I don't see Jesus as a savior, I see Jesus as a Teacher. Would you agree with me?
Janet Reincarnated
2008-03-19 10:48:10 UTC
Christians say Jesus is a savior, and I hear them saying "Jesus saved me" or "Jesus saves me from my sins" or "Jesus saves me from hell"... and that stuff.

I don't believe in sin, I believe we make mistakes, we make poor choices and poor decisions in life that might hurt others or ourselves, and for those bad decisions, we will face consequences in this life or in the next one. With our mistakes, we learn our lessons and improve ourselves spiritually. How could Jesus possibly save us from this natural path?

Jesus would only be a savior, if those who believe in Him and follow Him, could be as perfect as He was, and that's not what happens. Can't you see that the salvation is in His life and not in His death?

Therefore, I don't see Jesus as a savior, because there is nothing to save us from... I see Jesus as a Teacher and I am sorry people focus so much on His death instead of on His life, the ultimately example to be followed. I focus on His lessons and not on His sufferings.
44 answers:
2008-03-19 10:52:13 UTC
I'm not a Christian but your point of view seems very reasonable and very moral to me.
2016-04-09 08:17:16 UTC
Both he was sent to save us through teaching (and example) every thing actually taught by Jesus can only benefit the entire human race all his words were of love tolerance and compassion for all and were spoken with humility and without pride (where pride means thinking ones self above or better than any other person )if ll people followed this example no matter what their personal faith ,the world would be at peace if your quote mk7.21-23 is the truth then by reason the opposite must also be the truth and all good must also come from with in being saved by Jesus doesn`t mean accepting his name it means accepting all that he was and all that he taught if there are hateful evil thoughts and feelings inside a person Jesus`s love isn`t in their heart and soul and they have not accepted him, by the nature of Jesus he can only be alive in a soul filled with love of course he can be considered a savour ,it only means he isn`t the saviour of people who hate and condemn because like the Bible says "they don`t see him or know him" in other words they are hypocrites to themselves
2008-03-19 11:06:01 UTC
Just so we're clear, you can't call yourself a christian if you don't believe in the Christ. I'm not saying whether he lived. That's a historical fact. The question is: Is he your savior.

If you don't believe in sin, then you may think you don't need a savior. But its a fundamental tenant of Christianity that none of us are worthy of God's grace becasue none of us are perfect. Its only by humbling ourselves and accepting that we need a savior that we can be saved. And more specifically recogniging that Jesus, by sacraficing himself was the final payment for all sins.

But don't worry or think I'm being down on you. Its the job of the holy spirit to convict you (make you feel guilty) about your sins. If he's not talking to you yet, he will. Until then, anything I could say will amount to nothing.
2008-03-19 13:03:08 UTC
I agree! I actually think that someone can feel they are saved by him in a completely nonfairy tale way.

Because the assumption is that he saves people magically by having died. But rather, why can't his example and the lessons that are taken from what he has supposed to have said impact ones life in a way that they are "saved" from greed, unhappiness... so on. I think that if you are careful, you can find good lessons, even if you do not feel that it is completely true or even somehow "magic". The argument that you have to just believe and you're magically saved is a lazy one. It's like saying "If I believe my boss exists, then I don't have to show up to work." The things Jesus said weren't meant to be ignored once he died.

Add- I loooove James' answer.
2008-03-19 11:12:38 UTC
Jesus himself said he was the savior of man, the only way into heaven, the only way to keep rom going to hell. Now if He was/is not these things he is a liar. Are you going to take life lessons, and guidance from a liar? How smart is that.

His life was important. But the reason he came to this world was to die on the cross, as a payment in full for our sins for a of mankind, only those who choose to follow Him will benefit from this. You can never be like Christ, you are taught and encouraged to be like Him, but you will never actually reach that goal. Christ was/is perect, are you?

