Should i convert in Hinduism from Islam?
Arjun (Ex-Muslim)
2006-04-09 08:08:38 UTC
After read about Hinduism i decide to convert my religion.
They r more peaceful and tolerance than Islam.
I was non-vegetarian but now i m pure veg.
now i can see cruelty everywhere in Islam.
allthe time do or die.
condition of women unbelieveble.
no freedom for reform in religion.
Moulvi(priest) r becoming Allah and giving order to Muslims.
Muslim people dont know anything over Quran.

could u suggest any Hindu name?
I m Asian but i have been living in Europe fro last 3 years.
35 answers:
2006-04-09 08:15:00 UTC

you are half way there Islam is not the call god has on your life


don't stop until you know without asking on yahoo
2006-04-10 06:37:43 UTC
I am not going to be violent like some of the Muslims and say that you are going to hell nor am I going to say do what you feel is right like some of the others but I will say this; you claim that you want to go into hinduism because it is more peaceful and yet you get on here and badmouth millions of Muslims and the religion itself just because you didn't find what you liked there. Maybe Islam is not for you but that doesn't mean that you have the right to come on here and bad mouth it. I think that you need to evaulate just how peaceful you really are if you feel the need to saay all of that stuff- that also happens to be untrue- about Islam. I don't think it's right to disrespect any religion and that is definitely one thing that Islam does not condone. However, seeing as how this seems to me a habit of yours you probably should convert. In fact, pls do, the sooner you get out of the religion the better off we will all be. Muslim and NonMuslim. And who knows maybe one day you'll get the guts to face yourself in the mirror and not just try to badmouth a religion when you have and are the real problem!!!!!!
2006-04-12 11:43:41 UTC
Dont listen to these radial idiots who replied, they are clearly not Moslem if they are not tolerant. I am a Moslem by heart and mind.

Brother, you should really read the Quran and ask Allah to help you. You being an ex-Moslem know that if you knowingly know there is a God and if you accept anyother than Him then you shall be punished in the hearafter.

I suggest you go on and look up Dr. Zakir Naik and listen to him. He explains the Quran very well. Inshallah you will see the right path.
2006-04-10 11:40:52 UTC
Few things I would like to point out why are a Muslim in first place. Let me start from second point.

"They r more peaceful and tolerance than Islam."

I hope you read Mahabarth (Hindu Holy Book which is all about War) and don't forget current events like Gujrat, massive killing of innocent by Hindu Terrorist. Lets not forget Hindu Terrorist destroying one of the old Mosque in India and still occupying it illegally.

"I was non-vegetarian but now i m pure veg."

Not all Hindu are Veg go and read about it.

"now i can see cruelty everywhere in Islam."

Wrong statement its not that you see cruelty in Islam but in Middle East which hardly follows Islam.

"condition of women unbelieveble."

This is funny. If you are Hindu you should never ever say this because if you follow the history of Hinduism, Hindu women were burn alive with their husbands dead body and they are consider worst then animal GO and read before you talk please. As far as Islam RIGHT OF WOMEN CHECK OUT

no freedom for reform in religion.

Moulvi(priest) r becoming Allah and giving order to Muslims.

Muslim people dont know anything over Quran.

Another false claims should be facts you can send them to me at i dare you to that.

Lastly your first question

"After read about Hinduism i decide to convert my religion."

I am not sure how true you but I can show you something with fact check out this video of a Hindu converting to Islam. check out and click on reverts and watch the story of Abdul.

I will be waiting for your reply my dear friend.
2013-12-08 08:06:18 UTC
I think Maya is a nice name

becoz it still fits into your area

and yea im hindu

and also see many faults in islam

but whtever

im proud of my faith and tht people are realising tht hinduism is a religion of freedom

u dnt hve to be veggie

but thts ur choice and i wnt judge u

2006-04-10 15:05:10 UTC
I am Hindu and I say that if Hinduism is your way to God, go ahead. Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita that all Gods are one and that all paths lead to God. The problem is in the way the song of God is interpreted, and when it is corrupted and twisted for the benefit of some, things go wrong. Hinduism is accepting, peaceful, free, not restrictive. All may find their way to the divine.

Don't listen to all the intolerant bozos who try to stand in your way.

If you're looking for a name I suggest Krishna, the dark and beautiful. Or Shyam.
2006-04-15 04:14:48 UTC
well u r taking a miserable step in Ur life as Allah has mentioned a n0n-Muslim can be Muslim still at the time of death and his/her all sins will be for-given but for a Muslim if he/she became non-Muslim cannot be a Muslim anymore

have some fear of Allah please my friend

2nd thing if some how u r about quitting Islam be a christian be a Jewish but don't go for Hindus.what do u think of Hindu religion they have spate Gods for every separate thing.they thinks stones as there Gods i want to ask u or them if some throws any thing on there god is it able to at-least clean itself.

