Why do my muslim brothers believe in sword?Why not in love?
2006-09-27 07:32:23 UTC
Why do my muslim brothers believe in sword?Why not in love?
29 answers:
2006-09-27 07:41:33 UTC






Ashish B
2006-09-28 07:54:06 UTC
This message is especially for Ameera, as she is not having any mail contact, and the request is made from Akash;_ylt=An5LtifYwp5bAL_D2cKhhKiCHQx.?show=f512a14ec6da7e9e59643660d4dd1ba7aa

on the following link:


People have written so much alongwith supporting links, That I think I needn't write more on this point.

I tried to contact Ameera, but alas! she didn't gave even her mail ID, which offcourse she must be having, else how cud she enter yahoo answers. So I was unable to tell her, that actually what these people do is that they never follow Islam in actual, but make others also to blindly say that they are also muslim, by sword only, otherwise they fear that people won't convert to muslim. The result is that those converted, don't even know what is islam actually, but to simply follow the rumours & a bit ( say 5-10%) of real Islam, off course know Jehad= fight with other religion people on just a call fm mosque, blindly without knowing the reason.

This way Islam is going corrupt & diverted from its original path , as in quran. Other reason is misinterpretations of quran.

This also leads to sword problem, It says make people come to the way of Allah, (But not that otherwise kill them) but thy simply give people only two options, either convert or die.

So this is the main problem with muslims, what they do, when that is complained by the people, they quote the sayings of Islam, as an excuse & that Islam is not bad, but while following those sayings, they are nowhere to follow.
2006-09-27 15:13:56 UTC
Muslim brothers don't believe in Sword, they believe in God the All mighty.They are capable of the best love in the world.The Taj Mahal is a good example of love.But if you are against their belief and denounce their religion , then just like any other religious people in the world they take to swords.So it is something like either hit out or kick out.You called Muslims as brothers so be like a brother and don't denounce their way they have good points take them and Ignore the bad ones.By denouncing other's religion you are indirectly denouncing your own religion.
2006-09-27 14:52:12 UTC
Sword can mean anything, even love.

The youngest islamic sect which have for founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (who wrote the book "Jesus in India") define this sword as pen.

A literature & media war to propagate islam and it's real values.
2006-09-27 14:45:21 UTC
Islam is not that u r seeing in could u be sure they r right.

i'm not sure,of course it's hard to believe what u don't want to believe

so as the islam said:

there is no obligatory for acepting islam until u find a better way.

so move ur way istead of saying these things. Jihad is sth that u should work on for years to understand ,it's not just say allaho akbar and kill.the bigger jihad is make urself better and the smaller jihad is to defend urself from the one who is attacking u.

Ahlan Ramadhan
Derek B
2006-09-27 14:49:11 UTC
Simple.Convert to Islam or die.They don't want you quiet,they want you dead.That was not the angel Gabriel that met Muhammad that day.That was the devil appearing as a ray of light.The devil is very crafty.For those that don't believe in god,let me give you one more warning.How much more do they have to excavate before you start thinking differently.

Islam stole stories from the bible to try to give it credibility.It was actually conceived close to six hundred years after Jesus rose from the dead.It falls in the same category as any other cult.It's blasphemy and a abomination to god.It's satanic in every way.

Satan always makes a person hurt or kill themselves after he's done ruining their lives and doing his evil work.

Have you not ever wondered why they are so willing to die for it?

Anyone with any real common sense knows that committing suicide is wrong.They will kill their own children for it.

One of the punishments in Saudi Arabia for apostasy from Islam is death.Hello!Wake up Islam is a religion of hate.
2006-09-27 15:09:10 UTC
If you can understand the beginning, in Genesis, when Isaac, Esau's father blessed Jacob instead of Esau, you will begin to understand what is going on now. It had to do with Esau giving up the birthright (he gave it up willingly, didn't appreciate it).

Ge 25:34

Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left. So Esau despised his birthright.

Ge 27:41

Esau held a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him. He said to himself, "The days of mourning for my father are near; then I will kill my brother Jacob."

Ge 27:42

And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.

Isa 10:6

I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

Esau (Edom) (Islam) was jealous of Jacob (Jews).
Mary S
2006-09-27 14:41:06 UTC
not all muslims believe in the sword some are peaceful, the controversary is over the Quaran,whic has been corrupted by the government officials to get the people to do what they want, they change things around if they rewrote the book based upon the scrptures from Moses and Muhamad. all god's prefer living believers to dead martyrs.,no god gives you 77 virgins in heaven as he wants you to worship him there and train you for higher Goals no man needs 77 virgins when in spirit form jihad or not and definetly not after a sin spree and jihad. They need to write their book.
2006-09-27 14:59:45 UTC
I feel it's because they're not willing to let go of anger, perhaps? But LOVE is the only way to put an end to any battle, within or without
2006-09-27 14:38:43 UTC
muslim brothers only believe in their sword
2006-09-28 05:50:52 UTC
Jihad is an Islamic term which connotes a wide range of meanings: anything from an inward spiritual struggle to attain perfect faith to a political or military struggle. Individuals involved in the political or military forms of jihad are often labeled with the neologism "jihadist" or "jihadi".

The term "jihad" is often used to describe purely physical and military "religious war", through physical struggle. Some Muslim scholars say that this only makes up part of the broader meaning of the concept of jihad. The denotation is of a struggle, challenge, difficulty or (frequently) opposed effort, made either in accomplishment or as resistance. A person who engages in any form of jihad can be called a mujahid (in plural: mujahidin) (Arabic: striver, struggler). Such a person might engage in fighting as a military struggle for religious reasons, or for example, struggle to memorize the Qur'an.

Nearly all Muslims believe that the non-military jihad is the "greater jihad" and the military jihad is the "lesser jihad.". The Sufis as well as the traditions of Hadith (sayings of the Holy Prophet) are particularly known for supporting this tradition, though some Sufis prefer to use the Arabic word mujahada instead of "greater jihad. It is also worth noting that the Sufistic opinion is not the mainstream opinion, and most Sufi societies ignore the bulk of the responsibilities and practices of majority Islam.

