2009-05-01 21:48:44 UTC
Can you respond to some of the answers given by those against literal interpretation?
" Paul wrote in his 2nd letter to Timothy "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: "And Peter wrote " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.""
"I have never regarded advice to interpret the Bible literally with any more seriousness than if someone were to tell me I must interpret Shakespeare’s writings literally, presumably including phrases like “Juliet is the Sun.” I feel it is sufficient to understand the Scriptures to be the Word of God, without demanding that it not include any metaphors or other figures of speech."
"No, because those who do so end up fragmenting into thousands of conflicting manmade denominations. I am a member of the original Christian Church, founded by Jesus Christ for all mankind, the Church the Bible refers to as "the pillar and foundation of truth". That's where I look for true and authoritative interpretation - to the Church to which Christ promised "whatsoever you bind upon earth is bound in heaven", and "the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "he who hears you hears Me". The Church that has remained united in faith, united in teaching and united in worship throughout the world for 2,000 years, without disintegrating into denominations. That is where Christ intends us to find the truth, not in futile attempts at self-interpretation of early Catholic writings."