YES! You are right. Each religion/ churches claim that they are the true church. Thus, in embracing Chrisitanity, Satan;s stragegy is divide and conquer. Remember that Satan is the real ruler of this word and rules the world by deceptions. Evenso, the churches are deeply divided and each claim to be the true church against the others. But everyone of these churches are a part of the true church as all belong to the one body of Christianity or the Christian religion. In Rev 1:10 and Rev 1:20 THE LORD GOD is holding the seven churches.They were the seven churches in Asia MInor (now Turkey) put up by the apostles of the LORD JESUS CHRIST after 4BC that is after HE ascended to heaven. The seven churches being in the hand of GOD show that all these seven churches are united and are one in the hand of GOD. 1ST is the Ephesus Church, now the hebrew oriented churches under the laws, tithes, sabbaths, etc. These churches are the Jehovah witnesses, Sabbatistas, 7th day adventists and they worship GOD as FATHER- ABBA. This relationship is between the FATHER AND THE PRODIGAL CHILDREN as they put themselves under the law yet cannot follow the laws. They are the right hand and the legs of the christian body. They declare that GOD is the TREE OF LIFE which is a title of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. This churches are imperfect as they are loveless as their faith is based on laws and not in their hearts. The 2nd is the Smyrna church now the Mormons. They worship GOD as THE LAMB OF GOD. They are the life of the body. This relationship is between the MEEK GOD called THE LAMB OF GOD and the meek men called the Saints. They declare that GOD is the CROWN OF LIFE which is a title of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. GOD'S comment is that this church is NOT COURAGEOUS and as such is imperfect church. It is so as they are cowering in fear in the Cities and as Saints they should look for martyrdom so that their blood spilled to the ground will give birth to christian churches. This church is under the LAW. The 3rd is pergamus church now the born again and fundamentalist. They are the mouth of the christian body. They worship GOD as the MAN-GOD -LORD JESUS CHRIST. This relationship is between the MAN-GOD AND MEN to prove that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST was a historical man. GOD' S comment is that these churches are imperfect as they are backsliders as they say and they do not do. They declare that GOD is THE TRUE BREAD FROM HEAVEN AND THE ROCK OF SALVATION which is the title of THELORD JESUS CHRIST. These churches are under the dispensation of GRACE. The 4th is the thyatira church now the Protestant and anglican churches. They are the eyes and feet of the Christian body. They worship GOD as THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS which is one of the titles of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. This relationship is between the POWERFUL GOD and the powerful men. They are the eyes and feet of the christian body. GOD'S comment is that these churches are imperfect as they are corrupt.
They declare that GOD is the SOLE ONE WITH POWER AND GLORY which is a title of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. These churches are under the dispensation of GRACE not under the LAW. The 5th is the Sardis church now the scholars, scientology, science churches.'They are the head and mind of the Christian body. They worship GOD who is the ALFA AND THE OMEGA which is one of the titles of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. This relationship is between the HIGHEST AMONG THE PROPHETS and the prophets. GOD'S comment is that this church is dead and thus, is imperfect. It is so as they claimed that their wisdom are from themselves though GOD is the ONE that gives them that wisdom and knowledge and thus, they are dead to GOD. They declare that GOD is THE AUTHOR OF THE BOOK OF LIFE which is a title of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. These churches are under the dispensation of GRACE not under the law. The 6th is the Philadelphia now the miracle workers-MIRACLE CRUSADERS. They are the heart of the body. They worship GOD as the BRIDEGROOM which is a title of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST; and HIS relationship is loving faithfully HIS wife as a bride eternally. This church is perfect as the love of GOD makes them perfect. They declare that GOD is the AUTHOR OF OUR FAITH IN GOD which is a title of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. These churches are under the dispensation of GRACE not under the LAW. The 7th is the laodicia now the Catholics, Ecumenical Church and the Eastern othodox church. They worship GOD IN THE SPIRIT called EMMANUEL which is one of the titles of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, as they are also the majority parts of the Christian body and thus, are everywhere. GOD's comment is that these churches are lukewarm and thus, is imperfect. This is so as the majority parts of the human body is lukewarm in temperature and at 37 degrees centigrade a body has a fever and lower than that a body is dead. They declare that GOD is the HOST OF THE LORD'S SUPPER which is a title of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. All these seven churches are imperfect churches except the Philadelphia church made perfect by THE LOVE OF GOD. Today, they are divisive because of Satan's deception of divide and conquer. Physically today, they are the seven churches on Earth. In 4BC, they were the seven churches in Asia. But In the HAND OF GOD thus, being perfect, they are the seven churches in the spirit. In the coming reign of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, they will be called THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF GOD AND OF CHRIST in the universal church. Additionally, the GOD worshipped by these seven churches are all the titles of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST such as ABBA-EVERLASTING FATHER; THE LAMB OF GOD; THE WORD OF GOD; THE KING OF KINGS; THE ALFA AND THE OMEGA; THE BRIDEGROOM AND EMMANUEL. Thus, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST wears many crowns. Moreover, these seven churches in the spirit held by THE HAND OF THE LORD is the symbol of the UNITY OF THE FAITH. And at John 17:23 THE LORD JESUS CHRIST prayed for the UNITY OF THE FAITH saying FATHER whom YOU have given ME that they maybe made perfect as WE ARE ONE. Likewise, one of the hidden titles of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is HE breaches the walls of division and walls of hostility among the deceived believers. St John's SEVEN CHURCHES IN ASIA has passed the baton of earthly leadership to these SEVEN CHURCHES ON EARTH (the imperfect churches-except Phila church) and that St John has passed the baton of spiritual leadership to your humble service-PROPHET JOHN THE SEVEN CHURCHES IN THE SPIRIT which I am the Chief Pastor . In connection with these UNITY OF THE FAITH AND THE ONENESS OF THE FATHER; ONENESS OF LORD; ONENESS OF THE SPIRIT; ONENESS OF FAITH; ONENESS OF BAPTISM AND ONENESS OF BODY-THUS ONE BECOMES PERFECT IN THE SPIRIT. Pls visit my website-