Question for the many Christian yahoo answer users?
Mad at Gravity
2009-04-12 23:34:54 UTC
OK I maybe one of the fur Atheist that believes Jesus Christ was a real person. I was a Christian for many years and read and study the Bible as well, study New Testament Greek (one of the reason that I'm Atheist now) for 4 years; but that alone is not why I know he was a real person. There are many historical records of him, most of which was found in the Library of Alexandria before it was burned down.

The question that I have is how many Christian believe that Jesus was burn on December 25? What if I told you that is not when he was born, would you believe me; or would you not because I'm Atheist?

There is a book that was Published 1982 by American Christian Press and written by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. Taking part in this study was some 30 Astronomers for 15 years, using both the Bible and as well as other Historical records (the Bible does have some historical record to it, thou not many: for the time lines in the Bible before the New Testament do not match-up with many other records) pin pointing his birth.
28 answers:
2009-04-12 23:52:26 UTC
I knew that he wasn't born Dec 25, that's something we ripped off from Pagans lol. I'm a Christian but I don't believe the bible word for word. It was after all written by man and man always has an agenda.
2009-04-13 00:06:34 UTC

You have some interesting points. Well, lets start with the Dec 25 birth. The vast majority of gods are born on Dec 25th. This points to the astro-theological origins of religion. The supreme god of religions are all, more or less, identifiable as the Sun, although they do have their origin in the worship of the night sky and moon, as such they are born on Dec 25. Due to the Earths wobble and movement of the sun through the sky, the sun appears to stop moving on Dec 22; thus the Sun (Sun god) is dead. Miraculously on Dec 25, the sun begin to move again, the Sun god is born or reborn. Suffice to say none of the sun god ever walked the earth, so Jesus Christ was a myth.

Now, there is a little evidence that a portion of the Christ story was based on a living person. Apparently some political movement upset the Jewry and the person was crucified.

Salaam, shalom, peace
2009-04-13 01:18:49 UTC
Jesus was NOT born on Dec.25!Here's the evidence/proof and references why i say so...

Time of Birth, Length of Ministry. Jesus evidently was born in the month of Ethanim (September-October) of the year 2 B.C.E., was baptized about the same time of the year in 29 C.E., and died about 3:00 p.m. on Friday, the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan (March-April), 33 C.E. The basis for these dates is as follows:

Jesus was born approximately six months after the birth of his relative John (the Baptizer), during the rule of Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus (31 B.C.E.–14 C.E.) and the Syrian governorship of Quirinius , and toward the close of the reign of Herod the Great over Judea.—Mt 2:1, 13, 20-22; Lu 1:24-31, 36; 2:1, 2, 7.

Date of the Celebration

M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia says: “The observance of Christmas is not of divine appointment, nor is it of N[ew] T[estament] origin. The day of Christ’s birth cannot be ascertained from the N[ew] T[estament], or, indeed, from any other source.”—(New York, 1871), Vol. II, p. 276.

Luke 2:8-11 shows that shepherds were in the fields at night at the time of Jesus’ birth. The book Daily Life in the Time of Jesus states: “The flocks . . . passed the winter under cover; and from this alone it may be seen that the traditional date for Christmas, in the winter, is unlikely to be right, since the Gospel says that the shepherds were in the fields.”—(New York, 1962), Henri Daniel-Rops, p. 228.

The Encyclopedia Americana informs us: “The reason for establishing December 25 as Christmas is somewhat obscure, but it is usually held that the day was chosen to correspond to pagan festivals that took place around the time of the winter solstice, when the days begin to lengthen, to celebrate the ‘rebirth of the sun.’ . . . The Roman Saturnalia (a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture, and to the renewed power of the sun), also took place at this time, and some Christmas customs are thought to be rooted in this ancient pagan celebration.”—(1977), Vol. 6, p. 666.

The New Catholic Encyclopedia acknowledges: “The date of Christ’s birth is not known. The Gospels indicate neither the day nor the month . . . According to the hypothesis suggested by H. Usener . . . and accepted by most scholars today, the birth of Christ was assigned the date of the winter solstice (December 25 in the Julian calendar, January 6 in the Egyptian), because on this day, as the sun began its return to northern skies, the pagan devotees of Mithra celebrated the dies natalis Solis Invicti (birthday of the invincible sun). On Dec. 25, 274, Aurelian had proclaimed the sun-god principal patron of the empire and dedicated a temple to him in the Campus Martius. Christmas originated at a time when the cult of the sun was particularly strong at Rome.”—(1967), Vol. III, p. 656.
2009-04-12 23:44:45 UTC
The shepherds would not have been in the fields that much into winter. Winter solice was a pagan festival that some monks (?) tried to christianize. Something like that. It doesn't bother me. Christmas is just a man made custom, but I like it none the less.

You sound like a very interesting person. I'd love to learn New Testament Greek, but have not the time nor the talent. How did that turn you to atheism? I love when a pastor will explain the Word more deeply by going into the richer language of when the Bible was written. So you have me somewhat confused.
2009-04-12 23:44:48 UTC
1) The vast majority of educated atheists believe that Jesus was an actual historical figure. It is the swarm of under-educated neo-atheists who believe everything they read on the internet who claim that he did not exist. Not a single historian on earth has submitted a peer-reviewed article claiming that Jesus did not exist. The only way to get that one wrong is to live under a rock with absolutely no understanding of current academic thought or the historical-critical method.

