Religious Question???????????????????
New Yorican
2009-04-29 20:48:13 UTC
Ok so first off before i even start what i am about to say in no way am i saying i believe in this but it is something that i have always wondered. I am a Christian but that doesn't mean i can not wonder. so here it goes. In science it seems that scientist has an answer to everything. for example the big bang, evolution, how old the earth is, i even saw this program on Nat. Geo. about did jesus really exist. I went online for answers and i saw (once again i don't believe but wondered) that someone said that a universal science book is the one true "bible" about the life and the world. Now here is my point. what if at the end of our life everything is just broken down science? what if religion is just a hope for a better place after we die to loosen the fear of death and look forward to progressing in life? what if at the end of life we all are just another body in the ground waiting, like the dinosaur's, to be found by someone else? What if everything we have been told is a lie? Has anyone else thought about that?
23 answers:
2009-04-29 21:27:41 UTC
Say, hypothetically, those statements are true. No offense, but.. So?

Much of what makes Christianity beautiful and a blessing to this planet are the things that happen internally for the believer. Much of what is taught and embraced within Christianity are beautiful, morally-sound codes of ethics. Love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, humility, thankfulness, clinging to wisdom and truth... how are any of these things a waste of time? Would you have lived any less of a life if you lived according to God's Word, only to find out there is no "mansion in the sky?"

I, personally, don't think so.
Deth iz Life
2009-04-30 04:14:25 UTC
Not to point out the obvious, but I think most people entertain thoughts such as these. Religious or not these are scary thoughts. I don't put any faith in science because they have been wrong way more than they have been right. They can't even prove that water is H2O. I can prove it's not, if there was anyone willing to take the test. I guarantee no one will. They will come up with some psycho-babble about how it's not a Real test and wouldn't be willing to put their life on the line for their God Science. Here's the test. Find a room big enough for you and say a 20 lb canister of Hydrogen and a 10 lb canister of Oxygen. H2O. Now open the valves simultaneously. Then strike a match. If water is H2O the match will go out. If the obvious happens water is not H2O. Simple, repeatable, Scientific test. There has to be something more to water than just hydrogen and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio. Simple logic. Any of you atheists willing to take the test? Don't give me any sh*t. Put up or shut up.
2009-04-30 03:59:16 UTC
Correct. Which is exactly why some of us choose NOT to believe the mindless drivel of religion. I am NOT saying a god can not exist or is impossible, jsut that I see no evidence which says a god DOES exist. Each and every religion makes the claim that they, and they alone, have the one true god. If so, then please explain to me how that can BE? If one religion really does have the one true god, does it not follow that all the others are false idols. If the Catholics DO have the one true god, what is the god of the Protestants, or the Islamics for that matter? If Allah is the one true god, then are not the Muslim suicide bombers right in waging war on the infidels as their scripture demands? No religion can support their claim to have the one true god, yet ALL say they are the only one with a true god. Just show me, why I should believe you when you say your religion really has the one true god! Will the one true god, please stand up? It is remarkable to me how many of the devout condemn ME for having NO belief, yet do not do the same for all of the others worshiping false idols? Every religion is bigoted and intolerant as opposed to the words they SAY. No religion recognizes any other religion which sure seems like more intolerance than the tolerance each preaches!

Edit: I just read the answer from the idiot who talked about H2, O2 and water. That experiment HAS been done, time and again, using a catalyst instead of a spark to avoid the uncontrolled release of energy known as an explosion. Water has been disassociated into H2 and O2, and then reassociated back into water. There is NO magic. There is no mystery. All it takes is a scientific mechanical device to show science is right; does the name FUEL CELL ring a bell? And like with a teeter totter on a playground, all remains exactly in balance as science says it should. Just because you SAY it is not so, does not make it impossible...

Here is a quote from Wikipedia:

The Italian phrase "E pur si muove" or "Eppur si muove" means And yet it moves (Nonetheless, it moves). It is pronounced [epˈpuɾ si ˈmwɔːve].

Legend has it that the Italian mathematician, physicist and philosopher Galileo Galilei muttered this phrase after being forced to recant in 1633, before the Inquisition, his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun.

At the time of Galileo's trial, the dominant view among theologians, philosophers and scientists was that the Earth is stationary, indeed the center of the universe. Galileo's adversaries brought the charge of heresy, then punishable by death, before the Inquisition. Since Galileo recanted, he was only put under house arrest until his death, nine years after the trial.