Islamic scholar Gibril Haddad has analyzed the basis for the belief that internal jihad is the greater jihad. ("Jihad al-akbar"). Haddad identifies the primary historical basis for this belief in a pair of similarly worded hadeeth, in which Muhammed is reported to have told warriors returning home that they had returned from the lesser jihad of struggle against unbelievers to a greater jihad of struggle against lust. Although Haddad notes that the authenticity of both hadeeth is questionable, he nevertheless concludes that the underlying principle of superiority internal jihad does have a reliable basis in the Koran and other writings.

As stated, the validity of those hadeeth is disputed, especially by Islamic Fundamentalists- other hadeeth indicate that violent jihad is the greater of the two, and Islamic scholar and alleged founder of Salafi thought, Ibn Taymiyya, famously criticized some of the non-violent hadeeth and went so far as to say that "Jihad against the disbelievers is the most noble of actions, and moreover it is the most important action for the sake of mankind."

But jihad's most ghastly present reality is in Sudan, where until recently the ruling party bore the slogan "Jihad, Victory and Martyrdom." For two decades, under government auspices, jihadists there have physically attacked non-Muslims, looted their belongings and killed their males. Jihadists then enslaved tens of thousands of females and children, forced them to convert to Islam, sent them on forced marches, beat them and set them to hard labor. The women and older girls also suffered ritual gang-rape, genital mutilation and a life of sexual servitude. Sudan's state-sponsored jihad has caused about 2 million deaths and the displacement of another 4 million - making it the greatest humanitarian catastrophe of our era.

Despite jihad's record as a leading source of conflict for 14 centuries, causing untold human suffering, academic and Islamic apologists claim it permits only defensive fighting, or even that it is entirely non-violent. Three American professors of Islamic studies colorfully make the latter point, explaining jihad as: An "effort against evil in the self and every manifestation of evil in society" (Ibrahim Abu-Rabi, Hartford Seminary); or "Resisting apartheid or working for women's rights" (Farid Eseck, Auburn Seminary), and

"Being a better student, a better colleague, a better business partner. Above all, to control one's anger" (Bruce Lawrence, Duke University).

It would be wonderful were jihad to evolve into nothing more aggressive than controlling one's anger, but that will not happen simply by wishing away a gruesome reality. To the contrary, the pretense of a benign jihad obstructs serious efforts at self-criticism and reinterpretation.

The path away from terrorism, conquest and enslavement lies in Muslims forthrightly acknowledging jihad's historic role, followed by apologies to jihad's victims, developing an Islamic basis for nonviolent jihad and (the hardest part) actually ceasing to wage violent jihad.
2006-09-27 14:37:00 UTC
Love for All Hatred for None!

Ramadan Mubarak!
2006-09-27 14:39:40 UTC
Islam does believe in love and unity. Islam means "Surrender to peace and harmony" and a Muslim is someone who HAS surrendered. Makes sense doesn't it? So Muslims don't live by the sword they live by love.
Balaji Canchi Sistla
2006-09-27 17:52:01 UTC
My dear brother, why blame Muslim particular, it is everywhere in the world. Don't you see number of massacres in African countries? Few Asian countries? Because, their activities are enlarged in media, we believe it more. In fact, the name ISLAM itself means PEACE. Tell me now what do you say?
2006-09-27 14:38:33 UTC
not one verse in The Quran ever mention sword,

but the bible has more than 20 mentioning of sword even by Jesus a.s. himself.

Believe it or not.


search the net, from a reliable source.

Than ponder over it.
Bran McMuffin
2006-09-27 14:34:32 UTC
It's the sword of love. And if you ask any more questions they'll hit you with it.
2006-09-27 14:37:26 UTC
For the same reason that u are slander our religion: u speak about something u dont know.

Stop watching TV and believe everything media says...

Be smarter boy!
2006-09-28 19:53:20 UTC
That was based on the command of the prophet muhammadin the Holy quaron - chapter 29 paragraph 9 .

It was possible in the medieval period wen might was right and any man with money and a group of violent men could even become a king by little by little by plunderig villages and towns . it is not possible these days .

Now it is not all the muslims who believe in vilonece . A group fof perverts ar try ing to become famous and gather influence within the community by trying to implement the impossible among the commands of the destroying innocent lives. most of the muslims keep silent at the activities of the terrorists merely on the basis of the affinity to their religion. since it i the pervet musloms who are engaged ion destructioive actites all over the world , it is natural that evey othr communty thinks that the muslims are as a rule violent and the muslis also seem to confirm that belief by thier response .

The muslims have love . they beliee in the reward pormissed in the koran . in chapter 78 Al-naba . they shall be taken to heaven by some angels . the heaven will excell the air-conditoned suit of a five star hotel and they dshall be provided with silver cups over lowing with cool drinks and dozens of young graceful maidens of equal age with swelling breasts to enjoy eternally. what mor temptation do you need to innocent non-believers to secure such a reward in heaven for eternal love .It is Unfortunate that God should offer men such tempting gifts for killing other humans whom god himself is supposed to have created . God w snot incapapble of punishing the non-beliefers , perhaps . that was why he offerd such wonderful gifts to the belieers to kill the non-believers .

it is not know what the womwn beliefers would be given in heave - dozns of what with what wonderful organs - god only lknows . it is not known whether senioors would be admitted to the heave as the damselves promissed are young and it is not known what the old men and women would be provided with. A thorough reading ofthe scripture is recommended to understand its speciality fully .

The love for this wonderful reward of sex offered by god himself in heaven , is intense in the brothers who kill the innocent non-believers , children and women all over the worlkd and in air-planes .

Islam having come into existence some centuries after christianity has incorported many of its priniciples . it differs from Bible only in its vilolent nature nd the quality of the reward that the god has to offer to the believers .

