Why would he need to come to earth invisibly to inspect all the religeons
surely he could have done that from heaven, if angels can see what is going on from heaven then why couldn't Jesus
they use the term he has to come down and see to make it look like he is incapable of vieiwing the truth from heaven like a normal angel would
it's another attempt to lie and say he is not God and that he is not able to see what is going on inHeaven, which is silly really since even the angels could see what is happeining on the earth when looking down from heaven
silly silly
Also if he did turn up invisibly, then how did they know he truned up at all
it's another way of denying judgement by Jesus, they make out the second coming has already hapened therefore their wont be another coming of Jesus
they have their own revelations book, they have inserted the word Wild infront of beast at every given opportuninty in the book of Revelation in their own NWT, and the Real bible tells us there are severe consequnece forthose that add and take words away from the book of Revelation
even the makers of false scripture beleive the own nonsense they have created, how dark is their own deception, that even the ones who created the lies beleive the same lies themselves!!!!!!
Peace in Christ
They say it was invislbe to maintian the fact that Jesus did not have a physical ressurection
but how can a body that never sinned ever perish????
Don't fear the watchtower, it is a mark of artemis, the same moon god muhammed worshipped
Dont fear the esoterics the secret insiders, bar enos, conundrum vot vottie anarchist and their yellow brick road, they know the truth but prefer the esoteric gifts that the watchtower throws at them for deceiving many, pray that may change their hearts
Peace in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