I think I'm losing faith?
2008-02-19 12:15:59 UTC
I'm so scared. I have all these athiests telling me that god is not real and they can prove it. I'm terrified. Yes, I believe in god. But it's just scary to hear and they make my beliefs sound ridiculous. I know this is wrong, but I'm scared.
66 answers:
2008-02-19 14:01:31 UTC
Oh, child of God, you already know God is real, so why do you fear?

Relax and breathe. Your "friends" can't prove God doesn;t exist; they can only spout conjecture.

God loves you and allows these challenges to happen so you can grow. Be encouraged that God knows exactly "what kind of wretched vehicle you are driving" and is helping guide you still. He will never leave you, precious child. Keep your chin up!!!

I also had - and still have - friends who are atheist/agnostist/have no clue about grace who try to convince me all the time. They want their partying yahooing friend back, or at least they want him to bend their way. I turn to Scripture (and KLOVE) for support and re-assurance in these instances of attack. We all get weak, but God does NOT leave. Think of this situation as a chance for you to get your running legs stronger, like a colt who needs to stand by itself on wobbly legs before it can run.

Be blessed in the loving warmth of His Word about this situation in 1 John 4:1-12:;&version=47;

"...stand in the rain

Stand your ground

Stand up when it's all crashing down

You stand through the pain

You won't drown

And one day, whats lost can be found

You stand in the rain..."

~Superchick "Stand in the Rain"
2008-02-19 12:25:10 UTC
I don't think the athiests can prove god doesn't exist any more than you can prove that he does. Just relax and make up your own mind have a look at the options yourself and don't be bullied by other people.

Your religion is a matter of faith and should provide comfort for you not anxiety.

By the way I don't belive In god really and definitley not in religion but each to their own.

Just explain that you should respect other peoples opinions

and don't get upset.This also means not putting your opinions on others.Good luck.
2008-02-19 12:19:59 UTC
---please read it all---

There is no “proof” that God doesn't exist, yet there is no proof that God does exist; all we have is faith.

But my thought is

“IF we don’t have God, then how are we here right now?”

well, if we go with what some ludicrous people say

--- that everything came to exist with the “big bang theory” ---

then all the matter started off as being a microscopic particle, if you will.

I hate this theory, because it is so contradicting, but there are several facts/questions to disprove this theory – such as…

“The universe is infinite.”

And even if it isn't infinite,

“how could something at such great magnitude

become so small to be said that it doesn’t exist?”

Or in a different was of looking at it –


“universe that is said to be restricted to a certain size”, compare to something 100^100^100^100 times the size of the “universe that is said to be restricted to a certain size” is virtually and relatively non-existing

Therefore, making the “big bang theory” contradicting.

Despite all else, if you really think about it… everything outside… how much more were dominant to any other animal we are… the fact that we utilize certain objects to fulfill our every need, such as a car, TV, or sports for that matter… how we long for love, or feel the need to be with friends or people in general… why we feel the need to be happy, or feel that we need something when we really don’t need it to live… all of this couldn’t have been a mistake, all of this can’t just have happened and now we live as we do every day… we’re not simply dust in the wind… God has a plan, and that is to make us happy, and him happy.
2008-02-19 12:51:30 UTC
There is absolutely no way that anyone can prove or disprove God's existence. All a person has is their belief. Ask yourself this. Do you really think that the bible was simply written by man out of their own understanding. As a people we continue to evolve and become more intelligent. The bible can sometimes be very difficult to understand. Do you think all the people during biblical times who contributed to the scriptures in the bible could have done that on their own. Many of the people during that time were content worshipping their gods. They did not all seek "chrisitanity" out of discontent. Many came to change their religious beliefs out of common sense as well as the personal feeling you now feel when you think of God. All that matters is that in your heart you know God exists. You feel Him everyday. All we have is faith. Don't let someone who has never experienced that wonderful feeling try to deceive you.
2008-02-19 12:32:43 UTC
Dont be frightened. This is just a trick of the devil. He gangs up with the flesh (our emotions and will) to try and kill us. You know whats right. Talk to God. Tell him what your experiencing. He'll help you through it. He will never give us any challenge that we cannot bear. It's only a test. Life is but a dream. You have authority over the devil. He is under your feet. Resist the Devil and he will flee from thee. Go to youtube and search for a video called 'Bannana, an atheists nightmare.'

