How can you say homosexuality is a choice when....?
2007-10-27 22:09:33 UTC
there was a set of identical twins boys born. since they began to play with toys one boy liked trucks and cars and robots etc, when the other boy just wanted to play with dolls... as they got older one boy had his room decorated like the typical boy but the other desperately wanted bright colours, more associated with girls, and pink fur and princesses. this is not the only story of such behaviors. a small kid doesnt understand the implications. this is how they were born. parents have a hard time excepting it, and so is society...
open minded opinions please
close ones welcomed too...
there has also been evidence of homosexuality in animals. and transgendered kids. what do you think causes all this confusion at such a young age?
58 answers:
2007-10-27 22:11:50 UTC
I truly believe people are born gay. They don't "choose" to be anyone but who they are. We need to be more tolerant.
2007-10-27 22:18:19 UTC
so pink fur and bright colors and princesses are "gay" and homosexual?

Wow. Just because a child prefers the the attentive nature of having a doll does not mean he will never grow up to know how to throw a football.

I like to think I have an open mind, so why is everyone attempting to shove their viewpoints into my throat and tell me what I am supossed to think.

Haven't you ever heard the saying that being the pitcher doesn't make you gay, being the catcher is? Men are fabelled to have a desire to stick it in everything. Supossedly, that makes them a man. The conscious choice of being the accepter is a different story. But then again, I don't know what I'm talking about and just reciting my thoughts that have been influenced by the world around me.
2007-10-27 22:19:19 UTC
Different Stimuli altogether.

Can you really say that even a set of twins will learn everything and see and hear everything at the same time???

No you cant.

But the fact that they wetre both born with a certain set of genitilia, and the fact that GOD made them that way,

and the fact that no one can be BORN gay otherwise a gene would be repeateded with regularity through each generation of that family lineage.

What about reproduction?

If homosexuality was in fact normal, then just like hetero sex leads to reproduction naturally...homosexuality would also.

So, GOD and NATURE made them a particular sex.

And reporoduction teaches us what is concieving a child

One twin ended up gay the other not?

Not just one know all circumstance, that teaches thelearned behavior that is homosexuality.

As far as animals being homosexual...

Monkeys do what they do...but as humans we have a differentmentality -- as far as sex is concerned and its relation to Love and Reporduction.

So anyone to say if animals do it, then it must be okay and a natrual thing.

But if someone sees an animal and copies thta behavior, does that make them no more smarter than that animal?

One can argue all they want in favor of justifying homosexuality, but the bottom line is what was taught to us by GOD.

GOD loves all and allows for forgiveness to all if it is asked and they turn away from those sins.

No where in the Bible does it say keep doing what you know is displeasing to GOD, and HE's not going to punish you.

In fact GOD promises to punish thos that continually disobey HIM
2007-10-27 22:29:13 UTC
Well, homosexuality isn't really a choice I guess, but it's something that you should be allowed to be and accepted for it, because it is who you are. My 4 year old cousin loves playing with barbies and girly things, and walking round in high heels and has even been caught wearing a dress. But no-one in my family has a problem accepting that he might be gay, we still love him to bits, he's one of my favourite cousins actually! But then again, he also loves cars, he knows the name of every single one and has about 400 little cars. It's not 'confusion at a young age' it's just kids doing what they like to do, we're all different. And luckily, when we're young we don't feel the pressure to fit into society, so kids may come across as gay, but they're nothing yet! That boy is just playing with Bratz dolls because he likes them and that girl is just playing with dinasour models because they're fun.
2007-10-28 16:36:47 UTC
Personally, I don't think it matters if it is a choice or not. Homosexuality does not hurt anyone and if someone is happy liking the same sex then good for them. Unfortunately with all the craziness and bigotry in the world, the only way for gays to get equal rights would be to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality is in fact genetic. The state of human consciousness today is so sad. Why does it freaking matter?
2007-10-27 22:19:05 UTC
Homosexuality is not a cut and dried issue. There are certainly genetic factors in some cases. However I think percentage wise those are relatively few. For the most part it is a learned behaviour. Not learned directly like math and grammar, but environmental factors effect how people turn out. It's very subtle maybe, but something changes how a person develops. It can happen very early, so there's no direct, conscious choice.

