How do we know which religion is the right one?
2009-09-30 17:16:41 UTC
I'm stuck in a religious crisis. I have no idea what to believe. So far, no religion suits me. I've tried everything: Xianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, atheism, and deism. How do we know which religion is the right one if there are so many? Thanks.
Thirteen answers:
2009-09-30 23:14:43 UTC
I am not going to say what religion is right or wrong, but rather I just want to point out that when Galileo discovered the truth about the Sun, and that it does not revolving around the Earth, everyone thought he was crazy.

When Newton discovered Gravity, no one thought he was right.

When Einstein came up with the theory of Relativity, many scientists criticized him.

Darwin came up with the theory of Evolution, it is even controversial in today religious circles; and in some states in US, you can't teach the theory of Evolution, unless you also mentioned Creationist theory.

So, just because there are majority of people on Earth or even everyone think it is right, does not guaranteed it is right either.

So just because majority of people think there must be God, then it must be right is also a fallacy.

I am a Buddhist and I can tell you, that Buddhism does not contradict with evolutionist's theories, as matter of fact, we Buddhist agreed with most scientific findings.

Except we disagreed on several points, and one of the most important one is, just because yo can't see it with your untrained mind/eyes, then the spiritual elements must not exist IS WRONG.
2016-04-05 08:38:31 UTC
Religion:- Religion is a system of beliefs and worships which includes a code of ethics and a philosophy of life. There are many religions in the world today. Some of these religions are of recent origin but most of them are very old. In fact we know from history that man has always had a religion. Even the primitive men living in caves or jungles had some sort of religion. The concepts and rituals in man's religion have CONTINUALLY evolved and become more rational and sophisticated as time went on. The primitive religions of the Cave Man and the Bush Man gave rise to the modern religions of the past three thousand years. Today, the major religions of the world include: World Religion ----- Originated in Zoroastrianism ----- Iran Confucianism ----- China Hinduism ------ India Taoism ------ China Jainism ------ India Judaism ------ Neat East Christianity ------ Near East Islam ------ Near East Buddhism ------- India Shinto ------- Japan These are the great religions of the world which are not only responsible for all our accumulated wealth of wisdom, philosophy, ethics, and social and moral codes, but have influenced the culture, the language and the moral attitudes of almost every PERSON living today. Difference between Religious and Non Religious Peoples. 1. The religious people believe in something while the others do not. 2. The religious people perform certain acts of worship while the others do not. 3. The religious people seem to follow a certain code for their social and moral behaviour while the others do not. 4. The religious people find a purpose of life and have a definite philosophy towards it, while the others do not.
2009-09-30 22:12:49 UTC
Lets make it simple. Im a Hindu here. But i have tried looking into Christianity, Islam, etc etc. But nothing seemed more divine that Hinduism. That prayer chants (mantra), the flowers offered to the moortis (deities), the heat of the holy fire, and so on was just too close to God, it gives us peace.

u cant find this kind of peacefulness in any other religion, trust me. That is why i truly believe Hinduism is the right one. U need to experience it to know it. :)

Good Luck.
True Believer
2009-10-01 07:53:21 UTC
Actually the religions were created by the people (followers of their own religious leader/prophet). God has given to the mankind one same religion from day one (i.e. since Adam). It is people who have created the seperation in beliefs and have grouped in different religions. Every group claims that he is the right one. Therefore if you go in this way you will be confused as u r now. Luckily the human is created intelligent enough to find the truth. Do u think every religion has different God. Doesn't make sense does it? You need to start with basic requirement of the God's religion. (1) Believe in one God, we are all created by one God therefore we have to pray and believe in one God who created us. (2) Believe that we have a purpose for our life, we are not here without purpose, the purpose is to recognize the God and follow his instructions. The good and bad things are laid very clearly and the good person will be rewared and bad will be punished. This brings the fact that there is a day of judgement. Therefore to believe in day of judgement. (3) How do we kinow that there is only one God, and we must do good deeds etc.? This message has been sent by God's messengers (prophets), therefore we have to believe in all the prophets from the day of Adam to the last prophet. Do not believe in one prophet and reject the other, this way the faith is not complete. The current belief of people is to firmly believe in their prophoet and reject the others (4)The message was revealed by the messengers with the book. you need to believe in all the books which were revealed from the day of Adam. Remember that the message was identical and same in all the books as far as the basic requirements of God's religion which i have laid above starting from point -1. ............................. Let me be short in my answer now and I will close my answer by stating that luckily all the religions have these points (1) to (4) above common in their books (Scriptures) but the interpretation has been done in different way and due to the influence of human nature of hating the other, self ego etc has created the groups and different religions. Will talk to u later. my email is
2009-09-30 17:18:50 UTC
There is no doubt that the number of different religions in the world makes it a challenge to know which one is correct. First, let’s consider some thoughts on the overall subject and then look at how one might approach the topic in a manner that can actually get to a right conclusion about God. The challenge of different answers to a particular issue is not unique to the topic of religion. For example, you can sit 100 math students down, give them a complex problem to solve, and it is likely that many will get the answer wrong. But does this mean that a correct answer does not exist? Not at all. Those who get the answer wrong simply need to be shown their error and know the techniques necessary to arrive at the correct answer.

