A simple question; Why have all the miracles stopped?
2008-03-06 15:21:58 UTC
all the saints were able to perform miracles from their dead bones, the shrines up and down the world used to provide miracles for the ones that made the long hard pilgramage to worship them and bushes used to burn and God used to talk to people; so why has that all stopped?
52 answers:
andrew f
2008-03-06 15:27:44 UTC
It depends how you interpet a 'mirace'- Some of us think getting out of bed to go to work is a bloody miracle, while others stare at sunsets and say they are miraculous. I assume you are referring to events which have no (as yet) rational scientific explanation- water into wine, parting the Red Sea, that sort of thing. There are those who CLAIM miraces still happen, but until we get one on Youtube or CNN I think most of us will remain skeptical!
2008-03-06 15:29:42 UTC
They haven't. People just take them for granted or call them technology. God is at work everyday, everywhere. Even if you dont hear a booming voicecome down from the heavens it doesnt mean God is not there or doesnt listen, and respond. We just have to open our hearts not our ears. Don't look for a stereotypical 'miracle'. Go talk to a parent who child was not supposed to live but somehow did with no explanation. Or the cop who caught a baby from a 4 story building out the window when the building was on fire and the baby was unharmed. Go to the newborn unit in a hospital. To see God just look around. A sunset is God. He is everywhere. Miracles do happen everyday just have to look.
2008-03-07 00:03:57 UTC
1 Corinthians 13 peaks about the gift of love but also say that, miracles of any kind will be done away with.

Purpose in Early Christian Congregation. Miracles served a number of important purposes. Most basic, they helped to establish or confirm the fact that a man was receiving power and support from God. (Ex 4:1-9) Both with Moses and Jesus people drew this correct conclusion. (Ex 4:30, 31; Joh 9:17, 31-33) Through Moses, God had promised a coming prophet. Jesus’ miracles helped observers to identify him as that one. (De 18:18; Joh 6:14) When Christianity was young, miracles worked in conjunction with the message to help individuals to see that God was behind Christianity and had turned from the earlier Jewish system of things. (Heb 2:3, 4) In time miraculous gifts present in the first century would pass away. They were needed only during the infancy of the Christian congregation.—1Co 13:8-11.

In reading the history of the Acts of Apostles, we see that Jehovah’s spirit was working mightily, speedily, forming congregations, getting Christianity firmly established. (Ac 4:4; chaps 13, 14, 16-19) In the few short years between 33 and 70 C.E., thousands of believers were gathered in many congregations from Babylon to Rome, and perhaps even farther west. (1Pe 5:13; Ro 1:1, 7; 15:24) It is worthy of note that copies of the Scriptures then were few. Usually only the well-to-do possessed scrolls or books of any sort. In pagan lands there was no knowledge of the Bible or the God of the Bible, Jehovah. Virtually everything had to be done by word of mouth. There were no Bible commentaries, concordances, and encyclopedias readily at hand. So the miraculous gifts of special knowledge, wisdom, speaking in tongues, and discernment of inspired utterances were vital for the congregation then. (1Co 12:4-11, 27-31) But, as the apostle Paul wrote, when those things were no longer needed, they would pass away.

A Different Situation Today. We do not see God performing such miracles by the hands of his Christian servants today, because all needed things are present and available to the literate population of the world, and to help those who cannot read but who will listen, there are mature Christians who have knowledge and wisdom gained by study and experience. It is not necessary for God to perform such miracles at this time to attest to Jesus Christ as God’s appointed deliverer, or to provide proof that He is backing up His servants. Even if God were to continue to give his servants the ability to perform miracles, that would not convince everyone, for not even all the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ miracles were moved to accept his teachings. (Joh 12:9-11) On the other hand, scoffers are warned by the Bible that there will yet be stupendous acts of God performed in the destruction of the present system of things.—2Pe 3:1-10; Re chaps 18, 19.

In conclusion, it may be said that either those who deny the existence of miracles do not believe there is an invisible God and Creator or they believe that he has not exercised his power in any superhuman way since creation. But their unbelief does not make the Word of God of no effect. (Ro 3:3, 4) The Biblical accounts of God’s miracles and the good purpose that they accomplished, always in harmony with the truths and principles found in his Word, instill confidence in God. They give strong assurance that God cares for mankind and that he can and will protect those who serve him. The miracles provide typical patterns, and the record of them builds faith that God will, in the future, intervene in a miraculous way, healing and blessing faithful humankind.—Re 21:4.
2008-03-06 15:30:07 UTC
In a general way, it seems like God has shifted miracles away from America, even if there are exceptions. I have been a witness to some miracles here.

I regularly get news from and see how God does many miracles in India.
2008-03-06 15:52:48 UTC
It's a miracle that we're even here. There is no logical answer to the great question, not even the atheist's have an answer so that puts them in denial.

