Where is God?
2007-11-04 08:59:33 UTC

No particular person:

Dear God:
Stop telling me what I should or should not do!
Stop telling me my lifestyle is sinful!
Stop telling me that I am a sinner!
Stop interfering with my life!

Get out of our schools!
Get out of our government!
Get out of our country!
Get out of our lives!


A “Katrina” hits…

This same person with a dumbfounded look:



Do you think God should only obey us and serve us when it is convenient for us?

22 answers:
2007-11-04 16:56:00 UTC
Once again Amen !

God will not be mocked !

Whatever a man sows the same shall he reap.

God Isn't In heaven taking orders.

He's not our heavenly maitradee.

God's not In heaven saying;Let's make a deal.

He's In heaven saying this Is the deal.

You can choose God's word and live life abundantly or live an eternity In hell.

It's a choice.
2007-11-04 17:26:33 UTC
I spent many years praying for what I wanted, and getting disappointed a lot of the time.

Then one day, in a moment of frustration, I stopped trying to solve every problem "MY WAY". I said a prayer I had never even heard before. And it's the only prayer I've needed since.

It's only 4 words long, but it's the only prayer I know that's been answered every time, without fail.

"Show me the way."

Whether it's god's will, or the self-organizing property of the universe, things just seem to have a way of working out, if you let them. When bad things happen, look not at the cause, but at the effect.

Getting hurt made me slow down enough to realize I had been working too hard, running myself ragged.

Being laid off made me look for a new job, only to discover that I had been underpaid in the job I had been afraid to leave.

Having an "Oops" made us realize that it was time to start our family... something we'd been putting off for far too long.

Having a little one in the hospital made me realize that my work can go on without me... that working 70-hours a week wasn't as necessary as I thought it was.

It also showed us who we could count on. We never realized we had so many people in our lives who cared.
2007-11-04 17:11:00 UTC
Interesting question, in that it is the opposite of my experience.

The people who are trying to say that Katrina, the World Trade Center disaster, Thai tsunamis, etc are all God's judgement on the world (or more egocentrically, on the USA) are the same ones who are working overtime to force their opinions about God and spirituality onto the schools and country and other people's lives.

They are the same ones who are working so hard to make their version of Christianity the Official Religion of the US.

They are also the ones that spend a lot of time telling other people that their lifestyles are sinful, that they (the others) are sinful, and that they need to interfere in others' lives on God's behalf.

God is everywhere.

I think we should recognize that He is even in the thoughts and actions of people whose lives we, in our perfect wisdom, don't happen to agree with.
2007-11-04 17:18:12 UTC
One has to be weak in the flesh to hear God’s voice. God will not force or tell anyone to do anything that they don’t want to do. He gives us choices and he doesn’t force us to do anything. Serving God and obeying God is our own choices. And God doesn’t obey and serve us because we are the one who obeys and serves God. God is king and we are his followers, his servants. A king should be obeyed and served not the other way round. Also, serving God is all about sacrifice, obedience and choice. We don’t just serve God because it is convenient for us.
2007-11-04 17:12:05 UTC
Like the old song goes - "Look into your heart...."

That's my answer to your first question.

To your last question, all I can say is that if you expect God to "only obey us and serve" you "when it is convenient for " you, then you must need psychiateric help really bad.

Of course, since the rest of your rather long-winded rant is not a question, I've no comments to make.


Virginia B (John 16:33)
2007-11-04 17:18:11 UTC
I find comfort in the following scripture from God's word: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9. God is above all that happens on earth. God is above all words that are spoken. God is above all the heartache and pain people feel or will have to face. It is a comfort to me to know that God is in complete control of everything. God bless you!!!
2007-11-04 17:22:05 UTC
God is everywhere. Bad stuff happens. The fact that the US government (or any other) doesn't kowtow to fundamentalists who want to push their small, narrow version of the gospel on the rest of us and make it the official religion of the country, doesn't effect either God's omnipresence or the fact that ... bad stuff happens.
2007-11-04 19:15:05 UTC
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord!

Job 1:21 (my paraphrase)
Rev. TomCat
2007-11-04 17:22:46 UTC
Be careful what you wish for. Obviously you are making a statement of your no belief.

When you look at anything and wonder where God is, you fail to see the forest for the trees.

God IS Everywhere, Is all things, and at all times and no times. God is Spirit, God is Energy, God, Goddess, all that is. The Kingdom of God is within you. So where do you think God is?

Rev. TomCat
2007-11-04 17:21:41 UTC
I think something about that attitude is found in Romans 16-32. Like as if it is some sweat on Him if you don't want Him around. It is your choice amigo...
2007-11-04 17:24:53 UTC
He is at the entrance of your heart.

Quick .

Open the door for him to come in before it's too late.

Have you a dog?

Are you his master or is he your master!
2007-11-04 17:06:15 UTC
God hasn't told you a damn thing to do. You must be paranoid if you can hear God tell you what to to. Get a life and forget all that God nonsense.
2007-11-04 17:13:32 UTC
In me and in all Christians...Everywhere !!...Hes in your life only if you invite him in and He has a right to be everywhere else...
paula r
2007-11-04 17:22:25 UTC
God is everywhere, all the time. He is omnipresent,omnipotent, and omniscient.
2007-11-04 17:05:00 UTC
It is not about us... it is about him and serving him in response to what he has done for us - his love, grace and mercy.
2007-11-04 17:03:42 UTC
Around the block and down the street.
2007-11-04 17:10:14 UTC
He's in your bum. Have a squeeze and take a look.
2007-11-04 17:06:21 UTC
God is everywhere, God is nowhere, God is in our minds, God is out there, God is here, God is gone, God is...God is.
2007-11-04 17:05:51 UTC
Out breeding hate , Lies, & discrimination.
battleship potemkin AM
2007-11-04 17:03:09 UTC
Take your straw-man argument and go away.
2007-11-04 17:02:33 UTC
He's in my heart!
2007-11-04 17:46:58 UTC
He's in my bed.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.