I was reading recently of a new book written by claude vague that posits the idea that jesus was originally a black, homosexual who's ancestry can be traced to namibia and zimbabwe. He sites a plot by various interested parties, roman's, jews, the mercantile and tradesmen's classes of israel to subvert the original gnostic gospel's and portray jesus as a humble white carpenter. In fact, the original jesus (or Jayzuz) preached love and tolerance to all and everyone, and vague hypothisises this as the reason for his untimely and viscious death. The suppression of this knowledge (gay, black) was aided and encouraged by various so called christian sect's throughout the ages. The original judas was just a dissafected boyfreind who was jealous of jayzuz's growing fame and increasing theatricality. apparently the bible has a few allegories and polari from the period by a few brave scribes who dared to leave a few rays of illumination for those who know what to look for. I think its bollocks but look on the vague website for details. www.claudevague.com.