When will the West stop propagating lies about Islam?
Ash'ari Maturidi
2007-09-30 20:14:48 UTC
They keep saying a lot of b.s. about Islam; citing some myths and some other queer verbs of a few Muslim retards. To understand a religion, you've got to read it well from its authorized scholars; not from blind bigots who wish criticizing a religion by any means.

I believe if we keep ourselves blind and fanatic like that, we shall abandon the very first principle of victory: "seek the truth at any cost". Knowing the truth is a primary light of success, isn't it?

Well...sorry for being critical, but isn't it about time we improved ourselves??
22 answers:
2007-09-30 23:47:50 UTC
They won't because they won't accept the truth...look at the anwers below from DOC and Cowboy Christian, they judge yet they profess to not have studied islam..what does that tell you?

They will not even bother to seek out the truth because it will hinder their objective. People like Doc will find a word "Kill" and go "See it is violent!"...where they don't bother to read anything else.

Doc I read the Qu'ran front to back...and if you read it properly you would know Islam does not call for the destruction of jews and muslims...but it does mention the time where Jews and Christians rallied to exterminate the muslims, and it was decreed that muslims must defend themselves and if they seek to kill you then killing them in defense is first then judge!

I also read the bible too and when it comes to violent passages the Bible outnumbers the Qu'ran.

Also don't forget WW2 was started by a christian(Hitler)
2007-09-30 21:12:14 UTC
Would you like an answer from the Virgin Mary ?

Mary always stresses that there is but one God and that people have enforced unnatural separation.One cannot truly believe ,be a Christian,if he does not respect other religions as well.You do not really believe in God if you make fun of other Religions.(some Christians ridicule Catholics and their beliefs,make fun of Priests and tell lies )
2007-09-30 20:33:11 UTC
Improve Islam now there is a great idea, we can start by burning the hiding places of the Terrorist that disguise themselves as Peaceful Muslims. You know like Bib Laden and his followers. Or the ones that hide in the pretend Mosques in Iran. If the Terrorist hide there it is not a House of Prayer it is a Military Target. We should also silence those that lie and claim that Islam is about Peace since it's followers are armed and willing to become human bombs to kill themselves for Allah, who history records was the Bedouin moon deity before Mohammad came along and elevated him. Lets see oh yes and we need to get rid of the fear that Muslims have of the truth, I mean if they are not afraid of TRUTH why do they KILL anyone that does not believe in their book, oh yeah their book tells them to kill anyone that does not believe in it.

It is odd haring a Muslim talking about fanatic, since Muslim is a group designed to inspire fanatics. I mean after the attacks on the US 9/11/2001 the news showed Muslims the world over partying in the streets, now that the US answered the challenge the Muslims are crying out for Peace. I will favor peace when the Muslim nations are totally disarmed and no weapons are allowed into Islamic Nations. Then there is a chance for peace, until then I will rejoice at every Muslim that is killed in memory of the souls that were non-combatants but died anyway at the hands of the TERRORIST. Your Islamics are not Soldiers they are International Criminals and should be hunted down like the dogs they are and klled. Remember Saddam, he was hiding in a hole when he was found, where is Bin Laden, he claims to have won. Let hi come out and have his victory dance. Come on he is hiding in a hole like a scared rabbit and telling other Muslims to go die for Allah while he hides in his hole from the War HE STARTED, Well he started it the West will end it. Beat the rush surrender to the nearest Marine Base.

And be glad I am not in Charge or I would give the Muslim a choice of surrender their weapons or I would bomb the Dome of the Rock in order to insure world peace. If the Muslims did not surrender their weapons then they would lose the Dome, which would you chose if offered the choice?

Before 9/11 I was neutral on Islam but after 9/11 I have learned that turning a blind eye is not a good thing! I now watch everything I can find about Islam and its Terrorist followers.
2007-09-30 20:19:16 UTC
Lately, I've noticed people in America are taking steps to learn about Islam and the Muslim culture. Can I say the same about the people in the Middle East?
2007-09-30 20:32:49 UTC
America West has been world leader, the most advanced nation for the past 400 years since its founding by the Pilgrims because they base all their life from the Bible. American Republican government is based from the Bible the strong evidence that the God of the Bible is the only sovereign God of the universe. Just like Uk, Canada, Australia, and the rest of the 67 nations in the world that are dominated by Bible-centered Protestant Christians. This exclude Roman Catholic idolatrous religion because in their group they are also 56 nations. and the Muslim religion is dominating those inferior 50 nations in the present world. Study World Almanac to take away your fanaticism and inventing that West is propagating lies about Islam. The real truth is that the "One Family World Islam is where the terrorist are from".
2016-12-14 09:25:22 UTC
Islam is colour-blind; that's for all colorings; no longer basically Arabs. "Mankind is a single united states of america" [Quran] "No Arab is better to an non-Arab and vice versa; and no White guy is better to a black guy and vice versa" [Hadith] ~ would Allah instruction manual anybody to the fact [Islam] Ameen. Salam alaykum~
2007-09-30 20:34:00 UTC
I've not studied Islam as well as I should like, but here's the gist thus far.

