Actually, having actual historical geographical locations within the text does NOT make that text "holy". It may, however, help to verify the authenticity of the content.
Suppose, for example, we tomorrow discover a text in a cave in Syria, that appears to be 3,000 years old. Now, this text seems to have a story about a family man that recieved a visit from the FSM while having a drink in Columbus, Syria, during the reign of King Tutenkaman. The text offers precice locations for both Columbus, Syria, and the buriel place of KT. Upon excavating the site, we discover that there was NEVER any city there, much less one called Columbus, and there is NO TOMB of King Tutenkaman in this place either. Now what do we have?
After comparing the known excavations and local historical facts to the newly found text, it becomes apparant that this "text" is nothing more than a 3,000 year old work of fiction. Middle-Eastern Beowulf in a jar in a cave, not a record of spiritual enlightenment. Highly probable that the FSM does not exist. At the very least, this document cannot be trusted to verify the existence of the FSM, for the major points of the story (locations and characters ) never existed.
BACK to the Bible. One of the strengths of the Biblical message is its political and geographical accuracy. We can verify that these people existed in a certain time and in a real place. One more layer of authenticity, one more reason to trust the authenticity of the rest of the message.
Does that help?