It took 350 years for the church to grant Galileo a pardon and admit he was right and therefore the church was wrong in asserting the Earth was stationary and in the center of everything. Science does NOT have all the answers! Far from it! There is more that we do NOT know than what we DO know. We have MUCH left to find out about things in the universe. Maybe one day, we will find evidence of a god, but to date, I see NONE. I am open to the possibility of a god, and all I ask of you is to show me something, anything to indicate your god really does exist. All I say is I have seen nothing yet to convince me. It is YOU who say what I believe is impossible by insisting your god IS the one true god and I am forever doomed to eternal torment because I do not believe what YOU are telling me to believe. Sounds like a threat to me, a do as I say or ELSE mentality. What kind of god needs threats of eternal damnation to bring followers into line?
2009-04-30 04:08:51 UTC
Dear New Yorican:

Science does not have all of the answers. Science is a way for us to understand our world, learn about our world, live in our world, and survive in our world.

Stephen Hawkin stated something like this in "A Brief History of Time": "We do not know the mind of God because if we knew the mind of God we would be with God."

Jesus Christ stated he is the Bread of Life, therefore we need to keep Faith in Jesus Christ, if not then there is chance when the world ends and Judgment Day is upon us we will not enter into a life with Jesus Christ in Heaven.

As Jesus Christ stated to Thomas the Apostle, "Blessed are those who Believe and have not seen." Do not lose your Faith because you might think Science is more than God, more than The Holy Trinity.

If science had an answer to everything, scientists would know how to cure the common cold, cancer, diabetes, etc...

They would have the answer to what happens to our soul/spirit upon the body not working anymore.
2009-04-30 04:00:58 UTC
That type of question is dangerous, but

Suppose Big Bang is true--how did the things that collided get there in the first place?

Suppose the amoeba, a one celled animal, started evolution---how did it get here?

Why did Einstein change his theory about universe expansion and NASAfind something called dark energy it could not describe?

Why did Darwin say a Supreme Being had to exist because his theories left too many questions otherwise?

Why wasDa Vinci, the greatest mind of his era and Blaise Pascal, the greatest mathematician, both men of faith?

Why can't MRI's show what we're thinking, just how thought is processed?

Too many questions science cannot answer but faith can
2009-04-30 03:57:47 UTC
It's good to question...

Science only attempts to provide expalinations for natural occurances in the real world. It won't and cannot say anything about the supernatural world. If you want to believe in an afterlife, fine, that is up to you.

Science is the first to say that they DON'T know all the answers, but that doesn't stop them from looking. To stop and just say goddidit, we wouldn't have medicine, flying, electronics and all the other stuff that has been made available in our lives just because someone refused to stop and say goddidit...
2009-04-30 04:07:12 UTC
Please put your question to rest. God is very much real & there is life after death. How do I know?

1...God appeared to me in the form of a "white light" in answer to a frightened prayer of mine. He told me I was going to be alright. And I was. I went from a state of sheer panic to being very calm & serene. I don't wonder any more whether there is a God...I KNOW there is.

2...My spirit/soul has been out of my body. I was having surgery & I went as far as the ceiling. I could see my body on the table & the doctor & nurse on each side. Then I was back in my body tho I can't remember going back. I don't wonder any more whether there is life after death. I know there is...spiritual life.

These sound weird I know but you asked so I told you. Blessings.
2009-04-30 04:55:28 UTC
The Papal See has constantly opposed knowledge; even in Europe it is admitted that religion is the opponent of science, and that science is the destroyer of the foundations of religion. While the religion of God is the promoter of truth, the founder of science and knowledge, it is full of goodwill for learned men; it is the civilizer of mankind, the discoverer of the secrets of nature, and the enlightener of the horizons of the world. Consequently, how can it be said to oppose knowledge? God forbid! Nay, for God, knowledge is the most glorious gift of man and the most noble of human perfections. To oppose knowledge is ignorant, and he who detests knowledge and science is not a man, but rather an animal without intelligence. For knowledge is light, life, felicity, perfection, beauty and the means of approaching the Threshold of Unity. It is the honor and glory of the world of humanity, and the greatest bounty of God. Knowledge is identical with guidance, and ignorance is real error.|see&action=highlight#gr8

Religion is, verily, the chief instrument for the establishment of order in the world, and of tranquillity amongst its peoples. The weakening of the pillars of religion hath strengthened the foolish, and emboldened them, and made them more arrogant. Verily I say: The greater the decline of religion, the more grievous the waywardness of the ungodly. This cannot but lead in the end to chaos and confusion. Hear Me, O men of insight, and be warned, ye who are endued with discernment!”
2009-04-30 03:57:51 UTC
Then there won't be anything there. There won't be any place for us to go, no afterlife, etc. Apparently that's a scary thought for some people, but I think it's scarier that people cling so much to their visions of the afterlife, how to get there, and everything else in their religions that we wind up in wars between religious groups.
2009-04-30 03:54:40 UTC
You are a Christian and that exactly means that you cannot wonder.

jk. Couldn't resist.


