God is not a hypocrite, but fair in His judgment.
He gave us commandments that we should obey and follow in order to achieve all that He has to offer us as "believers."
For those that do not He lets them make their own choices and that will be to follow their own thinking and ways which are those of the enemy.
Those that oppose God and His will are then considered enemies. They made their choice so be it. They were clearly told if they bothered to read it or had ears to hear it , that there are only two places for the spirit after death, to go.
A dead persons spirit doesn't roam aimlessly around houses and places on earth as man thinks. Those are merely demonic spirits misleading those into thinking that there is no Heaven or Hell and creating havoc in peoples lives that are not True Christians.
This being said, those that believe are given the gift of eternal life in heaven with the Father. His wish is for all to be with Him and not lose any of us. How ever the Law is the Law. And as a perfect Judge He must uphold that Law.
Would you expect a Judge in a courtroom to let you go if you robbed a bank and was proven guilty?
No..of course not ..then He would not be a good Judge, because, He did not uphold the Laws He was sworn to uphold.
Those that oppose and only by their own accord are sent to Hell with the enemy. So you see God does not send them to Hell, they willing allowed themselves to go by not seeking the truth and learning what God has to say in His Word(The Bible)
It takes an open heart and mind to listen and not one that is rebellious and hateful not seeking to learn, but seeking to destroy ones faith in God.