Christians: Why do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah? How do you explain it?
2008-04-30 16:28:54 UTC
Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah and believe that he died for the sins of humanity. But the idea that one person's death can atone for another's sins goes against what is said in the old testament. Christians believe Jesus is God incarnated as a man, but God cannot die, however Jesus died on the cross which consitutes a human sacfrice. Also, the Messiah is suppose to usher in an era of peace in the world, this clearly did not happen when Jesus was on Earth or anytime after his death.

I'm just wondering why you are stuck on the notion that he is the real Messiah. I'm Jewish. When you answer aside from just giving quotes from the New Testament can you also explain it in your own words?
22 answers:
2008-04-30 17:29:21 UTC
Interesting question, even if unfairly weighted. If you do not accept that Jesus is God, then the idea of His being the Messiah makes no sense, if you do, it fits perfectly.

The reason I believe Him to be both, is because of the resurrection. Paul says in one of his letters that if it is not true, then Christians should be pitied. If it is true, then Christianity is true, and it only remains to work out the details; if false, then it is a complete waste of time.

This clearly follows, because the resurrection proves Him right in what He said. He accepted worship, claimed the authority to forgive sins, and ultimate authority as a lawgiver. He also claimed the title 'Son of Man', a reference from Daniel believed to refer to the Messiah, and claimed to be greater than David.

This is something our modern culture doesn't understand, as we see no difficulty in someone surpassing their predecessors, but in His time, the opposite was considered to be true. So, when David said "the LORD said to my Lord", he was implying that the Messiah (his descendant) is greater than him; yet, how could this be true, unless the Messiah came before David-which him being God would achieve.

Also, you used the fact that you do not believe him to be God to claim some 'unfulfilled' prophecies-for instance, that knowledge of God would go throughout the world. Clearly, if He is God, this is happening.

Also, you say that He was not descende from David, yet the New Testament makes it clear that He was-that was why 2 of the gospel writers felt it important to provide a genealogy. This also leads to an interesting question, if the Messiah hasn't come yet. As the records of ancestry were destroyed when the Romans sacked the Temple in A.D.70, how would God prove this prophecy to be fulfilled in the Messiah? And if you are saying that it doesn't matter, because by now, surely all Jewish lines have intermingled, then why would God give this prophecy. Surely the most reasonable line of thought would be that the Messiah came while there were still records that could be referred to.
2008-04-30 17:44:40 UTC
My dear Jewish friend, Yeshua is the Messiah and He did fulfil all the prophesies of the OT. Some of the things you stated that Yeshua did not fulfil are yet to happen. The Jew is suppose to lead the world to God. There is a big Messianic Jewish movement taking place and those are really the ones you should ask. Nobody understands the OT like a Messianic Jewish Rabbi. I listen to one on the TV 3x's a week. It is great. For instance in Ps 91 when it says that God will cover you with his feathers and hide you under His wing. I thought a wing meant a wing, like a bird. Thinking it was a symbol. But no, it is the tassel that hangs from the prayer shawl, that is called the wing. If you are interested go to I believe they give all the prophesies that Yeshua fulfilled. I pray for the Jewish people that you will be blessed and protected by God. You are the apple of God's eye. Learn about Yeshua and get ready to lead the nations to God. Shalom
2008-04-30 16:50:01 UTC
1. Jesus said the Sanhedrin were not doing the right things by the people.

2. Jesus will be doing battle against all those 'kings' o=and their kingdoms...not leading them but destroying them. There then will be only one kingdom...Jesus'...and his subjects will obey only him. Daniel 2;44

3. True...All will worship Jesus' father, Jehovah God.

4. True

5. Mosiach???? Never read this word in the Bible.

.There is only one aspect of what you say does not fit. that is the claim that the Jews are still the chosen people.

They are not, ever since the apostle Peter took the " Good News" to the gentiles, starting with the Roman, Cornelius...Acts 10.

Acts 10; 35 but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.

The Bible is very specific when it comes to mentioning the Jews. 10;35 DOES NOT SPECIFY THEM...just the fact that a man must work righteousness...

Modern Jewry is certainly not doing that.

They are warring with their neighbours, producing armaments...the 'Desert Eagle' handgun, the UZI sub machine gun, their own design tanks and planes...I could go on...and what particular 'sect' of Jewry...Hasidic or otherwise????

No, the Jews lost it long ago...

They are not obeying the Bible...

Matthew 28; 19,20...Do they KNOW the Good News???

I doubt it.
2008-04-30 16:38:55 UTC
First, realize that Christians view the New Testament as superseding the Old Testament.

Saul's travels in the desert where the Lord gave him all sorts of vermin to eat is an example. Originally Saul balked, but God made it clear that he did not have to keep kosher any longer. He could not be corrupted by what he ate. He became Paul and went on to preach the gospel.