In the last its Ur own choice if u r quitting Islam or u r accepting any religion but if u accept Christinity u r a fool if u accept Jewish u r an Idiot but if u accept Hinduism u r bull ****
Vayu W
2006-04-11 15:25:19 UTC
The great thing about Hiduism is that you do not really need to "convert" as much as simply APPLY...

Your challenge is not in ADOPTING Hinduism as much as LEAVING Islam.

You are not the only one... Leaving Islam, must stay silence or are silenced...

Just be careful as even here in America, I personally know of some ex-Muslims who got seriously aggressed by their community simply for expressing that...

Take you time... religion is not made to be followed it is made to understand oneself, Becaume who we are totally.
2006-04-14 16:47:53 UTC
I would say you are welcome. I have a lot of islam friends and they have a lot of restrictions, i would say i`m proud to be a hindu. There is nothing that can stop you from becoming a hindu if that is what you want. I agree there is a lot of peace in hinduism compared to islam
2006-04-09 08:25:29 UTC
I thought once a Muslim always a Muslim and you weren't allowed to convert upon pain of death!!! For me, any religion that will take converts in but refuse to allow them to leave is a religion that should reform itself. If you do decide to convert to another faith, I hope you do not get into trouble for it. (A non believer).
† PRAY †
2006-04-09 08:13:16 UTC
If you convert to anything from Islam, it is a death sentence.

Here you have already been called an idiot, be careful and don't let anyone know what you are thinking, or it could be fatal.

This is like the religion supermarket, choose what you want, don't like this one try another.


I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except by me. Jesus Christ.
2006-04-09 08:18:02 UTC
I think you should do as your heart tells you to do! Every religion has bad points and good points. So, I think you should convert. Why? Because if Hinduism would have been your religion for true, you wouldn't have had such dilemmas. So, in my opinion, go for it! And do not stop until you find your peace!
2006-04-12 20:51:56 UTC
Heyya, did you consider becoming a scientist? The best religion ever! You don't need to worry about virtual stuff. But just the facts...
2006-04-09 08:22:17 UTC
I don't know about Hinduism,but I'll tell you what I know about Islam...don't judge Islam by what some muslims do.Islam is a religion that calls for the Quran,God said that He has made us(referring to all human race) different races and different nations so we could know,understand and love each other.

Do or die in Islam? Whoever fanatic told you so?

Islam is actually based on reform,Islam teaches that man is created to populate earth and keep it safe...if some muslims don't know anything about their religion..this is their problem...and there are some Hindus,I'm sure,that don't know much about their doctrine!This is not a good reason to convert.

Think again.
2006-04-09 08:14:06 UTC
You can't convert to Hinduism, you can only be reincarnated to be born as a hindu according to Hinduism. You could start living your life as a Hindu and that could probably move you up on the reincarnation ladder, but they don't take converts.
2006-04-10 00:42:30 UTC
if you really want to convert to Hinduism you are most welcome. others have given list of hindu name. you can choose your self.

to those who are constantly criticizing you :

its funny people think their own heroes were god sent and all others man made religions.

i doubt any Muslim here knows much about Hinduism but some of them show their ignorance and maliciousness about Hinduism.

to Ajmal i wannt to say that i can give you 100 times longer social problems in islamic world if you wanna start cut n paste hate game. at least we are trying to reform. muslims may have been progressive 1400 years ago but only in arab world and now they are hung up on past glory of a small area. presently they had stolen rights given to women in kuran too on some pretex or another.

no religion is made by god. and Muslims philosophy does not say anything which was not said by other philosophers before. same goes for that bible guy above. the only original thing in bible is jesus.


someone said below about holy book mahabharat and gujarat and a mosque-

mahabharat is not holy book but an is a really very good book by all literary standards. I think you are just jealous because when such a literature was being written in india arab was not even civilized.

you said about broken mosque. shame on you . muslims destroyed more than 3000 temples in india itself and even that mosque was built on such a temple. hindus never left the claim. if you rob someone it does not become yours. but i think your community has been looting for so many years that now you think it is legal.