I know God is real because of the way the earth moves. Check it out : The Earth orbits the Sun in an elliptical pattern, creating what we call a year. As it follows this ellipse, it also SPINS creating what we call a day. As it orbits, and spins, it also TILTS creating the seasons. This is all made possible by the gravitational force of the Sun and Moon. If they werent posistioned EXACTLY where they are, none of this would work. If the Orbit, the spinning axis or the tilting, were off by even a minute degree, none of us could live. The Earth would be WHOLLY UNINHABITABLE. Somebody set this up. Somebody with a brain made this happen. It is not a cosmic accident, or coincidence.

The Bible says the day will come, when the seasons will change. You will not be able to tell one from the next. It goes on to say that "The Elements shall melt with fervent heat" Uh.. Hello? Global warming? Its all real. Dont be swayed or led astray by the cunning precepts of men.

Science is an evolving process. It's not fair to judge God by the science of today. If he fit with the scientific precepts of today, it would be fair to say he would not fit into those 100 years from now. We should not judge God's existence based on our own primitive science. Just because we cant understand it yet, doesnt mean we never will. You know whats right.
2008-02-19 12:21:18 UTC
Don't let them make your beliefs sound ridiculous. Only you have the ability to do that.

Personally, if I wanted you to stop believing in God (even though I have no reason to), I would encourage you to think critically and be skeptical of all unproven claims that you come across. I wouldn't try to kick the foundations of religion out from under you, which is what most atheists are apparently trying to do. That never works.
The Pope
2008-02-19 12:24:34 UTC
It is normal to doubt your religious beliefs. Science can neither prove no disprove the existence of religious deities. Faith is required to believe in an invisible force. Follow your heart, that is always the best answer. You may be surprised where it leads you. Keep an open mind, in all things. Perhaps the path you are on now is not the correct one for you.
2008-02-19 13:02:12 UTC
Think about what you see "god" as first and then decide if all those atheists are ridiculing YOUR beliefs or what religion has TOLD you what your beliefs are supposed to be. Take a serious look inside and see what god really is to you- not what religion has told you god is and then you won't be so terrified. i would even support you and I am one of those atheists you are so afraid of.
♥ Belle ♥
2008-02-19 12:47:53 UTC
Atheists may be telling you that they can prove there is no God...but they can't. Satan (unbeknownst to them) is using them to spread make Christians doubt God and our salvation. Ignore these lies.

I used to struggle with my almost-shattered faith as well. Until I did much studying on my own. I read everything I could get my hands on...from both Christian and atheist writers...about the historical Jesus, Biblical archeology, scientific theories about the origins of the universe, etc. I went from being pretty much an agnostic to a devout Christian because I couldn't ignore all the overwhelming evidence that pointed to intelligent design in the universe.

I highly suggest you reading these two books:

1. The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel

2. I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek.

These men were DIE-HARD ATHEISTS before becoming devout Christians after examining the evidence for themselves.

It's okay to be scared...but just do yourself a favor and read these books. Your eternal salvation really is at stake. They will show you some REAL evidence about intelligent design and show you that the universe (and the Big Bang itself) couldn't have started without a Creator.

And pray...pray daily that God will keep your faith strong despite these attacks from Satan. I will pray for you as well.

God Bless.

2008-02-19 12:23:59 UTC
Think about it this way. Your beliefs are YOUR beliefs. Don't let anyone else's opinions change yours. You don't need to tell people you're religious, and if you do, you don't need to tell them why. As long as you know what you do and want to believe, then no one else's thoughts should matter.

I don't believe, but if I don't sin, I play it safe since I'll surely be forgiven for not believing in something that I can't see. Just like that, we've two different opinions, but I don't think yours is wrong. People who would are rude. Bad mannered.
2008-02-19 12:23:14 UTC
Sounds like you are quite young. I'd counsel you to quit visiting here if it bothers you. Continue your relationship with the church. As you get older and more educated-then is the time to examine those sorts of questions with an open mind. I think when you are older-you will find that either you are happy in the religious/philosophical mold you have--or if you ultimately reject it--rejection based on knowledge will eliminate the fear. So just keep on believing what you believe for now--you need to concentrate on enjoying life and not fearing philosophies.
Hey U, Yeah U..Get over here
2008-02-19 12:32:36 UTC
Here's maybe away of thinking that will help you...i know it's helped i'll share my belief system with you:

Evolution sounds and IS why deny it. You can't. Science has proven where we have come embrace this theory and this thought. We, as a people and as humans, have been asking this question, "Where do we come from?" since we started to stand up right on two legs and feet.