What if? That is a question that you can only answer. You have the tools, (your body, senses, and mind), and it is your call whether or not those were God given gifts, or just a random assortment of nothingness.
2009-04-30 03:53:47 UTC
Science admits not to having all the answers..what caused the big bang? Science attempts to solve physical questions. God provides answers that are spiritual and eternal.
2009-04-30 03:57:16 UTC
Your question suggests one who is in a spiritual search for TRUTH!

Read The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! Many of the answers you're seeking are there.
2009-04-30 03:58:38 UTC
yeh i understand ware your coming from even thought i am catholic we believe more or less the same things about god and all that. but i still contradict myself a lot about that i do believe in both science and my religion so it is really hard to combined them together. the answer to your question is that in some ways we are. sure our bodies will stay on earth but our sole will go to god after death. its hard fore me cuz im soo darn contradicting.
2009-04-30 03:55:11 UTC
It's very likely that 90% of scientific knowledge is wrong. Science changes as new evidence comes forth, while religion stays the same no matter how often it's disproven.

That's why we're better, we can adapt, they can't.
2009-04-30 03:55:18 UTC
The Quran tells us about most scientific facts before scientist discover them.Scientist are obviously wrong about the Evolution and stuffs because I have more faith in the Quran than books of science. Anyway,FYI, the Quran has never gotten a single scientific fact wrong. And it was written 1400 years before scientific discoveries. Check out the following book:

Maurice Bucaille: The Bible,Quran and Science

Btw, Jesus did exist and he will come back and save us the muslims with Allah's will.
2009-04-30 03:59:13 UTC
What precisely the reason that science and religion are able to exist within one mind.
2009-04-30 03:54:07 UTC
Better safe than sorry right?

Does smoking cause cancer?


Does evolution exist?


Don't be naive thank science for you toilet.

And hope you are not the next fossil fuel.
2009-04-30 05:41:32 UTC
Who are scientists?, but people who testify about the creation. Who are believers? What do they testify about?
2009-04-30 04:36:02 UTC
well NY, ur getting warmer and warmer

keep thinking

follow ur instinct its there for a reason
Karl P
2009-04-30 03:52:48 UTC
Define 'christian' first?
2009-04-30 03:59:43 UTC
yes we have thought of it.

and we would never know after we die if there was no after life.

once we die that would be it.
2009-04-30 08:02:33 UTC
We all hv doubts @ times but know these things: Many will do anything 2 keep God out of the equation or as generic as possible trying 2 avoid accountability. The crux of the problem 4 many is man (having limited knowledge) tries 2 know what God did by imposing human limitations 4 understanding things 2 God's abilities. Evidence 4 God:

Many scientific finds r true but it doesnt mean "all" their claims r true (many dont take time & energy 2 carefully think thru things b4 coming out 4 or against it). Many dont properly take in2 account all it takes 2 create a universe/life (they tend 2 focus on things "seeming" 2 support what they want 2 &/or u 2 believe).

In science we established laws of physics. We can't see actual laws of physics. Rather, we see the results & interpret & apply them in accordance with whats been observed 2 b true thru experiments/calculations. Same is true 4 God. Just b/c we can't see God doesn't mean He doesnt exist (The Big Bang could only happen if God caused it).

There may b forensic evidence 4 some micro-adaptation & 4 some "appearance" of macro-evolution but most is inconclusive @ best & pure conjecture @ worst. Finding the beginning & reason 4 it all is unattainable by scientific method alone (a billions of yrs old cold case). We didnt see it take place.

But things in creation show an Intelligent Being was involved or the universe & we wouldnt b here (ignoring where it came from). 4 instance:

1. We hv 2 lungs & 2 kidneys - each has a near perfect mirror-image companion organ. No matter how u try 2 explain it away, making a mirror-image organ takes full reverse engineering, knowledge & understanding of its companion's functions & purpose or it cant b created (2 witnesses in nature).

2. Our bodies r highly symmetrical from 1 side 2 the other. Its impossible unless 1 has an outside overview position allowing full comprehension of the entire organism (i.e. feather color patterns).

3. We hv 2 arms & 2 legs. Each is perfectly designed & precisely engineered 2 work with its mirror-image companion. An outside position is required 2 fully comprehend the whole organism & purpose 4 all parts, 2 create it 2 such perfection.