If I took a bottle & sucked everything out of it & put it on a shelf for a trillion years or so I doubt that on my return there would be a little solar system floating about inside it.
2008-03-06 15:26:37 UTC
Of course there are still miracles in the world from God, they're just a little different than they used to be. People being cured from cancer, surviving that big car crash, to name a few. Maybe God stopped talking to people like he used to because people stopped listening.
2008-03-06 15:50:50 UTC
1) Religion's argument: because religion requires faith, nothing that can prove God's existence can exist.

2) I say, it's because miracles happen all the time but we don't want to attribute them to God. If someone hears the voice of God, wouldn't you say that person's insane? If someone's declared dead and they live again, then we just haven't discovered yet how that's possible. People are more willing to believe in alien abductions than they are in miracles.
2008-03-06 15:47:03 UTC
Movietone, digital cameras, DNA testing, secular democracies, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, Thorazine, James Randi...
2008-03-06 15:28:31 UTC
The signs-following gospel continues where it is preached as the only true gospel.

Trouble is, most say the miraculous signs are optional for those that like or feel the need for "that sort of thing".

The true gospel teaches that signs follow believers when they need them and people need to speak in tongues (Mark 16:15-20, Romans 8:26, 1 Cor. 14:14-22, Jude 19-21 etc), that's why all do it when they receive God's Spirit (become "born again").
2008-03-06 15:26:44 UTC
According to some people, it hasn't. That's why there are some people up for sainthood now - they have posthumously performed miracles (usually cures of illnesses). It's just that in this more scientifically-minded world, most claims of miracles are ignored as either lies or delusions or suggestability.
2008-03-06 15:26:00 UTC
Either those things never really happened because people just made those stories up or it was based on truth and people just added the supernatural elements or....they still do happen but no one in this day and age would ever believe that whatever event took place was real and would just say it was some crazy person who made the story up.
Joe B
2008-03-06 16:02:53 UTC
They haven't stopped. God just does not get the press he used to. Also a lot of churches declared the age of miracles dead with the death of the last disciple. Not so, here is just one site you might want to visit,

type in "modern miracles" in Google, you will find thousands of documented miracles. Jesus said once "you have eyes but do not see"

Just search a bit, you will find many of them, but you have to look and believe. Good luck Little Brother. :-)
2008-03-06 15:29:18 UTC
They haven't stopped. The LDS church has a lot of healing blessings. It isn't done in public like the TV ministry, it is done in private, generally with a Patient, the family and two Elders or High Priests. There is an anointing and a blessing. Many are very successful. Special blessings are also given to children who are sent off to college or other function.
2008-03-06 15:32:07 UTC
Who says miracles stopped? Miracles happened everyday. I actually heard a miracle the other day, where a man had to go in to get triple bipass surgery. Well we prayed. The day of the surgery, they cut him open. Someone had already DONE the surgery.

No coincidence there.
2008-03-06 15:26:32 UTC
Miracles are thing we cannot understand. To them, the sun rising was a miracle.

Now that science has proved what many of these things are, they can't claim miracle on a weed growing on your lawn.
2008-03-06 15:38:45 UTC
well, according to islam, the messengers of Allah used to preform miracles to show people the right path. example:-

moses preformed the miracles to guide people to show them the right path and to show the anger of God to the Pharons( the king of egypt. but later people of isreal denied the truth and made changes in the ten comamdments. after a few years later jesus was born he guided the jews towards the right path, and the bible was reveled on him. but the same happened, christians made changes in the bible after a few years. the last prophet, Muhammad(pbuh) he preached the same religion of Allah, like moses n jesus n other prophets did, but this time God protected the book by himself. and muhammad (pbuh) was the last messenger.

but this dosent mean that miracles has stoped. miracles happens but not like one person is saint n he is dont a few things that show people that he is from god n he is really very important man. God shows his signes in everythng, some times even normal humans notice some miracles of God in their own lifes. but man never remember's it.

look very carefully, there might be a few miracles which God shows but u never notice.
2008-03-06 23:06:05 UTC
The apostles, have not fed the sheep, nor the lambs.

The churches do not feed the sheep nor the lambs.

You as Christians do not feed the sheep nor the lambs.

The true bread from heaven is not communion, nor is it the inspired words of the bible, the true bread are the actual words spoken by Jesus, for they were not His words, they were the word of God the Father

You feed the sheep and the lambs your own words, and the words of prophets, not the word of God. Jesus said He and the Father would dwell with us, if we loved them, to love the Father and the Son, is to honor their words.

23 If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.

30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

John 14:23-31 (KJV)

Jesus gave us 77 Commandments, and of the 77 commandment given to us only one was a new commandment. If you love Jesus and Our Father, you would know these commandments by heart, but you do not even acknowledge them. You will not feed the sheep, nor the lambs.

What are the 77 commandments given to us by our Father through His Son, Jesus the Christ. ?

