2013-09-19 14:44:39 UTC
My Opinion on Religion
It’s a fundamental part of human nature, that we have a fear of the unknown. For instance, if someone is afraid of the dark, they’re not afraid of the dark itself, but rather, what might be in there. If someone is afraid of the ocean, they’re not afraid of the ocean itself, but of what may be lurking beneath the surface.
For example, in the 17th Century, people were labelled as ‘witches’, and condemned to death. Why? Because thing happened that no one could explain, like fires starting due to the refraction of light. It was this fear of the unknown that compelled people to pin the blame on others, so that they had something to blame.
Now, to the topic of religion.
My personal opinion on religion is as follows. Ancient peoples and civilisations had no ways of explaining things such as how the universe was created, or why they even existed. So, they came up with gods; divine, supernatural beings. The invention of gods made an answer to everything. How was the world created? God made it in 7 days by telling the universe what to do. Why are humans so different from animals? Because we are special, and god created us in his image. See? An answer to everything.
But now, in the 21st Century, we no longer need these explanations. We have evidence, and proof, and ways to answer these questions that have been haunting us since the dawn of time. So why continue with religion? Why continue following these out-of-date myths and legends, when in fact, the answer is right in front of us? That is the question I would like answered.
Another point I have on religion is that there is no straight evidence that any of these beliefs are true. Sure, we have the bible and the Koran, but they are not straight evidence. For all we know, they are just products of fiction, made to explain the universe to people living in a time where there were no other explanations.
Also, there are thousands of religions in the world. How could they possibly all be true? And if not, what makes one religion more correct than all the others? Different religions contradict each other in numerous places. Take, for instance, creation. Christians believe that God created the world in 7 days. Ancient Greek civilisations believed that the world was born out of ‘chaos’. Also, Islam dictates that the prophet was Mohammed, while Christianity dictates that the prophet was Jesus, while Judaism dictates that the prophet is yet to come.
It is for all these reasons and more that I am an atheist, and will remain so. I think religion is something that was effective in ancient times, but should no longer apply to us.
So, that was it. I'm thinking of posting it online, on a blog or something, but I'm not sure if it will offend people. Please give me an opinion! Thank you in advance. :)