Why do atheists feel the need to inform others of the flaws in religion
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do atheists feel the need to inform others of the flaws in religion
55 answers:
2008-08-04 06:05:32 UTC
It isn't just the atheist that wants to point out flaws. Frankly I would think that any person that believes in a perticular belief would welcome the fact that someone else looked into it and found a conflick. After all, would you really want to be associated with something that is flawed??

As for being childish in thier arguments and insulting, true some are but that is the nature of that particular person and not at all associated with all. It is all too easy to generalize and not get to know others. The lazy way out of listening and learning from those you don't agree with and those you haven't taken the time to know.

Lastly, as for Wikipedia, it is a tool used by man and surely not the last authority on anythings as is NO OTHER BOOK, REFERENCE PAGE OR PERSON.

The bottom line here is this, it is a forum for guided conversation and debete regarding topiced questions. It carries no restriction on your own personal spiritual condition and no restriction on credibility. These are opinions based on fact, supposition and belief and the important thing to remember is that it's an OPINION. No one is required to accept or reject an opinion of another, no one is required to read an opinion of another and it isn't important that everyone see the point.

Brightest Blessings

2008-08-04 06:03:46 UTC
It's called proselytizing

here is a link since you like wikipedia so much

You christians do it too, though your reasoning is that your saving others souls, well my purpose is much and the same. Religion is a orthodoxy, unquestioning (which in turn means orthodoxy), self giving, unrighteousness that should be let go. Reasoning hopefully will be the fall of religion and it will help people understand that self giving is not at all that great.

Im a Humanist and i love people, i would never hurt, steal, or abuse anyone, yet i get to go to hell for not selling my soul to Jesus. that is what your doing, selling your soul for what you believe is eternal happiness, besides this is the R&S section if you did not want an argument go to church were everyone believes what you do. Here there will be debates, arguments, and idiots, that is how it works, sorry to sound harsh but your question is stupid


oh and by the way after reading some of your more religious comments to this question I would never hurt anyone and i don't spread bad lies about christian people. you are all good and honest people with mixed up prorities even if you don't give up God at least i would make you think, thats all i want, questioning people :)
Wood Uncut
2008-08-04 06:14:25 UTC
Personally I only give my views if someone asks 'why don't you believe' or whatever.

However you could equally ask the reverse question of Christians. There's plenty of information out there about Christianity and the beliefs of Christians so that anyone who really wanted to know the Bible's message or whatever, could find it easily enough.

But sometimes people do want to hear the 'other' point of view. Personal experience IMO, speaks volumes more than scripture or Wikipedia. And there are some Christians, just as there are some atheists, out there who cannot see how an intelligent person could fail (or fail to fail) to believe in their personal image of God.

Yes, admittedly, some will use Y!A R&S as a soapbox. But it's easy enough to ignore these sorts of Q & As and finding ones that are of some use to you. That's what I do and I generally find there's a few thought provoking people around whatever time of day it is.

I have learnt a great deal from being here and I value the contacts I have made. But in order to find the gold I've had to sift a great deal of dross. But it's been worth it IMO.

Thank you for your question. And welcome to R&S. Enjoy your journey!
2008-08-04 06:13:38 UTC
I can only speak for myself.

My own feelings on this is that there are certain areas which cannot be rightly touched in this way, and there are certain areas which can.

I would not denounce a Christian (or any other, for that matter) as deluded or wrong for believing in a God, or for believing in Jesus (Mohammed, Moses etc). This is out of respect. I disagree, but I acknowledge that I cannot substantiate any claim to the contrary. Therefore I leave it alone.

However, the same cannot be said for the majority of the Bible's descriptions. Scriptures present as wholly and laughably inaccurate, by anyone with a half-ounce of common sense.

Where I might concur that the theoretical God is a benevolent, loving entity, I see the exact opposite description presented in the Bible. When people describe the Biblical God as loving and caring, benevolent and nurturing, I am left with one question:

Exactly how rose-tinted ARE your spectacles?

As a follower of Jesus' message myself, I would not hesitate to agree that Jesus was indeed a great man. However, not all descriptions of Jesus in the Bible reflect this. So I turn to the majority, and forsake the minority. I remove that which does not fit with the rest, and my Jesus becomes a different Jesus from the Bible's portrayal.

To round it up, I choose not to argue with religion, and I respect it. However, I recognise religion as being much deeper than a book. It worries me that people feel they can glean morals from a book that depicts acts that are anything but moral. A book that they believe to be an accurate depiction of truth beyond all other.