Despite your misguided opinions on the consquences of sin, you need to be cleansed also. Only accepting Jesus' sacrifice will do. Only Christ can take away your sins. A sin is an offense against God, so only God can forgive you of your sines. If somebody did you a wrong, only you have the power to forgive or not forgive that person. Not your best friend or mom or dad. You and only you, that is who the wrong was against.

You need to hear a clear presentation of the gospel message. You have not had the opportunity as of yet. The only way I can explain how you are so off the mark.
2008-03-19 11:02:57 UTC
C.S. Lewis, a popular British theologian, "I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg - or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to." (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, The MacMillan Company, 1960, pp. 40-41.)

Christians are not so focused on his death but it's his death that lead to his resurrection....which is brings Him the glory and proves Him to be who He says He is.
2008-03-19 11:04:07 UTC
We need a Saviour because we all are fallen and without God and with satan's nature in us. God is eventually going to destroy satan and his people in the lake of fire. Whatever that's not of God will be destroyed and anyone having God's life will have eternal life. This is why we need a Saviour. Jesus died on the cross and became a life-giving Spirit that can dwell inside man. So when a person accepts Jesus as Saviour He comes to live in him/her. Because of this eternal life of God inside that person, he/she will not be cast into the lake of fire.

"If a child needs to fall several times before learning how to ride a bicycle, how can we "save" her from the fall and the scratches on her knees, if they are necessary to achieve the final goal which is to be able to ride the bike?"

I like that example, if you read the parable of a good samaritan you'd know. The thief who beat the and robbed is satan, and we are beaten and injured by him. The pharisee is religion and it did not save the poor beaten up guy. Then Jesus, the good samaritan comes by and applies wine in his wound for cleansing (blood of Christ for cleansing) and oil for healing (His spirit to heal and comfort us) and he brings him to the inn(the church) and asks the inn keeper to take care of him till he comes back. He promises the inn keeper that he'll pay him back when he comes back.

This is how the Lord will save us in this life from the fall, to give us life eternal. Hope that helps
2008-03-19 15:23:44 UTC
But Jesus is a savior too!

Did he not save the woman that they were to stone.

Did he not save the men in the boat, when he com the storm.

Did he not give his life for us, that our sins would be forgiven.

Did he not save the man whom died, and the girl that died.

Jesus is a teacher as well...

Jesus is a preacher as well...

Jesus is a healer

Jesus is a friend...

Jesus is the son of God...

Jesus is in the Father and the Father in him...

Jesus is the word.

2008-03-19 10:56:15 UTC
He was and is a great teacher. That was a great thing, but he came here for two main reasons. Neither was to be a teacher. He came here to be resurrected, being the first one, we will all follow since he opened the door. And to take upon himself the sins of whomever he wants to. It is not a gaurantee that he will. We are saved by his gift or grace, "After all we can do". Someone had to pay the penalty for our sins. He did it. It is evident. We do not have to face the consequence of the bad decisions we make if we repent, have Godly Sorrow, make recompense and never repeat that mistake again. Then, the fact that we did that bad thing, he will pay for it as he already has. Sorry that I cannot agree with you. It is evident by everything that has been said in the Bible.
2008-03-19 11:10:46 UTC
I see what you are trying to say, ...

First of all, you say that you don't believe in sin. What is your definition of "sin?" Sin is any evil that separates us from God. It's not that God chooses to separate Himself from us, but that we choose to separate ourselves from Him. The more we continue to sin, the more we are choosing to turn away from God.

Before Jesus died, no one could enter into heaven. Jesus was the sacrifice for our sin that opened the gates to heaven.

You are right when you say that Jesus is a teacher. He came for TWO reasons - to save us from our sins and to teach us how to live. He taught us that to follow Him, we must first pick up our cross - which means following Him leads us to suffering. He set the example - He loves and He suffers and was obedient to the Father unto death.

