More than one path there is, to god. Many lights, see other religions, trough one bulb all light comes. -Yoda
There is more than one path to God, not just Jesus Christ, it my be your destiny to spread Jesus' heavenly word, however it is not your place to judge or convert (not saying you are doing either) Others not of your religion may feel as close to God as you do if not more. Learn the lessons of God and Jesus notwords of the bible, this too is important. The Bible itself is a great resource, but remember the words from Jesus' gospel , but wait the Vatican sealed them calling them Heritical.
Well here's the quote anyway.
"Break a branch, and I am there
Lift a stone, and you shall find me
part the waters, and you shall see me."
It means God and Jesus exist everywhere and there is no need for the church exxcept to gather and discuss your life. No bible is needed either, Simply life as God, be good. Let peace and love live in your heart and God will not only find you, you will be more one with god and God will provide all you need in Life.
Good Luck, and God Bless little one