Is Bible word of GOD?
Haris Amjad
2009-07-05 23:12:21 UTC
Bible has many errors, can it be word of GOD, then why do christians still believe it?
Fifteen answers:
2009-07-05 23:21:08 UTC
Yes. And there are no errors in it. Maybe mistranslations or misinterpretations....but no errors. Revelation 20 (Amplified Bible) 11Then I saw a great white throne and the One Who was seated upon it, from Whose presence and from the sight of Whose face earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.

12I [also] saw the dead, great and small; they stood before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is [the Book] of Life. And the dead were judged (sentenced) by what they had done [[b]their whole way of feeling and acting, their aims and endeavors] in accordance with what was recorded in the books.

13And the sea delivered up the dead who were in it, death and Hades ([c]the state of death or disembodied existence) surrendered the dead in them, and all were tried and their cases determined by what they had done [according to their motives, aims, and works].

14Then death and Hades ([d]the state of death or disembodied existence) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire.

15And if anyone's [name] was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was hurled into the lake of fire.

2 Peter 1:21 (Amplified Bible)

21For no prophecy ever originated because some man willed it [to do so--it never came by human impulse], but men spoke from God who were borne along (moved and impelled) by the Holy Spirit.
2009-07-05 23:20:53 UTC
The bible has been interpreted so many ways, even if it was once the true word of God it isn't anymore. I mean look at all the different kinds of Christianity. Every nation since the dawn of Christianity has twisted the words of the bible to better fit and back up their personal goals. What you should use he bible for is advice on how to be a good human and better humankind. I am an atheist, but even I agree that there are some pretty good stories in the book that you could learn a thing or two from on how to be a good person. Don't believe it word for word. The world isn't 6,000 years old because people didn't ride on dinosaurs. You'll just become a zealot. What you should do if you do read it is try to learn the lessons it teaches.

Edit: You'll just end up like the people quoting the Bible to prove the relevancy of the Bible. That's just dumb. Grade A, top of the line zealots.
2009-07-05 23:23:19 UTC
Contradictions, not errors. The Bible was not written by one person or a group of persons that decided one day to get toguether and write a book. The writings in the Bible are from multiple persons writing at multiple eras. Some of the books were written years after the even happened. The groups that compiled the books saw fit to leave the contradictions in place as not to soil the integrity of the writer. I can give you an example on today's turn. Say a police report. 20 persons see an accident. They all recount what happened. There will be 20 different stories. The only thing in common will be that an accident happened. That is the Bible, a compilation of stories witnessed by different people and some even write by third persons that were nowhere near the place of the event.

Even when someone reads a passage, they will explain it to another in a different way it was read. The Bible was write under divine inspiration. God did not write the Bible.
2009-07-05 23:50:17 UTC
Errors? In what sense?

Certainly if one takes the fundamentalist approach and treats the Bible as a single book to be interpreted in an entirely literal sense, one will find errors.

But, in reality, the Bible is not "a" (singular) book, it is a collection of books. It has many different genres: Folklore, mythology, poetry, the more historical narratives, etc. One cannot read it all through the same lens, any more than one can read Dostoevsky's literature, Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat, and a biography of Martin Luther King, Jr., with the same lens. These different genres demand different lenses. They call for different modes of interpretation.

The same goes for the Bible. Was the world created--literally--in seven days? Of course not! But the Genesis creation account still paints a beautiful spiritual cosmology for us, still astounds us with its basic insights into the human condition. Is it a scientific treatise? No, but to be fair, it doesn't profess to be.

Thus, I would say that before you assert "The Bible is full of errors!", you must first take into account the diversity of literature which is included therein.

Hope this helps.
2009-07-05 23:39:17 UTC
Yes, the Bible is the Word of God.


Proverbs 3.6

Bible in Basic English

Make no addition to his words, or he will make clear your error, and you will be seen to be false

The Bible is the inspired word of God.