Though violence is not taught in Bible , the belieers spread ther religon by violence only with the help of the state in thenameof Holy crushade . Chritianity and islam we like the ancient political parties that riveled with each othr for influence and increase in membrship for political and econoimical strength.

What the chritianity did in practice , Islam also followed in the Jihad . The chritians took to violence against the teachings of the bible and the muslims took to it according to the teaching sin the Kuran,.so there is no meaning in the pot calling the kettle black. Christians set the trend of sword and muslims followed suit . thus boththe religons ar not free from guilt .they are two ends of the same rod.

The Chritians are offered a place near god in heaven for eternal life there . it is not known whether they will be gien any maidens with any special organs or not , but the muslims are offered a better heaven for fulfilment of sexual pleasure for eternity .Heaven should already be over -crowded as innumerable number of persons have already gone there and each one having some dozens of young damselves the numbver should be runnign to some powers of the number of the total population of the world .All the silver in th eworld should have been sent there for making cups for cool drings and when they drink , they must be eaing also ; what it is not revealed The spirits eat and drink in heaven.Great .The offer of Kuran being very tempting , for voluptuous men , there is no surprise in large numer of men ofa special charcter having gone to that fold and the other faiths can be happy to have been rid of such men . The pointi s should any one kill other human beings for the sheer pleasure of sex with dozens of women in heaven and whether such a place deserve the name of heaven.And what the women beliegers would be rewarded with is questionable and i do not want to raise my doubts as it is likely to hurt the women who i respect very much .My views are purely with reference to what is

taught by the religions and not agsinst any individual except those who perpetuate crimes against humanity in the name of religon.

Religons must faster amity and peace among the people whichever religon theymight belong and evey one has the right ot follow the religon of his choice with oiut even the slightest interference by any body including the most powerful the gods. Religon and God are for the humans to live in peace and humans are not the fodder for the religons and Gods .eligon and God must serve the humans and humans are not to serve the Gods , no man ever wanted any god to create him and if god has done the mistake of creating any human without his knowledge and consetn , it s his responsibility to ensure that the huamns is comfortable and safe under all circumstnces . God as the leader of the humans should himself set an example in good behaviour and responsibility to inspire the humans in good conduct .As is the king , so are the subjects .If the god is good , his followers would also be good . if god is a devil , surely his followers won't be different .
2006-09-28 10:41:30 UTC

george p
2006-09-27 16:07:26 UTC
sword is like symbolic it means they are god's warriors
2006-09-27 19:02:22 UTC

Know the God here.You will be satisfied.
psychic being
2006-09-27 16:20:12 UTC
the answer by bajcfi is the longest i've seen in YA.


$/\/@ZZY G@L
2006-09-27 14:41:41 UTC
Assalamalaikum(peace be on those)those who accept guidance.We muslims does not believe in sword,if we would believe in it than no one would be left hindu...We believe in peace.My dear bro understand the meaning of JIHAD.
2006-09-27 14:39:32 UTC
Pope said that...basically...why don't you you try to think on your own...leave it alone
2006-09-27 14:45:05 UTC
you are an idiot.....look at all these hateful answers.
2006-09-27 14:37:49 UTC
the good minister has it!
savitri j
2006-09-27 18:59:50 UTC
they are brain-washed.
2006-09-28 05:19:49 UTC
It is ,first of all, very important not to allot guilt wrongly.

Notions of collective or hereditary guilt should be avoided. Today's Muslims cannot help it that other Muslims did certain things in 712 or 1565 or 1971. One thing they can do, however, is to critically reread their scripture to discern the doctrinal factors of Muslim violence against Hindus and Hinduism or others. Of course, even without scriptural injunction, people get violent and wage wars; if Mahmud Ghaznavi hadn't come, some of the people he killed would have died in other, non-religious conflicts.

But the basic Quranic doctrine of hatred against the unbelievers has also encouraged many good-natured and pious people to take up the sword against Hindus and other Pagans, not because they couldn't control their aggressive instincts, but because they had been told that killing unbelievers was a meritorious act. Good people have perpetrated evil because religious authorities had depicted it as good.

This is material for a no-nonsense dialogue between different religions and Muslims. But before anmyone address Muslims about this, it is imperative that all of us inform ourselves about this painful history. .

Denying the past or try to evade the historical facts will only hinder the future peace process. Accept the facts of the past to see forward and to improve things for future.

Regarding Ameera's post :

Being evasive or lying about true historical facts noted by even Muslims writrers themselves , is not going to improve Image of Islam.

Hindukush got its name after victims of Islam in Afganistan.....

".... The Partition pogroms annihilated the Hindu presence in all the provinces of Pakistan except for parts of Sindh and East Bengal, it did so mostly by putting the Hindus to flight (at least seven million) rather than by killing them (probably half a million). Likewise, the ethnic cleansing of a quarter million Hindus from Kashmir in 1990 followed the strategy of "killing one to expel a hundred", which is not the same thing as killing them all; in practice, about 1,500 were killed. Partition featured some local massacres of genocidal type, with the Sikhs as the most wanted victims.

"Genocide" means the intentional attempt to destroy an ethnic community......Pakistani Army killed 1 to 3 million people, with Hindus as their most wanted target. ......

...... number of Hindu victims in the 1971 genocide was approximately 2.4 million, or about 80%. ....the Hindu population has remained stable at 9.5 million..... 2.4 million missing Hindus ..

...., in the subcontinent as a whole, the overwhelming majority of the victims have been Hindus.... in East Pakistan in 1950 alone killed more Hindus than the total number of riot victims in India since 1948.

During the Islamic conquests in India, it was a typical policy to single out the Brahmins for slaughter, after the Hindu warrior class had been bled on the battlefield. Even the Portuguese in Malabar and Goa followed this policy in the 16th century, as can be deduced from Hindu-Portuguese treaty clauses prohibiting the Portuguese from killing Brahmins.

