Jehovah's Witnesses:Since the WTS prohibits the use of blood transfusions, ...?
2010-04-10 07:15:12 UTC
Since the WTS prohibits the use of blood transfusions, why does it permit the infusion of albumin, clotting factors, and gamma globulins, all of which are derived from human blood? Since Acts 15:29 clearly refers to the old Jewish law of not EATING blood (Gen 9:4, Lev 3:17, Deut 12:16), and since the WTS has changed its teachings so many times on major issues like organ transplantation, the definition of "generation", the year of Armageddon, etc, etc, and simply calls these changes "New Light", how can you be sure they won't some day change their teachings on blood transfusions and refer to the change as "New Light" also?
Four answers:
2010-04-10 08:22:58 UTC
You know, someone described taking "blood fractions" like this:

You can not eat the ham, cheese and rye sandwich all together.

But if you take it apart. You can eat it seperately.

Sort of a ridiculous means to get around what is clearly a command to not eat meat that is not properly bled and not to drink blood like the sacrifices of the pagan temples.
2010-04-10 14:54:52 UTC
What is albumin? Its a protein. There are many proteins that are needed in the human body. Albumin is also found in other places apart from blood. Another thing is, in case your not up to date with non-blood products, is that the is a recombinant albumin in the market. No need for blood fractions of albumin in more developed countries. Remember, its a PROTEIN.

What are clotting factors? Once again its a series of proteins. Look up the individual proteins. You might learn something.

What are gamma globulin's? Once again proteins. You really need to look things up and understand them before speaking.

Water is also in blood. Does it mean we shouldn't drink water? Also most of these are already in recombinant forms and aren't needed. You really need to do your research before spouting something you have no idea about.

Transplants has always been a conscience matter. Some people would go by the principle of cannibalism. Some might think its not a problem. Its a persons individual choice and always has been.

As for the date of Armageddon, it has always been taught to serve Jehovah for all eternity. The date never mattered. All dates that they did put forward had significance in human history. 1914 was the enthronement of Christ and history records that the world went crazy in 1914 and onward to today. 1975 was 6000 years into human history, nothing more nothing less. Its correct via Bible chronology. You should do it yourself and check. Serving to a date is selfish. There isn't an end to service to God.

As for generation, look up the Greek word for it and how it is used. No need to give you all the information.

I have read about you. I am sorry for what happened to you in the past in regards to your fathers abuse. But should you blanket us all because of one persons mistakes? As an abuse victim I understand. You know whats right and wrong. Its up to you to decide what you want to do with it.
2010-04-11 07:18:19 UTC

The prohibition against blood is derived from the Scriptures, NOT from some human source or even the Christian Congregation. It originates from God Himself, therefore the prohibition against blood use is a Scriptural fact and will never be changed for Christians.

God's Law for Christians is unequivocal: "Abstain from blood!" And "Keep from blood!" (Ac.15:20; 21:25). It required a complete unqualified "abstention from blood" since there was no stated verb such as "eat," "drink" or "touch." They must "keep away" from it (Ac.21:25). This Apostolic command placed avoiding blood as equal to avoiding fornication or idolatry! Just as a Christian would not commit fornication or idolatry to save his life, so too we should avoid blood (1Cor.6:9-11).

The use of blood in transfusions is obviously contrary to the specific command not to "eat" blood. Eating intravenously is still eating. This can be illustrated by a doctor telling a drunkard not to "drink" any more alcohol or he will die. Now, if the man were to hook himself up to an IV and directly infuse the alcohol to his veins, would he be obedient to the doctor's mandate? Regardless of the alcoholic's technical argument concerning the mechanics, he still would be arbitrarily sidestepping the doctor's order. Is there really any difference between this use of alcohol and that of blood? Putting blood into our veins is not "abstaining."

Also, we could well ask you the same type of question: Since EVERY other religion has changed its teachings so many times on major issues like warfare, being the only true religion, women in the pulpit, homosexuality, racial superiority, predestination, literal hellfire, Michael being the archangel, vaccinations, women having souls, and etc. how do you know they will not change their teachings on the Trinity or Christ's ransom?!!!

Every Witnesses knows that their beliefs have at times changed because of increased knowledge or changes in the way serums and vaccines were made. But of course even the Apostles had to change their beliefs regarding their understandings of end-times (Lk.19:11; 24:21; Ac.1:6). Criticisms regarding Witnesses changing their understandings on how to apply the Scriptures would also condemn the Apostles!

Obviously there is something wrong with such criticisms.

Having to correct misinterpretations is not proof that a religion is not God's organization, or that an individual is not a Christian. A failure to correct false doctrine or actions when presented with solid evidence would be!


Now, when it comes to the use of blood fractions "The Watchtower Society" does not "approve" nor does it "disapprove" any use of fractions, it simply educates its members as to what these are and any dangers involved. It has ALWAYS been clear that each individual must decide for themselves whether to use fractions.

The reason most Witnesses accept "fractions" derived from blood is because when blood is fractionated it is literally destroyed and so the Scriptural law is fulfilled, i.e.; the blood had to be destroyed if it leaves the body.

Once blood is fractionated it is no longer blood nor will it ever be blood again. While you can separate the major components of blood and then put them back together to get blood, this cannot be done once it is fractioned. Nor is it even possible to use "every part of blood" with the current fractioning process.

While minor understandings of prophecy and periphery beliefs may continue to be adjusted and refined, major doctrines such as transfusions of blood will not be changed. This is because we are deep into the endtime and the doctrinal knowledge has increased tremendously so any recent changes have not been to *doctrine* but simple refinements in knowledge.

Below is a quote from the theologian Charles G.Finney from the introduction to "Systematic Theology":

"Finite minds, unless they are asleep or stultified by prejudice, must advance in knowledge. The discovery of new truth will modify old views and opinions, and there is perhaps no end to this process with finite minds in any world. True Christian consistency does not consist in...refusing to make any improvement lest we should be guilty of change, but it consists in holding our minds open to receive the rays of truth from every quarter and in changing our views and language and practice as often and as fast, as we can obtain further information....No Christian, therefore, and no theologian should be afraid to change his views, his language, or his practices in conformity with INCREASING LIGHT."


A Bounder and a Cad
2010-04-10 14:17:36 UTC
Ha Ha, Now that, is, funny.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.