What is a scientific proof for the existence of God?
2008-02-05 07:53:09 UTC
I agree that today is the age of science and technology. Let us use scientific knowledge to prove the existence of God and simultaneously prove that what is the true revelation of God, which should stand the test of science?.
38 answers:
2008-02-05 08:00:43 UTC
I believe that the BIG BANG is proof of God. Do you believe that all of the material of the Universe can fit into a space no bigger than a basketball without the power of a God? According to the Big Bang Theory (first theorized by a Catholic Preist, Georges Lemaître) the universe was filled homogeneously and isotropically with an incredibly high energy density, huge temperatures and pressures, and was very rapidly expanding and cooling. Approximately 10−35 seconds into the expansion, a phase transition caused a cosmic inflation, during which the universe grew exponentially.[23] After inflation stopped, the universe consisted of a quark-gluon plasma, as well as all other elementary particles.[24] Temperatures were so high that the random motions of particles were at relativistic speeds, and particle-antiparticle pairs of all kinds were being continuously created and destroyed in collisions. At some point an unknown reaction called baryogenesis violated the conservation of baryon number, leading to a very small excess of quarks and leptons over antiquarks and anti-leptons—of the order of 1 part in 30 million. This resulted in the predominance of matter over antimatter in the present universe.[25]

The universe continued to grow in size and fall in temperature, hence the typical energy of each particle was decreasing. Symmetry breaking phase transitions put the fundamental forces of physics and the parameters of elementary particles into their present form.[26] After about 10−11 seconds, the picture becomes less speculative, since particle energies drop to values that can be attained in particle physics experiments. At about 10−6 seconds, quarks and gluons combined to form baryons such as protons and neutrons. The small excess of quarks over antiquarks led to a small excess of baryons over antibaryons. The temperature was now no longer high enough to create new proton-antiproton pairs (similarly for neutrons-antineutrons), so a mass annihilation immediately followed, leaving just one in 1010 of the original protons and neutrons, and none of their antiparticles. A similar process happened at about 1 second for electrons and positrons. After these annihilations, the remaining protons, neutrons and electrons were no longer moving relativistically and the energy density of the universe was dominated by photons (with a minor contribution from neutrinos).

A few minutes into the expansion, when the temperature was about a billion (one thousand million; 109; SI prefix giga) Kelvin and the density was about that of air, neutrons combined with protons to form the universe's deuterium and helium nuclei in a process called Big Bang nucleosynthesis.[27] Most protons remained uncombined as hydrogen nuclei. As the universe cooled, the rest mass energy density of matter came to gravitationally dominate that of the photon radiation. After about 380,000 years the electrons and nuclei combined into atoms (mostly hydrogen); hence the radiation decoupled from matter and continued through space largely unimpeded. This relic radiation is known as the cosmic microwave background radiation.[28]
2016-10-17 05:26:29 UTC
i'm no longer familiar with "6 scientific proofs". One won't be able to the two instruct or disprove the existence of God. There MANY symptoms and indicators which advise He exists. One being the undeniable fact that there had to first reason. Scientists have reported that the universe is increasing. this provides credence to the "massive Bang" concept. If there became a "massive Bang", there had to be a reason. yet another: in our airplane of existence, count may be neither created nor destroyed... it adjustments form. So the place did it come from? with out divine author then all that exists had to ensue by random threat. Scientists will inform you that the climate for a unmarried strand of DNA coming at the same time interior the primordial soup have been billions upon billions to a minimum of one. you nevertheless don't have DNA, you nevertheless don't have existence. yet it got here approximately. no person even has a theory that covers the delivery of existence. then you certainly've all the different "how could desire to it have got here approximately?" questions.... how did cellular diversification ensue? Did this unmarried cellular organism settle on that it necessary some cells to act as a liver or as kidneys? a huge one in my recommendations is that scientists will inform you that the irrational won't be able to produce the rational. in easy terms a rational being can produce a rational being. So the place did intelligence come from? All of those point out that a rational recommendations had to be the motivator and guider for our existence.
2008-02-05 08:05:47 UTC
can science really prove the big bang and all theories that people want to believe...they say if you lie a lot at some point you will believe your own lies. in addition, just the cell alone is too complicated to come out of nothing and how there is a balance amongst nature and the universe...there has to be something more out when choosing non substancial scientific data vs. the existence of God...i choose God.