..... according to the Chach-Nama, "six thousand warriors were put to death, and all their relations and dependents were taken as slaves". This is why Rajput women committed mass suicide to save their honour in the face of the imminent entry of victorious Muslim armies, e.g. 8,000 women immolated themselves during Akbar's capture of Chittorgarh in 1568 (where this most enlightened ruler also killed 30,000 non-combatants).

........A fourth type of genocide is when mass killing takes place unintentionally, as collateral damage of foolish principle, the missionary religions wished to convert the unbelievers, and preferred not to kill them unless this was necessary for establishing the power of the True Faith.

That is why the mass killing of Hindus by Muslims rarely took place in peacetime, but typically in the fervour immediately following military victories, .... Once Muslim power was established, Muslim rulers sought to exploit and humiliate rather than kill the Hindus, and discourage rebellion by making some sort of compromise. Not that peacetime was all that peaceful, for as Fernand Braudel wrote in A History of Civilizations (Penguin 1988/1963, p.232-236), Islamic rule in India as a "colonial experiment" was "extremely violent", and "the Muslims could not rule the country except by systematic terror. Cruelty was the norm -- burnings, summary executions, crucifixions or impalements, inventive tortures. Hindu temples were destroyed to make way for mosques. On occasion there were forced conversions. If ever there were an uprising, it was instantly and savagely repressed: houses were burned, the countryside was laid waste, men were slaughtered and women were taken as slaves."

"The levies it had to pay were so crushing that one catastrophic harvest was enough to unleash famines and epidemics capable of killing a million people at a time. Appalling poverty was the constant counterpart of the conquerors' opulence."

For its sheer magnitude in scope and death toll, coupled with its occasional (though not continuous) intention to exterminate entire Hindu communities, the Islamic campaign against Hinduism, which was never fully called off since the first naval invasion in 636 CE, can without exaggeration be termed genocide. To quote Will Durant's famous line:

"The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within." (Story of Civilization, vol.1, Our Oriental Heritage, New York 1972, p.459)

Hinduism's losses

There is no official estimate of the total death toll of Hindus at the hands of Islam. A first glance at important testimonies by Muslim chroniclers suggests that, over 13 centuries and a territory as vast as the Subcontinent, Muslim Holy Warriors easily killed more Hindus than the 6 million of the Holocaust. Ferishtha lists several occasions when the Bahmani sultans in central India (1347-1528) killed a hundred thousand Hindus, which they set as a minimum goal whenever they felt like "punishing" the Hindus; and they were only a third-rank provincial dynasty. The biggest slaughters took place during the raids of Mahmud Ghaznavi (ca. 1000 CE); during the actual conquest of North India by Mohammed Ghori and his lieutenants (1192 ff.); and under the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526). The Moghuls (1526-1857), even Babar and Aurangzeb, were fairly restrained tyrants by comparison. Prof. K.S. Lal once estimated that the Indian population declined by 50 million under the Sultanate, but that would be hard to substantiate; research into the magnitude of the damage Islam did to India is yet to start in right earnest.

...... Buddhist monasteries and universities flourished under Hindu rule, but their thousands of monks were killed by Ghori and his lieutenants.

Apart from actual killing, millions of Hindus disappeared by way of enslavement....slave markets in Bagdad and Samarkand were flooded with Hindus. Slaves were likely to die of hardship, e.g. the mountain range Hindu Koh, "Indian mountain", was renamed Hindu Kush, "Hindu-killer",..... "

2006-09-27 14:44:01 UTC


How many people Christians have killed since Biblical times?

Listed are only events that solely occurred on command or participation of church authorities or were committed in the name of Christianity. (List incomplete)

Ancient Pagans

* As soon as Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire by imperial edict (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.

* Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan believers were slain.

* Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of Aesculap in Aegean, the Temple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, and the Heliopolis.

* Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as "temple destroyer." [DA468]

* Pagan services became punishable by death in 356. [DA468]

* Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even had children executed, because they had been playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]

According to Christian chroniclers he "followed meticulously all Christian teachings..."

* In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.

* In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities. [DA466]

* The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.



* Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded. [DO30]

* Peasants of Steding (Germany) unwilling to pay suffocating church taxes: between 5,000 and 11,000 men, women and children slain 5/27/1234 near Altenesch/Germany. [WW223]

* 15th century Poland: 1019 churches and 17987 villages plundered by Knights of the Order. Number of victims unknown. [DO30]

* 16th and 17th century Ireland. English troops "pacified and civilized" Ireland, where only Gaelic "wild Irish", "unreasonable beasts lived without any knowledge of God or good manners, in common of their goods, cattle, women, children and every other thing." One of the more successful soldiers, a certain Humphrey Gilbert, half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, ordered that "the heads of all those (of what sort so ever they were) which were killed in the day, should be cut off from their bodies... and should bee laid on the ground by each side of the way", which effort to civilize the Irish indeed caused "great terror to the people when they saw the heddes of their dead fathers, brothers, children, kinsfolk, and friends on the ground".

Tens of thousands of Gaelic Irish fell victim to the carnage. [SH99, 225]

Crusades (1095-1291)

* First Crusade: 1095 on command of pope Urban II. [WW11-41]

* Semlin/Hungary 6/24/96 thousands slain. Wieselburg/Hungary 6/12/96 thousands. [WW23]

* 9/9/96-9/26/96 Nikaia, Xerigordon (then Turkish), thousands respectively. [WW25-27]

* Until January 1098 a total of 40 capital cities and 200 castles conquered (number of slain unknown) [WW30]

* After 6/3/98 Antioch (then Turkish) conquered, between 10,000 and 60,000 slain. 6/28/98 100,000 Turks (incl. women and children) killed. [WW32-35]

Here the Christians "did no other harm to the women found in [the enemy's] tents - save that they ran their lances through their bellies," according to Christian chronicler Fulcher of Chartres. [EC60]

* Marra (Maraat an-numan) 12/11/98 thousands killed. Because of the subsequent famine "the already stinking corpses of the enemies were eaten by the Christians" said chronicler Albert Aquensis. [WW36]

* Jerusalem conquered 7/15/1099 more than 60,000 victims (Jewish, Muslim, men, women, and children). [WW37-40]

In the words of one witness: "there [in front of Solomon's temple] was such a carnage that our people were wading ankle-deep in the blood of our foes", and after that "happily and crying for joy our people marched to our Savior’s tomb, to honor it and to pay off our debt of gratitude."