BUUUUT, science hasn't answered the question, "Why are we here and who or what created this earth and this universe....what's our purpose?" Well, in God, you can have this question answered. Just b/c you belive in evolution doesn't mean you can't believe in a Higher Power such as God or whom ever you believe in. Someone or something still had to create the earth and the universe, right? We still have a purpose right? In God you can find your purpose and our purpose. Think of it this way.....our Earth, bodies, nature and Universe is a very very complex place....only a God could have come up with Earth and it's beauty and how it works in a wonderous was....same goes with with humans. Only God could have come up with the single celled organism that could spawn and reproduce into something as complex as the Human body and let alone our brains. That fact that we can play God now with cloning and such things as due to God's creation of the brain.

Does this help you a little bit. When you look at a beautifully colored arrayed sunset....only God could have come up with chemical mixture to create something so beautiful. When you look a new life...whether it be a human or animal...only God could have come up with DNA and genonomes to create the new life before you. Where not here just b/c of the right chemical mixtures and physics....this world that we live is way too complex to think that a Higher Power wasn't up there in their "lab" creating this wonderful universe and earth we call home.
2008-02-19 12:21:07 UTC
If you follow your heart to your belief ... that is all that matters. I believe in a form of God and I still love reading all the posts. I believe what I believe ... Atheist believe what they believe, ... Christians believe what they believe ... that's all that matters ...

I only have an issue when others try to force those beliefs on me through fear and intimidation ...

If you were meant to not believe in God ... then be comfortable with that ...

Its about whats in your heart not what what you think other people will think of you if you lose your faith, or for that matter...gain your faith !!!

Peace and love to you
2008-02-19 14:35:15 UTC
Once you get over the fear part, hopefully you can emerge as a new, more confident individual that doesn't have to rely on others to be comfortable. The real world doesn't allow that. You need to be prepared. Now, don't just let atheists say stuff to frighten you either, you need to prepare yourself with knowledge. Only then, will you get the respect you deserve.
Sister Girl
2008-02-19 12:23:38 UTC
If God is dead, can you show me where His body lies?

It's better to need and not have than to have and not need the Lord Jesus by your side.

When we are on the right track, Satan shows up. If you were wrong, he wouldn't try to make you look at another view or question. That alone, should be enough to get you to think about it.

I pray that you will think about what's best for you. Jim Jones led several believers in '78 out of the US with an occult. Be careful what you see, say and hear.
2008-02-19 12:41:36 UTC
Just because someone denies the existence of God does not mean that He isn't real.

Psalm 14:1

The fool has said in his heart,

"There is no God."

The authors of a book I just read may help to shed some light on atheism for you.

"It is PHILOSOPHICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to be an atheist, since to be an atheist you must have infinite knowledge in order to know absolutely that there is no God. But to have infinite knowledge, you would have to be God yourself. It's hard to be God yourself and an atheist at the same time!"

Trust in the Lord He loves you and will keep you strong.

Psalm 121:1-2

I will lift up my eyes to the hills-

From whence comes my help?

My help comes from the Lord,

Who made heaven and earth.
2008-02-19 12:38:13 UTC
Amy, let me tell you that many do not believe in God and are very insecure about those who do!! This is why this site is filled with atheists and non-believers!

Amy, why would non-believers even want to frequent this site? A site for spirituality and religion? Think about this! They are here because they have NO hope in God! Therefore, they want all to believe in a non-existant God. Instead of believing in God, they believe in intelligence. Interesting isn't it? We all have an opportunity to pray and ask God for revelations pertaining to truths, in our lives! The greatest source of all wisdom, God. Yet, atheists use a very false intelligence to back their false claim of, no God! To them, it is all about intelligence and yet, they miss the greatest source, God!

