Can someone give me an opinion on this?
2013-09-19 14:44:39 UTC
Hi, I'm a 14 year old girl, and I've been thinking a lot about religion recently. I am an atheist, and have been since the age of about 9 or 10. A few minutes ago I wrote all my thoughts down in a word document, just to get them out of my head. Before you read, please understand that I have nothing against other religions and beliefs. I am just expressing my opinion.

My Opinion on Religion

It’s a fundamental part of human nature, that we have a fear of the unknown. For instance, if someone is afraid of the dark, they’re not afraid of the dark itself, but rather, what might be in there. If someone is afraid of the ocean, they’re not afraid of the ocean itself, but of what may be lurking beneath the surface.

For example, in the 17th Century, people were labelled as ‘witches’, and condemned to death. Why? Because thing happened that no one could explain, like fires starting due to the refraction of light. It was this fear of the unknown that compelled people to pin the blame on others, so that they had something to blame.

Now, to the topic of religion.

My personal opinion on religion is as follows. Ancient peoples and civilisations had no ways of explaining things such as how the universe was created, or why they even existed. So, they came up with gods; divine, supernatural beings. The invention of gods made an answer to everything. How was the world created? God made it in 7 days by telling the universe what to do. Why are humans so different from animals? Because we are special, and god created us in his image. See? An answer to everything.

But now, in the 21st Century, we no longer need these explanations. We have evidence, and proof, and ways to answer these questions that have been haunting us since the dawn of time. So why continue with religion? Why continue following these out-of-date myths and legends, when in fact, the answer is right in front of us? That is the question I would like answered.

Another point I have on religion is that there is no straight evidence that any of these beliefs are true. Sure, we have the bible and the Koran, but they are not straight evidence. For all we know, they are just products of fiction, made to explain the universe to people living in a time where there were no other explanations.

Also, there are thousands of religions in the world. How could they possibly all be true? And if not, what makes one religion more correct than all the others? Different religions contradict each other in numerous places. Take, for instance, creation. Christians believe that God created the world in 7 days. Ancient Greek civilisations believed that the world was born out of ‘chaos’. Also, Islam dictates that the prophet was Mohammed, while Christianity dictates that the prophet was Jesus, while Judaism dictates that the prophet is yet to come.

It is for all these reasons and more that I am an atheist, and will remain so. I think religion is something that was effective in ancient times, but should no longer apply to us.

So, that was it. I'm thinking of posting it online, on a blog or something, but I'm not sure if it will offend people. Please give me an opinion! Thank you in advance. :)
Eight answers:
2013-09-19 14:54:16 UTC
At 14 you're a lot smarter than some of the grown ups on here.

Another point about religion that you should add, which you may be unaware of because you're still young, is how profitable it is. All the major religions ask that their converts donate a certain amount of money to the religion's bank account. For Christians and Jews, for example, it's 10% of your total income. That makes the leaders of these religions filthy rich. So not only is religion used to explain the unexplained, but it's also used by the religious powers to make themselves extremely wealthy. The product they're selling is the promise of eternal bliss after you die. They tell people to "have faith" they're have it after they're dead and gone. Of course, once you're dead there's nothing you can do. They have your money, and probably your descendant's money too since they convinced you to raise your children in the religion.
2013-09-19 15:06:27 UTC
For you are a child and think with a human brain, but you don't know God and what he would do. You could post this anywhere you want, it wont offend anyone because you are 14 year old trying to act smart, is just showing your ignorance. A girl that has been on earth 14 years, cannot explain anything. People spend decades trying to find answer to religion, and now you, think found the answer to all of peoples problem.

You think worldly matter, you say God created the world in seven days, well a day to you is 24 hours, to God it could be 24 hours, or it could be a thousand years to God. And we know to science that first animals were aquatic. In the Bible it says that God created aquatic animals first. So a million years later ( a day in human time ), God then created humans ( which can explain evolution).

There are many of religions, which one is right, you need to study all of them. Christianity is the most accurate. Jesus who lived 33 years, spread the good news only for 3 years. That tells me he was smart. There are many questions that atheists cant explain, such as why would Paul who hated Christianity and killed many of them, would become Christian and preach the word of God. God said that blessed are those who believe and not see. If you want evidence and see God, then everyone would become Christian, but that's not how it works.

And your words are inaccurate, Jesus never claimed to be prophet, but God. He was Christ. He died because he was "The King of the Jews".

Sorry if I offended you, but you are only 14, so I am trying to educate you, and you will realize it when you grow up. Read the Bible, then make any assumptions.

If you have any question, I will answer them.
2013-09-19 15:33:51 UTC
The more I study religion the more I believe. You presented your thoughts in a clear manner and not in a disrespectful way. However I use to think exactly like you and all the other atheists out there then I looked at prophecy and end times. Then I took a hard look at the world and realized things are happening that have been written well over 4,000 years ago. In the 1900's a child would listen to their parents and do as they are told and have respect for them. In the 1950's while they still had respect they started to get a little more resistant. Now they are the mouthiest little bunch of punks I have ever met constantly talking back treating others like they are above them. Crime has nearly tripled in the past four years, more people world wide die from disease, famine and war than they did over 100 years ago. More people are starting to think like you and hate religion because of their false feelings that religion breeds crime and when asked to defend their argument on why they believe religion is responsible they put a link to a Wikipedia page that everyone in the world can alter. I could start my own page up that says pink is actually blue and give a passionate argument and even evidence on a study I never conducted to sway people to believe pink is blue. Besides I accept science as a way to find out how and no I don't believe it was made in 7 literal days but like it says in the Bible one day to God is like 1000 years. I know its also not 7000 years it took millions but all that person was saying is it took longer than the believed 7 days. Science has nearly 50 theories on how the universe came into existence, some have compelling arguments others are absolutely silly such as we are actually in a particle accelerator in another universe and in their time it takes but a moment but in our time billions of years have passed. Its arrogance of people that makes them think just because they have a theory they can disprove God. Its like me disproving tomatoes because of ketchup. Doesn't work, and so many people out there have had one too many personal experiences as well as things falling into line too perfectly to be coincidence or random. But in all honesty why do atheists care so much about disproving God its almost as if they have a hidden agenda to strip all the people in the world of hope to get them to do their bidding. I know there is a God based off of everything in my life that I have seen since I gained faith I even gained faith because of one said event so ill choose my Bible instead of choosing no hope in a better tomorrow.
2013-09-19 17:16:48 UTC
I think it will offend God and Jesus and the holy Spirit. I have been made alive together with Christ alive spiritually for 28 years now and nothing can separate me from the love of God the father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
2013-09-19 14:59:21 UTC
I respect your opinion but I don't share it. It's too hard for me to believe that the universe and life happened by some random chance or accident with no intelligent force/being behind it.
2013-09-19 14:54:50 UTC
The truth can be known. Someone doesn't just claim the have the truth, and it be the truth. If you look in today's world, you can find the truth if you sift through the lie. If the truth is that there is a God and he has shown us what love looks like. (In the form of Jesus), then we can't deny that he doesn't/didn't exist.
2013-09-19 14:51:41 UTC
I like the way you think and do have a few comments, but your post is in violation of the community guidelines. I suggest you read and follow the community guidelines.
2013-09-19 14:54:05 UTC
I think it sounds great. Keep up the critical thinking! :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.