Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to people?
2008-12-04 15:16:36 UTC
or do you say neither..
Christmas is a Federal Holiday it is a religious Holiday for Christians all over the world.
Another religious holiday is Hannukkah which sometimes overlaps Christmas but is not a federal holiday.

Those 2 holidays Holy-Days has been the only recognized holidays in December in the USA since the birth of the United States.

I say both Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukkah...

Passover and Easter are also Holidays Holy_days but we never say Happy Holidays during those celebrated days we say Happy Passover and Happy Easter..

Why say Happy Holidays when we are celebrating the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.? Happy Birthday Jesus! what a gift you have given to us! eternal salvation....
56 answers:
2008-12-04 15:20:31 UTC
Not to just anyone no...but for you?

you know it.

Merry Christmas (((Crimmy)))
Bobby The Wolf
2008-12-04 15:29:17 UTC
I say "Happy Holidays!" Because I know that not everyone celebrates christmas (National Holiday or not) and I think that it would be rude to say Merry Christmas to a Jewish person... I'm not trying to be PC I'm just trying to be nice.

I hate it when Christians make a big deal about saying "Merry Christmas" it's such a stupid thing to argue about and it really shows their true colors, I mean if they are so intolerant they won't even say "Happy Holidays" so that they can include all people not just Christians, AND they make it out that THEY are the victims, than they aren't very good people in my opinion. Not anyone I would be friends with.

There are more Holidays in december than just those two:

Yule -- Pagan

Pancho Gant -- Hindu

Kwanzaa -- African

Saturnalia -- Roman


The Winter Solstice has been a time for celebration by many cultures all over the world.
Kathryn P
2008-12-04 15:36:09 UTC
I do say happy Easter, but happy Passover? Not heard that one.

I say Merry Christmas. Why? Because it annoys me that someone is telling me that I cannot say it. If I go to a store and hear "happy Holidays" then I return with "Merry Christmas". Now, if they are including all the different December based holidays, Quaanza (sp) Chaunakah (sp again) and Christmas, and New Years, then it is appropriate as a greeting, because to say all that would be just too many words for someone trying to grab their bags and hurry home to wrap them for whichever holiday they are celebrating.

I do believe that all the 'sensitive' others of the planet should get off their high horses and just get over it. I am not trying to offend someone because I say Merry Christmas. If they want to respond back by acknowledging their own preferred holiday, more power to them. Diversity is what makes the good ol' USA such an interesting place to live, and if someone squelches my ideas, words, or beliefs then they are offensive.

If I were not a caucation woman, I would be able to say more, but I could be considered offensive, un-caring, racist, discriminatory, or whatever because I am not of a minority race or creed. Too bad the double standards exist.

Offending others is too big a deal anymore. For goodness sakes, it's a holiday, it's a word and it's a feeling. Who has the right to tell me, you, or Joe Schmoe down the street what we should be saying. It's just rude, and not the freedom of speech I read about in the Constitution.
2008-12-04 15:51:25 UTC
All good Americans should be saying happy holidays!!

It is nothing to do with either Christianity or Islam but it does have it's origins in the midwinter festival and many other basically pagan rites but since much of it is a celebration of nature rather than religion everyone should be able to enjoy it and be happy together despite religion!!

The ancient European pagans celebrated the midwinter festival and a number of other festivals long before Christianity ever existed!

Babylonians celebrated the feast of the Son of Isis with gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift giving and the goddess of fertility, love, and war.

The Romans held a festival on 25 December called “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, celebrating their own god Sol Invictas - PAGAN.

The Persian god Mithras, the Syrian sun god Elah Gabal, the German Sol, the Greek Helios and the Mesopotamian Shamash. But also Saturnalia, honouring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. The law courts and schools were closed. No public business could be transacted an this is where the holidays originated - ALL PAGAN!!!

Wax tapers were given by the more humble to their superiors. The origin of the Christmas candle - PAGAN!!

In Rome groups of costumed went from house to house entertaining their people. And this was where the carolling Christmas tradition originated PAGAN!!

Statues of the Mother and lover or Mother and son were paraded through the streets not only in Italy but also in Africa, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Bulgaria. Thus, the symbolism of the Heavenly Virgin and the infant child paraded on a yearly basis are not of Christian origin. They stem from the Mother-goddess religion, which is very ancient ENTIRELY PAGAN!!.

Scandinavian countries celebrated Yule honouring Thor - PAGAN.

In Germania (not Germany) they celebrated midwinter night followed by 12 wild nights of eating and drinking. The 12 days of Christmas PAGAN!!

The church under Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25 in 350 AD in order to try to hijack the PAGAN festivals but it was largely ignored. Christians did not really celebrate Christmas until 378 but it was then dropped in 381 and not resurrected until 400.

The Christmas tree stems from pagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, which included the use of holly boughs ivy and other foliage as an adaptation of pagan tree worship. Holly and ivy represented male and female. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual - all PAGAN!!

Santa Claus came from the Dutch “Sinterklaas” and was a tall figure riding a white horse through the air and usually accompanied by Black Peter, an elf who punished disobedient children. Also the origin of the reindeer, sleigh and the elves ALL PAGAN!!

