If you will not accept my answer, would you accept the Director of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology at the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion’s answer?
DAVID ILAN (Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion): The farther back you go in the biblical text, the more difficult it is to find historical material in it. The patriarchs go back to Genesis. Genesis is, for the most part, a compilation of myths, creation stories, things like that, and to find a historical core there is very difficult.
How about P. Kyle McCarter, The William Foxwell Albright Chair in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies:
“The Hebrew Bible is a collection of literature written over about a thousand years…”
You would be hard pressed to find anyone who really knows the Bible inside and out believing any of it is true.
Edit: Lifesharer
“But the past of the bible is constantly being shown to be true by further archeology and study of ancient records. And that limitation is pushed back even farther every year. We now KNOW that Abrahams story is remarkably accurate to the historical evidences we have as to customs and covenants and cultural life styles .”
That is not so:
Israel Finkelstein (1):
To sum up this point, modern archaeology has proven that the idea of an archive in Jerusalem, which kept genuine 10th-century records, is an absurd notion which is founded on the biblical testimony rather than on any actual evidence. Needless to say, this is the demise of the 10th-century anchor of 1 Kings 9.15. (2)
Zahi Hawass (3):
“Really, it’s a myth,” Dr. Hawass said of the story of the Exodus, as he stood at the foot of a wall built during what is called the New Kingdom. (4)
“Sometimes as archaeologists we have to say that never happened because there is no historical evidence,”
Rabbi David Wolpe (5):
“The truth is that virtually every modern archeologist who has investigated the story of the Exodus, with very few exceptions, agrees that the way the Bible describes the Exodus is not the way it happened, if it happened at all,”(6)
The truth is you will be hard pressed to find any biblical scholar who would say the Bible is historically accurate. The more modern archeology finds, the more it proves the Bible is historically inaccurate.
I have provided links to backup my claims, please reciprocate.