The only evidence I've seen of homosexuality in animals is from experiments done to force it somehow, so I'll have to disagree on that one for now. But in a large enough population you will have all sorts of aberrations. That doesn't make it right or natural, that just means it exists. I understand that people have the right to live how they want, just remember that I am not obliged to like it either.
2007-10-27 22:18:55 UTC
What a crock. It is a choice, it is a sexual perversion, it is deviant behavior. There are no homosexual animals and there are no transgendered kids. Someone has caused this confusion, I know a guy that when he was little his mom dressed him like a girl in dresses, it really messed him up in the head it is always a outside influence. They have proved that the majority of homosexual men come from a home with a single domineering mother and no father figure at all or were molested by some guy.
Boxer Lover
2007-10-28 05:11:31 UTC
I got a good one for you...... My best friend is a lesbian. She is also a twin. She also has two other brothers. Mind you we are in our 30's now. Both twins are lesbians and the other full brother is gay. The other brother is from a different father and he is not gay, and married with 3 kids. How about that for interesting?

So my opinion is, its not a choice. Nobody chooses to be gay. Who would? Its a awful life growing up and so many hate crimes because of it.

Thats my story and I'm sticking too it
2007-10-27 22:51:48 UTC
God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!!! However the child was raised will determine his/her actions. Why would parents let their son play with dolls? If you have a sleep over you're not going to let 6 year old boys sleep together, think about it. You wouldn't let them watch shows or movies that promote it either. You are not born this way, it is a choice but parents play a big role in what the child chooses to do in the future. God plays a big role too.
James Y
2007-10-27 22:20:34 UTC
No homosexuality is not a choice it's just a thing invented by Christians or certain who are so afraid of homosexuality or becoming gay that they have to believe or think there is some way out. Homosexuality is not a choice, I think you're born gay or you become gay however inevitably. It's completely normal.

Have sexual urges toward someone of the same sex is not your choice. This is something people have to understand. What you do about it is completely a different issue. People seem to believe that there is some kind of choice made. There isn't a choice. Yes, lust is a sin. So you CAN choose to have sex or resist the urge or have some kind of chastity. But the kind of urges you have are not your choices. I don't see how people can't understand that. I mean sometimes you look at somebody and you're attracted but what you do about it afterwards is your choice. I mean there are some people who give up sex forever and they even have no thoughts that pertain to it but what I'm saying is that if they choose to go back or have sex again they can't control which type of gender they're attracted to.
Oshkosh Girl
2007-10-27 22:16:27 UTC
I didn't know that homosexuality was a "choice". My cousin is gay and I'm pretty darn sure he didn't "choose" to be gay. He just is. Being gay is just is what it is.

Being part of a set of twins doesn't mean that they are going to both be hetero or gay for that matter. Have you seen the show "Little People, Big World"? That couple has twins and one is a little person and the other twin is average height. Get the point I'm making?

I think the confusion at a young age is just that kids don't understand their feelings and we are still a homophobic country (the US that is).
2007-10-27 22:16:12 UTC
Hi, I don't think it can be called confusion, it is merely normal behaviour. I think that you are the way you are, and that goes from birth!! I know of a lad who when he was little liked to wear princess outfits and fairy wings with pink fluff and that, but now he's older he is gay and happy. Actually he's a great bloke and wouldn't change him for the world. Just because society has a problem with what they don't think is the norm doesn't mean that people should be punished for being different!!
2007-10-28 01:01:35 UTC
there is NO GAY GENs.

gay is taught,. having gay organizinions pushing there counsling in the 90's-2000's in cal. middle schools and across the nation and having pamphlets passed out to any middle/junoir higg student that questioned there sexuality. the gay ageneda is a pressing one and is being pushed on children. being gay is not a natural thing lol think about it we would be dead if everyone was gay lol. but whats sad is gay people pushing this on children. just because animals hump anything they see doesnt mean its right for humans to do it. even on utube u can find a vidoe of a dog humping a cat,. that doesnt meean its a good thing. if you think yor gay fine do what ever it is your going to to BT DONT PUSH YOUR SEXUALITY ON OTHERS AND KIDS. its its a simple matter to research the gay agenda and what is being pushed.

but for anyone to say its not natural to procreate and to pass on their genes is retarded and how are you going to do this with a same sex patner???? if your gay you know you cant create kids. so why would it be soooooo important for a gay couple to have a kid??????? beacause its a natural desire to procreate. being gay is a low self esteem thing. all the people you meet of opposite sex arent treating you nice your family treats you like crap and you go for the thing/person you think "really" loves you. and you people are just so selfish they want self gratifaction anyway thay can get it
2007-10-27 22:54:47 UTC
Is sexual desire completely a choice? No. Why is one man attracted to blondes, 5' 7" tall, and another to red-head 5' tall? Why does one woman find men with square jaws attractive and another find men with round faces attractive? What one finds desirable is not important. What one does with his or her body is the point. The "experts" say child molesters are born that way too. Why do we hold them responsible for their actions? Consider the heterosexual male (it doesn't matter if its male or female) who controls sexual desires until his wedding night. Or, who controls them all his life if he never marries. Are we willing to say the heterosexuals have a unique market on controlling the expression of their sexual desires? I think GLAD would not like that insinuation.
2007-10-27 22:16:33 UTC
Though hormones play some part in deciding the sexual behaviour of people, it is the upbringing that confirms the sexuality.