further, scientist crack me up when they say that dinosaurs lived hundreds of millions of years ago but yet their bones are still intact....give me a break. maybe the earth where the bones lie is that old but the bones...yeah right. they would have been disintigrated...i can't believe people believe that crap. its called carbon dating on the bones...but they don't use the bones because the testing could seriously damage the bones so they use the ground around them. as a biologist there are so many bs theories out there and people believe them...think about it...your existence and nature...out of nothing yeah right.
2008-02-05 07:58:10 UTC
There is NO proof, for or against God..It is a choice you have to make. If you can find a source of science or technology that test the existence of God you will win the Nobel Prize.
2008-02-05 08:31:59 UTC
We can never use science to prove anything that lies in the supernatural realms, including God. It's either you believe it Or not, that's all. Of course there are various tell-tale signs around you, that you could actually use to interpolate God's existence, unless you fail to observe them. I am very sure, you will think dearly of God whenever you are extremely sick Or dying Or about to die. This is the time when God will really test your true colour & belief. I bet you, you will start calling God's name in whatever language you may use.
2008-02-05 07:59:03 UTC
God doesn't have to be a man in a white robe with a big beard. God, for a lot of people, is seen as a force of all binding power encompassing love and well being.

But from a physical aspect, the question is how would one prove that God doesn't exist. Think about it, nothing makes sense in the big picture. How was the first atom created? What happened before that? etc. etc.
fierce beard
2008-02-05 07:56:40 UTC
None, science is not created and/or purposefully looking for a god. Science is strictly the search for knowledge and an understanding of our natural world according to the laws by which it works. If you want to throw god into the equation, go ahead. Others have but seldom understand the system they are trying to throw this "idea" into.
2008-02-05 08:03:55 UTC
"If you study science deep enough and long enough it will force you to believe in God." (Lord Kelvin, British scientist)

A Practical Man's Proof of God

Why I Left Atheism

Evidence For Design In The Universe

from Limits for the Universe by Hugh Ross, Ph.D. in Astronomy (practical scientific chart, illustrated)
Erica B
2008-02-05 08:00:39 UTC
We'll never be able to prove that, and when the research turns up dry it's just "god's" way of keeping us from finding him. It's absolutely ridiculous to even waste time, I say believe in science now, if "god" does come along and present himself personally to me, then, i suppose I'd believe in his existence. I can't believe the revalation of another human is truth without documentation that it is reality, the only thing I know for certain is that I am, I exist. (Check out Thomas Paine- The Age of Reason)
Richard F
2008-02-05 08:11:32 UTC
If one could scientifically prove God exists, it wouldn't require faith, and we'd all be walking on water.

Ask yourself this: Where is the scientific proof He doesn't exist? Ah, that doesn't exist either.

Mmm.....what can we conclude? It takes Faith to believe in God. It also takes Faith to believe God does not exist.
2008-02-05 07:58:16 UTC
There is no scientific proof of the existence of God. If there were, there wouldn't be so many arguments on this issue.
2008-02-05 08:20:16 UTC
There is none. At least with the tooth fairy you have quarters. With Gods all you get are arguments from ignorance: "I don't understand how macaroni can boil so a god must exist" or some such.
۞ JønaŦhan ۞
2008-02-05 07:58:49 UTC
Check out the link below, which has many audio teachings on scientific proof of God.
2008-02-05 07:58:04 UTC
Entropy and Causality used as

a proof for God's existence

The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work is decreasing. Entropy increases as available energy decreases. In other words, the purely natural tendency of things is to move toward chaos, not order, and available energy necessary for work is lost (mostly as heat) in this process. Eventually, the universe will run down and all life and motion will cease. This is the natural tendency of all things. Batteries run down, machines break, buildings crumble, roads decay, living things die, etc. Left to the natural state, all things would eventually cease to function.

The universe is not infinitely old because it has not "run down."

If the universe were infinitely old, it would have reached a state where all usable energy is gone.

But, we are not in this state; therefore, the universe is not infinitely old and must have had a beginning.

Because the universe has had a beginning it is not infinite in size.

It would require an infinite amount of time to become infinite in size. Since the universe had a beginning, it has not had an infinite amount of time to expand; therefore, it is finite in size.

All events have causes.

There cannot be an infinite regress of events because that would mean the universe were infinitely old.

We've already established the universe cannot be infinitely old.

If it were infinitely old, the universe would be in a state of unusable energy, which it is not.

If it were infinitely old, the universe would be infinitely large, which it is not.