If your faith is wavering, I would suggest that you pray and ask God for understanding, truth and seek Him in His Word. You are very correct in that there is a God! Your own heart knows this so, never let anyone convince you otherwise as this is a trick of the adversary, satan. Please know, if satan can place doubts....he will!! Realize that as Christians, we are in a spiritual battle. This is one which will never stop as long as you love the LORD. But, you also remember that GOD is always with you, that you have the ability to overcome these doubts, through Him.
Mrs. Eric Cartman
2008-02-19 12:20:52 UTC
They can't prove it. Believe me. If you need a mental boost, read "The Case for Faith" by Lee Strobel. It's very good.

And then read Sex God and Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell after that, because they are good. They aren't evidence books like that one, but they are great. You might also like 90 minutes in heaven.

If you have any specific questions or issues that you have doubts on, feel free to email me and I'll give it a shot.

Top ten reasons I personally believe:

1. Complex creation. Go climb a mountain and then ask this question again. Maybe you'll see at least a possibility. Backpacking is awesome anyway.

2. LOVE and the fact that forgiveness can bring tears to ppl's eyes

3. Myth and stories we make up and what they consist of point to truths about the universe. That there is more.

4. The existence of morality and human worth. Good and evil. Without God, morality becomes just a matter of personal taste, similar to statements like, "Broccoli tastes good". Well, it tastes good to some people, but not to others. It is not a matter of objective truth...This means that a statement like: "killing innocent children is wrong" becomes simply an expression of taste, such as "I don't like the killing of innocent children"

5. The fact that Jesus was born to ordinary parents, didn't own anything, never traveled 50 miles from his home, never held an office, and died like a criminal, but became history's most influential person and fulfilled a bunch of Jewish prophecies. Random coincidence?

6. The existence of pleasure.

7. Music.

8. The way the teachings about human nature and motives in the Bible are just so right on, even when applied to myself. The impact on my own life. He basically healed my heart

9. Dissatisfaction. If I find in myself a desire which nothing on this earth can satisfy, I must conclude that I was made for another world. You expect great things from something and you are always let down. Ever feel like you don’t belong here?

10. The fact that no-matter how much I read (including "The God Delusion"), search, honestly question, and talk to educated people, it all supports it depending on how you think about things, or at least isn’t a convincing enough argument to prove it's impossible.

How can random accident explain for everything?

Also, I am a Hospice volunteer. That's where people go to die. MANY people (even the ones who aren't on heavy drugs) start seeing either angels or people they have lost in their last hours. Some say they are just imagining it, but I don't think so. I believe them. The stories are very similar. You can just feel it.

You aren't bad for having doubts and questioning what you have always believed. EVERY Christian who was raised in a Christian home has to go through this at some point. I did from ages 13-17! That was a long period. You'll come out stronger and wiser for this.

God promised to complete his good work in you. You have faith, it's just being attacked. I heard someone say, "If you never have doubts, you should be concerned that you aren't doing anything. You are not a priority. You are not a threat to Satan. He is fine with leaving you alone because he can't have your soul, and he's not worried about you helping anyone else."
2008-02-19 12:47:15 UTC
Nobody can prove that there is no God. Even the most radical atheists who teach philosophy or write books are generally more guarded in their claims than your friends appear to be - they might talk about marshaling the evidence against the existence of God, but they would never claim to have absolutely proven that there is no God.

Conversely, let me go ahead and admit that nobody can empirically prove that there IS a God either. We can "prove" it existentially, or based on such historical claims as the veracity of the Bible or the resurrection of Christ, etc. etc., but nobody can with absolute finality, in this realm of existence, prove that there is a God.

Both positions, atheism and theism, are positions of faith.

Atheists in the modern world seem to have hung their atheism on two primary "proofs" - Darwinian evolution and the problem of evil. Darwinian evolution as a "proof" for the nonexistence of God is easily refuted. First, even if you accept the argument of Darwinian atheists, the argument is essentially "Since we know evolution occurs, there is no need for God, therefore God does not exist." That something is not necessary, however, is far from an indication that it does not exist. It is equally as possible that God used evolution as a means of creation, isn't it?

Further, evolution simply pushes the question of origins back a step - it doesn't solve the question of origins at all. The question of origins is this: "Why does something exist at all? How did all that IS here GET here?"

