This guy is Just fooling everyone he ain't any Muslim in the first place He's already a Hindu. He's just doing this to fool everyone and disgrace Islam. Islam doesn't need Ur type of people. Islam is still the most fastest growing religion.Islam is growing faster numerically than any of the other major world religions. Ontario Consultants on Religious Toleranceit estimates that it is growing at about 2.9% annually, as opposed to 2.3% per year global population growth. Non-Muslim observers attribute this growth to the higher birth rates in many Islamic countries (six out of the top-ten countries in the world with the highest birth rates are majority Muslim .A recent demographic study, however, has determined that the birth rates of some Muslim countries are plummeting to the levels of western countries.The most exact calculations estimate Islamic population to be a little over 1.3 billion. Commonly cited estimates of the Muslim population today range between 900 million and 1.4 billion people (cf.; estimates of Islam by country based on U.S. State Department figures yield a total of 1.48 billion, while the Muslim delegation at the United Nations quoted 1.2 billion as the global Muslim population in September 2005.
Only 18% of Muslims live in the Arab world; 20% are found in Sub-Saharan Africa, about 30% in the South Asian region of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, and the world's largest single Muslim community (within the bounds of one nation) is in Indonesia. There are also significant Muslim populations in China, Europe, Central Asia, and Russia.
France has the highest Muslim population of any nation in Western Europe, with up to 6 million Muslims (10% of the population [7]). Albania is said to have the highest proportion of Muslims as part of its population in Europe (70%), although this figure is only an estimate (see Islam in Albania). The number of Muslims in North America is variously estimated as anywhere from 1.8 to 7 million.
As the Hindu religion was born in India, its criticism is irreversibly linked with the broader problems that India's people face today.The division of society into four hierarchical classes has resulted in much social oppression of the lowest caste, the Shudras. The underlying cause of oppression is perhaps the fact that although the caste-system precribes the rules and obligations of each caste, it relies heavily on individual honesty and integrity in order to work. Unfortunately it turned out that people started taking only the advantages attached to their castes but ignored the obligations and responsibilites. People started giving more importance to their castes and caste-based divisions than the obligations that come with each caste. To make matters worse, higher caste people used their supposedly "superior" position to suppress being held accountable or questioning by lower castes or outcastes. This has led to wide-spread "casteism" which is a degraded form of (the application) of the caste-system. Critics also decry the socio-political fragmentation caused by the caste system. For example, there are over 80 subcastes of brahmins, and the Jat Hindu communities of Punjab and Haryana are considered a separate caste by themselves.
Hindu response and reform
The four varnas caste theory in theological Hinduism, while not initially rigid, came to be used with time as a device to maintain the domination of the upper castes, brahmins and kshatriyas (the ruling order) over the rest of society, using divine doctrine and notions of racial purity. Many modern Hindus feel that the caste of the person should be not determined by birth, but by adult choice or individual tendencies.
India and all of modern Hindu society almost universally condemns untouchability, even if the caste system debate is open. Untouchability was outlawed after India gained independence in 1947, and people who were formerly identified as untouchables have made considerable economic, social and political progress in India. However, subtle discrimination and isolated acts of violence in the inner parts of India frequently cause political and sectarian tensions. It must be noted that untouchability was derived from the caste system, but is not supported by Hinduism in any of it's scriptures or texts.
Status of Women
Main article: Women in Hinduism
The oppression of women through condemned practices like Sati (widow self-immolation), the restrictions against divorce, property rights, child marriage or widow re-marriage are practices in India.
U'll surly burn forever in Hell for converting to Hinduism and worshiping dead Idols if its true. Only a fool would convert from Islam to this man made stupid Idol religion.
I don't think it's a fair comparison- taking a monotheistic religion- Islam and comparing it to hinduism. That being said, there is a bigger issue at hand based on some of the answers I've read:
There is so much misinformation out there about Islam- just think of all the people out there (not using this website) who incorporate these wrong beliefs into their lives and the way that they discriminate: I have an open mind and understand truth.