Since the universe is finite and had a beginning and there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to bring it into existence, there must be a single uncaused cause of the universe.

A single uncaused cause of the universe must be greater in size and duration than the universe it has brought into existence.

Otherwise, we have the uncaused cause bringing into existence something greater than or equal to itself.

Any cause that is natural to the universe is part of the universe.

An event that is part of the universe cannot cause itself to exist.

Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause outside the universe.

An uncaused cause cannot be a natural part of the universe which is finite.

An uncaused cause would be infinite in both space and time since it is greater than which it has caused to exist.

An uncaused cause would be separate from the universe.

Being separate from the universe, which was caused to be, it would not be subject to the laws of the universe since it existed independent of the universe and its laws.

This would mean that entropy need not be required of the uncaused cause.

This uncaused cause is supernatural.

By supernatural is meant completely 'other' than the universe and is not the product of it.

This uncaused cause must be incredibly powerful to bring the universe into existence.

The Bible teaches that God is uncaused, is not part of the universe, created the universe, and is incredibly powerful.

God's existence (in Christianity) is not an event, but a state.

Psalm 90:2 says that God is God without a beginning.

This means that God is uncaused.

Therefore, the God of the Bible is the uncaused cause of the universe.

Thank You Darth Eugene Vader
2008-02-05 07:58:11 UTC
There is no scientific proof available now to prove that your god exists.

There has never been any scientific proof that has ever proved that your god existed.

There will never be any scientific proof that your god ever will exist.

Let's just leave it at that.
Bobby E
2008-02-05 07:59:15 UTC
If you go back and review the methodology required for "scientific proof," you'll quickly discover that faith/God/love/art/etc. will not fit into that methodology.

Life Is Illusive
2008-02-05 07:57:48 UTC
Thats the main issue of religion VS science. One is based on hard evidence and the other takes a leap of faith to believe.
El Jefe
2008-02-05 07:57:09 UTC
Every day I leave my crappy job, and getin my crappy car and drive 80 minutes in crappy traffic. Get home and look at my 3 month old and she smiles at all I know there is more to this life then what we can see.

God exists you just have too look.
2008-02-05 07:57:22 UTC
Life in this universe is proof. Why can't evolution and creation be one? Couldn't it be possible that one of God's days is one Billion years to us? Wouldn't Seven "days" be enough?
2008-02-05 07:57:33 UTC
it is impossible god doesn't want there to be proof that i think anyway but i'm not god so i don't know lol but i think god wants us to believe in him without proof with all the miracles around us he just wants us to see that.
2008-02-05 07:58:04 UTC
You. Your very existence is the proof. Science explains our origins, but cannot explain the existence of conscience.
Mike W
2008-02-05 08:01:21 UTC
For those who have undeniable faith...that is all the proof we need. For those who don't have faith or aren't looking for it will continue to search for something they don't really want to find.
2008-02-05 07:56:17 UTC
There is historic proof of Jesus, but no scientific proof of God, it all lies within faith.
Darth Eugene Vader
2008-02-05 07:56:59 UTC
As requested:

The following is from one of my contacts: Lion of Judah:

Entropy and Causality used as a proof for God's existence:

The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work is decreasing. Entropy increases as available energy decreases. In other words, the purely natural tendency of things is to move toward chaos, not order, and available energy necessary for work is lost (mostly as heat) in this process. Eventually, the universe will run down and all life and motion will cease. This is the natural tendency of all things. Batteries run down, machines break, buildings crumble, roads decay, living things die, etc. Left to the natural state, all things would eventually cease to function.

The universe is not infinitely old because it has not "run down."

If the universe were infinitely old, it would have reached a state where all usable energy is gone.

But, we are not in this state; therefore, the universe is not infinitely old and must have had a beginning.

Because the universe has had a beginning it is not infinite in size.

It would require an infinite amount of time to become infinite in size. Since the universe had a beginning, it has not had an infinite amount of time to expand; therefore, it is finite in size.

All events have causes.

There cannot be an infinite regress of events because that would mean the universe were infinitely old.

We've already established the universe cannot be infinitely old.

If it were infinitely old, the universe would be in a state of unusable energy, which it is not.

If it were infinitely old, the universe would be infinitely large, which it is not.

Since the universe is finite and had a beginning and there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to bring it into existence, there must be a single uncaused cause of the universe.

A single uncaused cause of the universe must be greater in size and duration than the universe it has brought into existence.