A personal relationship with God and/or Jesus is a brilliant and great thing.

A destructive relationship with a divisive book, and a will to interfere with other people's lives is far from it.


~Loving Light~
2008-08-04 06:50:54 UTC
This is a joke of a question. We're the ones who are tired of someone constantly trying to "save" us, to show us the "way, the truth, and the light." As if you could possibly know what that is yourself!

You constantly talk of your faith. The literal meaning of the word faith is "belief without proof." Sorry folks, you lose me on this one...big time!!

The only things that change down the centuries are the names of the gods. How many different religions are there based on some guy who climbed up on a mountain and talked to god? This stuff gets old after awhile.

Like P.T. Barnum said "There's a sucker born every minute and two to take him."

All religions contradict themselves over and over, and when someone asks hard questions they tell you "It's a divine mystery." Bah, humbug! You should see these flaws for yourselves, no one should have to point them out to you.

We all have a brain, but many refuse to use it. If something doesn't make sense it most likely isn't true, and wishing won't make it so.
2008-08-04 05:58:08 UTC
"Wikipedia has pages on the arguments for religion all in one page; why would people need information from a theist?"

See? It goes BOTH ways, sweetie.

There are lots of childish people on here, in all shapes and sizes. But there are also many who like intellectual debates, and who want to contribute in the best way possible. You cannot DEBATE on wiki, can you..? This forum is just a fun place, no matter what you are religious-wise.

Personally, I have many good arguments, and they are not childish at all. Keep your faith if you want. I'm not out to deconvert you unless you ask.. However, respect that other people's opinions differ from your own, and we have every right to be here nevertheless.
God's hi†man
2008-08-04 06:13:43 UTC
I know more flaws about Christianity than most atheists and I am openly Christian.

This is an open floor, if it wasn't then I would say that it is just plain rude interupting a conversation or question in the R&S section when one believes in neither religion nor spirituality. Unfortunately you should just get used to crap answers.

It is also usually the ones who don't have the balls to debate it in public that hide behind some mask on the internet disrespecting religions like cowards.
2016-05-25 02:56:24 UTC
People mistakenly capitalize atheism and treat it as if it was a unified organization with common principles. It's not. I believe in ethics, and keep an open mind about various aspects of spirituality. If people cannot agree on the definitions of terms, then they cannot agree on whether or not a given proposition is true. This is especially true where myth and metaphor are used to explain a given concept, and are mistakenly taken literally. To me, atheism simply means absence of belief in gods or goddesses. Being literate, I appreciate the value of myth and metaphor, but I have become cautious about using them without labeling them as "fiction" in some sense. The more I learn, the more I realize that there are a lot of questions we simply cannot answer at this stage in human development. That doesn't mean we should stop trying. It takes a lot of examining a question from every angle before you can even begin to approach answering it. That's the nature of analytic philosophy, and of the scientific method, and a lot of other important things.
2008-08-04 06:18:02 UTC
Yes, you cannot even counter the insulting and childish arguments and yet you still believe it blindly, does that not tell you anything?

Now asking a question about religion or a spiritual topic is not different from any questions. If you only want answers that suit you as your denomination of christianity, then perhaps you should just post it in your church's forum so you can hypnotise your church mates and yourself happily.
the Ol' Foolosifer
2008-08-04 06:08:09 UTC
Wikipedia is a good source to start learning about many things, but is not necessarily accurate in all aspects. If you ask a Catholic priest about religion, he will give you a Catholic answer, a Baptist preacher will give you his answer from his veiwpoint and it may be different from the Catholic.

All denominations differ in concept except for the basics. I don't know much about atheists, but I do know that they are not an organized religion and try to show the ignorance of religion from their veiwpoint.

I am pagan, following the American Indian traditions and do not try to convert anyone to my belief, but will tell them of my thoughts. I suppose that most people are the same, because everyone wants to think they are right.
Brillian† world-beyoundsur
2008-08-06 15:00:22 UTC
it's called 'Enlightement', dear!...