Boys are treated in a different way and girls are treated differently right from childhood.

I knew one classmate who learnt indian classical dance and would love to play female part inin dance dramas. Once I talked to him and he told me that his mother was a dancer and when he was a child, she used to wrap her saree (an Indian cloth) around him and teach him dance. That shaped his behaviour and he didn't feel uncomfortable while doing so as an adult.
2007-10-27 22:22:42 UTC
I understand the part about the twins so how can 1 be homosexual & the other not simple they don't have the same brain (two individual brains) that's the main reason god gave us a brain to think for ourselves make our decisions.
2007-10-27 22:15:24 UTC
Your example is not an example of homosexuality. A homosexual is not a feminine male though many are. You are talking about examples of Gender Identify Disorder which is a whole different story.
2007-10-27 22:40:20 UTC
I'd like to see this evidence of homosexuality in animals. I lived on a farm and never seen a horse, bull, cow, pig, chicken, etc. or any other animal perform oral sex or anal intercourse on each other. Has anyone?
2007-10-27 22:16:57 UTC
We're all born into sin and I don't believe we get to "choose" which particular ones we end up with. But every person CAN choose to turn away from sin. That's the choice in homosexuality. You gonna wallow in it like a pig or stand up and walk out of it with your head high?
2007-10-27 22:33:47 UTC
good point

about animals, animals instinctivly have the idea wierd into there brain, their "purpose" is to live long enough to reproduce, and being homosexual will no produce offspring

you mat be fooled by humping, my 2 girl rabbits hump to show dominance over they other but its not sex
2007-10-27 22:15:37 UTC
i'm not against homosexuality -- but just b/c a boy likes "effiminate" things - does not make them homosexual..

- that would mean girls that like playing soccer are lesbians..

- although it doesn't disprove ur point about homosexuality being inbred either

ur right about homosexuality in animals..
2007-10-27 22:20:12 UTC
Of course it is NOT a choice. And even if it was, how arrogant for any straight person to think that they know better.

Those who oppose this notion are usually homophobic (sickenss) or badly influenced by religious beliefs... And we all know the sad history of how most priests molested young boys...
2007-10-27 22:18:24 UTC
It is the homosexual "activity" that is the choice. The person makes the "decision" about becoming an active homosexual.
2007-10-27 22:15:36 UTC
How come in some siblings one of the twins has cancer and the other doesn't?

Because the DNA was mutated.

In the case of cancer, the outcome was bad.

And in the case of orientation, whose to say if it's good or bad?

Genes mutate all the time.
2007-10-27 22:24:27 UTC
God doesn't make imperfect people. You are simply mis-guided and Satan will do what he can to keep you in this bondage, because he knows you will be with him in the fiery lake of fire, for forever.

God's word says this is a stink in His nostrils and you will go to hell for it. This is one of the reasons He destroyed Sodom & Gommarh.
Eric H
2007-10-27 22:22:05 UTC
I don't begin to understand the science of it but evidently, there are scientists that claim to have found a gay gene. Who knows. I can tell you that I am the youngest of 6 kids, we were all brought up in the same manor. I am the only homosexual in my immediate family. I had a very happy and healthy childhood, I was not abused or raped. I did not even know another homosexual in the small town I grew up in but I have always had "feelings" toward men from the day my hormones kicked in. I understand that many strait men have these feelings from time to time but then they turn their attentions to the opposite sex. I can not think of any environmental influences that may have pushed me toward a homosexual life. I played baseball, got into fights and did everything a strait boy would typically do. At the end of the day however, my thoughts would be about men, never women. Who knows why I turned out gay but I am and always will be happy to be who I am and pleased to see more and more acceptance of the alternative lifestyle in today's society. Perhaps one day, it will no longer be referred to as alternative and we will all just get along.