Otherwise, we have the uncaused cause bringing into existence something greater than or equal to itself.

Any cause that is natural to the universe is part of the universe.

An event that is part of the universe cannot cause itself to exist.

Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause outside the universe.

An uncaused cause cannot be a natural part of the universe which is finite.

An uncaused cause would be infinite in both space and time since it is greater than which it has caused to exist.

An uncaused cause would be separate from the universe.

Being separate from the universe, which was caused to be, it would not be subject to the laws of the universe since it existed independent of the universe and its laws.

This would mean that entropy need not be required of the uncaused cause.

This uncaused cause is supernatural.

By supernatural is meant completely 'other' than the universe and is not the product of it.

This uncaused cause must be incredibly powerful to bring the universe into existence.

The Bible teaches that God is uncaused, is not part of the universe, created the universe, and is incredibly powerful.

God's existence (in Christianity) is not an event, but a state.

Psalm 90:2 says that God is God without a beginning.

This means that God is uncaused.

Therefore, the God of the Bible is the uncaused cause of the universe.


If my contact, Lion of Judah, sees and posts an answer to your question please give the Best answer to him.
2008-02-05 07:56:34 UTC
The Three children of Fatima.. Proof enough for me.. I expect the usual thumbs from the American Atheists nation of the Globe, its no wonder they have been in so many wars..The more they move away from God the more they lose his protection..
David Carrington Jr.
2008-02-05 07:58:09 UTC
That's easy:

2+2=...uh...well...GOD EXISTS! The bible says so!
2008-02-05 07:56:46 UTC
If there were scientific evidence then there would be no need for faith, would there?
2008-02-05 07:57:38 UTC
There's something called "faith" we need to learn...

What the humans worst flaw?

To doubt
2008-02-05 07:56:11 UTC
There is no proof, it's all about those who believe and those who don't.
2008-02-05 08:01:08 UTC


Thats not really saying theres a god but its saying crist existed

still don't believe it..... idk why they have that in our text books...

so really i don't think there is any.
2008-02-05 07:56:35 UTC
there isbn't really any proff but if u r christian u jus believe. so it depends. cheers!
Steel Rain
2008-02-05 07:56:51 UTC
2008-02-05 07:56:20 UTC
Life........the inside of the cell. It's there. & always will be.......can you explaine it.........?
2008-02-05 07:55:48 UTC
Obviously, there is no such proof.
2008-02-05 07:59:04 UTC
2008-02-05 07:56:30 UTC
There is NONE.
2008-02-05 07:55:54 UTC
We are.....
2008-02-05 10:05:18 UTC
Do you think it is a miracle 1400 years before God is telling people which is being discovered just recently, and still people are not believing in the word of God, and letting perceptions dictate their beliefs about Islam without discovering it truly. Very unnatural not to use common sense.

A) The 'Big Bang' / water as sign of live" in The Quran

Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30)

Today all scientists are looking for signs of water for live, and believe in big bang theory. But they can't believe what God already told them 1400 years ago through His prophet.


B) The ongoing expansion of Universe:

which science is just discovering:

And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)


C) The End of Universe:

Scientists say that when the mass of the universe has reached a sufficient level, this expansion will come to an end because of gravity, causing the universe to collapse in on itself. 3

That Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do. (Qur'an, 21:104)



Scientists today are able to observe the formation of stars from a hot gas cloud. Formation from a warm mass of gas also applies to the creation of the universe.

Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come willingly or unwillingly." They both said, "We come willingly." (Qur'an, 41:10-11)


E) THE STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE STARS. Moon reflected Light, and Sun having its own light:

Science knows today the moon reflects light, but Sun has light generated on its own.

Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp? (Qur'an, 71:15-16)


F) ORBITS AND THE ROTATING UNIVERSE,The information that they have orbits (spheres) in which they travel.

It is He Who created night and day and the sun and moon, each one swimming in a sphere. (Qur'an, 21:33)


G) THE ROUNDNESS OF THE EARTH/ The way day and night seem if looked from space.