The theist says that something exists (as opposed to nothing existing) because an eternal personality of infinite wisdom and power willed it to be so. We call this personality God. The atheist says, "Evolution adequately explains how something came out of random chance, so there is no God. Rather, (for instance) hydrogen molecules collided and we had the Big Bang, and that is how everything got here."

The obvious problem with the atheist's proposed solution to the question of origins is this: if colliding hydrogen particles produced a Big Bang, which in turn produced all that is, then WHAT PRODUCED HYDROGEN?

(Now, let me say that the same argument works with any evolution-based argument - whether or not the primal element is assumed to be hydrogen or not and whether or not a given Darwinian may personally believe in the classical conception of the "Big Bang." My point is merely illustrated by the above paragraph - evolution doesn't SOLVE anything, it merely pushes the question of origins back a step.)

As one man put it, "We all must postulate that something is eternal. Either God or Gas is responsible for all that is - it simply makes more sense to have a personal God behind it all."

As far as I am concerned, the only legitimate beef that the atheist has with the conception of God is the problem of evil. This is the great "Why do babies die? Why do hurricanes kill so many innocents? Why do bad things happen to good people?" type of question.

And it is a tough question. Only Christianity adequately provides the answer for it - bad things happen because man chose to sin, and thereby brought ruin, pain, death, and chaos upon the whole of creation (Genesis 3, Romans 8:22). God is not responsible for evil - man is. And God, at some point in the future, will redeem all of creation from the curse which man brought upon it (Romans 8:19-23).

There are lots of other points to be made - such as the fact that even the argument of the atheist presupposes a world such as that believed in by the Christian and described in the Bible (a world in which there are absolute standards of right and wrong; a world in which there is intellectual and physical stability rather than chaos - but these are complex arguments for another day). But if you are being upset by a bunch of "friends" who guarantee you there is no God, you really need to mark it up to adolescent bluster on their part. They simply do not know what they are talking about.

The ultimate question for the atheist who says that he guarantees that there is no God is: where have you looked? Because to absolutely guarantee the nonexistence of any particular thing, you would have to have searched behind every tree, under every rock, in every closet, and throughout the universe itself. While I disagree with the position of the agnostic, it is much more intellectually honest to say, "There are so many problems with the popular conception of God that I cannot know whether or not He exists" than it is to say, "There is no God."

Do not lose faith. You may not realize it, and our modern, emotion-driven, Oprahized society would never admit it, but the position of the theist is much more likely and much more intellectually cohesive than that of the atheist.
2008-02-19 12:27:40 UTC
You should never believe in any thing because of fear. Knowledge is always the answer. I would ask how great a faith you have if the words of a few humans can take your love of God away?
Mz Ammie
2008-02-19 12:20:21 UTC
The only way to strengthen your faith is to 'prove all things'. Which ever belief you have see if you can actually sit down and prove it through the bible and other accurate historical books. You are confused because people tell you what is wrong and what is you need to find the solid truth for yourself. That's the only way you'll be sure.
2008-02-19 12:21:37 UTC
I'm an atheist, and I destructively criticize religion on here all the time. That said, why should that matter to you? I'm honestly not trying to change your beliefs. I'm just providing the opposition perspective. You should never be afraid of hearing another person's point of view. I'm certainly not afraid of the Christian's. If you ARE afraid, there's obviously something you need to work out for yourself, in your own mind.

If the Christian religion is "true," then Christians have nothing to fear from the claims of atheists, or of other religions, or of science, etc. And if it isn't, then you shouldn't "fear" finding this out. Ignorance may be bliss, but it's still ignorance.

Even St Paul said "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Everybody has to do the hard work of figuring things out for himself.
2008-02-19 12:21:57 UTC
do your own research. you don't have to listen to what other people say. i felt like you at one point and considered doing the same thing. i reevaluated what i was thinking and did a little online research. there's plenty of evidence out there to suggest God exists. i ended up staying with my beliefs because i believe that the evidence to suggest God does exist outweighed the evidence to that would disprove God. remember not to just listen to what those people are saying because it's obviously going to be one-sided. consider things for yourself and then make up your mind.
Special EPhex
2008-02-19 12:21:30 UTC
That is how they get you. They don't actually care about you. They care that you believe what they believe and being right. A Theist will be there for you when you are in need, even if they don't know you or if you are atheist.