America actually banned Christmas several times and is the originator of the expression “Happy Holidays” which came about because of the pagan origins of Christmas to include all religions and traditions!!
2008-12-04 15:30:16 UTC
I say merry Christmas to those who are likely Christian and Happy Holidays to anyone I'm unsure of. And most importantly Happy Solstice to pagans. I find it a bit unfortunate that the solstice was hijacked so many years ago and really terrible that the resulting meaningful holiday was turned in to the completely meaningless consumerist disaster that is now "Xmas".

So this year, though I know its still meaningful to some Christians, I've been avoiding the heavily bagged "Merry Christmas" entirely, even for the Christians...
2008-12-04 15:20:06 UTC
Christmas: Merry Halloween

Halloween: Happy Hannukkah
2008-12-04 15:25:03 UTC
Those are not the only two holidays celebrated in December or around this time of year, and to be fair to everyones beliefs and the holidays they celebrate.... I say Happy Holidays. Unless I know the person and know exactly what they are celebrating, in which case, I specify that holiday after Happy (or Merry), as it's more specific to that person and I feel it shows I care enough to acknowledge it.
♥ ® ♥
2008-12-04 15:24:41 UTC
I say Happy Holidays personally because I don't assume what others celebrate, and I myself don't celebrate Christmas.

However I rarely get offended if someone says Merry Christmas to me, unless they can obviously tell that I don't celebrate it (if i'm carrying Jewish decorations, or wearing my jewelry.)

Hannukah is actually not a religious holiday. It is considered a celebrated miracle. Just as Christmas is not the actual day on which Jesus was born.

I generally try to be as courteous as possible to strangers, and I wish others would do the same. That is not to say that over-political correctness is right, but it is to say, I don't need people purposefuly shoving their own b.s. agenda's down my throat.
2008-12-04 15:36:47 UTC
I'm not from the U.S. In the UK we don't use the phrase happy holidays, we say happy or merry Christmas to everyone. I don't see how some people from other religions would find someone saying merry Christmas to them offensive, that is what it is Christmas, the celebration of Jesus Christs birthday.
bad tim
2008-12-04 19:16:30 UTC
well, for starters, even the most rabid fundie doesn't usually greet strangers with 'happy easter', but that same fundie gets offended if someone who doesn't assume people's religion says 'happy holidays'.

jews and christians aren't the only people who have winter festivals, and easter and passover rarely coincide with the wiccan sabbat ostara, which is the source of christian easter symbolism.

also, jesus never existed and therefore doesn't have a birthday.'arma
2008-12-04 19:57:45 UTC
I do.

I also say Happy Holy-Days for people that would appreciate it.

I say Have a good "Resurrection" day instead of saying:

Happy Easter.

Resurrection is more descriptive of Jesus' death....

(And being raised from the dead)!

The "word" Easter has pagan origins!

Jesus died at ...the "Time" of Easter.

The implication is... that Jesus was alive at the "Time"

of Easter then was crucified.
2008-12-04 15:26:50 UTC
Neither, really. Christmas has absolutely nothing to do with Christ biblically. It was used as a way to convert pagans. Look around, it's still pagan. Even devout Christians put up trees, drink booze, and act like the pagans who were celebrating the festival of Saturnalia. Christ never told anyone to celebrate his birth.
Rico Toasterman JPA
2008-12-04 15:25:27 UTC
I think the notion of "Happy Holidays" is far older than modern secularism. It's a lot easier then saying Happy...(the whole list for all holy days during Advent) + Happy New Year. It's not called a "Holiday Season" for nothing, ya know.
2008-12-04 15:20:27 UTC
Merry Christmas! for Christmas if I am including New Year's then I say Happy Holidays for short.
2008-12-04 15:19:55 UTC
Merry Christmas!!!
2008-12-04 15:34:09 UTC
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year ( England )
Nina, BaC
2008-12-04 15:19:37 UTC
Both. I prefer Merry Christmas but I don't have a problem with Happy Holidays unless it is forced
2008-12-04 15:23:39 UTC
it depends. if i know someone is a christian, i say merry christmas. if i know they are a jew, i say happy hanukkah. if i know they are a pagan, i say merry yule.

if i have no idea what they celebrate or not, i say happy holidays and i still offend those few that are jehovah's witnesses. (just kidding, they don't usually get offended by such things!)

why don't you just chill? the only people who seem so very concerned about the semantics of this time of year are nutty people on the fringes of either end of the belief spectrum. or are you one of the nutty fringe people?

edit, i'm an atheist, and i celebrate christmas WITHOUT your christ! i celebrate a time of year when people (of all religions or lack thereof) are more giving. when people get a day or 2 to celebrate with their families and eat good food. when i can see all the festive lights.
2008-12-04 15:25:31 UTC
I say Merry Christmas.