He has created the Heavens and the Earth for Truth. He wraps the night up in the day, and wraps the day up in the night. (Qur'an, 39:5)


H) Ozone layer protection/ the air in sky / THE PROTECTED ROOF

In the Qur'an, Allah calls our attention to a very important attribute of the sky:

We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs. (Qur'an, 21:32)



One item of information about the Earth given in the Qur'an is its similarity to the seven-layered sky:

It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. (Qur'an, 65:12)

The information in the above verse is confirmed in scientific sources, wherein it is explained that the Earth consists of seven strata. These, as scientists have identified, are:

1st layer: Lithosphere (water)

2nd layer: Lithosphere (land)

3rd layer: Asthenosphere

4th layer: Upper Mantle

5th layer: Inner Mantle

6th layer: Outer Core

7th layer: Inner Core

It is just a matter of time, when scientists will discover clear seven layers in sky as well.



In one verse, we are informed that mountains are not motionless as they seem, but are in constant motion.

You see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going past like clouds. (Qur'an, 27:88)


H) Formation of Black holes:

When the stars are extinguished, (Qur'an, 77:8)

[I swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]! (Qur'an, 86:1-3)



How rain was formed remained a great mystery for quite some time. Only after the weather radar was invented was it possible to discover the stages by which rain is formed.

According to this discovery, the formation of rain takes place in three stages. First, the "raw material" of rain rises up into the air with the wind. Later, clouds are formed, and finally raindrops appear.

It is Allah Who sends the winds which stir up clouds which He spreads about the sky however He wills. He forms them into dark clumps and you see the rain come pouring out from the middle of them. When He makes it fall on those of His servants He wills, they rejoice. (Qur'an, 30:48)

FIRST STAGE: "It is Allah Who sends the winds..."

SECOND STAGE: ".... which stir up clouds which He spreads about the sky however He wills. He forms them into dark clumps..."

THIRD STAGE: "…and you see the rain come pouring out from the middle of them"

Have you not seen how Allah drives along the clouds, then joins them together, then makes them into a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it? And He sends down from the sky mountain masses [of clouds] with cold hail in them, striking with it anyone He wills and averting it from anyone He wills. The brightness of His lightning almost blinds the sight. (Qur'an, 24:43)



A satellite photograph of the Strait of Gibraltar.

One of the properties of seas that has only recently been discovered is related in a verse of the Qur'an as follows:

He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through. (Qur'an, 55:19-20)

This property of the seas, that is, that they meet and yet do not intermix, has only very recently been discovered by oceanographers. Because of the physical force called "surface tension," the waters of neighbouring seas do not mix. Caused by the difference in the density of their waters, surface tension prevents them from mingling with one another, just as if a thin wall were between them.60



One of the biggest miracles,

Below a depth of 1,000 metres, there is no light at all (above picture). This scientific fact was pointed out in Sura Nur 40 in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.

Or [the unbelievers' state] are like the darkness of a fathomless sea which is covered by waves above which are waves above which are clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. If he puts out his hand, he can scarcely see it. Those Allah gives no light to, they have no light. (Qur'an, 24:40)



No indeed! If he does not stop, We will grab him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock. (Qur'an, 96:15-16)

The expression "the lying, sinful forelock" in the above verse is most interesting. Research carried out in recent years has revealed that the prefrontal area, which is responsible for the management of particular functions of the brain, lies in the frontal part of the skull. Scientists only discovered the functions of this area, which the Qur'an pointed out 1,400 years ago, in the last 60 years.



Does man reckon he will be left uncontrolled [without purpose]? Was he not once a drop of ejected semen? (Qur'an, 75:36-37)

As we have seen, the Qur'an informs us that man is made not from the entire semen, but only a small part of it. That the particular emphasis in this verse announces a fact only discovered by modern science is evidence that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah.

Was he not a drop of ejaculated sperm, then a blood-clot which He created and shaped, making from it both sexes, male and female? (Qur'an, 75:37-39)

1. Man is not created from the entire semen, but only a very small portion of it (sperm).

2. It is the male that determines the sex of the baby.

3. The human embryo adheres to the mother's uterus like a leech.

4. The embryo develops in three dark regions in the uterus.

Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man from alaq. Recite: And your Lord is the Most Generous. (Qur'an, 96:1-3)

The meaning of the word "alaq" in Arabic is "a thing that clings to some place." The word is literally used to describe leeches that cling to a body to suck blood

The Wrapping of Muscles over the Bones

Another important item of information provided in the verses of the Qur'an is the developmental stages of a human being in the mother's womb. It is stated in these verses that in the mother's womb, the bones develop first, and then the muscles form which wrap around them.

[We] then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators! (Qur'an, 23:14)

Three Dark Stages of the Baby in the Womb

In the Qur'an, it is related that man is created through a three-stage process in the mother's womb.