* The Archbishop of Tire, eyewitness wrote: "It was impossible to look upon the vast numbers of the slain without horror; everywhere lay fragments of human bodies, and the very ground was covered with the blood of the slain. It was not alone the spectacle of headless bodies and mutilated limbs strewn in all directions that roused the horror of all that looked upon them. Still more dreadful was it to gaze upon the victors themselves, dripping with blood from head to foot, an ominous sight which brought terror to all who met them. It is reported that within the Temple enclosure alone about ten thousand infidels perished." [TG79]

* Christian chronicler Eckehard of Aura noted that "even the following summer in all of Palestine the air was polluted by the stench of decomposition". One million victims of the first crusade alone. [WW41]

* Battle of Askalon, 8/12/1099. 200,000 heathens slaughtered "in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ". [WW45]

* Fourth crusade: 4/12/1204 Constantinople sacked, number of victims unknown, numerous thousands, many of them Christian. [WW141-148]

* Rest of Crusades in less detail: until the fall of Akron 1291 probably 20 million victims (in the Holy land and Arab/Turkish areas alone). [WW224]

Note: All figures according to contemporary (Christian) chroniclers.

Heretics and Atheists

* Already in 385 C.E. the first Christians, the Spanish Priscillianus and six followers, were beheaded for heresy in Trier/Germany [DO26]

* Manichaean heresy: a crypto-Christian sect decent enough to practice birth control (and thus not as irresponsible as faithful Catholics) was exterminated in huge campaigns all over the Roman Empire between 372 C.E. and 444 C.E. Numerous thousands of victims. [NC]

* Albigensians: the first Crusade intended to slay other Christians. [DO29]

The Albigensians (Cathars) viewed themselves as good Christians, but would not accept Roman Catholic rule, and taxes, and prohibition of birth control. [NC]

Begin of violence: on command of pope Innocent III (the greatest single mass murderer prior to the Nazi era) in 1209. Beziérs (today France) 7/22/1209 destroyed all the inhabitants were slaughtered. Number of victims (including Catholics refusing to turn over their heretic neighbors and friends) estimated between 20,000-70,000. [WW179-181]

* Carcassonne 8/15/1209, thousands slain. Other cities followed. [WW181]

* Subsequent 20 years of war until nearly all Cathars (probably half the population of the Languedoc, today southern France) were exterminated. [WW183]

* After the war ended (1229) the Inquisition was founded 1232 to search and destroy surviving/hiding heretics. Last Cathars burned at the stake 1324. [WW183]

* Estimated one million victims (Cathar heresy alone), [WW183]

* Other heresies: Waldensians, Paulikians, Runcarians, Josephites, and many others. Most of these sects exterminated, (I believe some Waldensians live today, yet they had to endure 600 years of persecution) I estimate at least hundred thousand victims (including the Spanish inquisition but excluding victims in the New World).

* Spanish Inquisitor Torquemada, a former Dominican friar, allegedly was responsible for 10,220 burnings. [DO28]

* John Huss, a critic of papal infallibility and indulgences, was burned at the stake in 1415. [LI475-522]

* Michael Sattler, leader of a Baptist community, was burned at the stake in Rottenburg, Germany, May 20, 1527. Several days later his wife and other followers were also executed. [KM]

* University professor B.Hubmaier burned at the stake 1538 in Vienna. [DO59]

* Giordano Bruno, Dominican monk, after having been incarcerated for seven years, was burned at the stake for heresy on the Campo dei Fiori (Rome) on 2/17/1600.

* Thomas Aikenhead, a twenty-year-old Scottish student of Edinburgh University, was hanged for atheism and blasphemy.


* From the beginning of Christianity to 1484 probably more than several thousand.

* In the era of witch hunting (1484-1750) according to modern scholars several hundred thousand (about 80% female) burned at the stake or hanged. [WV]

* Incomplete list of documented cases:

The Burning of Witches - A Chronicle of the Burning Times

Religious Wars

* 15th century: Crusades against Hussites, thousands slain. [DO30]

* 1538 pope Paul III declared Crusade against apostate England and all English as slaves of Church (fortunately had not power to go into action). [DO31]

* 1568 Spanish Inquisition Tribunal ordered extermination of 3 million rebels in (then Spanish) Netherlands. [DO31]

Between 5000 and 6000 Protestants were drowned by Spanish Catholic Troops, "a disaster the burghers of Emden first realized when several thousand broad-brimmed Dutch hats floated by." [SH216]

* 1572 In France about 20,000 Huguenots were killed on command of pope Pious V. Until 17th century 200,000 flee. [DO31]

* 17th century: Catholics slay Gaspard de Coligny, a Protestant leader. After murdering him, the Catholic mob mutilated his body, "cutting off his head, his hands, and his genitals... and then dumped him into the river [...but] then, deciding that it was not worthy of being food for the fish, they hauled it out again [... and] dragged what was left ... to the gallows of Montfaulcon, 'to be meat and carrion for maggots and crows'." [SH191]

* 17th century: Catholics sack the city of Magdeburg/Germany: roughly 30,000 Protestants were slain. "In a single church fifty women were found beheaded," reported poet Friedrich Schiller, "and infants still sucking the breasts of their lifeless mothers." [SH191]

* 17th century 30 years' war (Catholic vs. Protestant): at least 40% of population decimated, mostly in Germany. [DO31-32]


* Already in the 4th and 5th centuries Christians burned synagogues. Number of Jews slain unknown.