I find it interesting that some of the posts are quoting Leviticus. If you are going to bite into that apple, you had better be prepared to eat the whole thing. Such as no man shall lie in a bed that a women has menstruated in or you will not swear at your parents. I can assure you that if I am going to hell because I am gay, I will be your neighbor as I am sure, you have also violated a few biblical passages yourself. Get real folks, stop using the bible to persecute gay people and call a spade a spade. We scare the crap out of you. We fear what we don't know or understand. Get to know some of us and I can assure you that our moral standards are very much the same or above your average strait person. When is the last time you recall hearing about a gay couple abusing each other or their kids. It would seem that you are being hypocritical as the moral fiber of many Americans has worn very thin and it has nothing to do with your sexuality. Most homosexuals enjoy an above average income, have a higher level of education and the gay community has a very low rate of violent crime. The only thing we do in excess is drink and partake in drugs and I suspect this is the result of having to live in a society that thinks it is ok to kill someone because you are gay ( Mathew Shepard ). I know I went through a time when I drank allot, don't think we don't see you snickering behind the water cooler at the office. I don't think the passage said " and if man does lie with man, poke them with a stick". Not very Christian now is it? What happen to love thy neighbor? Did it say "love thy neighbor unless he or she is gay?" I would have NEVER chosen to be ostracized. If I had a choice, I would have chosen to be strait but as it is, fate had a different path for me. There are examples of many great men and women in history that were gay. We are not out to hurt anyone. History has proven that the church is not always correct. Scientists were imprisoned by religious leaders because they said the earth was round and not flat. HMMMM who was correct. It would seem that those entrenched in religion are hell bent to push their agenda upon everyone else. I support your right to spend Sunday morning in a church and believe what you believe but don't hold me out as an example and persecute me because I am gay. Perhaps you should examine your own organization and fix that first before you venture out and come after the gay community or other " special interest groups" as you like to call them. If I do end up upsetting the almighty because of my lifestyle, then so be it. I don't see how it affects your ability to do what you do. Just because some schmuck wrote that " man shall not lie with man" does not mean he knew what he was doing. After all these people saw burning bushes and parting sea's. Perhaps they had a drug problem as well.

Own up to your hate. Don't stand behind the bible to justify your dislike of gay people. I don't like everyone I meet but I don't make excuses for it, I simply state I don't like them and it is your human right to do so.

Live and let live. Be happy...
2007-10-27 22:22:15 UTC
"What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, **nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men**, 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom."-- 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10

But in verse 11 it goes on to say: "And yet **that is what some of YOU were**. But YOU have been washed clean, but YOU have been sanctified, but YOU have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God."

*'s added by me for emphasis.

Even if some people may genetically predisposed to homosexuality doesn't mean they have to act on their desires.

Just like straight people may have sexual desires before they're married, but that doesn't mean they should go out and have sex.

We are supposed to be in control of ourselves and our desires.
2007-10-28 04:12:14 UTC
Its very much genetics, humans try to explain it but know one really and throughly knows the answers
Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA
2007-10-27 22:22:23 UTC
I believe you choose to be gay like you choose to be black- which is to say not at all.

I also believe that the twin that played with trucks may have been the one that was gay.

You never stated which twin it was.
2007-10-27 22:21:20 UTC
It is a choice...even if your desire is for a man and you are a man,,,you do not give in to a perverted sexual addiction...anymore than a child molester gives in to molesting children...or a person who loves to eat,,gives in and becomes a glutton and is all sin, and it is to be excuses...just because you have a leaning in that direction doesn't mean it is right...There are some people who had rather steal from others than work...they have to fight that urge to take advantage of people...

Homosexuals need to stop whining like their sin is somehow special and need special is sin,,,,get over it and stop whining...It is not easy for any of us to stay sin free..but if you want to be saved,,,you will do it...and if you slip,,,you ask for God's help...until you gain victory over it....
2007-10-27 22:19:40 UTC
We are born into sin. Period.

If you think you were "born GAY" than your only job is to accept the Lord Jesus Chirst into your life and turn from your evil ways.
2007-10-27 22:12:28 UTC
If it is not a choice, then the person is not hold accountable for it, such as skin color. If it is a choice, then accept the result.
2007-10-27 22:14:33 UTC
I saw the video about those two boys! It definitely proves that homosexuality is not a choice, but you're born with your sexual orientation.

I don't understand the reasoning behind saying homosexuality is a choice.

My mom once asked me how I knew I liked people of the same gender when I hadn't even dated people of the opposite gender. I simply replied, "Did you have to date girls before you realized you liked guys?" She couldn't think of anything to say to that.
Experto Credo
2007-10-27 22:13:54 UTC
Uh... I played with dolls as a child, but never became gay.