... He creates you stage by stage in your mothers' wombs in threefold darkness. That is Allah, your Lord. Sovereignty is His. There is no god but Him. So what has made you deviate? (Qur'an, 39:6)

The expression "fee thulumatin thalathin," translated into English as "a threefold darkness," indicates three dark regions involved during the development of the embryo. These are:

The darkness of the abdomen

The darkness of the womb

The darkness of the placenta

As we have seen, modern biology has revealed that the embryological development of the baby takes place in the manner revealed in the verse, in three dark regions. Moreover, advances in the science of embryology show that these regions consist of three layers each



Allah created every [living] creature from water. Some of them go on their bellies, some of them on two legs, and some on four. Allah creates whatever He wills. Allah has power over all things. (Qur'an, 24:45)

Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30)

And it is He Who created human beings from water and then gave them relations by blood and marriage. Your Lord is All-Powerful. (Qur'an, 25:54)



In the Qur'an, Allah reveals that the creation of the human is a miracle. The first human being was created by Allah shaping clay into human form and breathing a soul into it:

Your Lord said to the angels, "I am going to create a human being out of clay. When I have formed him and breathed My Spirit into him, fall down in prostration to him!" (Qur'an, 38:71-72)

Then inquire of them: Is it they who are stronger in structure or other things We have created? We created them from sticky clay. (Qur'an, 37:11)

When the human body is examined today, it may be discovered that many elements present on the earth are also to be found in the body. Living tissues contain 95% carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, with a total of 26 different elements.91 In another verse of the Qur'an we are told:

We created man from an extract of clay. (Qur'an, 23:12)

The Arabic word "sulala," translated as "extract" in the verse, means "representative example, essence." As we have seen, the information revealed in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago confirms what modern science tells us-the fact that the same elements are employed in human creation as those found in the soil.

Check the distribution of the elements in a 70-kilo human being.

ref. Kevin Griffin, “The Elemental Composition of Life,”



Allah knows what every female bears and every shrinking of the womb and every swelling. Everything has its measure with Him. (Qur'an, 13:8)

At the beginning of the menstrual period, the mucous on the walls of the womb (the endometrium layer) is 0.5 mm thick. Under the effect of hormones secreted by the egg, this layer grows and reaches a thickness of 5-6 mm. This layer is then discarded in the absence of fertilisation. As we see from the above verse, this monthly increase and reduction in the walls of the womb is indicated in the Qur'an.


Everyone, including identical twins, has a unique fingerprint. In other words, people's identities are coded at their fingertips. This coding system may also be compared to the barcode system that is used today.

While it is stated in the Qur'an that it is easy for Allah to bring man back to life after death, peoples' fingerprints are particularly emphasized:

Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. (Qur'an, 75:4)

what is important is that this feature of fingerprints was only discovered in the late 19th century. Before then, people regarded fingerprints as ordinary curves without any specific importance or meaning.


[I swear] by the fig and the olive. (Qur'an, 95:1)

The reference to the fig in the first verse of Surat at-Tin is a most wise one in terms of the benefits imparted by this fruit.



He has only forbidden you carrion, blood and pork and what has been consecrated to other than Allah. But anyone who is forced to eat it-without desiring it or going to excess in it-commits no crime. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur'an, 2:173)

Eating pork is harmful to health in a great many regards. This harm still persists today, despite all the precautions that are taken. First and foremost, no matter how clean the farms and environments on which it is raised may be, the pig is not by nature a clean-living animal. It often plays in, and even eats, its own excrement. Due to this and its biological structure, the pig produces much higher levels of antibodies in its body than other animals. In addition, far higher levels of growth hormone are produced in the pig compared to those in other animals and human beings. Naturally, these high levels of antibodies and growth hormone pass across to and collect in the pig's muscle tissue. Pork meat also contains high levels of cholesterol and lipids. It has been scientifically proven that these significant amounts of antibodies, hormones, cholesterol and lipids in pork represent a serious threat to human health.

The existence of above-average numbers of obese individuals in the populations of countries such as the USA and Germany, in which large quantities of pork are consumed, is now well-known. When exposed to excessive quantities of growth hormone as a result of a pork-based diet, the human body first puts on excessive weight and then suffers physical deformations.