* In the middle of the fourth century the first synagogue was destroyed on command of Bishop Innocent of Dertona in Northern Italy. The first synagogue known to have been burned down was near the river Euphrates, on command of the bishop of Kallinikon in the year 388. [DA450]

* 694 17. Council of Toledo: Jews were enslaved, their property confiscated, and their children forcibly baptized. [DA454]

* 1010 The Bishop of Limoges (France) had the cities' Jews, who would not convert to Christianity, expelled or killed. [DA453]

* 1096 First Crusade: Thousands of Jews slaughtered, maybe 12.000 total. Places: Worms 5/18/1096, Mainz 5/27/1096 (1100 persons), Cologne, Neuss, Altenahr, Wevelinghoven, Xanten, Moers, Dortmund, Kerpen, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Prague and others (All locations Germany except Metz/France, Prague/Czech) [EJ]

* 1147 Second Crusade: Several hundred Jews were slain in Ham, Sully, Carentan, and Rameru (all locations in France). [WW57]

* 1189/90 Third Crusade: English Jewish communities sacked. [DO40]

* 1235, Fulda/Germany: 34 Jewish men and women slain. [DO41]

* 1257, 1267: Jewish communities of London, Canterbury, Northampton, Lincoln, Cambridge, and others exterminated. [DO41]

* 1290 Bohemia (Poland) allegedly 10,000 Jews killed. [DO41]

* 1337 Starting in Deggendorf/Germany a Jew-killing craze reaches 51 towns in Bavarian, Austria, Poland. [DO41]

* 1348 All Jews of Basel/Switzerland and Strasbourg/France (two thousand) burned. [DO41]

* 1349 In more than 350 towns in Germany all Jews murdered, mostly burned alive (in this one year more Jews were killed than Christians in 200 years of ancient Roman persecution of Christians). [DO42]

* 1389 In Prague 3,000 Jews were slaughtered. [DO42]

* 1391 Seville's Jews killed (Archbishop Martinez leading). 4,000 were slain, 25,000 sold as slaves. [DA454] Their identification was made easy by the brightly colored "badges of shame" that all Jews above the age of ten had been forced to wear.

* 1492 In the year Columbus set sail to conquer a New World, more than 150,000 Jews were expelled from Spain, many died on their way: 6/30/1492. [MM470-476]

* 1648 Chmielnitzki massacres: In Poland about 200,000 Jews were slain. [DO43]

(I feel sick...) this goes on and on, century after century, right into the kilns of Auschwitz.

Native Peoples

* Beginning with Columbus (a former slave trader and would-be Holy Crusader) the conquest of the New World began, as usual understood as a means to propagate Christianity.

* Within hours of landfall on the first inhabited island he encountered in the Caribbean, Columbus seized and carried off six native people who, he said, "ought to be good servants ... [and] would easily be made Christians, because it seemed to me that they belonged to no religion." [SH200]

While Columbus described the Indians as "idolaters" and "slaves, as many as [the Crown] shall order," his pal Michele de Cuneo, Italian nobleman, referred to the natives as "beasts" because "they eat when they are hungry," and made love "openly whenever they feel like it." [SH204-205]

* On every island he set foot on, Columbus planted a cross, "making the declarations that are required" - the requirement - to claim the ownership for his Catholic patrons in Spain. And "nobody objected." If the Indians refused or delayed their acceptance (or understanding), the requirement continued:

"I certify to you that, with the help of God, we shall powerfully enter in your country and shall make war against you ... and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church ... and shall do you all mischief that we can, as to vassals who do not obey and refuse to receive their lord and resist and contradict him." [SH66]

* Likewise in the words of John Winthrop, first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony: "justifying the undertakers of the intended Plantation in New England ... to carry the Gospel into those parts of the world, ... and to raise a Bulworke against the Kingdome of the Ante-Christ." [SH235]

* In average two thirds of the native population were killed by colonist-imported smallpox before violence began. This was a great sign of "the marvelous goodness and providence of God" to the Christians of course, e.g. the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony wrote in 1634, as "for the natives, they are near all dead of the smallpox, so as the Lord hath cleared our title to what we possess." [SH109,238]

* On Hispaniola alone, on Columbus visits, the native population (Arawak), a rather harmless and happy people living on an island of abundant natural resources, a literal paradise, soon mourned 50,000 dead. [SH204]

* The surviving Indians fell victim to rape, murder, enslavement and Spanish raids.

* As one of the culprits wrote: "So many Indians died that they could not be counted, all through the land the Indians lay dead everywhere. The stench was very great and pestiferous." [SH69]

* The Indian chief Hatuey fled with his people but was captured and burned alive. As "they were tying him to the stake a Franciscan friar urged him to take Jesus to his heart so that his soul might go to heaven, rather than descend into hell. Hatuey replied that if heaven was where the Christians went, he would rather go to hell." [SH70]

* An eyewitness described what happened to his people:

"The Spaniards found pleasure in inventing all kinds of odd cruelties ... They built a long gibbet, long enough for the toes to touch the ground to prevent strangling, and hanged thirteen [natives] at a time in honor of Christ Our Savior and the twelve Apostles... then, straw was wrapped around their torn bodies and they were burned alive." [SH72]

Or, on another occasion:

"The Spaniards cut off the arm of one, the leg or hip of another, and from some their heads at one stroke, like butchers cutting up beef and mutton for market. Six hundred, including the cacique, were thus slain like brute beasts...Vasco [de Balboa] ordered forty of them to be torn to pieces by dogs." [SH83]

* The "island's population of about eight million people at the time of Columbus's arrival in 1492 already had declined by a third to a half before the year 1496 was out." Eventually all the island's natives were exterminated, so the Spaniards were "forced" to import slaves from other Caribbean islands, who soon suffered the same fate. Thus "the Caribbean's millions of native people [were] thereby effectively liquidated in barely a quarter of a century". [SH72-73] "In less than the normal lifetime of a single human being, an entire culture of millions of people, thousands of years resident in their homeland, had been exterminated." [SH75]

* "And then the Spanish turned their attention to the mainland of Mexico and Central America. The slaughter had barely begun. The exquisite city of Tenochtitlán [Mexico city] was next." [SH75]

* Cortez, Pizarro, De Soto and hundreds of other Spanish conquistadors likewise sacked southern and mesoamerican civilizations in the name of Christ (De Soto also sacked Florida).