Atheist don't want to grow as a society (at least the one on R&S) they want to do there own thing without feeling guilty about it so they can do whatever they want
Timothy A
2008-02-19 12:27:45 UTC
I'm not Christian or Atheist, but I will say if these atheists on here have you questioning your faith, I doubt you ever really had any. Knowing why you believe something is just as important as the belief itself. If you find that you can't defend your beliefs, or find the reasons you thought valid now weak, then your conviction is questionable.
2008-02-19 12:27:09 UTC
i am not a chritian.. i dont believe in what you do..

But its not like you cant believe in it.. i mean.. your entitled to your opinion and stuff.. some of the things in the bible may not be true and stuff but.. you can stll believe in god because you can believe he is there for you and you can pray to him and look to him for forgiveness and guidance and all that. im not sure but if its what you believe then you believe it. And ont be scared, you dont have to believe everything that your religion tells you

2008-02-19 12:37:34 UTC
Don't give up on prayer. Prayer is very powerful. With prayer Gods grace is upon you.

Galatians 6:9

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

1John 4:4

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Memorize scripture and quote the verses when you get attacked by the enemy. Jesus quoted scripture when He was tempted. The Holy Word is our sword (weapon) to fight this spiritual battle.

Put on your spiritual armor of God on as a soldier of Christ going for battle. It's a daily spiritual battle.

Ephesians 6

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[c] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

Whatever you do don't give up on God. He loves you so much and won't leave you nor forsake you.

Here's the fathers love letter to you. Very encouraging.
2008-02-19 12:21:36 UTC
If you are being sincere, then study logic. No atheist has the monoploy on that. The best thing to read in C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity". Keep in mind that atheists may think they know what reality is, but they cannot prove it. Ask them what reality is, and see how far they get...(if they say it is what can be proven by their senses, or by science, then they are not making a logical argument)
2008-02-19 12:21:15 UTC
That's why its called "Faith" it isn't always easy to believe in. It requires believing without seeing.

But ask yourself this. How is their unbelief anymore non-ridiculous? They believe that bunch of chemicals just came together and Boom a big bang happened, and that's how life happened.. Do you actually believe that the human body could have just been formed from a bunch of random chemicals coming together and evolving over time.

keep believing, stay in the word.
2008-02-19 12:25:25 UTC
The trick of the enemy is to make you believe there is no God. That's the devil's greatest weapon. You have to stand firm in your faith and guard your mind against the nay sayers. Surround yourself with people of Faith.

I would rather live my life like there is a God and find out when I die that there isn't, than live my life like there is no God and find out after I die that there is.
2008-02-19 12:23:07 UTC
Everyone's entitled to their own beliefs, these people are just telling you theirs. It's okay to change your mind though, you don't HAVE to believe in god.
2008-02-19 12:22:04 UTC
First, no one can prove that God is not real, as it is almost impossible to prove a negative. That's like saying love is not real. Try reading Lee Strobel's short books like The Case for a Creator, The Case for Christ, The Case for Easter... they are quick reading, they provide good solid arguments in favor of faith, and they are written by someone who is not a minister or priest.

Then you'll have some ammunition to argue back.
2008-02-19 12:20:58 UTC
Next step is to actually look at your beliefs and see what you think with no outside influence from either side. When I did that, I found I did have some pretty ridiculous beliefs. In other people, they end up with stronger faith than they could have had any other way.

It is your choice what you believe, right?
2008-02-19 13:15:16 UTC
God will all ways be there no matter what anyone else says. just stick to what you know about God and keep reading your Bible. I'm praying for you.
2008-02-19 12:37:56 UTC

People are so ignorant.


you know you can talk to me about it anytime.

I felt that way like a couple months ago.

And you just have to believe everything that you did in the beginning.

make sure you go to church as often as you can

2008-02-19 12:20:40 UTC
I'm an athiest, believe in what you want to believe. Personally, I don't believe in a singular god who controls everything. But if faith keeps you going, then keep believeing. god is not for me, but maybe it's for you. Whatever makes you a better person. I just don't agree with using religion as a shield or an excuse.
2008-02-19 12:23:10 UTC
I've done allot of research!

There is evidence that the New Testament is true and accurate!! and Jesus quotes the old testament.