The entire Scripture is the inspired word of God because the Bible says so (2 Timothy 3:16).Bible

Here are the Original Greek Septuagint (worldwide translations)

Greek / English

and The Greek New Testament online(worldwide translations(

Greek/ English.

This is the closest you will ever get to the perfect translations right from the Greek :)

No the Septuagint in not Judaic.. No Jew will ever read the Greek

Septuagint. They Read the Torah, The Talmud, The Kabbalah, The Book of 12, and other Hebrews Scriptures.

The many errors are from Those who want to knit their Religion in the Bible ( thus in find you will find Doctrine pertaing to what they teach.

Not True Bible..


From a Greek Orthodox ( Katholikos ( Gr Universal catholic meant for

all) Apostolic Chrsitian

Gal.3.28 .. There is not Jew or Greek among you......We are one in

2009-07-05 23:50:40 UTC
It couldn't be because it was written in 60 to 70 AD and the emperor Constantine had a council to edit the bible. Plus over the years things must have had to been changed.
2009-07-05 23:18:15 UTC
Yes, the true pure Bible is the word of God.

it is flawless and has no errors

it may be incomprehensible to some.

without believing in the Bible, you aren't a true Christian.
2016-11-08 04:06:03 UTC
this would take extra effective than yahoo for me to describe. i will start up with the reality that the place it says word it might quite say plan. it quite is the Greek word emblems meaning "some thing stated such as the concepts" via implication "a topic matter or concern of discourse" additionally "reasoning with the psychological colleges and reason" this is translated from the Hebrew word dabar meaning the published will of YHWH, the plan and purpose for mankind. This in accordance to Thayers Lexicon and The Interpreters Dictionary of The Bible. acceptable names coated it may be interior the e book of Yahchanan ben Zabdyah (those names quite have meaning in assessment to john) financial disaster a million verses a million-4 interior the beggining replaced into the plan of Yahweh, and the plan replaced into with Yahweh, and the plan replaced into Yahweh's. an identical replaced into interior the beggining with Yahweh. All issues have been achieved in accordance to it and without it not something replaced into achieved that replaced into achieved. in this plan replaced into existence and that existence replaced into the sunshine to mankind. additionally, correct placed verse 14 says "in accordance to this plan flesh replaced into created; and living between us, and we beholding his glory the honor of the begotten son of the only Father, crammed with honor and certainty. edit: the place Terry says Collossians a million:sixteen the word by way of is quite to declare "as consequently of him" As to his rant approximately Revelations 3:14, definite it says first. What he did not show you how to comprehend is that many assets say that the word perfected is skipped over. So it correct says ..."the 1st perfected of Yahweh.", meaning he replaced into the 1st guy to be appropriate, not he wass there interior the beggining with Yahweh and His plan.
2009-07-05 23:21:20 UTC
The Bible is a selection of bronze age middle eastern goat herders fairy tales dear. God is one of the main character of those fairy tales...
2015-07-07 06:40:17 UTC
There's no doubt that this is an important question. If the Bible is the Word of God, it changes everything – the way we view life, the way we live life, and the choices we make. If the Bible is the Word of God, then the Bible is true, and failure to follow, obey and trust it will have eternal consequences. To ignore God's Word is to ignore God Himself.

God's love is proved by the existence of the Bible. God did not have to communicate to mankind, but He chose to so that we could know Him, enjoy fellowship with Him, and understand ourselves and the world. If He had not taken the first step to reveal Himself to us through His Word, we simply would not know Him, and we would be left to deduce what we could about the world from what we could sense. But God has graciously shown us the Truth, and it is contained in the Bible. Since God is our Creator (Isaiah 40:28), He is our authority (Isaiah 43:15), and His Word is the final authority for humankind, and the only entirely trustworthy moral litmus test (1 John 2:5). It explains life and death and gives us a clear understanding of right and wrong.