(and real atheists don't insult, they have fun :)
2008-08-04 06:01:51 UTC
god loves all

when soemone states one of these 'flaws' and in correct facts as truth and correct facts, i will try to correct them

however i dont willy nilly go about correcting people, not my business

only when they intervene in my business do i do that


when they are telling others this incorrect information as correct,

as that is what this question answers site is for, to get information, answers,

so when i see an incorrect one i will try to correct it, for the asker and for others reading the information

so they do not go away with the incorrect information and have all the facts necesary

"Obviously people have heard atheists' insulting and childish arguments"

theres no need for insults dear

your only com across as the same as the people,you are talking about (atheists,) by doing so
2008-08-04 06:09:17 UTC
I imagine there are hundreds, if not thousands of books of information on every category at Yahoo! Answers. What if I came to visit where you live and asked you, could you please direct me to a certain destination in the city? You know where it is but say - why don't you go into a store and buy a map of the city? I already knew I could do that, but thought I'd save time by asking a resident.
2008-08-04 06:03:38 UTC
Why do religious people go about proselytizing their beliefs when there is a church on every corner, the internet, whole sections in the library? I guess its their right to express themselves and what they believe. It usually doesn't include them informing about the lack of evidence, false information, problematic history, diversity of disagreement, implausibility of their stance though and since people should get all side of the isssue its others right to share their views too. Free speech.

I have seen that you go about deleting your more childish and hateful questions after you receive answers that expose your poor reasoning skills. What is it that the Bible said? "By their fruits you shall know them?", seems to fit here.

For the poster claiming we can't have a decent society and that lack of belief leads to murdering thousands I would remind that today the most peaceful societies with the best quality of life are the least religious with highest numbers of voluntary atheists.
2008-08-04 06:01:25 UTC
Umm, it is flaws in Christianity mainly. I guess they think we haven't heard it a 1000 times in RS. Who knows?


Unless a christian has a gun to his head and is two seconds from killing himself, then an atheist will be practical in telling that christian the flaws of killing himself.

Believing in God and being a christian does not directly harm the christian. Even though the atheist might think of the christian belief as harmful, that christian has the right to have that belief. Any atheist who says that they are pointing out the flaws in order to show Christians that they are wrong and that Christianity is harmful is akin to converting someone.

So its fine that atheists think that Christianity is harmful. Yet if a christian is aware of what it bad and good about Christianity, and still wants to be a christian then that atheist should leave them alone.
2008-08-04 06:06:56 UTC
Because religious people are so obviously blind. Because religious scripture is so obviously wrong. You can't explain away inconsistancies found in all religious scripture with the lame excuses like 'I have faith in the Lord that the bible is his word'. If people continue to act like children (emailing people obscene un-christian like abusive messages) then you will be spoken to like children.

I'm a believer. I put my trust in God. I have the faith to know that what I know is correct. And I know the bible, torah, quran, all religious scripture is wrong. I'll say it over and over and over again and no amount of abusive emails, violation notices, name calling from so called 'God loving folk' is going to make me go against my God. It just makes me more determined to tell all religious followers that they are WRONG. And they are wrong.

God is Love. Love is God.

Trust Love.

Peace, love calm and positivity to all.
2008-08-04 06:18:01 UTC
"Obviously people have heard atheists' insulting and childish arguments and have continued to have faith in the Lord, like me for example."

I come here for the comedy and fundie does it best ...

especially IRONY.

THAT right there was perfect.

Well done; please give me more.

"atheists' insulting and childish arguments"

You mean when we shine a light on childish concepts of invisible sky critters and bogeymen under the bed, huh?

2008-08-04 06:19:32 UTC
I'll tell you what, when religionists stop lobbying against laws which benefit scientific - especially medical - research, stop opposing human rights legislation, stop abusing innocent children by inculcating them with their life-hating dogma, stop mutilating children by circumcision with no medical basis, stop openly spouting anti gay and anti-female rhetoric, stop condemning the poorest inhabitants of this planet to perpetual poverty, misery and untimely death by telling them they will go to Hell for using condoms, stop presuming to force women to undergo unwanted pregnancies, stop publicly pontificating on legal activities - such as consensual sexual activity, stop taking my tax money in subsidies for their institutions, start paying their own tax on their institutions and keep their personal faith entirely personal, then perhaps people like me might ease up on them.

I don't know what happened to the whole rendering unto Caesar thing, but seriously, if religionists want to be IN the World, they need to stop being such cry babies and understand they will have to take the rough with the smooth.
2008-08-04 06:04:14 UTC
Which is more insulting and childish? To propose valid arguments or to call those valid arguments insulting and childish?