* "When the 16th century ended, some 200,000 Spaniards had moved to the Americas. By that time probably more than 60,000,000 natives were dead." [SH95]

Of course no different were the founders of what today is the US of America.

* Although none of the settlers would have survived winter without native help, they soon set out to expel and exterminate the Indians. Warfare among (North American) Indians was rather harmless, in comparison to European standards, and was meant to avenge insults rather than conquer land. In the words of some of the pilgrim fathers: "Their Wares are fare less bloody", so that there usually was "no great slaughter of nether side". Indeed, "they might fight seven years and not kill seven men." What is more, the Indians usually spared women and children. [SH111]

* In the spring of 1612 some English colonists found life among the (generally friendly and generous) natives attractive enough to leave Jamestown - "being idle ... did run away unto the Indians," - to live among them (that probably solved a sex problem).

"Governor Thomas Dale had them hunted down and executed: 'Some he appointed (sic) to be hanged Some burned Some to be broken upon wheals, others to be staked and some shoot to death'." [SH105] Of course these elegant measures were restricted for fellow Englishmen: "This was the treatment for those who wished to act like Indians. For those who had no choice in the matter, because they were the native people of Virginia" methods were different: "when an Indian was accused by an Englishman of stealing a cup and failing to return it, the English response was to attack the natives in force, burning the entire community" down. [SH105]

* On the territory that is now Massachusetts the founding fathers of the colonies were committing genocide, in what has become known as the "Peqout War." The killers were New England Puritan Christians, refugees from persecution in their own home country England.

* When however, a dead colonist was found, apparently killed by Narragansett Indians, the Puritan colonists wanted revenge. Despite the Indian chief's pledge they attacked.

Somehow they seem to have lost the idea of what they were after, because when Pequot Indians (long-time foes of the Narragansett) greeted them the troops nevertheless made war on the Pequots and burned their villages.

The puritan commander-in-charge John Mason after one massacre wrote: "And indeed such a dreadful Terror did the Almighty let fall upon their Spirits, that they would fly from us and run into the very Flames, where many of them perished ... God was above them, who laughed his Enemies and the Enemies of his People to Scorn, making them as a fiery Oven ... Thus did the Lord judge among the Heathen, filling the Place with dead Bodies": men, women, children. [SH113-114]

* So "the Lord was pleased to smite our Enemies in the hinder Parts, and to give us their land for an inheritance". [SH111].

* Because of his readers' assumed knowledge of Deuteronomy, there was no need for Mason to quote the words that immediately follow:

"Thou shall save alive nothing that breatheth. But thou shall utterly destroy them..." (Deut 20)

* Mason's comrade Underhill recalled how "great and doleful was the bloody sight to the view of the young soldiers" yet reassured his readers that "sometimes the Scripture declareth women and children must perish with their parents". [SH114]

Baby Bashing

"Happy those who seize your children and smash them against a rock." Psalms 137:9 NAB

Ironically, one of the Bible's 10 pillars or Ten Commandments says: "Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13)." Yet, innocent children and non-virgin women were ordered to be killed by the mass, perhaps in thousands! 3-year old slave girls were also ordered to be raped by Moses.

. According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, MOSES therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]...."

"Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note:

"A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old.".

* Other Indians were killed in successful plots of poisoning. The colonists even had dogs especially trained to kill Indians and to devour children from their mothers breasts, in the colonists' own words: "blood Hounds to draw after them, and Mastives to seize them." (This was inspired by Spanish methods of the time)

In this way they continued until the extermination of the Pequots was near. [SH107-119]

* The surviving handful of Indians "were parceled out to live in servitude. John Endicott and his pastor wrote to the governor asking for 'a share' of the captives, specifically 'a young woman or girl and a boy if you think good'." [SH115]

* Other tribes were to follow the same path.

* Comment the Christian exterminators: "God's Will, which will at last give us cause to say: How Great is His Goodness! And how great is his Beauty!"

"Thus doth the Lord Jesus make them to bow before him, and to lick the Dust!" [TA]

* Like today, lying was morally acceptable to Christians then. "Peace treaties were signed with every intention to violate them: when the Indians 'grow secure upon (sic) the treaty', advised the Council of State in Virginia, 'we shall have the better Advantage both to surprise them & cut down their Corn'." [SH106]

* In 1624 sixty heavily armed Englishmen cut down 800 defenseless Indian men, women and children. [SH107]

* In a single massacre in "King Philip's War" of 1675 and 1676 some "600 Indians were destroyed. A delighted Cotton Mather, revered pastor of the Second Church in Boston, later referred to the slaughter as a 'barbecue'." [SH115]

* To summarize: Before the arrival of the English, the western Abenaki people in New Hampshire and Vermont had numbered 12,000. Less than half a century later about 250 remained alive - destruction rate of 98%. The Pocumtuck people had numbered more than 18,000, fifty years later they were down to 920 - 95% destroyed. The Quiripi-Unquachog people had numbered about 30,000, fifty years later they were down to 1500 - 95% destroyed. The Massachusetts people had numbered at least 44,000, fifty years later barely 6000 were alive - 81% destroyed. [SH118] These are only a few examples of the multitude of tribes living before Christian colonists set their foot on the New World. All this was before the smallpox epidemics of 1677 and 1678 had occurred. And the carnage was not over then.

* All the above was only the beginning of the European colonization, it was before the frontier age actually had begun.

* A total of maybe more than 150 million Indians (of both Americas) were destroyed in the period of 1500 to 1900, as an average two thirds by smallpox and other epidemics, that leaves some 50 million killed directly by violence, bad treatment and slavery.

* In many countries, such as Brazil, and Guatemala, this continues even today.

