Why does god not help me?
2008-06-23 09:09:49 UTC
I pray to god every day and go to church and thank him for what I have but when I pray to him to help me with something he doesnt?
69 answers:
2008-06-23 09:17:34 UTC
Why not just help yourself. Self-reliance is the key to success in life. If you want something, you better go out into the world and make it happen.
2008-06-23 09:15:43 UTC
Well There Are Mnay Questions About God That Have not Been Answered, And That makes Human Kind Angry That Makes Them Want To Forget About God But That is Not The Right Way To Go I Think Sinful Thoughts All The Time And I Ask God To Help Me Not To Think That Anymore But He doesn't Because God KnowS tHAT wHEN hE Created Me He Gave Me The Knowledge And The Know-How To Stop on My Own So before You Ask God To help You With Somehting First Ask yourself If You can Do It Yourself But Of Course It Doesn't Hurt If You Ask God For A Little Strength Along The Way =O]
2008-06-23 09:25:42 UTC
Go through the following checklist.

1. Have I confessed my sins and repented and believed on Jesus? If you have NOT, God won't listen to you UNTIL you do. (Isaiah 59:2; Psalm 66:18)

2. Am I doing my part to fulfill what I have petitioned? For instance, let's say you want a job (just an example). Are you going out handing applying and seeking or just sitting around doing nothing expecting God to do it ALL literally for you?

3. Am I asking because it is a NEED or am I asking because it is a GREED? Let's say you need money to get grocies but are running low. That would be a NEED. Now on the other hand, let's say that you want a $100,000 or $1,000,000 that would be a GREED.

James 4:3

4. Is it something sinful? For instance God won't honor greed "Lord let me win a million dollars today!" God won't honor laziness "Lord grant me today that I don't have to mow the lawn. Make it rain or something."

5. Is it asked respectfully or bossingly. Let's use our job example....

Respectful: "Lord, I need a job to help support my family and pay my bills."

Bossingly, "Lord, You had better give me a job RIGHT NOW!"

6. Am I living in obedience to Jesus?

I John 3:22-23

So ask yourself...

Have I confessed and repented of sins and believed on Jesus?

Have I done my part to bring this prayer's answer into fruition?

Is it something I NEED or is it a GREED?

Is it sinful?

Am I asking respectfully or bossingly?

Am I obeying Jesus?
2008-06-23 09:20:15 UTC
If you go to church you may not be paying attention like you should.

God doesn't always answer prayers the way we want him to. But on the flip side, we don't always pray like we should. When you pray, you shouldn't ask god for something. Ask him for Guidance! You are asking for help and maybe he IS giving it to you...but not the way you want it!! Maybe he has helped you and you haven't realized it! I hope everything works out, and I hope you can see that he is helping you!!!! Think about what you need help with, then think about what exactly you want God to do! Now realize you and him probably don't think the same. Think deeply and try to see if he hasn't already taken care of it?? Maybe in a way you over looked??? Good Luck!! Keep on praying!!
2008-06-23 09:15:18 UTC
god works in mysterious ways. He may not think that what your praying is worthy of his help. Maybe what your going through is a big part of your lifes storie. Consider this, Maybe you pray that your sickness goes away but it stays for atleast 3 more days ... Maybe it would have stayed for 1month if god didnt help! Gods power doesnt always come imedialy give it time. And stay faithful and true

good luck i hope you find your awnser
2008-06-23 09:37:16 UTC
How do you know he is not helping you? Only knows what is to come, so because you wish for something to happen a certain way, doesn't mean that is the best way for it to happen. Instead of telling God how to handle something, ask him for help is his way. The answers aren't always obvious and the direct way is not always the best way. Who knows what good will come out of your situation or who or how many people will be affected, by letting God work out the details in his own wa
2008-06-23 09:29:14 UTC
The bible says at 1 John 5:14, 15 "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him."

Notice that the scripture says that if we ask for anything "according to his will" he hears us. So first you have to make sure that you are doing his will, and then the scripture says that "he hears us" it doesn't say that he automatically grants us what we pray for.

Gods will is for us to get to know him and many people think they are getting to know him but they are not really learning the truth about him. (2 Corinth 4:4)

God really does care about you, you should make a sincere prayer to God that he reveal himself to you, and you will be surprised by the results
2008-06-23 09:14:06 UTC
If you pray and are truly loyal to him and still dont get what you want in prayer then I think, dont quote me on this though that one of two things are happening. He wants you to have continued faith and keep praying, or he what u are praying for is not in his will and even though you think its what needs to be done or is whats best for you its not. So Please have continued faith and as long as you pray for his will to be done with a true heart, he will give you whats best for you as bad as things may seem now. God would not give any of his children anything then whats best for them.
cory h
2008-06-23 19:20:06 UTC
I've noticed that the Lord(except for in some rare events, 10 commandments etc.) usually answer prayers in three ways.

1. a warm peaceful feeling -yes

2. a discomfort and\or lost opportunity -no

3. nothing - it's your choice

i find when i get the third response its better to ask him to "stop me if I'm wrong." rather then a "confirm my decision, please.