It's not that "we people" are focusing so much on His death because we are morbid or something, but the point of His becoming human was to die. It explains this very clearly in the Old Testament that the Messiah was coming to die for our sins. But, Christ didn't just die - He also Ressurrected. So, where there is suffering, there is also great joy...
2008-03-19 12:43:23 UTC
Eastern and Near-Eastern religion and culture, in which Judaism is rooted, historically holds the teacher / disciple paradigm in high esteem; this relationship is generally poorly re-cognized in Western culture and its religious manifestations.

In my opinion, linguistics and human proclivities towards categorical functionalism (fundamentalism), quick-fix formulas without context or insight (superstitions) that may "fix" but do not heal, and conceptual imperialism are to blame for much disagreement over the issues raised in your question, as are, unfortunately, worldly agendae ultimately rooted in bad intentions.

One's teacher / mentor in the Eastern / Near-Eastern world can be a personal "savior" in the interpersonal sense; the teacher / master (lord) opens the Way to the disciple, shares keys to knowledge and wisdom, an example of the fullness of possibility to "follow," which can indeed "save" (in the sense of rescue or conservation) one's spirit from evil inclination and subsequent corruption, including that enabled through conscious intentions and, significantly, through "Accusing" messages of un-worth-iness from within and throughout ones environment. The disciple need not worship a teacher / master to follow them or to acknowledge the Divine potential real-ized through them.

Thinking of "sin" as being a state of separation from True Integrity, from the Oneness of Divine Origin may make the term seem less limiting and cruel.

In this expansive sense the Kingdom of G-d may be compared to enlightenment, a cleaving to the Divine, a just equity of All, a direct communion without need for priestly "intercession;" something experienced in the here and now, in one's own personal "temple" of the body, independent of one's earthly station.

Such beliefs (which are echoed in other religious traditions as well) greatly appeal to those who are disenfranchised / alienated by society (outwardly) and/or those who are enduring a personal hell (alienation from the Self at its best; cognitive dissonance; guilt-baggage---inward) and yearn for a new "beginning," a return to the Origin, a Oneness through conceptions expressed through language (which often has connotations pertaining to Western culture) in terms such as rebirth, redemption, saved, seen the Light, washed clean, blind can see, deaf can hear, lame can walk, etc. etc.

2008-03-19 10:58:12 UTC
Sin is anything that goes against God. Sin does exist.

We cannot be perfect apart from Jesus. His blood has covered our sins so that God sees us as sinless. We will only be perfect in Heaven, but we will be perfect there.

Jesus taught much about life here on Earth, but where have you read any of Jesus' own teachings, and Biblical prophecy, that say nothing of life after death.

And He does save us from our natural path of sin and unrighteousness.

There is an earlier question - "...many will say to me Lord, Lord, ..."
2008-03-19 18:22:24 UTC
You speak in great measure to that of accountability and that understanding, and this is indeed an able and like understanding as did Jesus and many world saviors convey to others in their respective times, but whose points, alas, were very much corrupted. The concept of sin came later, a concept got up by those who would become the proponents of what became Christianity. We must bear here, Jesus was not Christian, for only following his time long after did Christianity manifest, and even the title Christ came 200 years after his passing.

Now, I share your views in great measure, only to qualify a trifle more to drive home a priggish point on semantics, because we don’t wish to chance the error to define your disbeliefs and differences by means of which one chances limiting oneself -- with which point of view, again, I do agree in great measure with you – that is, to define the differences by use of the holdings used by the very ones with whom we disagree except of course but to avail sheer communication; that said, I quote you here: “Jesus would only be a savior, if those who believe in Him and follow Him, could be as perfect as He was, and that's not what happens.”

It is this. Nor was Jesus’ example and words ado with perfection except in regard to the inner body and self -- the true vehicle -- not the outer self as many of his proponents at that time and now were and are led to understand and believe, for even the closest among him during his mission had not the light and merit to contain and carry and teach as he had intended.

Jesus was a contemporary of Zadok (Melchizedek) and a student of same as well as one of several other great teachers. He in the least knew the art of oratory, dialectic, and that of teaching among other skills, yet even of his learning did he not abide completely as taught.