4. The "being" of a cell is confined 2 within the cell membrane & cant know or b aware of much beyond itself. A cell is magnitudes more intelligent than all humanity & has amazing powers 2 know all of an organism's functions & purpose or it isnt the "brain" behind creation 4 many millions of incredibly diverse species. If evolution had a chance of being the source of creation it would require there only be 2 or 3 "kinds" of different bodies with several related species (it would take many billions of trillions of years longer than the universe has existed 2 hv the slightest chance of producing many millions of species of such incredible diversity).

5. Many cells of an organism never contact others much beyond its tiny cell. Mostly, cells & organisms r just copies of their parents doing about the same things as all ancestors. U wont find a bird whom builds a better nest than their parents & their chicks build even a better nest. U wont find a bear improving his living conditions (or passing them 2 his young). Either a cell has 2 lives - 1 copying their parents & 1 secret life working on improvements or some1 of greater intelligence than all mankind created everything.

6. Others point 2 DNA (or RNA in the 1rst organisms). But a cell needs DNA 2 function & DNA cant function without a cell. So, we hv a which came 1rst a cell or DNA problem. Without 1rst having great intelligence, full knowledge & understanding of how an organism is constructed it cant be created. If an ape finds a combination lock he wouldnt know what it was & even if he turns the dial over & over again he wouldnt know what he was doing & the chances against getting it right is astronomical - especially if it had 150 or more no. 2 find in the right order & even if he got that far he still wouldnt know what a lock is 4.

A cell has little "intelligence" & DNA is much more complex than a combination lock (especially in higher life forms) so the odds against figuring out & using DNA (in the correct sequence) is many magnitudes higher than 4 a lock). RNA/DNA r building blocks common 2 all life - having 98% of other species' DNA doesnt prove evolution. DNA like a computer code (but more complex) requires great intelligence 2 identify & assign its proper order - its useless unless u understand it. Give a book 2 an ape. Its useless to him as he cant learn from whats written - intelligence is required.

7. In the fossil record we dont find millions of trial & error organisms that should exist if natural selection or fittest survivor is the source of creation (no organisms existed be4). The odds r so great against near perfection happening 4 many millions of greatly diverse species, it couldnt take place unless 1 had full knowledge & understanding of what theyre doing B4 millions of organisms could b created 2 such precision. If not true millions of misfit organisms with mistakes, having only 1 or 3 eyes in odd places, 1 leg growing out of a head or where an arm should be or a fin where a leg should be should exist. Millions more misfit fossils should exist than of the perfection found in nature.

8. U won't find species like a horse mating a goat, a frog mating fish, a rabbit mating an otter, a lizard mating a bird, a cow mating a hog, etc. Species with similar genes/characteristics rarely mate in the wild. Only a few succeed @ bearing young. Its very rare that a wild crossbreed/hybrid reaches maturity or can bear over 1 litter (usually that litter cant produce or has complications that kills off the crossbreed). Only human intervention brings more success but even that has lead 2 some bad results.

9. Evolution processes being "the" source of all creation would be like having a blind man build a car he's never heard of, seen, touched, heard or rode in. It cant b done without 1rst teaching him about the functions, necessary parts & how 2 put it all together so the car will function.

10. Look @ the huge amount of intelligence, knowledge, understanding, time & energy used 2 create & improve an airplane's capabilities (& many mistakes). If ppl didnt fully learn what 2 do we'd still b earthbound.

11. Creation is astronomically more complex than an airplane. The more complex an organism, the greater the amount of intelligence, knowledge & understanding needed 2 create it. It can only b done by an Intelligent Designer who already fully understands what He's doing - the sheer complexity of man is evidence of God (airplanes show we're created in God's image - God had 2 b the source of all Creation or it couldnt exist let alone evolve).

12. An incredibly Intelligent Being, capable of building a universe, would know the environment His earthly organisms r 2 occupy. So, He built in adaptability so His organisms could survive various earthly environments.

13. Earth happens 2 b in the best possible orbit 2 support life. It has the right amount of gravity, the right axis & rotation speed, the right atmosphere (& ozone layer, Van Allen belt, magnetic field) & needed amount of water. The moon's the right size & in the right orbit 2 provide tidal cycles needed by organisms. Just 1 or 2 relatively small variants in our orbit/environment & most likely life would b very different & higher forms of life wouldve died off in a relatively short time, if they couldve survived.


Problem is theres many religions, built on what man wants God 2 b like. I realized they cant all b right (Theres 1 Bible - why so many interpretations & fatal errors? II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know) but God knows what He's doing. Who knows more about a house, the Builder or those who move in later?

