04 06:51:14 UTC
2014-10-07 11:46:12 UTC
ahah simple accept lord jesus and say it with ur tounge ...jesus died for our sins and resuurected
2014-10-04 09:30:28 UTC

watch this video he is ahmed deedat
Vinegar Taster
2014-10-04 16:13:47 UTC will answer all your questions.
2014-10-06 09:26:14 UTC
2014-10-03 08:32:09 UTC
2014-10-03 12:39:16 UTC
So, do it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.