Different Stimuli altogether.
Can you really say that even a set of twins will learn everything and see and hear everything at the same time???
No you cant.
But the fact that they wetre both born with a certain set of genitilia, and the fact that GOD made them that way,
and the fact that no one can be BORN gay otherwise a gene would be repeateded with regularity through each generation of that family lineage.
What about reproduction?
If homosexuality was in fact normal, then just like hetero sex leads to reproduction naturally...homosexuality would also.
So, GOD and NATURE made them a particular sex.
And reporoduction teaches us what is concieving a child
One twin ended up gay the other not?
Not just one know all circumstance, that teaches thelearned behavior that is homosexuality.
As far as animals being homosexual...
Monkeys do what they do...but as humans we have a differentmentality -- as far as sex is concerned and its relation to Love and Reporduction.
So anyone to say if animals do it, then it must be okay and a natrual thing.
But if someone sees an animal and copies thta behavior, does that make them no more smarter than that animal?
One can argue all they want in favor of justifying homosexuality, but the bottom line is what was taught to us by GOD.
GOD loves all and allows for forgiveness to all if it is asked and they turn away from those sins.
No where in the Bible does it say keep doing what you know is displeasing to GOD, and HE's not going to punish you.
In fact GOD promises to punish thos that continually disobey HIM