Because I'm tired of being told to say "Happy Holidays" to not offend people with the word Christmas, I say, "Happy Holiday" for all other holidays though.
2008-12-04 15:20:15 UTC
It's Merry Christmas, because the purpose of the holiday is to celebrate the birth of Christ.
2008-12-04 15:23:43 UTC
I say Happy Holidays
2008-12-04 15:24:01 UTC
I prefer Happy Holidays. It's more inclusive. I celebrate Solstice.
2008-12-04 15:22:17 UTC
I say Merry Christmas .. Happy thanksgiving.... Happy Easter etc.... after all if we are celebrating a holiday called Christmas then why not recognize that is what we are doing.
2008-12-04 15:20:12 UTC
If u celebrate christmas say Merry christmas
2008-12-04 15:19:54 UTC
I say Merry Christmas most of the time.
2008-12-04 15:27:36 UTC
i don't believe in any of that religious crap but i still say merry christmas and happy holidays...doesn't really matter to me either way
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2008-12-04 15:19:33 UTC
Both, but usually Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays is an all inclusive sentiment. It doesn't "get rid of" Christmas... because Christmas is in there too.
no body
2008-12-04 15:21:04 UTC
first off: according to your own bible, jesus was not born during the winter months, so therefore, wasn't born in december.

second: the celebration of christmas coincided with the celebration of a winter solstice, yule, which was celebrated by Pagan peoples.

third: just like easter, christmas is stolen from the Pagan peoples whom christianity either forced to convert, or murdered. having similar holidays allowed that "transition to christianity" move by smoother.
2008-12-04 15:19:38 UTC
I say Merry Christmas, because Happy Holidays is taking the whole meaning out of Merry Christmas!!!!!
2008-12-04 15:23:20 UTC
I say Merry Christmas usually.
2008-12-04 15:23:54 UTC
MERRY CHRISTMAS at every chance in the store . Merry Christmas to all and a Happy Hanukkah TOO .G-d Bless you all ! And for the people that don't believe in G-d =He believes in you !

He thinks you are special .Jesus loved you enough to Die for you .
2008-12-04 15:27:48 UTC
I say "Merry Christmas"...but if I know the person is NOT religious, I don't say anything...
2008-12-04 15:20:48 UTC
Merry Christmas. There are very few Jews in the UK - at least compared to the US, so Hanukkah isn't really an issue. If someone gets offended (and nobody ever has been, as far as I know) then that's their problem.
2008-12-04 15:30:10 UTC
answer: Happy Holidays. Not only is there a Jewish holiday during this season, there are also pagan ones, I believe there's a Muslim one as well.

Want to rant about Jesus, take it to a Christian forum, please
Giachetta *Italian Chick*
2008-12-04 15:23:27 UTC
it depends on who i am saying it too....if im not sure i try to say happy holidays but sometimes i say merry christmas outta of a habit lol
: )
2008-12-04 15:21:11 UTC

- Ebenezer Scrooge
2008-12-04 15:20:21 UTC
Merry Holidays; may Jesus Clause bless you.
2008-12-04 15:20:54 UTC
Neither. I say Happy Solstice. And I will ignore the rest of your religious rant in love and forgiveness.
2008-12-04 15:20:39 UTC
say happy holidays to people who u don't kno if u really feel the need to wish them something. but if u do kno someone and are familar with their religion go from there
2008-12-04 15:19:26 UTC
merry christmas
Passenger (wow widow)
2008-12-04 15:21:24 UTC
I say Happy Holidays because it is inclusive to people of all faiths and no faith.

Not everyone is Christian and I find it better to attempt to be pleasant than to be purposefully annoying.
2008-12-04 15:19:26 UTC
Merry Christmas!! if their Jewish (or anythign else) happy holidays
2008-12-04 15:20:10 UTC
I tend to use whatever is most appropriate given the company I am in.

Edit: Wow, thumbs down for exercising common courtesy.
2008-12-04 15:19:50 UTC
i say happy holidays, because that can include thanskgiving, christmas, hanukah, ramadam, kwanza and even new years. that way everyone and everything is covered, no ones left out, and were all happy
2008-12-04 15:20:38 UTC
im french, so I say

joyeux noel

or else I say merry christmas. ;)
2008-12-04 15:28:59 UTC
If your offended by someone saying merry christmas to you, your a moron.
wishing he was here
2008-12-04 15:19:21 UTC
i say merry CHRISTmas and to anyone who takes offense to it can just brush off. Sorry if i seem kinda mean but i had a bad day :/
2008-12-04 15:20:10 UTC
omg...i say Merry Christmas constantly! And when its not Christmas, I still say it, because I want it to be Christmas so badly! teeheee..... :)
2008-12-04 15:20:27 UTC
In a blatant attempt to be PC. Thanks for wishing me a happy anything. I appreciate your positivity.
2008-12-04 15:19:48 UTC
ok on christmas ill be saying this
[ ★♏ . A I R ]
2008-12-04 15:19:54 UTC
usually happy holidays.

blessed be!
2008-12-04 15:19:39 UTC
"Happy Christmas", because it's traditional.
2008-12-04 15:20:14 UTC
to be politically correct
Monica P
2008-12-04 15:19:42 UTC
2008-12-04 15:19:34 UTC
soy sauce i geuss
2008-12-04 15:22:12 UTC
i say welcome to walmart, get your $hlT and get out.

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