Another harmful substance in pork is the "trichina" worm. This is frequently found in pork and when it enters the human body, it settles directly in the muscles of the heart and represents a possibly fatal threat. Even though it is now technically possible to identify pigs that are infected with trichina, no such methods were known in earlier centuries. That means that everyone who ate pork risked infection by trichina and possible death.

All these reasons are just a part of the wisdom in our Lord's prohibition on the consumption of pork. Moreover, this commandment of our Lord's provides complete protection from the harmful effects of pork under any conditions.



The Qur'an indicates, when recounting Prophet Sulayman's (as) life, that ants have a communication system:

Then, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: "Ants! Enter your dwellings, so that Sulayman and his troops do not crush you unwittingly." (Qur'an, 27: 18)

Scientific research into ants has revealed that these tiny animals have very organised social lives and that, as a requirement of that organisation, they also have a very complex communication network. For example, National Geographic reports that:

Huge and tiny, an ant carries in her head multiple sensory organs to pick up chemical and visual signals vital to colonies that may contain a million or more workers, all of which are female. The brain contains half a million nerve cells; eyes are compound; antennae act as nose and fingertips. Projections below the mouth sense taste; hairs respond to touch.159



Human beings need oxygen and air pressure in order to live. Breathing is made possible by the oxygen in the atmosphere reaching the air sacs in our lungs. As elevation rises, however, atmospheric pressure goes down as the atmosphere becomes thinner. Therefore, the amount of oxygen entering the blood stream declines and it becomes harder to breathe. As the air sacs grow narrow and contract, we feel as if we cannot breathe.

When Allah desires to guide someone, He expands his breast to Islam. When He desires to misguide someone, He makes his breast narrow and constricted as if he were climbing up into the sky. That is how Allah defiles those who have no faith. (Qur'an, 6:125)



As we shall see later on, Pharaoh regarded himself as a deity and responded with slanders and threats to Prophet Musa's (as) calls for him to believe in Allah. This arrogant attitude lasted until he was faced with the threat of death through drowning. The Qur'an relates that Pharaoh immediately turned to belief when faced with Allah's punishment:

We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he [Pharaoh] said: "I believe that there is no god but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes. I am one of the Muslims." (Qur'an, 10:90)

However, this last-minute conversion was not accepted, for it was not sincere. According to the Qur'an, Allah exclaimed:

"What, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of the corrupters? Today we will preserve your body so you can be a Sign for people who come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our Signs." (Qur'an, 10:91-92)



Humanity's exploration of space was accelerated with the Soviet satellite Sputnik on 4 October 1957, which carried aloft the first man to ever leave Earth's atmosphere: Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. On 20 July 1969, the American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human being ever to set foot on the Moon.

In fact, the Qur'an revealed that such developments and achievements would one day be realised. For instance, Allah draws our attention to this in the following verse:

O company of jinn and human beings. If you are able to pierce through the confines of the heavens and Earth, pierce through them. You will not pierce through, except with a clear authority. (Qur'an, 55:33)



And horses, mules, and donkeys both to ride and for adornment. And He creates other things you do not know. (Qur'an, 16:8)

The above verse indicates that in addition to the animals mentioned here, people will have various unknown (to them) means of transport. The following verse points to the fact that there will be such mass modes of transport as ships:

A Sign for them is that We carried their families in the laden ship. And We have created for them the like of it, in which they sail. (Qur'an, 36:41-42)



An astonishing prediction is found in the first verses of Surat ar-Rum, which refers to the Byzantine Empire, the eastern part of the later Roman Empire: The Byzantine Empire, which had met with a great defeat, would soon gain victory.

Alif, Lam, Mim. The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will be victorious within three to nine years. The affair is Allah's from beginning to end. On that day, the believers will rejoice. (Qur'an, 30:1-4)


… There are too many accuracies [in the Qur'an] and, like Dr. Moore, I have no difficulty in my mind that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which led him to these statements.270 (Dr. T. V. N. Persaud, Professor of Anatomy, Pediatrics and Child Health, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive Sciences at the University of Manitoba)

… It follows, I think, that not only there is no conflict between genetics and religion but, in fact, religion can guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches, that there exist statements in the Quran shown centuries later to be valid, which support knowledge in the Quran having been derived from God.271 (Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Molecular and Human Genetics)

As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Quran. As I gave the example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I knew today and describing things, I could not describe the things which were described… So I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he [Prophet Muhammad (saas)] was able to write.272 (Dr. E. Marshall Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Developmental Biology at Thomas Jefferson University)