Because of the nature of his work and words, he must constantly return to the court of Man, say, until there are no more misunderstandings involving his name or until all remnants of karmic debt incurred in his name are cleared up. To that end, he is as well the teacher of many – and that is a default, however. But he did among other things intend to bring of and teach great light but not as it would later pan out.

His mission, in the strictest definition of the title was that of a world savior, yes – and of this, he will be bound to the world, for his did take on the karma of making his work known through the power of personality. Thus the karmic debts are incurred in his name, that personality; and so it is in this form that he must answer for the debts.
2008-03-19 11:03:05 UTC
John 3:1-18, Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews; this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him." Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." Nicodemus said to Him, "How can these things be?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things? "Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony. "If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? "No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. "For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
2008-03-20 03:10:45 UTC
you know i agree with you and i see more people interested just in his death while He gives us free and will for such as long life,every great character we must interested in their work ,will and we must teach from them.cause death is death and after death we will see the truth.and cause their end is the same of our end,so just cocentrated on their lesson for the life.and in this life we see just a half of what really found, thank for this analysis,you know i read for dostoyvesky and guss you also read for him,cause his speech is like yours,also i teach much from him,you know you must go on your analysis and your great questions,cause you get effect more ask in other mind and you teach other to read more and educate,thank you for y and nice to know you,you know you help me so much when i ask about feeling of sin for anything and i get rid of this feeling,thank you sooooooooo much ,you must exploit yr education for these deeds cause this only what you remain,your good deed,you know i don't know from where are you,but i will only remember for allllllllong time that there is some one help me in sometime.thank you,i hope you will understand my answer cause i graduate from english teach language and i hardly speak english,cause you know english need more talking and practice, notice i use too much "you know" ha...ha..ha , cause i like this sentense,bye,good luck with yr education.
2008-03-19 10:55:37 UTC
As you say you don't believe in sin, only in that you make mistakes, poor choices and decisions and hurt others and yourself.

Now why should that be - and the fact you can do little about it?
Tomasi T
2008-03-19 10:57:14 UTC
His lessons teach us about God, our sins, the way to be forgiven.

Teaching is for us to learn from our mistakes and sins and repent.

So my friend, there are lessons to be learned from his sufferings and if you don't know this, you are a poor student.
Jay Z
2008-03-19 10:56:26 UTC
Everyone needs a savior. Let's take the roman road:

Romans 3:23

For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard.

[All have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God]

Romans 6:23

The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5:8

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

[God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.]

Romans 10:9

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Rom. 10:13

"Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." -Joel 2:32.

Isa 25:1

O Lord, you are my God;

I will exalt you and praise your name,

for in perfect faithfulness

you have done marvelous things,

things planned long ago.


Sin is not being able to hear God's voice to do His will, not your will to do whatever you want.
Desert Sienna
2008-03-19 23:35:13 UTC
People can agree to disagree. You can see him as a teacher and spiritual messenger if you like.
2008-03-19 11:02:27 UTC

...Jesus came to free the Jews from all them rules in the old testement...Some of the Jews were like "forget that, I like the way things are now" and killed him...

...God was like "since you killed the one who was coming to give you salvation (or freedom) from them rules, I am going to make His salvation available to everyone"... Jesus saved me from having to follow a bunch of rules in order to get right with God:

thus He is my Savior...
2008-03-19 10:56:33 UTC
Jesus is, who GOD says he is. Savior, because we needed one. Teacher? Possibly, but why not both, or MORE? One is not exclusive of the other. Get your head around it.

Only think with your brain in the "ON" position.
2008-03-19 10:55:52 UTC
well, fer sure the Jesus morality tales, sayings and parables attributed to him have value but since i can't (yet) know as fact that Jesus (Yeshua) actually existed then i can't think of him as an actual teacher ... let alone savior.

but all in all i agree with you concerning your "life lessons" theory.