I hope my answer helps. Good luck with what ever your struggling with.
2008-06-23 09:18:36 UTC
Life is a test. God put us here to see how we act. There will be tough times as well as bad. We cannot always depend on god for help because if god helped us all with everything, there would be no need for test. It is important that we keep our faith. Patience will get us through. If we don't get what we want and stop having faith, that is a great sin. God wants to see how we do on our own and god said he will put no burden on us that we cannot bear. Hang in there and weather you realize it or not, god "WILL" see you through.
2008-06-23 09:14:49 UTC
there are people dying, starving, being hurt and abused all over the world...

God doesn't help them either... even the ones that pray to him...

It's not because he is unkind or doesn't care... it's not because you have sinned.

It's because god's eyes see farther than our own. He sees every life on this planet... every planet in the solar system... every solar system in the galaxy... every galaxy in the universe...

He sees it all... and he can't make everything have a happy ending... because sometimes a small amount of sorrow is necessary. Its not just about you... it's about all of us... its about the whole universe... that is his burden...
2008-06-23 09:14:46 UTC
maybe he does help you by not doing it for you.

Think of the old saying, "give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime."

God gave you free will, to choose what to do, not pure instinct that leads you around. You'll be happier in life, if you learn, not to ask of God, but just thank and be friends with him. Quit looking for a Divine hand out, and just follow that path that lays before you.
2008-06-23 09:16:17 UTC
Hold on fella...

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God..."

Are you balancing your prayer with knowledge of what God will and will not due? Are you sure that your prayers are aligned with His revealed will?

Consider STUDYING the Epistle of James.

IF your prayer is lined up with the will of God, He will answer in His timing...don't fret, but make sure you are praying "in His will..."
2008-06-23 09:16:17 UTC
In the end, God knows best. Just because he doesn't seem to help in a situation, doesn't mean he not there. Sometimes we may miss the help he has given.

But, in these situation, did you figure things out for yourself? Maybe that was his help.
2008-06-23 09:18:53 UTC
Start by asking for forgiveness, I have found that this brings us closer when I pray.

I don't know what you are asking for help with but think about this if you are asking for more patience he is going to give you a lot of opportunities to learn to be patient.
2008-06-23 09:14:54 UTC
Haven't you read the foot steps poem, god is walking with you. or is he, I'm not religious but the poem has a great picture of the beach in it. Try helping yourself and only relying on your self, if you do that then YOU will help yourself and then you can say god did it, let him take the credit.
2008-06-23 09:13:52 UTC
Think of it this way. He has no break on his job and is non-stop. There are other ppl like you around the world too. So just keep on'a praying and he'll answer soon. ^^
Derek G
2008-06-23 09:15:44 UTC
I dont think anybody can really answer that breh. I'm sure alot of people have that same problem but they just keep going on with life ya cant always get help from God ya gotta take matters into ya own hands. I'm sure he just wants u to solve your problem yourself.
Miley in HollyWood
2008-06-23 09:16:56 UTC
because god gives you stuff you need like if your family is fighting to make up or if your so sick and you cant stand it he'll make you feel better if you asked him for like a new car or a million dollars he's not going to give it to him god loves you and you need the stuff you want like the car a million dollars and if you did'nt study for a test you just cant ask him for the answers he can give you strenghth for it though thats all i have to say
2008-06-23 09:14:11 UTC
he has to many things to do?. hes sopposd to be the all mighty god he created the planet and everything in a week or so they say. i have the same problem i stoped praying a year ago i pray and i dont get any kind of reply or help. i dont know,,.
2008-06-23 09:16:31 UTC
sometimes we ask for things that are not necessarily good.

we dont see it, but GOD Almighty knows what's best for us.

he works in mysterious ways, he IS helping you by keeping you safe and giving you a chance to breathe and open your eyes every morning.

sometimes we focus on our WANTS, and we forget about the awesome things God gives us everyday of our lives.

keep your faith, keep looking for hm, and praying.

He is there, he hears you...

don't question him.
2008-06-23 09:13:34 UTC
God doesn't help you in the way you want right away. You have to keep the faith too. He works in mysterious ways to get you where he wants but you have to be patient.
2008-06-23 09:13:16 UTC
Do you really mean it? And God always hears you! But think about, maybe he does answer your prayers, but not in the way you expected him to so you don't relize. God never ignores you, and if he doesn't answer there's a reason. Beause he has something in store for you thats much better. Always have faith in God! Ignore people that say he doesn't exist, they're wrong.
2008-06-23 09:17:25 UTC
Think of it as this....

God loves us all. He gives us our tests and trials in life, and He'll help us get through them if we fully believe He'll help us. He brings us into messes, He'll bring us out. But it's not always right away, sometimes it just takes time.

Just don't lose faith!
♥≈Safi≈♥ ☼of the Atheati☼
2008-06-23 09:16:16 UTC
Oh, I did that for years, too.