Do not waver in Your belief!
2008-02-19 12:19:52 UTC
Nobody can prove anything. Believe whatever you want to believe about god, as long as you don't try to make others believe the same way.

As an atheist, I'd be very interested in their "proof".
2008-02-19 12:20:20 UTC
Have faith in whatever makes you happy. I must say that I do not believe in God, but I will not tell people that what they believe in is "ridiculous". Believe in whatever makes you happy, that's all that matters!! :D
2008-02-19 12:22:25 UTC
well the Lord Jesus said we are to be his peculiar people right?no one can make you believe or not believe this is between the Lord and yourself. i would suggest more study in his word and much prayer for guidance in this matter. hope this helps and good luck!
2008-02-19 12:22:01 UTC
see i don't know if you are Muslim

but think logically what is you chance being successful in the hereafter if you believe ? and what if you become a atheist and you find out the existence of god what do you lose?

2008-02-19 12:19:47 UTC
It's a part of Satans plan you are living in Gods plan.

This too was shown in the bible.

Jesus lives in you, you know right from wrong.

1John 1:9 your doubt and I too will pray for your encouragement

Ephesians 6:11

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

Besides that you know what? They can't prove it.
2008-02-21 12:11:41 UTC
Allah, or God, is the center of Muslim belief. Whereas certain religions focus on individuals, like Christianity focuses on Jesus (peace be upon him), Islam focuses solely on Allah. Although Muslims respect the divine prophets, the prophets - including Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) - are still only servants of Allah.

The Qur'an itself speaks of the oneness of God: "Allah has borne witness that there is no God but Him - and the angels, and those with knowledge also witness this. He is always standing firm on justice. There is no God but Him, the Mighty, the Wise." (3:18)

The oneness of Allah is not only a philosophical argument but is an affirmation that all human beings declared before their souls came into their bodies:

[Remember] when your Lord brought forth the children of Adam from their loins and made them testify over themselves, saying, "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes! We testify," lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, "Verily, we were unaware of this." (7:172)

Such was the covenant that Allah made with all people at the time of creation regardless of whether these same people now claim to believe in God or not. At that time, they proclaimed His majesty, His sovereignty, His power, and His absolute oneness and transcendence.

Likewise, all people today, regardless of their origins, are naturally inclined towards the idea that God is one and without partner. The Qur'an tells Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

Set your face to the true religion [Islamic monotheism], the natural inclination (fitra) with which Allah has created mankind. [Let there be] no change in what Allah has made; that is the straight religion, but most people do not understand. (30:30)

Describing God

One of the shortest chapters of the Qur'an, "The Oneness of God",[5] summarizes the nature of God in five verses:

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Say, He is Allah, the One

Allah, the Eternal

He begets not, nor was He begotten

And there is nothing at all comparable to Him.

The most fundamental Islamic teachings about God are contained in these verses, i.e. that there is only one God Who is eternal, unique, and has no blood relation to any human beings. Different prophets also gave their own descriptions of God which are also related in the Qur'an. Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) says: "My Lord is He Who gives life and causes death." (2:258) After him, Moses (peace be upon him), when confronting the Pharaoh, says: "Our Lord is He Who gave each thing its form and nature then guided it aright." (20:50) These two verses both describe Allah in His relation to human beings, but of course Allah's being extends far beyond His relation to mankind.

Imam 'Ali (peace be upon him) has also described Him thus:

He who assigns to Him different conditions does not believe in His oneness, nor does he who likens Him grasp His reality. He who illustrates Him does not signify Him; he who points at Him and imagines Him does not mean Him. Everything that is known through itself has been created, and everything that exists by virtue of other things is the effect of a cause. He works, but not with the help of instruments; He fixes measures, but not with the activities of thinking; He is rich, but not by acquisition. Time does not keep company with Him, and implements do not help Him. His being precedes time, His existence precedes non-existence, and His eternity precedes beginning. By His creating the senses, it is known that He has no senses. By the contraries in various matters, it is known that He has no contrary, and by the similarity between things it is known that there is nothing similar to Him. He has made light the contrary of darkness, brightness that of gloom, dryness that of moisture, and heat that of cold. He produces affection among inimical things.... He is not confined by limits nor counted by numbers. Material parts can surround things of their own kind, and organs can point out things similar to themselves.... Through them, the Creator manifests Himself to the intelligence, and through them He is guarded from the sight of the eyes.... He has not begotten anyone lest He be regarded as having been born. He has not been begotten, otherwise He would be contained within limits. He is too high to have sons.... Understanding cannot think of Him so as to give Him shape....[6]