How do we arrive at the truth about God? We use a systematic methodology that is designed to separate truth from error by using various tests for truth, with the end result being a set of right conclusions. Can you imagine the end results a scientist would arrive at if he went into the lab and just started mixing things together with no rhyme or reason? Or if a physician just started treating a patient with random medicines in the hope of making him well? Neither the scientist nor the physician takes this approach; instead, they use systematic methods that are methodical, logical, evidential, and proven to yield the right end result.

continued :
2009-09-30 20:16:28 UTC
in all the previous nations there was three conditions to know the liars from the true messengers

A-the messenger must have a miracle in which his people is in excellence

B-he doesnt come up with new message.he continue the same message of all the messengers and prophets (there is no god except one GOD)

C-he is mentioned in the previous scripture (ex. jesus pbuh in the torah,mohamed pbuh in the gospel and torah)

Quran 5.48

And We have revealed to you, [O Muْammad], the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what GOD has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth. To each of you We prescribed a law and a method. Had GOD willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. To GOD is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ.

Quran 46.9

I am no new thing among the messengers (of GOD), nor know I what will be done with me or with you. I do but follow that which is inspired in me, and I am but a plain warner.


2009-10-01 03:32:48 UTC
To know which one is a true religion, one has to examine their scripture. The following are my criteria?

A true religion must not contradict in the contents which is in their scripture?

A true religion must not contradict with established scientific facts?

A true religion must be natural and must not burden the soul too heavily?
2009-09-30 17:20:49 UTC
We don't, and as far as I'm concerned, none of them are the "right one." Religion is a human construction, an attempt to make sense of our lives and the things around us.

And atheism and deism aren't religions.
Mr. Khan
2009-09-30 18:25:33 UTC
Peace be onto you,

Well I am honest in this question. I am an ex-atheist as well as ex-christian. Now I am back to the place where I belong & I proudly call myself a Muslim.

I am confident about my religion & out of doubt because the Holy book we have has solution of all our problems seroiusly, which aren't even possible in this modest & technological world.

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". [Qur'an 5:3]

There is no Religious book on earth, I said NO religious book on earth which claims that their religion is Christianity or Judaism or Bhuddism or Hinduism. Islam is the only religion which name is written in it's own Scripture as I mentioned above.

"Truly, the religion in the sight of Allah (God) is Islam" [Qur'an 3:19]

"And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him." [Qur'an 3:85]

Again, no religious book has this statement that God won't accept any religion other than Christianity, Judaism etc. Qur'an is the only final testament which gives this claim. When other religious people used to claim that their religions are right & what they are following is true just like Orignal Sin in Christianity, Jews rejection of Jesus Christ etc so Qur'an asks them:

"And they say: None entereth paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian. These are their own desires. Say: Bring your proof (of what ye state) if ye are truthful." [Qur'an 2:111]

Again, No religious book talks about the proof against another religion beside Qur'an. Also there are many scientific miracles in that book & one of them is a very famous which is 'Big Bang' theory.

"Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and we made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe?" [Qur'an 21:30]

There are many scientific & mathematicals miracles in this book. I am proud of myself that I chose it for me.


Todays science tell us that end of the world is near & our world will be ended when the Sun will stop shinning (or lose it's power.) And see how God mentioned this end of world theory 1,400 years ago when there was no technology, only desert.

"When the sun is wound round and lost its light (is lost and is overthrown)" [Qur'an 81:1]


"(I swear) by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing (the darkness)!" [Qur'an, 86:1-3]

A question about Christian you have so all I have to say that Christianity isn't any religion taught by Jesus, Jesus never preached it. If Jesus preached it so this name (Christianity) should have been in the Bible. Same as Judaism. Jesus Christ, Prophet Moses & Prophet Muhammad used same forms for the first commandment to their nation. There isn't even a single fundamental difference between teachings of these three men.

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD." [Deuteronomy 6:4] BY MOSES!

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD."[Mark 12:29] BY JESUS!

"Say: He is God, One & Only." [Qur'an 112:1] BY MUHAMMAD!

All three men used the same forms, One God only. No other creation to worship. Not man, not monkey, not elephant. God cannot do monkey tricks or has manly things. He cannot born from a mother's womb, he cannot die. He cannot eat or drink or goto the bathroom. Is it your God?

"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind." [Numbers 23:19]

"God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him." [Qur'an 112:2-4]

Jesus never claimed Divinity, He never said "I am God." neither "Worship me." It's all misconception & interputation by the men hands in different period of time. Islam means Submit your will to one God. Jesus, Moses & Muhammad, all three men preached Islam & they were Muslims. Jesus is gonna testify it in his second coming that he wasn't God & there is nothing like Orignal Sin or his Death.

"We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are Muslims (submitters)." [Qur’an 2:136]

I ask you, IF Jesus was a Christian so would you dare to ask him that which church he is belong to? Roman Catholic? Anglican? Protestant? Jehova's Wittness?

Same as Hinduism. It's written in every Religious book that you can't do idol worship or make God's images & we know Hindus do idol worships as well as Catholics.

Do good & be good.


“Surely, God has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming Fire wherein they will abide for ever.” [Quran 33:64]


Hope I answered!
2009-09-30 17:21:21 UTC
yes way to many different religions. your best bet is to get a personal relationship with God going and just follow His lead. He will always guide you right.
Not a Member
2009-09-30 17:22:11 UTC
Check the box that says "None of the above"
2009-09-30 17:19:25 UTC
ANY 'religion' that Rejects The Holy Deity of Jesus Christ is automatically False!! (Outside of The Resurrection of Jesus Christ there is absolutely NO Hope for mankind,, Period!)
2009-09-30 17:19:41 UTC
The answer is simple. All you have to do if you are really sincere is ask God to reveal Himself to you and if Jesus is really His Son, to somehow let you know for sure.

Asking people here on R&S will get you many different answers that you must choose from. Go to the source and ask Him.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.