In a relatively few aayahs [Quranic verses] is contained a rather comprehensive description of human development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete record of human development, such as classification, terminology, and description, existed previously. In most, if not all, instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature.273 (Gerald C. Goeringer, Associate Professor of Medical Embryology at Georgetown University)

It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur'an about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to [Prophet] Muhammad [saas] from God, or Allah, because most of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that [Prophet] Muhammad [saas] must have been a messenger of God, or Allah.274 (Dr. Keith L. Moore, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Toronto. Distinguished embryologist and the author of several medical textbooks)

... Because the staging of human embryos is complex, owing to the continuous process of change during development, it is proposed that a new system of classification could be developed using the terms mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The proposed system is simple, comprehensive, and conforms with present embryological knowledge.275 (Dr. Keith L. Moore, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Toronto)

The intensive studies of the Qur'an and Hadith in the last four years have revealed a system of classifying human embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in the seventh century A.D... the descriptions in the Qur'an cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the seventh century... 276 (Dr. Keith L. Moore, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Toronto)

I think it is almost impossible that he [Prophet Muhammad (saas)] could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case… Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind for instance that the earth and the heavens had the same origin, or many others of the questions that we have discussed here.277 (Alfred Kroner, Professor of the Department of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Germany. One of the world's most famous geologists)

If you combine all these and you combine all these statements that are being made in the Qur'an in terms that relate to the earth and the formation of the earth and science in general, you can basically say that statements made there in many ways are true, they can now be confirmed by scientific methods... And that many of the statements made in there at that time could not be proven, but that modern scientific methods are now in a position to prove what [Prophet] Muhammad [saas] said 1400 years ago.278 (Alfred Kroner, Professor of the Department of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Germany)

I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Qur'an, and for us modern astronomers have been studying very small piece of the universe. We have concentrated our efforts for understanding of very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole universe. So by reading Qur'an and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe.279 (Professor Yushidi Kusan, Director of the Tokyo Observatory, Tokyo, Japan)

Certainly, I would like to leave it at that, that what we have seen is remarkable, it may or may not admit of scientific explanation, there may well have to be something beyond what we understand as ordinary human experience to account for the writings that we have seen.280 (Professor Armstrong, Professor of Astronomy serving with NASA)

It is difficult to imagine that this type of knowledge was existing at that time, around 1400 years back. May be some of the things they have simple idea about, but to describe those things in great detail is very difficult. So this is definitely not simple human knowledge. A normal human being cannot explain this phenomenon in that much detail. So, I thought the information must have come from a supernatural source.281 (Prof. Dorja Rao, Professor of Marine Geology at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)

… I believe that everything mentioned in the Qur'an 1400 years ago is true and can be proven by scientific methods… This must be by inspiration from God, or Allah, Who knows all science. Thus, I believe that this is the time to say: "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."282 (Prof. Tejatat Tejasen, Head of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology, University of Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand)

The Qur'an came several centuries ago, confirming what we discovered. This indicates that the Qur'an is the word of God.283 (Prof. Joly Sumson, Professor in Gynecology and Obstetrics)

It [the Qur'an] discusses the past, the recent period, and the future. I do not know the cultural level of the people in the period of [Prophet] Muhammad [saas] and I do not know their scientific level. If it is as we know about the low scientific level in this ancient period, and the absence of technology, then there is no doubt that what we are reading nowadays in the Qur'an is a light from God. He inspired it in [Prophet] Muhammad [saas]. I had made research into the early history of civilization in the Middle East in order to know if there was such perfect information as this. If there was no other information like the Qur'anic information in that ancient period, this strengthens the faith that God sent [Prophet] Muhammad [Prophet]; He sent to him a little amount from His large science, which we have discovered only in recent time. We are hoping for continuous dialogue in the subject of science with the Qur'an in the field of geology.284 (Prof. Palmar, one of the major scientists in geology in the USA)

After a discussion about the function of mountains for the fixing of the earth:

I believe that this [the Qur'an's information] is very very strange, it is nearly impossible, I believe truly that if what you are saying is right, thus, this book [the Qur'an] is very valuable to be noticed, I agree with you.285 (Professor Syawda, a Japanese scientist famous in Japan and internationally in the field of oceanic geology.)

It is We Who have created you. Why, then, do you not accept the truth? Have you ever considered that [seed] which you emit? Is it you who create it? Or are We the Creator? (Qur'an, 56:57-59)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.