As a Muslim, a follower of Islam, we believe Jesus never died, and thus never rose from the dead. He was saved from crucifixion by GOD.
Let's take a look at history.
Crucifixion was a means of cursing someone by torture and a slow, painful death used by the Jews of the time. When they could no longer stand Jesus' teachings, seeing as Jews have always proclaimed to be the sole inheritors of Paradise, Jesus preached that any human can inherit Paradise as long as he follows certain rules.
But as Jesus was loved by GOD (in Islam Jesus is a prophet, not son), GOD could not let the Jews kill him. So he prayed to GOD, and this prayer can be found in the Bible today. In fact, Jesus was born from amongst the Jews who tried to kill him. His mother, Mary a noble, chaste and extremely pious young woman, daughter of a prophet named Joachim, who passed away before Mary was born. We even know of the lineage of Mary until Aaron (brother of Moses). So there's definitely a lot we know about Jesus' existence. Details are usually mixed up, but the existence of someone cannot be faked to this extend, seeing as how much detail we have of Jesus.
A proof that he existed outside the Bible, is the Quran for me. They say the Quran is written by prophet Muhammed, but how could this be so when it not only criticizes him, but also talks about previous prophets. Not to mention that Muhammed was illiterate, unable to read and write. The Quran also entails soooo many scientific evidences, that MANY scientists have converted due to them. Like Dr Keith L. Moore, professor at University of Toronto in Canada, on embryology and Dr Maurice Bucaille a french doctor on Pharaoh's remains. He has written many books on Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Science.
In the torah, song of solomon 5, if you read it in hebrew or just listen to it, Solomon speaks of a man, he describes as;
10 My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
11 His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.
12 His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.
13 His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.
14 His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires.
15 His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.
16 His mouth is most sweet: yea,he is ALTOGETHER LOVELY. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
In the end, in english translation it states;
"His mouth is most sweet, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend O daughters of Jerusalem"
but in Hebrew it says roughly
"hikum maktaktim, vikhirulom muhammedim, zedodi zerahib binoch Jerusalam."
Notice the Muhammedim.
Arabic names always have meaning, example;
Umsalamah: mother of peace
warda: rose
salahadin: righteous in religion
Abdelaziz: servant of the ALMIGHTY= GOD
Likewise, Muhammed means perfect, lovely in all parts, completely beautiful (inside and out).
So basically, Solomon is speaking of a just man with this description to come. And guess what, prophet Muhammed is the human being we know the most things about. We know his hair, eye and skin colour, his complete lineage to Abraham, how he talked, smiled, laughed, what he wore, we even still have his shoes at a museum, we know the location of his home, the name of his parents and daughters, his friends, his body shape, face shape, eyebrows, lips size and colour, his beard length and shape, where and how and when he slept, how he prayed, where he went, he is actually the most biographically detailed person till this date. We even have 100s of books with his conversations and quotes and advice. Like, "He who is victorious over his passion at the time of anger is the strongest among you. He who forgives having the power to release (his anger and take revenge) is the most patient among you."
Back to Song of Solomon 5
Also, notice it says, Muhammdim, notice the "IM", well in hebrew IM is added to names to show the high status of someone.
Example: GOD in hebrew is ELOH, but they always call GOD ELOHIM, adding the "IM" to the end in order to show high status.
Likewise, Muhammedim, suggests this person Muhammed must be a big deal.
Muhammed was born after the death of his father, then when he was 6 his mother also passed away. So he came under the care of a tribal leader and wealthy man, his paternal grandfather, who soon also passed away. Then his paternal uncle took care of him, who was a very poor tradesman. He would travel to neighbouring nations and buy products to sell back in Makkah and vice versa. One time he went to Syria and took young Muhammed with him, Syria was then under Byzantine rule, otherwise known as Roman empire in the east. There was a christian monk sitting nearby when he noticed a cloud following this group of men (young Muhammed, his uncle and other employees). When they stopped, a nearby tree bent over them to shied them from the sun. The monk, called out to them and offered them to eat with him, so the uncle told little Muhammed to watch their caravan (camels with trades on their back). The monk examined their faces and became sad, and asked "is this everyone?" The uncle replied, "yes, except my young nephew watching our camels. The monk asked them to call the little boy. When Muhammed was coming, the cloud followed him, shading him from the sun once more. When he saw this he asked the uncle about his parents, and when he heard he was an orphan he examined his face and asked about his lineage. Then revealed to them in secret that this young man will become a prophet, and asked them protect him from the Jews and the Byzantines "for they will surely try to kill him."
When Muhammed became 40, while sitting on a mountain, came to him a man and asked him to recite. He replied, "But i'm not a reciter." Then the man hugged him tightly and asked him to recite anew. Muhammed kept repeating I'm not a reciter. This happened several times, then the man said the 1st verses to be ever revealed of the Quran, "Recite in the name of your Lord who created…created man from a clinging substance," (This verse is also a scientific miracle.) Muhammed then recited the exact same words, without his will. He thought this was some sorcery done on him, so as he was climbing down the mountain, the man transformed into an angel and stood above him and said, "Peace be upon you, O Muhammed. You are a prophet of GOD and I am angel Gabriel."
Muhammed ran home in fear and confusion, and covered himself with a cover. Then told his wife what happened, whereby she said, I believe you are a prophet. For I've never in my life met someone who treats both the rich and the poor so gently, and who is so good to children and never passes a beggar on the street, etc. Muhammed's wife was 15 years older than him, was a widow and had her own trade business and was very wealthy. He was 1 of her employees so she was well acquainted with his character. She was so amazed of his moral sense, and strong sense of justice and kindness and warmth and loyalty, so she asked his hand for marriage.
Try reading the Quran or even the biography of Muhammed. Many non-Muslims even speak highly of him. Know the book called 100 most Influential people? By Michael H. Heart. He said the #1 most influential person was Muhammed because he was both a religious leader, and a political leader. He managed to make the most uncivilized people, the pagan arabs into more civilized than civilized Europe. And this was especially shocking because Arabs were extremely tribal and disliked one another.
I'm a Muslim, but prior i studied Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and a bit of Hinduism, and because I am a Muslim, I must and do respect other faiths.
Did you know, freedom of religion is 1 of the main rules of Islam?
Quran chapter 5 verse 8 GOD says: "O you who have believed be persistently standing firm for GOD, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness."
Chapter 2 verse 152: So remember Me; I will remember you.
(Meaning be grateful to GOD and GOD will answer your prayers, wishes.)
Cheers, my dear. And please, keep on searching for truth for as long as you live.