2) Few, if any, Christians actually believe that Jesus was born on December 25th. That misconception is common among non-Christians who don't understand the Roman Catholic Calendar (i.e. Jesus wasn't baptized in January, either - the calendar is arranged in chronological order, beginning with the birth of Jesus).
2009-04-12 23:53:45 UTC
I'm a Catholic and I've learned that a long time ago. The Priest told us. It's not a secret. What's your point? What do you mean with the date Sept. 11, 03 BC? The Vatican is not worth that much either. After all the things they did and never asked money in return(hospitals in different countries,etc.), it didn't look so good a few years back.
Deth iz Life
2009-04-13 00:14:57 UTC
Wow, Did they even have chronometers back then? Time will be mankind's downfall. What time is it now? Revolutions of the earth is not time. It's not even a constant. The only thing constant about it is that it is always changing. Ask a scientist, uh never-mind they're the dumb-A$$es that came up with Time to begin with. Just think about it. Our "Time" is not a universal constant. Therefore anything based upon it is false. Speed, R.P.M. etc. I say these things as an observer of truth. What I have written cannot be denied by any "Rational" being. It is the truth. What reason do I have to Lie?

Holy cow? 9/11....coincidence.......spooky I think....
Eye of Innocence
2009-04-13 00:01:34 UTC
Dec 25 was picked by the Catholic Church. It's just another day, though I have heard of research that points to April or there abouts.
2009-04-12 23:41:19 UTC
I know that Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th. That like many other religious holidays in the Christian church was chosen by a council of the church. No problem.

I have a question for you. If you know that Jesus was a real person, why don't you just follow his teaching even if you don't believe in God? You have to admit, that he had some very good ideas of how to live well and treat our neighbors so that we could all live in peace.
2016-10-15 06:31:36 UTC
i'm no longer solid at saying what's easy interior the U. S., even however I stay right here. I certainly have been in touch with church homes the place maximum think of others will flow to hell for eternity, yet a great variety of the human beings I go alongside with see God as forever merciful the U. S. is a mixed bag. that supplies us a great variety to income from and forgive.
2009-04-12 23:39:47 UTC
I am well aware that Christ was not born on Dec. 25th. I know exactly where and when the whole thing started (about him being born then), and I will tell people until I die that they are wrong. They can hate me for telling the truth, I really don't give a crap. Most of the so-called Christians here, and the ones I know in real life, don't really know much of anything. They just go along with the crowd and make excuses.
2009-04-12 23:46:53 UTC
Being atheist has nothing to do with whether I would believe you or not. Jesus was born in October, according to the church that I listen to on tv. I love Pastor Arnold of Shepherds Chapel, in Gravette,Arkansas. I watch him on tv a lot. If I lived near that town I would attend that church. He is the first pastor that has made a whole lot of sense to me.
2009-04-12 23:43:23 UTC
From what I have heard/seen from historical scholars I would have to agree with you that Jesus was not born December 25th. Many agree that he was born sometime in the spring.
Pascal Baylon
2009-04-12 23:38:39 UTC
Eh. I never really believed that we knew what day He was born on. I just know what day we celebrate it on.

Edit* I want sources that show the Catholic Church blocked that information. It sounds like an anti-Catholic slanderous lie to me. What money would The Church lose from moving the date of Christmas?
2009-04-12 23:40:48 UTC
The Bible does not say Jesus was born on Dec. 25. You where never a believer just a scoffer! Enjoy the cool weather!

Rom 8:9

9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

who me???
2009-04-12 23:45:13 UTC
The Bible gives us many, many details about Jesus' birth but the exact date is not given. Therefore, a time was chosen and that is when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. What a beautiful time of year to celebrate His birth and thank God for sending His Son to save all who desire to be saved!!!
2009-04-13 00:44:19 UTC
I hate Christmas. It's overrated, has no Biblical roots and just stupid. And no...I don't believe Jesus was born (not burn) on December 25.
2009-04-12 23:40:17 UTC
I don't know if that's his EXACT birthday, but I definately agree with the fact that his brithday wasn't on December 25, or even in the winter. The passage about the shepards letting their sheep out to graze that night meant it had to be some time in late srping, summer, or early fall. If it was winter, they would've kept the sheep inside somewhere.
2009-04-12 23:45:05 UTC
I do not think the actual date of His birth is relevant. What is relevant is that He sacrificed Himself and was resurrected from death for us rotten sinners to be able to have a relationship with our Creator. It is not like the Bible tells us He was born on December 25, so I do not see why it would matter.
2009-04-12 23:39:07 UTC
You being an atheist has nothing to do with whether I would believe you or not.

Darn I so wanted Jesus to be a Capricorn, because I am lol

Cinn =)
2009-04-12 23:39:39 UTC
I'm not sure about His birth date but yes I know that He's born
2009-04-13 00:08:44 UTC
if thats your excuse of one many to be atheist you need the forgiveness of the lord for a mind?
2009-04-12 23:45:52 UTC
That's my brother's birthday only a different year of course. How cool!
2009-04-12 23:56:04 UTC
I believe you. I don't think it matters when he was born, just that he was.
Dolores G. Llamas
2009-04-13 00:02:41 UTC
Well well well, September 11th!
2009-04-12 23:40:28 UTC
I didn't know he was "burn" at all. Who burn him?
2009-04-12 23:49:29 UTC
i don't know whats the truth please can anyone tell me jesus is real or not
2009-04-12 23:53:31 UTC

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