Women are typically worse at driving. Is that something fair to say? Or is that just foolish and prejudice? You tell me.
Please note - I'm not speaking for God, I'm not speaking for Christians, I speak for myself as that is the only person I'm qualified to speak for. Me, the one and only.
PS - I believe there is no everlasting hell and torment like many Christians seem to think. That would by definition be everlasting life.
If you don't follow the way of God, you die, cease to exist, simple as that. Though I don't care what you do or what you believe, as long as you aren't trying to inflict severe harm on me or anyone else within my vicinity, we're cool. No problems from me, do and say what you want, it is not for me to decide. Unlike many Christians, or unlike many people who choose to label themselves Christian.
You can stick that label on me if you want, but I'm probably more of a Taoist than anything, if you insist on labeling me. The thing about being a Taoist - we understand that life is change, that words of wisdom can appear out of the minds of any person. There is no one way to live, there is only right now. The eternal present moment is all you will ever have. The words you're reading are just the dust that has been left behind.
How best to reflect and express harmony within any given moment changes all of the time, because life is change. I could say - you should not steal. That is pretty good advice for generally remaining in harmony with your surroundings. But if you're starving to death, maybe you should steal, if you want to keep living. I'm fairly certain that God would forgive you for that.
What's best for you right now is not the same as what's best for me right now.
Perhaps consider trying that for awhile? Doing what is best for both you and the people you care about, as well as all of those around you, in every single moment given to you. Instead of just blindly following the will of your own greedy ego as it inevitably leads you further into your own mudpit of suffering.
From my own personal experience, following the will of nature (God) - that's how to get the highest, how to feel the happiest. I can't tell you though, what is best for you right now. However, God can, if you're willing to listen.