What is the new Commandment ?
Kris L
2008-03-06 15:27:23 UTC
It hasn't stopped. I have seen many miracles, I talk to God on a daily basis and he 'answers' me (although not in words/language) ... but I am a Mary (a mystic) ... 99.9% of the people in this world are Martha types (non-mystical) so they can't 'see' the miracles or 'understand' what God is 'saying' ... evidently you are of the Martha, not a Mary ... so be thankful for what you are, and keep praying ... God does listen and God does answer ... even if you can't see, feel, touch, or taste it, God is in ALL of our lives, every day, in every way.
2008-03-06 19:21:36 UTC
It almost allows one to think that miracles were just tall stories from ancient times.

These days we'd call them urban myths ... with a twist.

Ca D
2008-03-06 15:27:23 UTC
What makes you think it stopped. Don't many people acclaim to have had a miracle happen to them. God still communicates but you need to hear and listen. Stay sober, alert, aware, and keep watch.
2008-03-06 15:34:04 UTC
Miracles have not ended and God still speaks to people.
2008-03-06 15:24:49 UTC
I had a miracle yesterday.

I was just on Yahoo (bashing religion and calling it retarded)...Then I went outside to walk to the bank and I found $10 on the side walk!


Not only that, but I got to the Bus stop right when the bus was coming (both there and back) so no waiting.

And I got my tax return back...

Good day
plastik punk -Bottom Contributor
2008-03-06 15:26:27 UTC
Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ. He also performed many miracles in the name of Christ. I have seen many.

And I'll take that $10 for air in my lungs.
2008-03-06 15:25:55 UTC
it hasnt.....if you truly believ in God then you will see wiracles all around you. it doesnt have to be a burning bush etc it can be birth wich is a miracle or anything you just have to really open your eyes and you will see miracles all around you
gypsy belle
2008-03-06 15:26:30 UTC
miracles happen everyday. they don't all need to be burning bushes. take a good look around you.
2008-03-06 15:25:13 UTC
Who says it has? People tell me God talks to them all the time....If they tell the whole world they are perceived as crazy- times are different now
2008-03-06 15:25:44 UTC
I asked a very simmilar question before, and I kept on getting bs answers. People said things like "they are still happening today!...they never stopped...a baby's smile..." Well maybe u will have better luck though huh?
2008-03-06 15:25:31 UTC
Well science has gotten to the point that it can check out the claims now. That means you need to be a bit more careful about what you claim.
Weise Ente
2008-03-06 15:25:26 UTC
Dirk Johnson
2008-03-06 15:25:26 UTC
What about the air in your lungs,, and you owe that guy above me 10 bucks.
George G
2008-03-06 15:36:15 UTC
It has'nt stopped.. don' t look so hard.. use your imagination if you have to.. I see miracles happen every day
2008-03-06 15:26:08 UTC
it hasn't but there's so many sceptics that don't accept the unexplainable that it's not such a big fush any more when 1 occurs
2008-03-06 15:25:09 UTC
They haven't, we just don't notice them? It's a miracle just to have God living inside our hearts!
Mark T
2008-03-06 15:27:31 UTC
Miracles still happen you just have to see them and understand them. I have seen many of them, and have interceded in many - in cancer, deliverance, finances and many more.
2008-03-06 15:26:59 UTC
They still happen. What about the smile on a baby's face?
2008-03-06 15:26:06 UTC
very simple, they are busy in court paying off law suits for being hypocrites, they may start up again since they are in need of money.
2008-03-06 15:25:17 UTC
Miracles happen when you don't expect them.
2008-03-06 15:25:43 UTC
It happens to me all the time but no-one believes me
2008-03-06 15:25:22 UTC
because of the air in your lungs
2008-03-07 06:25:40 UTC
2008-03-06 15:26:44 UTC
This guys pregnant with one now but you can also abort a miracle
2008-03-06 15:25:28 UTC
No god, no miracles, more people write well, better nutrition makes the mind not see fantacies, and we now have science to explain such things as thunder, lightening, and cancer.
Marc C
2008-03-06 15:25:36 UTC
how do you know it has? all those carzy guys in the street shouting about the end of times... or maybe that is why, because it is near.
2008-03-06 15:24:55 UTC
just look at what the world is today.
2008-03-06 15:26:06 UTC
I got laid last night, and I didn't even have to pay for it.

They haven't stopped.
2008-03-06 15:24:37 UTC
$10 someone mentions air in your lungs or smile on a baby's face...
Mic H
2008-03-06 15:24:55 UTC
how do you know it ever really happened in the first place?

what about the air in your lungs.......someone give the man $10
The Lorax
2008-03-06 15:25:11 UTC
they never happend. Thats like asking why Merlin, harry Potter, or any other magical mythical creature isnt doing what the book they are from said they did.
2008-03-06 15:24:33 UTC
People discovered something called "reason."
2008-03-06 15:24:52 UTC
Because it didn't really happen
2008-03-06 15:25:39 UTC
because they never happened in the first place
2008-03-06 15:24:59 UTC
Better question, when did they ever start?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.