He never shows up. Start working on your problems yourself, and you'll get them solved a lot sooner than if you keep going to church & waiting for "God" to help in any way.
2008-06-23 09:20:20 UTC
I asked God to take away my pain. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No. I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as he loves me. God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.
2008-06-23 09:14:34 UTC
let me just tell u something it takes time and its all about faith it doesnt matter how much u pray just if you belive . and have patience and even more important beg thats what my paster said jst beg and have faith
2008-06-23 09:14:31 UTC
cos God doesnt serve you. you serve him. sometimes he leaves you to test the full extent of your heart. whatever you do dont blame him for your failures. instead keep faith and strive to conquer your problems, or submit your plans to God.
Sir Digby Chicken Caser
2008-06-23 09:13:54 UTC
God only listens too people who pray naked and have huge eye lids

Digby x
2008-06-23 09:17:13 UTC
It's because you'd better off helping yourself and leave God alone.
2008-06-23 09:14:55 UTC
you have to at least try to help yourself . god loves you, and he knows that you love him.. but if your asking for help on something stupid, that you can help yourself on, hes not gunna help you because he knows what you can do. when you really need help he will always be there (=
2008-06-23 09:19:18 UTC
God is in your heart! Have you seen the god? NO! the real god is confidence!
2008-06-23 09:15:04 UTC
may be that thing is bad for you or it will cause troubles to you inthe future ,may be if you were patient ,it comes much better'

and don't worry at any case he will reward you may be with heaven

be patient and don't lose your belief
2008-06-23 09:14:38 UTC
He is used as the guidance for what YOU are supposed to do in your life. Ask not what he can do for you...ask for the guidance to help yourself.
2008-06-23 09:14:36 UTC
Because God isn't your personal butler who will get you everything you want just because you ask.
2008-06-23 09:13:13 UTC
do you expect him to help you?

are you doing YOUR part of the helping?

Why do you need help?

is God trying to test your faith?

these are the questions you must ask.

dont doubt God, doubt yourself...

something is wrong on your end. not his
2008-06-23 09:13:10 UTC
well this because that will help u but he might not want it to happen right then read about it in the bible ok
2008-06-23 09:13:50 UTC
Only you can help you. Look with in and find your inner strength. It's not hard.
2008-06-23 09:15:44 UTC
He is answering you, you're not listening. whatever it is your needing help, with in your heart you know the answer.
2008-06-23 09:13:12 UTC
Well what do you need help with?

He will help you as long as you don't half@ss your prayers and askings.
2008-06-23 09:15:48 UTC
You get know where in life reliying on others.
2008-06-23 09:24:31 UTC
because he isnt real.

he is something some random person made up when they decided that they were special and decided to pretend that they could "heal" people and perform "miricles"
2008-06-23 09:13:25 UTC
That God stuff doesn't quite work that way I guess.
2008-06-23 09:13:02 UTC
he has a plan. he knows when to give you things and when to not.

plus, if all you are doing is asking, and not thanking or praising, you arent gonna get much.
2008-06-23 09:18:38 UTC
hmm, strange that. I think I could hazard a guess as to why.
Isaac F
2008-06-23 09:16:02 UTC
He is not real. Take that away from people and they are nothing!
2008-06-23 09:13:33 UTC
he has probably showed you the way already, you just didn't notice
2008-06-23 09:13:22 UTC
Pray harder. Scream hail marys if necessary. He should give you whatever you want soon enough.
2008-06-23 09:13:40 UTC
for the same reason the devil hasn't taken your soul already....both are about as real as the Easter Bunny!
2008-06-23 09:13:09 UTC
Sometimes the answer He gives is, "No."
2008-06-23 09:12:16 UTC
You need to learn to help yourself.
Man of Ideas
2008-06-23 09:12:19 UTC
he works in mysterious ways...keep the faith

2008-06-23 09:12:18 UTC
god has a million things to do
2008-06-23 09:13:44 UTC
because you touch you self at night
Miss B
2008-06-23 09:12:43 UTC
good dosent have time to help every single on earth ur time will come =]
2008-06-23 09:12:10 UTC
i have the same problem, id like to know too
Andymcj78 (Atheist)
2008-06-23 09:12:30 UTC
Is the penny not beginning to drop- perhaps it's because he doesn't exist in the first place.
2008-06-23 09:12:26 UTC
"God helps those who help themselves."
2008-06-23 09:13:26 UTC
because he wants you to become INDEPENDENT!

and to not rely on anybody!
Eye of the Beholder...
2008-06-23 09:34:50 UTC
b/c your retarded
2008-06-23 09:12:31 UTC
Maybe he just doesn't love you.
2008-06-23 09:12:31 UTC
Because god is dead
2008-06-23 09:12:30 UTC
Cause he doesn't exist
2008-06-23 09:12:07 UTC
Because you don't use punctuation.

Run on sentences are SIN.
2008-06-23 09:12:04 UTC
He's like santa....
2008-06-23 09:12:47 UTC
because there probably ain't one ))
2008-06-23 09:12:42 UTC
because he's not real
m b
2008-06-23 09:12:27 UTC
because he is athiest
2008-06-23 09:12:09 UTC
because he loves you ^_^

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.