Do not confuse societal pressures with genetic pressures
2007-10-27 22:19:15 UTC
I could can less if they are born that way or they choose to be that way. Just do what make you happy, who you are attracted to is no business of mine. Unless of course I'm the object of their attraction.
2007-10-27 22:15:28 UTC
i don't knwo if i would call it confusion...i believe that some people really aren't attracted to the opposite sex and i can't say why....i think it's only confusing for people who are so set on traditional ways and just because it bothers you doesn't mean it's not "right" who's to say what's right anyway???
2007-10-27 22:14:44 UTC
The issue from the stand point of the word of God is that it does not matter whether it is a choice or not.

All of us are born with a sin nature.

No sin is good and no sin is overlooked by a righteous God.

God overcame sin and death for us.

It is the reason for the atonement.

There is not justification for sin but there is an atonement to bring you to God's righteousness.
Duck C
2007-10-27 22:18:02 UTC
Do people choose to be straight? Could you change your "choice" at any moment if you wanted?
Asked and Answered
2007-10-27 22:14:14 UTC
Because people need something to fear and discriminate against.

The "confusion" comes from people not wanting to accept people as they are. We're supposed to fit in a box that says "boy" or "girl" and stick to the role we've been assigned.
2007-10-27 22:13:51 UTC
Of course people don't choose to be gay, who WANTS to be gay? Some people just accept it better than others. Homosexuality is a natural thing that some people are just born with. I'd imagine it would be confusing to young children who wonder why they're different....
2007-10-27 22:13:09 UTC
"think causes all this confusion at such a young age?"

theres no confusion at all. Its part of life. homo or not
2007-10-27 22:16:03 UTC
DUDE!!!I HAVE a gay twin brother, and it really cuts me through the heart, AND what HE tells me,,,, makes you full of something ~~~~~WHEW!!!!
2007-10-27 22:13:58 UTC
It is a spiritual thing, much deeper than most people want to go. An explanation strait from God is the only real answer.
2007-10-27 22:14:54 UTC
everything u do is a choice. i was born a pothead but stopped smoking- doesnt mean i want to
2007-10-27 22:15:20 UTC
It is widely agreed now that even our behaviours & feelings are dictated by our genes,there is no doubt of any kind that homosexuality isn't a choice.
2007-10-27 22:13:28 UTC
yeah, and i bet the girly boy makes a better boyfriend and the truck lover likes other boys.

it's a choice. flat and simple. it's ur body's though. Genetics make ur body. twins are always different anyways.

if anything, blame hormones and parents, both their genetics that make ur body which make ur genes and their parenting style.
2007-10-27 22:13:24 UTC
I agree. It very rarely is chosen. The life of a homosexual is a life of possible scorn and judgement. Why would any one choose that at will?
2007-10-27 22:12:08 UTC
just because you like dolls doesnt make you gay....i am VERY straight but my favorite color is BRIGHT pink........hmmmmmmmmmm
2007-10-27 22:14:44 UTC
he completely believe that ppl are born gay. However, some ppl are just idk the wanna be gay for certain reasons or events in their lifes that make wanna change sexual preferences.
2007-10-27 22:12:11 UTC
It is not a choice. If I could have chosen, I would have chosen to be straight. Seriously.

By the way, I wasn't quite fond of playing with dolls. I loved playing with cars, robots and my favorite colors are dark green, red, and blue.
2007-10-27 22:12:53 UTC
It is not a choice, it is they way you are wired, and it is not a punishment. Read Middlesex.
2007-10-27 22:14:10 UTC
You just PROVED that it's a choice.

If it was genetic, both boys would be Gay or Straight.

Sorry, homosexuality can be affected by many outside factors, but it's still a choice.
2007-10-27 22:14:42 UTC
Genetics. No choice in it.
dazed and confused
2007-10-27 22:13:28 UTC
that's just how they're born. DNA and hormones, i guess. it's normal though, nothing scary.
2007-10-27 22:12:53 UTC
the parents allowing there to be a confusion. i don't think it's natural at all. maybe for a little boy to want to play dolls once in a while, fine. but to decorate their room in princess? way to allowing on the parents part.
E. F. Hutton
2007-10-27 22:12:49 UTC
It is not a choice.
2007-10-27 22:11:49 UTC
its not a choice it has to do with hormones
2007-10-27 22:12:41 UTC
Parents and adults should be blamed for not putting the children on the right track.

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