PS. directing your query to a specific group won't stop excluded folks from answering if they want to.
2008-03-19 10:53:43 UTC
Jesus saves us from our sin but since you don't believe in sin (i don't why though), How can you possibly believe he is our Lord and Saviour? And yes He was a teacher, but also a saviour
DareDevil MAX
2008-03-19 11:00:16 UTC
I see you believe in karma unfortunately that wasn't true abt what ur saying.

He died for our sins remember, Would he lie for doing this huh?

He is the only one who can save us.

"God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it."
2008-03-19 10:53:18 UTC
The Jesus that you believe in is a product of the human mind based on selfish agendas and worldly observations. Do not rely on your own understanding and read the bible.
Veronica H
2008-03-19 10:59:22 UTC
interesting thought, I go to Lakewood Church and I belive he is both !!! I love the new it and it might help with some of your concerns. I believe he was crucified to cleanse our sins. yes we sin daily and since he is loving forgives us??? he was crucifed to save us, because a cleansing (of sorts) was upon us???
2008-03-19 10:54:59 UTC
to some extent, yes. i have learned a lot from His word

although, i do believe that Jesus died for me to lead a life free of persecution for my imperfections
2008-03-19 10:51:39 UTC
If the teacher is saving me from my own stupidity...then he's my savior..
Lady Astarte
2008-03-19 10:56:11 UTC
I like think like I do! ;) I don't believe you are on the wrong path. Learn from his lessons and you will be just fine.
The Holy Joke
2008-03-19 10:53:17 UTC
Looks like a lot of Christians r gonna get expelled for altering the test papers results then.
2008-03-19 10:53:46 UTC
Jesus was a teacher and person strongly against GREED

and yes he was just a person.
2008-03-19 10:56:07 UTC
jesus is a teacher.. he is not gods son.. or anything like that.. he is God's annointed one.. like moses.. moses was a messiah.. likewise jesus is a messiah.. messiah dont mean savior.. only God is the savior.. not Jesus... .. we sin.. we make mistakes.. me make poor choices.. largely because we as man never were and never will be perfect.. however if we strive in the right direction God does know all and he forgives you if your intentions were right........ Jesus was the truth and the light..... however.. what do you do when you see light........... imagine yourself in a dark place.. and then imagine you see a speck of light.. wouldnt you follow it... thats what jesus clearly says.. im the truth and im the light.. so follow me... obey the commandments like i do.. worship none but God like i do... obey none but God like i do.. do not commit adultery.. do not steal.. do not murder.. do not eat pork.. do not covet your neighbours wife or property... love your neighbor as you do yourself.. do not lie.... do no drink... do not worship any image of anything.. only worship the true living God of heaven.. do not worship me ( jesus) for clearly he says .. in vain do they worship me
2008-03-19 10:53:17 UTC
he is both a teacher and the savior. it is up to you if you accept him as Savior or not.
2008-03-19 10:53:11 UTC
yes...he was a teacher, guide, smart man, historical figure, object of veneration and/or worship (not by me, though).
don't be afraid
2008-03-19 11:59:24 UTC
i would
2008-03-19 10:52:18 UTC
I never have seen him as a savior or god. He was a rabbi (a teacher) and nothing more.
2008-03-19 10:52:50 UTC
I agree completely.
2008-03-19 10:51:12 UTC
I see Jesus as a fictional character.
2008-03-19 10:51:44 UTC
Sure I'll go with that. Sort of Baha'i of you.
2008-03-19 10:51:01 UTC
I see Jesus as a nice fairy tale character.
2008-03-19 10:51:47 UTC
i see as him as an elf or maybe a wizard, like a young gandalf.
bonzo the tap dancing chimp
2008-03-19 10:51:35 UTC
the main lesson jesus taught is that once you die, you stay dead
2008-03-19 10:51:28 UTC
and here I thought he was a landscaper.

He mows my lawn weekly in the summer...
2008-03-19 10:51:55 UTC
JESUS IS GOD!!! <')))><

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.