Allah expresses His own eternity and perpetuity Himself: "Every thing on earth shall perish, but the face of Allah will remain, full of majesty and honor." (55:26-27)
2008-02-19 12:22:50 UTC
It's even scarier to believe that God is real. That means that he created a place of eternal torture. What a sicko!
Joanne Mali
2008-02-19 12:21:32 UTC
you believe in what you want to believe dont let anybody ever change that, dont listen to what they are saying.
2008-02-19 12:20:23 UTC
ignore them...

if you are a true believer you would know that they can't prove God doesn't exist...

I've heard alot of things from atheist and I still have my faith in God
2008-02-19 12:20:19 UTC
Don't fear, Amy. Remember the words of Jesus. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." The world is full of false prophets and their arguments will seem very convincing. Hold onto your faith, hold onto want you know in your heart.
2008-02-19 12:23:13 UTC
Believe what you want, that's all there is too it.
2008-02-19 12:18:55 UTC
Don't let them scare you :D

What you believe in is what you believe in and you shouldn't let anyone budge your beliefs right?
ღஐcavalier de fantômeஐღ
2008-02-19 12:20:29 UTC
Is it fear? Or is it just regret that you've put so much trust into something that isn't even a solid argument?

Don't be afraid. I'm an atheist and I want nothing more than what's best for all of humankind on this planet. You can be a wholesome person and maintain great moral values without being involved in religion. Have faith in yourself, not something make believe.
2008-02-19 12:20:19 UTC
i do not believ in most mainstream religions becouse it has become an industrie.....and one of the main reasons religion was created was to explain stuff they couldent then and control people....i believ in a god just a havent found a religeon to express my views...go religion hunting
2008-02-19 12:19:26 UTC
This happens to a lot of peoplle.. the same thing is happening to me...:[
2008-02-19 12:19:03 UTC
Here is something to think about. What have they been able to tell you to prove that they are right?

Not that we are wrong,


they are right?

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In


thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path. Jesus promised us that he would never leave us or forsake us. God is with us and in us right next to you and is there in you and in his Word to answer your every question.

I hope this helps.
2008-02-19 12:20:28 UTC
atheists are full of crap. stand up for what you believe in. let your faith posesse you. i recommend reading velvet elvis by rob bell. it changed my life and i will never again doubt my faith. read this book, it will open your eyes completely.
2008-02-19 12:19:46 UTC
God is real, dont hang out with Athiests, unless you have strong faith as Jesus did and you can explain your beleifs and lead them to the Lord, go to Church. Satan will destroy you.
Karl P
2008-02-19 12:20:46 UTC
Resist the devil and he will flee! (Remember this if you are truly saved...."Greater is He that in in me than he that is in this world!) OK? Do NOT let "them" win over Jesus!! <')))><
2008-02-19 12:19:25 UTC
Well you have your own mind, no amount of atheists can make it up for you, but as an atheist I do agree that Christian beliefs are ridiculous.
2008-02-19 12:19:01 UTC
Do you believe in God or are you afraid to explore the possibility that you don't?
2008-02-19 12:19:25 UTC
Fear for me, is erased by faith
2008-02-19 12:18:58 UTC
it's called a shoulder devil which causes everybody problems and angel shoulder
Evil Atheist Conspirator
2008-02-19 12:20:12 UTC
Right track. Keep moving forward. Don't look back.
2008-02-19 12:19:23 UTC
Good luck on that,....
Hermione Granger
2008-02-19 12:18:51 UTC
Dearie, you've not asked a question.
2008-02-19 12:18:31 UTC
Perhaps they make your beliefs sound ridiculous because... well... they might just be.
RemRem :)
2008-02-19 12:18:49 UTC
i dont blame you dear

but there is no god out there

it's you and the sciences
2008-02-19 12:18:27 UTC
That's a good sign. Use your brain, and emerge on the other side of fear with a new confidence.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.