I spent many years praying for what I wanted, and getting disappointed a lot of the time.
Then one day, in a moment of frustration, I stopped trying to solve every problem "MY WAY". I said a prayer I had never even heard before. And it's the only prayer I've needed since.
It's only 4 words long, but it's the only prayer I know that's been answered every time, without fail.
"Show me the way."
Whether it's god's will, or the self-organizing property of the universe, things just seem to have a way of working out, if you let them. When bad things happen, look not at the cause, but at the effect.
Getting hurt made me slow down enough to realize I had been working too hard, running myself ragged.
Being laid off made me look for a new job, only to discover that I had been underpaid in the job I had been afraid to leave.
Having an "Oops" made us realize that it was time to start our family... something we'd been putting off for far too long.
Having a little one in the hospital made me realize that my work can go on without me... that working 70-hours a week wasn't as necessary as I thought it was.
It also showed us who we could count on. We never realized we had so many people in our lives who cared.