If you want to counter those arguments fine but to sit here and merely call people names is insulting and childish itself. I suggest using a little more logic and a little less hypocrisy.
2008-08-04 06:03:37 UTC
It is true that it's possible that religion can produce evil, and generally when we look closer at the detail it produces evil because the individual people are actually living in a rejection of the tenets of Christianity and a rejection of the God that they are supposed to be following. So it can produce it, but the historical fact is that outright rejection of God and institutionalizing of atheism actually does produce evil on incredible levels. We're talking about tens of millions of people as a result of the rejection of God.[1]

Pedestal 42
2008-08-04 06:02:09 UTC
" ...atheists' insulting and childish arguments "

Don't insult, rebut!

If they are such poor arguments tear them to shreds, logically, using the atheists' own tools.

If you can. But note you are entering an arena where mere epithets count for nothing, and I'm afraid your generalising atheists into a single class does you no credit at all.

I think there are very good reasons for being an atheist, but as a ex-Christian, I would.

What do you count as an insulting or childish argument?
2008-08-04 06:03:55 UTC
Hi, God loves all even atheists:

Satan is alive and well on planet earth, and as long as people are offering an imperfect sacrifice, they will attack their brother, like Abel, the first martyr killed through self-justification.

Yes, If you can't live right, then to feel good about it, you attack those who make a covenant to God through sacrifice.

But note this point, God loves all even atheists: Jesus and His disciples were attacked more by religious people because Satan is in the religion business and there were no atheists outside the Garden of Eden--they were sinners who lived their own ways. Satan still perverts God's simple truths and brings chaos into the church.

Jesus said: The enemy sews tares in the church." Paul says: "After my departure, grievous wolves shall enter, not sparing the flock."

So, even if no atheists were on R&S, this forum would be a HOT PLACE.

God knew this would happen and sealed part of the Bible until "the end of the days" to revive important truths about saving you and this planet. See

Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua
2008-08-04 06:00:57 UTC
There aren't too many people of faith who go looking for reasons not to have faith. Even though questioning your faith is supposedly part of having it.

I'm thinking the reason atheists point it out is because they are totally flabbergasted you could live in the 21st Century and still be so numb to the blindingly obvious.
2008-08-04 05:53:13 UTC
Because of the increasing harm religion does to society.

Without us here to counter the insulting and childish arguments that Christians and other religious people post here, that harm will continue to escalate.

If you've spend any amount of time here, you'd realize that religious arguments are actually quite shallow, which is why religious people keep asking the same questions over and over again. Atheists try to come at those questions from several different angles, ranging from straightword to humorous.

This has obviously worked, since even you have admitted that there are flaws in your religion. Hopefully, this will cause you to look at your religion more honestly in the future.
2008-08-04 06:20:41 UTC
Because if Christians insists on passing laws that rule our life, they should know that their basis is flawed.

Don't tell me:

What to buy because I should be worshiping your Deity instead doing some housework.

That I can't run for office in a DEMOCRATIC country because I don't share your beliefs.

That my gay cousin can't have equal rights in partnership as I do.
2008-08-04 06:04:39 UTC
For exactly the same reason I would stop someone stepping out into the path of an oncoming truck; it's the right thing to do.
2008-08-04 07:14:20 UTC
Because we want people to know at least the basis of logic and make an informed decision.
2008-08-04 06:00:57 UTC
Why do (some) religious people feel the need to inform others of the flaws in their lives?
2008-08-04 05:53:13 UTC
why do christians feel the need to inform others about god? There are thousands of web pages about the christian religion, why would anybody need information from a christian?

"insulting and childish arguments" haha. This coming from somebody who believes in an invisible man in the sky and who tells people they will burn for eternity if they don't believe what she does.
2008-08-04 06:01:35 UTC
Insulting? Only if you treat it as such. If your faith is firm, atheist arguments against your god's existence will have no effect.

Childish? Don't see how arguing against belief in non-existent deities is childish. Please explain.
2008-08-04 05:52:59 UTC
We are trying to speed the advancement of rational though in the human species.

"wikipedia have pages on the arguments against religion all in one page;"

Why does it suprise me that someone asking this question lists wikipedia as their go to source of information?