So, how do we know for sure that the Bible we have is the actual Word of God? Could the Bible be just another holy book? What is the evidence that the Bible we buy in the bookstore today is truly the Word of God? First, the Bible itself claims to be the Word of God, in 2 Timothy 3:15-17, which says "and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."

This is an example of an "internal" evidence that the Bible is the Word of God. Internal evidences are those things stated within the Bible that claim its divine origin. A few other internal evidences are the unity of the Bible, the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible, and the unique, powerful authority of the Bible.

The unity of the Bible means that, even though it was written by more than 40 different authors over three continents, in three different languages, and is comprised of 66 individual documents, it is cohesive down to the last detail. Every supposed contradiction in the Bible can be answered in a satisfactory way. There are no mistakes, and it all works together perfectly. That's a miracle!

The fulfilled prophecies in the Bible also indicate that it is God's Word. Hundreds of prophecies about future kingdoms and nations, and most importantly, the Messiah, were spoken forth and then fulfilled, sometimes hundreds of years later. This is all recorded within the Bible itself. Unlike many modern prophecies, the prophecies in Scripture are very detailed and are fulfilled exactly. There is no way this happened by chance. The only answer is that the Bible is of divine origin.

The Bible's unique authority and power is another internal evidence for its divine origin. This power is revealed by the millions of lives that have been changed by it over the course of human history. Martyrs have given their lives up to preserve its truth. Sinners throughout the ages have been convicted and changed by it, broken hearts have been healed by God's comforting voice coming through its pages, and salvation has been graciously made available through its record of the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. No other book in human history has the power to change lives like the Bible, the Word of the God who created life.

In addition to the internal evidences, there are also external evidences that the Bible is God's Word. The Bible's historicity, the integrity of its human authors, and its indestructibility.

The "historicity of the Bible" means it is true and accurate to the historical events recorded by non-religious sources. Archaeological events and historical writings prove the Bible to be true. It is the best-documented book from the ancient world. The accurate historical records found in the Bible give us proof of its truthfulness about spiritual subjects.

The integrity of its human authors is another external evidence of its truthfulness. When the lives of the authors of Scripture are studied, they are found to be honest men. Their willingness to die for what they believed shows that they were sure of their testimonies. Those who wrote the New Testament (and hundreds of others) had seen Jesus Christ after He rose from the dead. If they had been lying about seeing Him, there is no doubt that at least one of them would have been unwilling to die for what he believed to be false. But all the apostles, without exception, remained true to their testimonies until the end of their lives (1 Corinthians 15:6).

The indestructibility of the Bible is another strong evidence that it is indeed God's Word. Because of its offensive message, which in contrast to every other religion humbles man's ability to save himself and provides the need for God's grace instead (Ephesians 2:8-9), the Bible has endured more attacks and attempts to eliminate it than any other book in history. From the early Romans, to the communist dictators, to the atheists and agnostics of modernism and postmodernism, the Bible has survived and is still published more than any other book worldwide.

Over the ages, scoffers have called the Bible a myth, but archeological records have proved it historicity. Others have denounced its teachings as outdated and useless, but its positive impact on the moral and legal systems of cultures around the world is undeniable. Scientists, psychologists and politicians continue to attack the Bible, but its truth has never been disproven and its light has never been snuffed out. It continues to change lives and cultures just as it did 2,000 years ago. God supernaturally protects the Bible, proving that it is indeed His Word, just as it claims to be. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away" (Mark 13:31). When all the evidence is before us, there is no doubt that the Bible is truly the Word of God.

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2009-07-05 23:17:32 UTC
What errors? I does contain a lot of analogies, which is what atheists often use to say it is wrong when they're in fact taking it out of context.
2009-07-05 23:34:44 UTC
No, the bible is a bunch of crap
Mimi A
2009-07-05 23:19:32 UTC
it used to be until man changed it. the quran is the word of god.
2009-07-05 23:24:58 UTC
That would imply there was a God
smoking frog
2009-07-05 23:18:11 UTC
hahahaha, no its word of a bunch of stoned guys

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.