Christ said there will be no more prophets, any others claiming to be are liars and deceivers.

Some 600 years later, Mohammad came and claimed himself to be just that. A prophet. Hmmm. Really? Mohammad was a man of no consequence until after he married wealth. Before that marriage, he was ignored by most and seen as little more than a trouble maker.

Christ said that we should Love Thy God and Love Thy Neighbor. That on these two principles, the rest of the Ten Commandments are based. That in following those two, we will follow all ten.

Mohammad, in chapter nine of his Qu'ran, calls for the death and destruction of all Jews and Christians -- even if they be brother or father, that they follow a false religion. He also said that we should kill anyone claiming conversion for they are liars and are not to be trusted. Hmmm. Really?

In the Qu'ran, Mohammad proposes that in the past God made mistakes and has since changed His mind (in reference to the Jews being "the chosen people" and those following His son Jesus the Christ as being chosen by default.

As for terrorism and suicide bombers, while neither Christains nor Jews can claim an immaculate record, they do not make a habit of starting global wars (WW I was started by a muslim), nor do they commit suicide in hopes of murdering those who do not believe as they -- all for the promise of life eternal with 76 virgins. Ah folks, that falls under the heading of LUST which, is considered by most religions to be a sin. So, murder and lust... The teachings of Mohammad.

In reading both the Bible and the Qu'ran, they read as though they were penned by the same author. That being the case, is it more than likely that Mohammad plagerized? And being that there are 600 years difference between the two, I strongly suspect he did. This being the case,it sort of make Mohammad the Anti-Christ. Doesn't it?

Having said all of this, please, no death threats -- as that's exactly what happened the last time I took time to answer such a question. So much for Islam being a "religion" of love.
2007-09-30 20:19:45 UTC
When more Islamic leaders start condemning islamic terrorists then maybe the west will stop criticizing it as much.
Seth B
2007-09-30 20:19:43 UTC
When Muslims stop giving us reasons too
Goethe's Ghostwriter
2007-09-30 20:22:56 UTC
When Islam stops lying.
2007-09-30 20:25:39 UTC
you can start improving yourself by standing up to your terrorist cousins and tell your iranian and saudi buddies to quit harboring terror cells..........

you wonder why you have such a bad rep? because even though it's only a bad few causing trouble, the rest of you aren't doing $hit to stop them, and in some cases even financially backing them.

get a clue.........quit pointing your damn finger at the west and start pointing it at yourselves
2007-09-30 20:22:03 UTC
When Islamic people stop flying airplanes into buildings...
2007-09-30 20:18:08 UTC
Perhaps when the followers of it become friendly and accepting of others and how they worship. So, in short, not anytime soon.
oh sugar!
2007-09-30 20:26:31 UTC
When islam starts treating women equally!
2007-09-30 20:22:32 UTC
all i have seen and heard has my curiosity but i am reluctant to draw conclusions.
Bible warrior
2007-09-30 20:20:14 UTC
When muslims quit attacking my country maybe I will decide they are nice guys. I am not holding my breath though.
mike c
2007-09-30 20:19:11 UTC
When you accept the fact that Jesus is a God and died on the cross and ressurected after 3 days. After that little correction islam would be more interesting.
2007-09-30 20:18:31 UTC
When the Bush administration is done. Once they're done, there won't be any reason to spread fear about "terrorists" and all that ****, because by the time they're done, there won't be any countries left to invade.
2007-09-30 20:19:53 UTC
Muslims (and Islam) say Jesus was a prophet but they reject all His teachings ....that is hypocrisy.

They reject Christ's diety;

they deny his claim to be the Son of God;

they deny his death on the cross...

they deny His resurrection..

They deny Jesus is the Christ/ Messiah...

In fact, the Quran says : "Allah has no son".

Need I say more...?

Don't be deceived. The Islamic god is totally different than the God of Jesus Christ.

The Bible calls Muhammed and those like him false prophets:

"Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-Christ, that denies the Father and the Son. He that denies the Son, the same has not the Father." (I John 2:22)
2007-09-30 20:18:42 UTC
whenever someone else attacks the U.S

Socratic Pig
2007-09-30 20:17:13 UTC
When Islamic terrorists stop giving them license to...
2007-09-30 20:19:40 UTC
cant blame them islam is already a lie(shrug)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.