Many miss this: Jesus is the only 1 in history whom stated He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & no 1 gets 2 God w/o Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12) & is the only 1 whom came from God. Its fully true or theres no truth & cant b any God (He knows what He's doing or He's not God). Either Jesus told the whole truth or He's a false prophet, among many, whom should b disregarded.

Since Jesus is the only way 2 know God, "the" whole truth was complete & finished thru Jesus. So any claimed new or other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets & teachers r null & void & wont lead u 2 God. God always knew all Jesus was 2 do.

Jesus couldnt hv done nor said whats written in the NT unless He fully knew the entire OT (the NT didnt exist while Jesus was on earth). Jesus couldnt hv known the entire OT unless God was with Him. & the Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 remember & know what He was here 4 (Lk 24:25-27,45) - Not possible unless God caused it.

Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find Him (u shall know the truth & it'll set u free). U can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make it drink. Why would God want u 2 live with Him 4ever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains 4ever unchanged while things of a man dies with him, including his religions/gods made in his image.

God hates us b/c of our sins - neither being a good person as judged by men or religion can save u. But God also loves us dearly enough 2 send His Son 2 die for our sins - so that thru Jesus our sins could b 4given if we sincerely turn 2 Him - Theres eternal hope only in Jesus Christ & His Bible.

2009-04-30 03:58:24 UTC
Beware of Satan's methods !!!

Satan's Methods are:

I) He uses every conceivable means to hold men in subjection to himself and keep them from turning to God.

If he fails in this, he tries to kill the believer's testimony and ruin his influence for God.

2) If one falls he tries to make him stay fallen or commit suicide. He endeavors to cause men to end their lives

by insisting it is the best way out: but he hides the true fact that this will be only the beginning of real torment in eternal hell.

3) Satan tries to get others in a lukewarm condition and if he succeeds, urges them to stay in that condition so that God will cut them off in the end.

4) He dares men to do many things which they would not do under ordinary circumstances; and men are foolish enough to

think they are not brave enough to take his dares.

5) He makes people think they are missing out on everything in life if they do not go into all kinds of sins, which in the end, will damn their souls.

6) He emphasizes sin and sinful pleasures as innocent enjoyment.

7) Stirs unholy passions in men and women causing them to throw away all restraints and live in a life of revelry.

8) He tries to make people think there is no joy in serving the Lord. This is one of his greatest errors. Serving Christ and winning souls who will be thankful forever, pays the greatest dividends and afford the greatest pleasures known.

9) He preaches to the diligent in business that he needs to take all his time for getting rich before serving the Lord, while the fact is that if one will truly serve the Lord, he can be abundantly prosperous and with God's help doing so.

10) Satan urges churches and their leaders to make religion a paying proposition by appealing to the rich and influential through lowering the standards of holy living, making salvation easy for all, compromising essentials of the faith, feeding the sheep messages on current events and book reviews instead of teaching, preaching and healing according to the infallible word of God.

11) Satan lies to mankind in knowing of the facts and promises, revelations, prophecies of Almighty God revealed in the Holy Bible concerning the deity of Christ and as Christians, who they are in Christ, of their rights, power, authority, dominion, as true kings, priests or prophets to the coming Kingdom of Christ on this earth for 1000 years.

12) Satan being the "god has blinded mankind to do things according to his "will" and unless people come to salvation in Christ. The intent of Satan is to have people worship Him instead of the Almighty God, and will do so in the coming 7 year Tribulation period, when the Antichrist is comes to power facing divine wrath and eternal Judgment.

13) Satan is the author of all world religions who do not believe in the deity of Jesus the Christ, in the Godhead Trinity, the rebirth by God's" in breathed" Spirit and being empowered of Christ with the "out poured" Holy Spirit of God and in the infallible word of God.

In closing, Through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Satan has been dethroned, defeated and powerless. Now he has only the power to deceive, keeping mankind from knowing and believing the Salvation that is "In Christ". Satan has a time lease on this world in which when that time is up, Jesus shall return, putting Satan, the Antichrist, the false Prophet and those who had rejected the truth, rebelled in sins, received the mark, to cast them alive into the Bottomless pit for 1000 years while Christ and His Saints rule and reign in the glorious kingdom of Christ in paradise but yet, Satan will be allowed to rear his head once more at the end of the thousand years, only then to be swept up by the fire of Almighty God and then the final Judgment of all, as after wards, a new heaven and a new earth comes down from the Throne of God, the New Jerusalem!


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.