Everything is made of pure energy, and energy is indestructible. It can change, but not be destroyed. So, the universe as we know it, has changed, is changing and will always change.
there is no boundaries to it, so it has to have no beginning, and if no beginning, it also has no end.
It is hard for humans in their feeble little minds to see that there is no end to the vastness. What we see, with our tiny Earth made telescopes, we call the Universe, but in fact, this is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.
Ask yourself, if the Universe had a boundary, just what is on the other side of it? I mean, my yard has a boundary, and then there is a sidewalk, and the road, and more land, and so on. So, if the Universe did in fact have an end to it, just what is on the other side?
Suppose you were on a planet that was located right on the edge of the boundary of the universe, much like a fence is on your yard. Would that mean, that when you looked up at the heavens, nothing would be there? And just exactly, what would that nothing be?
A person I asked that question to, told me..... space. Well, isn't space part of the Universe?
The thing people do not realize is that time is instantaneous and doesn't exist as a thing in itself.
There is no past, no present, and no future. It is like a flash from flashbulb in a camera. It isn't there, then it is, and then it is gone, and you wait for the next one. But what we see is a flash of light, we remember the flash, that is the present. Our memory. The light is gone, that is the past. And the light won't come back until next flash, that is the future.
And like a movie film, we see many frames per second, we call it a movie and remember it, as now, the present. But the frames are gone even though we think of them. They no longer exist. What we call the present is just memories. Think about it.
If time, from the thing that is about to happen, to it happening, is one trillionth of a second, that is then past and gone. But we see it and trillions of other things happening right after that event, and we call it the present. They are only memories, though.
For instance, someone shoots a bullet. The bullet leave the area of the gun where is exploded, and then it leaves the barrel and then it travels across the yard and finally, hits the target. Just Milli seconds after it exploded, it is in the PAST. and after it leaves the barrel, it is in the past, and so on, all the way to the target, in the past. But we see it as boom, hitting the target, as all in the present.
There is no present, only memories of that bullet as it left the barrel on its trip
The point of all this, is that time is instantaneous, and so therefore, so is the Universe.
Ask your self, then, if this is the case.... does the Universe really exist then???
Does a thought in your head really exist, or is it just a instantaneous thing, and then gone, forever?
Perhaps, that is all we really are, is just "thoughts" by some super being, like a God. And we are here only during the instantaneous thought. and then gone.