I can not stress this issue can you not see the Light?
Jedi for Christ
2006-05-03 14:39:37 UTC
My last question really caused some contreversy, but I'dlike to say I was spiritualy moved by some of your answers. I feel that God put me on this site for a reason: to spread the Truth of his Gospels. Jesus Christ meets all prophesies of Messiah. He taught us love, brotherhood, and the sort. He died on the cross to save us from our sin and so that we could get to Heaven. He LOVES you and is not willing that ANY should perish!!! Now I have one question for you. How is it that you cannot see the Light? Are your hearts cold? Is it pride? Do you need more "evidence?" I pray that through me and my fello Christians you'll finally see the Light.
God Bless You
Your Sister in Christ,
25 answers:
2006-05-03 15:08:13 UTC
In speaking to an audience at night I had the building custodian to turn off the lights as I continued to speak. The moment that the lights were turned off they were not able to see me. However after a few minutes they did see me with the building lights still off. This is why people are not able to see the light. When you remain in darkness too long your darkness becomes your light. For this cause, like the man born blind who got his miracle to see the light, it will take a miracle to settle the issue. America is desperately in need of a Miracle.
2006-05-03 14:48:50 UTC
Its prophecy...Alot of teenagers that are becoming adults are even going to even less respect and so on. God gave us freewill. God is not calling the whole world...if God was then world would be very peaceful. We cannot hit people so to speak over there heads with the bible, most people are blinded by the truth. God will take the veil down from them when God knows when too. It may not be until after Jesus comes when all will know the word (truth) and then choose which way to be (with the truth or not). What we need to do is pray to God to get the knowledge we need to have to help us follow all 10 commandments and keep us from sinning the best we can.

You can witness to people that ask! :) Prove all things and then hold onto that truth.
2006-05-03 15:28:48 UTC
More than one path there is, to god. Many lights, see other religions, trough one bulb all light comes. -Yoda

There is more than one path to God, not just Jesus Christ, it my be your destiny to spread Jesus' heavenly word, however it is not your place to judge or convert (not saying you are doing either) Others not of your religion may feel as close to God as you do if not more. Learn the lessons of God and Jesus notwords of the bible, this too is important. The Bible itself is a great resource, but remember the words from Jesus' gospel , but wait the Vatican sealed them calling them Heritical.

Well here's the quote anyway.

"Break a branch, and I am there

Lift a stone, and you shall find me

part the waters, and you shall see me."

It means God and Jesus exist everywhere and there is no need for the church exxcept to gather and discuss your life. No bible is needed either, Simply life as God, be good. Let peace and love live in your heart and God will not only find you, you will be more one with god and God will provide all you need in Life.

Good Luck, and God Bless little one
Lady of the Pink
2006-05-03 15:16:04 UTC
I've seen the light - and it BURNS!

(Compliments of Homer Simpson.)

There is no such thing as universal truth when it comes to the unknowable. Other people find salvation through ways OTHER than Christianity and other Abrahamic faiths. I was baptized and raised Catholic throughout my early childhood, but it never made sense to me. I only believed it because I thought there wasn't anything else out there. Once I went exploring on my own, and found out that Christianity WASN'T the only way to go, I found something that made a lot MORE sense, in my opinion. I have since gained the ability to accept the differences in people's religions, something I was never able to attain while I was Christian.

Solitary eclectic Wicca doesn't work for everybody, nor does Paganism in general, nor does Catholicism, nor does Christianity in general, nor does any other path, faith, philosophy, religion, etc. Everyone, as humans, has the right to decide what to believe for themselves. If you don't want me trying to talk you into my way of thinking, quit trying to talk me into yours, because I won't bend any farther or easier than you will.

The defense rests.

Goddess bless you,

Your sister in humanity,

2006-05-03 14:50:28 UTC
Remember what does the light of God's word do? It shows every-ones yukky sin they don't want to see. They will not except Christ unless their deeds are reproved first, they think they are good and have no sin that needs reproving so they get angry. But God will use His Holy spirit, Just keep speaking God's truths from the scriptures His word NEVER comes back void. If people will not except now they might later because the seed of God's word is sown
2006-05-03 14:44:15 UTC
I guess it's very easy to not see the light, because I haven't my whole life, and I doubt that I will anytime in the future... No offense, but your question looked more like a condensed version of the bible than a real question...

America is a great place to live because there is freedom of religion (meaning ANY religion, not just christianity), and yet people who have "seen the light" continue to try and shove their personal beliefs on everyone they meet. And if you try to convert people, at least don't insult them by asking if they are cold-hearted or snobby... That's no way to make friends or brainwash people...
2006-05-03 14:47:23 UTC
Christianity and Religion have been manufactured in the minds of humans and are meer works of fiction, I no more believe in God than I do Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. I don't need to see the light, and I'm not a lost soul that needs rescueing. People like you should stop making out that non-believers are somehow misguided. Amen.
2006-05-03 14:51:58 UTC
How self-righteous can a person be?