Part of being a Christian is by definition, believing in Christ as the Son of God (and also God)

Jesus was sent by his father to redeem mankind because his chosen people kept screwing it up. Every other generation was up on the hills burning incense in trees, worshiping idols.

Once while Moses was up on the mountain getting the word of God. God looked down and saw that the people were melting down their earrings to make a golden idol and Moses had to 'gently ' intervene for their sakes.

The old testament is full of false starts it seems to me, including the flood.

Why should you be surprised that God required another start, another way for a wayward bunch of believers to start fresh?

The second coming is the time of peace, not the first coming.

If you are really curious, read the New Testament. It is generally easier to follow than the Old testament and your questions may be answered.
2008-04-30 16:45:31 UTC
First off, you say that, "one person's death can atone for another's sins goes against what is said in the old testament". He was not a person, but the son of God. Jesus is not God, but God's son. God did not die, but Jesus returned home to heaven. Going down the list of refrences: our nation was built upon Christian principles, He DOES come from the tree of David, He was a man, and a Jew and He did fear the lord, He withstood the Devil himself, His disciples went out to spread the word after Pentecost, there are many, many Christians from different parts of the world, nobody dies they live on in heaven or hell (in terms of your immortal soul), the dead DID rise and were judged after He opened the gates to heaven, people were meant to rejoice in the Lord always, so they should experience joy and gladness! He IS a messenger of peace and always has been! I think I've answered enough of your points...
Rolando C I
2008-04-30 16:53:04 UTC
First of all Liz. Jesus is not God,he is the son of God. That is what it says throughout all the New Testament. The son is not equal to the father. That is why Jesus could die as a perfect whole human,like Adam. An imperfect human cannot give his life for all the people of the world. But a perfect human can,as was in the case of Jesus. As for the era of peace that you mentioned about,that's the message that only Jehovah's Witnesses are taking door to door to the people. The Bible calls it the good news of the Kingdom of God,which is very near in the future. If you have any more questions I will be glad to answer them.
2008-05-01 12:19:15 UTC
When Jesus first spoke in the temple, He declared Himself Messiah by declaring the Year of the Jubilee, He told those in the synagog that that prophecy was fulfilled in their hearing.(Jeremiah 31) and He spoke "with authority" many times.

When Pilate confronted Jesus about being the Messiah, Jesus said that He was.

When Jesus spoke to Peter and asked who Peter thought He was, He confirmed that statement that He was Messiah.

Jesus said that He would be crucified and return from the dead in order to prove He was Messiah.

The idea of Substitutionary Atonement is all over the Old Testament from the skins given to Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel's sacrifices, the SCAPEGOAT....idea is exactly that.

Passover tells the story of Jesus...with the Lamb, the Blood on the Door...the shank bone (unbroken) and the waiting for Elijah.

There are so many books that deal with this...

Try Lee Strobel's the Case for Christ
2008-04-30 16:38:06 UTC
The answer is obvious.

Because that is what they were told to think by their parents, their family, their neighborhood, their society, etc.

If they grew up in India and were raised by loving, devout Hindu parents, where all their friends, neighbors, traditions and holidays all revolved around the Hindu religion.. that same person who now says, "I believe in Jesus", would be saying, "Jesus? Of course not, who can believe such nonsense. Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva are the true Gods".

Conversions are possible, but extremely rare and unlikely. How many Christians do you know who have converted to Islam or Hinduism? Exactly.

When you die, maybe you get to spin a great big Wheel of Fortune with different religions on it where the religion you were born into just happens to be the "one true path" you get your prize of Heaven.

Bottom line: any religious person's "devout believes" are nothing of the sort.
2008-04-30 16:33:28 UTC
Jesus is God in a man. The firstborn of the father.

Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace

The earthly body of Jesus was just like you and I, so God did not die. Only the body of the Lord died, and he rose again just like he said he would.

John 2:19-21

Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body.

The spirit never dies, not even in unbelievers. Our spirits exist forever. ( Daniel 12 -2) And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt

Jesus fulfilled all these Old Testament Prophecies.

Edit: By the way, the Sanhedrin has recently been re-established. One of the final prophecies.
cheryl h
2008-04-30 16:36:51 UTC
You know I don't know how to quite answer that. I was raised as a Christian and was taught certain things. I do believe that Judaism is the mother of Christianity. I have always had my doubts because all I know is what man wrote. But, in church one Sunday I was healed and the person who prayed for my healing did it in Jesus' name. I felt a heat throughout my whole body for about 3 minutes and then it was gone. If Jesus was not the messiah would God have allowed my healing. I think I would have just perished for lack of knowledge. That's all I have to go by.
2008-04-30 16:55:03 UTC
hello, I'm Greek orthodox which is prob like the most strick Christian religion. First of all you don't know what your talking about, i guess because your Jewish. Ok so next Jesus IS NOT God, he is the Son of God. The son of God [Jesus Christ] Died for the sins of humans.