Gujarat. muslims should have thought about concequences when they burned 3 compartments full of passengers. many of them women and children. they did not let one single person to come out of them. it was organized progom. i did not support the riots in aftermath of godhara. but i doubt any community would have been able to stay calm. especially after some muslim leaders tried to give flimsy excuses for such a heinious act instead of condemning them.

list of atrocities of muslims both in undevided as well as devided india is so long that it is impossible to type them all.

someone was talking about condition of women in india below. indian ancient law gave them many more rights and freedom than islam ever gave. and today they get even more of them.

anyway how can anyone follow a person who at the age of 54 marries a six year old child.

muslims tie small kids on camel backs. as the terrified child cries louder and louder camel runs faster. they call it sport.

and really while all of you are so against idol worship why at every corner of road you bury a deadbody and start worshipping it calling it dargah?
2006-04-09 08:14:23 UTC
I dont think that you should convert. It would be very hard. Islam has the good sides and the bad. But.... Islam is a religion of peace, and prosperity. Islam is a breautiful religion with unique traditions, and beautiful artwork and designs. You should only convert..... when you really need to. If you are married to another( woman or man) that is coincidently Hindu, then you can convert. Stay in Islam!.. I do agree with bitterresidue
2006-04-10 03:49:09 UTC
I don't know what your motives are.

But if you really are a Muslim and so ignorance about Islam at the same time. Here is my advice:

There are Muslims who actually make a very bad example of themselves. Unfortunately You can find Muslims who are willing to do horrible things in the name of Islam.

However extreme Muslims are not our teachers, but Mohamed (PBUH) is our teacher.

So read about him and read qura'an before judging Islam.
2006-04-09 16:03:28 UTC
First of All, you got everything wrong about Islam.

And like the person said, its very unlikely you were a muslim, because you dont seem to know anything about it.

Vegetarian??? Does this mean you are taking the food away from the vegetable eating animals....?

And why kill plants??? Do you have something against plants??? They didnt do anything to you.

Why are you being cruel to them?? Stop eating them, and stop being cruel to them. They have a life too you know.

Do all muslims a favor, change your name...... by the way, you got the wrong spelling.
2006-04-09 09:45:56 UTC
I think a perfect Asian Hindu name for you would be Hung Yu Self cause that's what your doing if you don't re-evaluate your decision
2006-04-09 08:19:46 UTC
:) yeah right. first of all, you are already a Hindu, and you were never Muslim. thank you.

it's very very rare to see a Muslim want to convert to Hindu or any other religion that does not believe in God (it has nothing to do with death penalty). it will be more convincing if you said " i will convert to Christianity". nice try. :)
2006-04-09 08:15:10 UTC
I think you have made a great choice but I think you should select your own name because it so personal. For a list of Hindu names and what they mean see
2006-04-12 12:30:24 UTC
Really i don't think that you are muslim,as i am a muslim and i am veryyyyy proud to be muslim .and if you are muslim ,

what do you know about islam???

i know that hindu worship cows,try to think by your brain a little, how it come that you are better than this cow who do nothing except (mow mow), how you have brain and it have nothing ,try to know more about islam try to know the value of your religion (islam )who respect you man and your brain,try to think in (zun noon' words)that are written before.

please don't believe what the media is saying about islam and try to know it your self
2006-04-09 08:14:05 UTC
I am hindu so i like to say welcome. lol

some names i have heard of r

Rohnit, aksay, Paarin, Hardik, Sonny, Dilip, Rohit, and so many more

try googleing the web for more. i agree soem muslims r cruel but not all.

I hate the way women r treated i dont know how people are telling u to go bac. dont listen to me do wat u think is right.
2006-04-09 08:13:33 UTC
Do whatever feels right.Don't ever let others pressure you to follow a religion that makes you feel uncomfortable.
2006-04-09 08:17:08 UTC
well if u believe in god u should know that Islam is the most complete religion and it's so cruel to change your religion because of what bush and Saddam ... do and the things that u can't find in Islam u can't find in another religion too
2006-04-09 19:19:04 UTC
either you are not a Muslim (trying to fool us), or you know nothing about Islam.

What you said about Islam is 100% wrong.

I agree with zun-noon

and if you were a Muslim you should at least know how to spell that name.
2006-04-09 09:34:03 UTC
Either one is good enough to get you to Hell. That is where the followers of these satanic belief systems will go.
2006-04-09 08:18:57 UTC
It means that you are a weak Muslim, you have to become stronger or you know what will happen to you, I'm not trying to scare you but warning you.

If you want any advice about Islam I can help.
2006-04-09 12:46:20 UTC
do what u feel is right. Why do u want to change ur name?
2006-04-09 08:18:40 UTC
stop before converting!

i suggest something!

read the Quran complete and then convert to hinduism.

i,m sure u will find the real islam,Quran, different from many many Muslims.

