dear one,
Words are disturbance, because they are not original. But sound is original. this is the reason why i always say bible was not from Jesus, because the word cannot be at the beginning, sound is acceptable.
hence word means, distortion of sound. a word does not make sense, just because you "make" sense out of it, here you means ur mind. the word in itself will always remain corruption of sound.
hence , similarly, a thought will always be a corruption of consciousness. a thought makes sense to you ( here also you means mind ) does not means it is a proof of thought being sensible.
thought will remain a disturbance, because it is got by joining or separating the units of consciousness. and both of these actions - VIS separation or Combination of consciousness is not possible and is not existing at all.
every mind contains all mind, than the mind is no more mind. when every mind realizes it is not separate and it is all mind, than it is not called mind and it is called consciousness. mind is nothing but a set of energy particles which are very subtle, in motion which move so fast and attach to one another and makes a boundary in uniform ever lasting consciousness and says it is independent and it is existent.
The very realization you speak of, where being needs to udnerstand one mind is all mind, has to dissolve this boundary of thoughts and mind itself, as the very first attempt lotus.
Be blessed, let the auspiciousness surround you .
be in truth. mind is not the right word for the one you intent to call mind, when it knows it is all mind.
i will tell you the perspective in simple example. listen my beloved princess.
when a dew drop falls into ocean, it can either tell it has fallen into ocean, or before falling it may feel that "the ocean is falling into it".
note this subtle difference. but both the ways result is the same. so no worries. one is more longer than the other. because the one approach will have additional fear to dissolve my dear sister. my love.
{ My dear Siva, you words are very beautiful my beloved one. lots of love }
-- Deito
Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.