Well you know when in life, you can just trust some people? Like they don't have to prove to you that it is true, you just know because YOU DO & you BELIEVE everything they say. It is the same way with me, and "us Christians" our family has told us that there is a God, & we believe them. We go to church regularly to prove that we believe& we don't need any proof because we just know & we just trust && KNOW we are no going to be lied too. and that is comeing from the heart...

And plus your Jewish? I like Jews i don't hav a problem with them=]. But you believe your "Messiah" is still coming & you are waiting for Him. I'm just wondering why YOU are stuck on the notation that you are still waiting for Him to come, I mean how much longer are you ganna wait another 2,000 years?
2008-04-30 16:43:15 UTC
That's a paradox that no Christian is able to decipher. Why? Because to be the Messiah, Jesus had to come from the Tribe of Judah, and Joseph of his parents was the one from that Tribe. Mary was from the Tribe of Levi. Since Christians claim that Jesus was not a biological son of Joseph's, the resultant premise is that Jesus was not the Messiah.

But let's assume that if they decided to agree that Joseph was really Jesus' father, just to satisfy that requirement to be the Messiah, they would have to quit their claim that Jesus was God. The conclusion is that Jesus was neither God nor the Messiah. That's a real paradox because they want Jesus to be both: God and Messiah. Since no one can have everything, they end up with nothing.
Daniel and Nancy
2008-04-30 16:35:52 UTC
the vast majority of these prophecies refer to the 2nd coming when Christ will come as King, not sacrifice for sins. I don't think you have looked to him or really have done any true research. I read where you quoted the "hearts desires" do you know this? I have been given my hearts desires, yet am not wealthy at all. You have to know Him personaly to be able to understand things in the spiritual realm and I am not just saying the way the Old Testament prophesied of the coming of the Messiah........just for that purpose.
*.: nat :.*
2008-04-30 16:42:03 UTC
Im no Christian..but alot of religions rely on the first testament which is nothing bad but that was meant for the old days...that's why the "New Testament" was made for our modern days WITH NEW RULES AND LAWS..anyways just thought I'd point that out...
2008-04-30 16:39:23 UTC
Jesus wasn't just a man. He was God the Father who came to Earth to dwell among us. He was the perfect sacrifice (a perfect sinless offering), thus eliminating the need for the sacrifice of animals. He offers to us salvation through this sacrifice, but only if we accept it (His free gift).

When you stand before the Father in judgement, which is something we will all do, would you rather be standing on your own, or would you rather have Jesus standing with you as your redeeming sacrifice?

Also, check this out - I think you'll find it quite interesting. It speaks of the probability of Jesus fulfilling all the prophecies of the Old Testament.

P.S. - The verses you quote have yet to be fulfilled. These refer to the millenial kingdom, yet to be established.
2008-04-30 16:40:37 UTC
Well as a gentile I read and learn with the brain adam and eve aquired for me. however the chosen people are still stuck in the old testiment and if you read and comprehend the whole book revolves around the coming of the mesiah. however if you dont read and just accept what you are told or taught you need to set aside time to learn. I donot believe what has been crammed down my throught I read and ask. i learn. take off the blinders aopen your eyes and read. you can read. think you can think. you can learn. well you are the one who is lackin. I read learn and believe in what I learn.
2008-05-01 08:25:17 UTC
you have to read the word of God. in genesis when God is talking about making the heaven and earth and Adam and eve it talks about Gods spirit. that right there is telling you that Jesus was around in the beginning of time. before he was even sent to earth. Jesus is our lamb. in the old testament they sacrificed lambs for the forgiveness of their sins and when Jesus died on the cross he was everyones lamb. it makes sense because in the old testament their weren't alot of people who were righteous and had a lot of faith in God. so God sent his son to die for all of us so we could have eternal life. all we have to do is call on his name and he will forgive us of our past, present and future sin. we have a God that loves us and i hope that you can start reading the bible and get to know Jesus and that he loves you.
2015-03-02 18:57:13 UTC
He talked to me when i accepted Jesus into my heart when i was younger, because I see him flying, also i seen him on the cross 5 years ago before i came into here.
Rev Marvin
2008-04-30 16:38:39 UTC
Jesus didn't come here to save us or create a new religion, he was only trying to fix the religion he already had, Judaism.
2008-04-30 16:33:45 UTC
None of the Christians on this forum are academic in their faith and will not be able to give you a good answer; they are complete novices and you simply know more than they do.
2015-03-01 13:12:26 UTC
Harry Potter is the true one --He has a wand that was pre told of
Laughing L
2008-04-30 16:32:16 UTC
What's a messiah? Is it like a lord?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.