2006-04-09 08:52:56 UTC
This guy is Just fooling everyone he ain't any Muslim in the first place He's already a Hindu. He's just doing this to fool everyone and disgrace Islam. Islam doesn't need Ur type of people. Islam is still the most fastest growing religion.Islam is growing faster numerically than any of the other major world religions. Ontario Consultants on Religious Toleranceit estimates that it is growing at about 2.9% annually, as opposed to 2.3% per year global population growth. Non-Muslim observers attribute this growth to the higher birth rates in many Islamic countries (six out of the top-ten countries in the world with the highest birth rates are majority Muslim .A recent demographic study, however, has determined that the birth rates of some Muslim countries are plummeting to the levels of western countries.The most exact calculations estimate Islamic population to be a little over 1.3 billion. Commonly cited estimates of the Muslim population today range between 900 million and 1.4 billion people (cf.; estimates of Islam by country based on U.S. State Department figures yield a total of 1.48 billion, while the Muslim delegation at the United Nations quoted 1.2 billion as the global Muslim population in September 2005.

Only 18% of Muslims live in the Arab world; 20% are found in Sub-Saharan Africa, about 30% in the South Asian region of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, and the world's largest single Muslim community (within the bounds of one nation) is in Indonesia. There are also significant Muslim populations in China, Europe, Central Asia, and Russia.

France has the highest Muslim population of any nation in Western Europe, with up to 6 million Muslims (10% of the population [7]). Albania is said to have the highest proportion of Muslims as part of its population in Europe (70%), although this figure is only an estimate (see Islam in Albania). The number of Muslims in North America is variously estimated as anywhere from 1.8 to 7 million.


As the Hindu religion was born in India, its criticism is irreversibly linked with the broader problems that India's people face today.The division of society into four hierarchical classes has resulted in much social oppression of the lowest caste, the Shudras. The underlying cause of oppression is perhaps the fact that although the caste-system precribes the rules and obligations of each caste, it relies heavily on individual honesty and integrity in order to work. Unfortunately it turned out that people started taking only the advantages attached to their castes but ignored the obligations and responsibilites. People started giving more importance to their castes and caste-based divisions than the obligations that come with each caste. To make matters worse, higher caste people used their supposedly "superior" position to suppress being held accountable or questioning by lower castes or outcastes. This has led to wide-spread "casteism" which is a degraded form of (the application) of the caste-system. Critics also decry the socio-political fragmentation caused by the caste system. For example, there are over 80 subcastes of brahmins, and the Jat Hindu communities of Punjab and Haryana are considered a separate caste by themselves.

Hindu response and reform

The four varnas caste theory in theological Hinduism, while not initially rigid, came to be used with time as a device to maintain the domination of the upper castes, brahmins and kshatriyas (the ruling order) over the rest of society, using divine doctrine and notions of racial purity. Many modern Hindus feel that the caste of the person should be not determined by birth, but by adult choice or individual tendencies.

India and all of modern Hindu society almost universally condemns untouchability, even if the caste system debate is open. Untouchability was outlawed after India gained independence in 1947, and people who were formerly identified as untouchables have made considerable economic, social and political progress in India. However, subtle discrimination and isolated acts of violence in the inner parts of India frequently cause political and sectarian tensions. It must be noted that untouchability was derived from the caste system, but is not supported by Hinduism in any of it's scriptures or texts.

Status of Women

Main article: Women in Hinduism

The oppression of women through condemned practices like Sati (widow self-immolation), the restrictions against divorce, property rights, child marriage or widow re-marriage are practices in India.

U'll surly burn forever in Hell for converting to Hinduism and worshiping dead Idols if its true. Only a fool would convert from Islam to this man made stupid Idol religion.

I don't think it's a fair comparison- taking a monotheistic religion- Islam and comparing it to hinduism. That being said, there is a bigger issue at hand based on some of the answers I've read:

There is so much misinformation out there about Islam- just think of all the people out there (not using this website) who incorporate these wrong beliefs into their lives and the way that they discriminate: I have an open mind and understand truth.
2006-04-09 08:14:48 UTC
yeah because we can really tell you what religion to follow..... Just follow your heart, do what it tells you. and don't ask stupid questions like this.
2006-04-12 12:42:08 UTC
It's up to you!
2006-04-09 08:13:06 UTC
u r an IDIOT i believe in ALLAH like hell well u r stupid...well ALLAh said IF U BELIEVE ALLAH THAN ACCEPT ISLAM IF NOT ACCEPT HINDU

but i tell u that u r an idiot

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