Imagine where we could be as a society if a large portion of the population didn't spend time worrying about going to an imaginary place of eternal torture, or if the money spent to pay the salaries of the people preaching about the imaginary place of eternal torture went to help the poor instead.
2008-08-04 06:08:56 UTC
there r no flaws in the bible - they do not understand the bible because of their unbelief they r not looking through the eyes of the lord but they r looking with their worldly eyes - they r worldly people and not filled with the holy spirit - therefor they r blinded to the truth- pray for them to know the truth
2008-08-04 06:01:41 UTC
I highly recommend you go to a Christian-only forum where all the sheeple will agree with you all the time, given that they are of the same denomination of course.
2008-08-04 05:54:26 UTC
It's not "insulting" or "childish" to insist on evidence before we'll take your claims about the supernatural seriously.

And we do it because we have a vested interest in there being as few ignorant, irrational people on the planet as possible.
no body
2008-08-04 05:54:50 UTC
well, for one, not all answers come from wikipedia.

some come from sources that no Christian or religious person would dare to search for. as they do not look for clues to the lies of their religion. they already believe it to be true.

in return to your generalized question, why do Christians feel the need to inform others that they are going to hell for not being Christian?
2008-08-04 06:09:03 UTC
because you can't ignore them, there are so so many flaws in religion...religion is like a cancer of society...
2008-08-04 06:03:29 UTC
We are only trying to set you free.
2008-08-04 06:00:53 UTC
is always been that way, and also christians jump around when is disproofed, my point is that both sides fight for evidence.
2008-08-04 05:56:33 UTC
Remember, that there will many who work for the devil that will try to take as many as they can away from God.

Atheists feel they are superior to all Christians which many have boosted about on this site. It truly amazes me how some can be so Arrogant yet have nothing to back up their claim. Absolutely nothing but their arrogance. That is pathetic. The cop out they always use is they are not making a claim therefore they don't have to prove anything. But they indeed are making a claim that God does not exists. Christians don't make a claim we already know he Does Exists.

Lastly, if atheists were truly intelligent as they claim and/or know the bible/ religion better then any Christian, then they would already know that Man created religion and NOT GOD and yet that is exactly what they use against Christians and God (religion). Makes no sense. God said to come together not form hundreds of different religions and then kill in his name.
2008-08-04 06:04:48 UTC
They are flawed in the meaning of logic and reason.

They have a God it is Science it is very flawed So they have been failed by a dieing god they cling to and are against truth getting out and exposing them for what they are.

they are blind leading the blind and try very hard to recruit their numbers with misquotes and misinterpretation.
2008-08-04 05:52:41 UTC
*Sighs* Try to stop generalising. And given the lies that get spread on here by theists as well, asking this is incredibly hypocritical.

Peace be thy journey: If you don't see the hilarious irony of your answer, you must be rather imbecilic indeed.
2008-08-04 05:52:34 UTC
Because, obviously, some people still can't see that they believe nonsense. If you know what you believe is nonsense and still believe it, then you've crossed the line into insanity.
squeaky guinea pig
2008-08-04 05:52:22 UTC
Because the flaws exist, and people need to be informed about them.
2008-08-04 06:02:42 UTC
and why do christians thinks that its their job to preach non-stop.
2008-08-04 05:54:33 UTC
Wait, so you willfully ignore the fact your god doesn't exist?

Cause that is what you said.
2008-08-04 05:54:18 UTC
We are trying to help our fellow humans.
2008-08-04 05:57:44 UTC
Because people insist on telling us how "perfect and wonderful" that religion is when it isn't!
2008-08-04 05:54:15 UTC

last time we left y'all alone we had the Spanish Inquisition
2008-08-04 05:56:03 UTC
The important thing to know is that it's easy to twist information to make you believe a false thing. We know God is true to His word, if others feel a need to twist it, all we can do is pray for them. We should also study more so we are less of a target for them.

For example, look at the Bible twisting going on here (Mormons are famous bible twisters - they aren't atheist, but might as well be)
2008-08-04 05:52:39 UTC
it's a public service... informing people of facts the religious leadership would never teach...
2008-08-04 05:57:42 UTC
It gives them the feeling of intellectual superiority...

They think the less faith they have the smarter they are...
2008-08-04 06:01:18 UTC
They have nothing better to do.
2008-08-04 06:00:40 UTC
They insult us with everything they have. They would physically hurt us and our families if they could.

I just feel sorry for them.
2008-08-04 05:56:03 UTC
because that is all they can do, they Blame our Heavanly father for every thing and cannot decide what they want to do.

trust me though they make very good Christians...once thay are converted, and you are right Father loves every one.........
2008-08-04 05:53:54 UTC
I find atheists amusing. They seem to have so much to say about something they don't believe in. Are they confused or what?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.