How DARE you attempt to tell me that you have the answers - you and a two-thousand year old book that has been edited within an inch of its life by a corrupt Church.

You need to grow up and stop trying to convert people. It's frankly none of your business how other people live. I'm pleased for you that you're happy in your faith but do you really need to preach and cajole and threaten other people with eternal damnation just because they don't think the way you do?

You ARE like those lunatic muslims and do you know what? Between people like you and fruit-loops like them, we'll all be dragged into World War Three!

I don't deserve that. I'm just sat here happily practising my witchcraft. (DON'T pray for me, thanks all the same).

Blessed Be.

2006-05-03 15:00:36 UTC
In response to spartanerik, you can get through college and university : just choose Christian ones. And no, evolution, i.e. the changing of one species to another, has never been proven, and it is completely UNSCIENTIFIC!!

On the other hand, my sister, don't push it too hard. Jesus says to tell about the good news of salvation but if they do not want to hear, let them die in their stupidity. Well, He didn't quite put it THAT way but it means the same thing. God bless!!
2006-05-03 14:52:25 UTC
The fictional accounts of Jesus in the New Testament do not meet even 1 of the messianic prophecies. Early Christians took a bunch of poetic passages about Israel itself way way out of context to invent this Jesus character.

I don't see what you see, because my eyes are all the way open.
Gamla Joe
2006-05-03 14:45:05 UTC
Two words

Prove it

your religion relays on blind faith an is not supported by your own scripture. It is completely illogical the only reason why you believe it is because you have had it forced down your neck seance you were born. If you looked at it rationally you would leave it in a second.
2006-05-03 14:49:16 UTC
Have you considered that God chose NOT to brainwash some real thinkers in the world, people who use the gifts he gave them for REAL good, not just regurgitating propaganda that was fed to them? Think for yourself, and do something real and good with YOUR life, it's a gift, and not something to be left fallow. You are truly spitting on the gift of a real mind. But hey, maybe you are mentally ill and this is the only guidance you really have, in which case ignorance is bliss. It's clear you are brainwashed, and I truly wonder if you know what you speak of.
2006-05-03 16:04:47 UTC
It saddens me that there is no tolerance. Not everyone wishes to believe in Jesus Christ as a Deity. And for those that don't they should not have to be preached at. Would you like it if someone from another religion constantly harangued you with beliefs you have no wish to believe in? Let people live as they will and concern yourself with your Christ.

Blessed Be.
Madama Butterfly
2006-05-03 14:40:48 UTC
Sometimes the light just comes a little too brightly, preventing people from seeing. Eventually, when the time is right, people will be able to see. God Bless you for your faith. Have a little faith in people as well.
2006-05-03 14:41:16 UTC
I can not stress this issue can you not see the REAL light?

open your mind to science; stop staying close minded

you are the equivalent of the radical islamists in the middle east wanting to take the world back to the 7th century

if you want to be successful, you better accept evolution. dont expect to get through college using religion as a crutch.
Donald Shaw
2006-05-03 14:42:32 UTC
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit must not be able to save souls without your help, how proud your parents must be.

Now run along back to church and tell all of your friends how many souls you have personally saved, all by yourself.
2006-05-03 14:43:57 UTC
Some very warm-hearted and loving souls are so blinded by reality and reason that they fail to see what you call the light. Ignorance is bliss.
2006-05-03 14:58:34 UTC
James 5:20

let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
2006-05-03 14:49:02 UTC
When you tell me why you deny all gods but your own, you will see why I reject your god.

In other words, there is no proof. And I like to have some proof before I believe in things. Don't pray for me.
Cosmic I
2006-05-03 14:46:17 UTC
The Light shines on a lot more than your narrow little Christian world. How can you not understand there is more than one path to divinity?
2006-05-03 14:48:30 UTC
Don't get frustrated or disheartened, put your faith in God and pray that others do to.
2006-05-03 14:54:17 UTC
Whaddaya mean "more evidence" -- I have yet to see ANY evidence of the existence of a deity.

I have plenty of light in my life, thanks. Whatever you're offering, I don't need it.
2006-05-03 14:42:52 UTC
Those of us that are not Christian can't understand how you can be so blind as to not understand that it is fiction. So it works both ways.
2006-05-03 14:42:21 UTC
i mean it does come on a little and i mean little too bright but be careful!
2006-05-03 22:10:53 UTC
More evidence would be nice, yes...or, well, some evidence to begin with, actually...that would be great, thanks. Until then, sorry, you are not a winner, thanks for playing though.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.