More Glorious Events in U.S. History

* Reverend Solomon Stoddard, one of New England's most esteemed religious leaders, in "1703 formally proposed to the Massachusetts Governor that the colonists be given the financial wherewithal to purchase and train large packs of dogs 'to hunt Indians as they do bears'." [SH241]

* Massacre of Sand Creek, Colorado 11/29/1864. Colonel John Chivington, a former Methodist minister and still elder in the church ("I long to be wading in gore") had a Cheyenne village of about 600, mostly women and children, gunned down despite the chiefs' waving with a white flag: 400-500 killed.

From an eye-witness account: "There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a hole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that hole were afterwards killed..." [SH131]

More gory details.

* By the 1860s, "in Hawaii the Reverend Rufus Anderson surveyed the carnage that by then had reduced those islands' native population by 90 percent or more, and he declined to see it as tragedy; the expected total die-off of the Hawaiian population was only natural, this missionary said, somewhat equivalent to 'the amputation of diseased members of the body'." [SH244]

20th Century Church Atrocities

* Catholic extermination camps

Surprisingly few know that Nazi extermination camps in World War II were by no means the only ones in Europe at the time. In the years 1942-1943 also in Croatia existed numerous extermination camps, run by Catholic Ustasha under their dictator Ante Paveliç, a practicing Catholic and regular visitor to the then pope. There were even concentration camps exclusively for children!

In these camps - the most notorious was Jasenovac, headed by a Franciscan friar - orthodox-Christian Serbians (and a substantial number of Jews an Muslims) were murdered. Like the Nazis the Catholic Ustasha burned their victims in kilns, alive (the Nazis were decent enough to have their victims gassed first). But most of the victims were simply stabbed, slain or shot to death, the number of them being estimated between 100,000 and 150,000, in a rather tiny country. Many of the killers were Franciscan friars. The atrocities were appalling enough to induce bystanders of the Nazi "Sicherheitsdienst der SS", watching, to complain about them to Hitler (who did not listen). The pope knew about these events and did nothing to prevent them. [MV]

* Catholic terror in Vietnam

In 1954 Vietnamese freedom fighters - the Viet Minh - had finally defeated the French colonial government in North Vietnam, which by then had been supported by U.S. funds amounting to more than $2 billion. Although the victorious assured religious freedom to all (most non-Buddhist Vietnamese were Catholics), due to huge anticommunist propaganda campaigns many Catholics fled to the South. With the help of Catholic lobbies in Washington and Cardinal Spellman, the Vatican's spokesman in U.S. politics, who later on would call the U.S. forces in Vietnam "Soldiers of Christ", a scheme was concocted to prevent democratic elections which could have brought the communist Viet Minh to power in the South as well, and the fanatic Catholic Ngo Dinh Diem was made president of South Vietnam. [MW16ff]

Diem saw to it that U.S. aid, food, technical and general assistance was given to Catholics alone, Buddhist individuals and villages were ignored or had to pay for the food aids which were given to Catholics for free. The only religious denomination to be supported was Roman Catholicism.

The Vietnamese McCarthyism turned even more vicious than its American counterpart. By 1956 Diem promulgated a presidential order which read:

"Individuals considered dangerous to the national defense and common security may be confined by executive order, to a concentration camp."

Supposedly to fight communism, thousands of Buddhist protesters and monks were imprisoned in "detention camps." Out of protest dozens of Buddhist teachers - male and female - and monks poured gasoline over themselves and burned themselves. (Note that Buddhists burned themselves: in comparison Christians tend to burn others). Meanwhile some of the prison camps, which in the meantime were filled with Protestant and even Catholic protesters as well, had turned into no-nonsense death camps. It is estimated that during this period of terror (1955-1960) at least 24,000 were wounded - mostly in street riots - 80,000 people were executed, 275,000 had been detained or tortured, and about 500,000 were sent to concentration or detention camps. [MW76-89].

To support this kind of government in the next decade thousands of American GI's lost their life.

* Christianity kills the cat

On July 1, 1976, Anneliese Michel, a 23-year-old student of a teachers college in Germany, died: she starved herself to death. For months she had been haunted by demonic visions and apparitions, and for month’s two Catholic priests - with explicit approval of the Catholic bishop of Würzburg - additionally pestered and tormented the wretched girl with their exorcist rituals. After her death in Klingenberg hospital - her body was littered with wounds - her parents, both of them fanatical Catholics, were sentenced to six months for not having called for medical help. None of the priests was punished: on the contrary, Miss Michel's grave today is a place of pilgrimage and worship for a number of similarly faithful Catholics (in the seventeenth century Würzburg was notorious for it's extensive witch burnings).

This case is only the tip of an iceberg of such evil superstition and has become known only because of its lethal outcome. [SP80]

* Rwanda Massacres

In 1994 in the small African country of Rwanda in just a few months several hundred thousand civilians were butchered, apparently a conflict of the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups.

For quite some time I heard only rumors about Catholic clergy actively involved in the 1994 Rwanda massacres. Odd denials of involvement were printed in Catholic Church journals, before even anybody had openly accused members of the church.

Then, 10/10/96, in the newscast of S2 Actual, Germany - a station not at all critical to Christianity - the following was stated:

"Anglican as well as Catholic priests and nuns are suspect of having actively participated in murders. Especially the conduct of a certain Catholic priest has been occupying the public mind in Rwanda's capital Kigali for months. He was minister of the church of the Holy Family and allegedly murdered Tutsis in the most brutal manner. He is reported to have accompanied marauding Hutu militia with a gun in his cowl. In fact there has been a bloody slaughter of Tutsis seeking shelter in his parish. Even two years after the massacres many Catholics refuse to set foot on the threshold of their church, because to them the participation of a certain part of the clergy in the slaughter is well established. There is almost no church in Rwanda that has not seen refugees - women, children, old - being brutally butchered facing the crucifix.

According to eyewitnesses clergymen gave away hiding Tutsis and turned them over to the machetes of the Hutu militia.

In connection with these events again and again two Benedictine nuns are mentioned, both of who have fled into a Belgian monastery in the meantime to avoid prosecution. According to survivors one of them called the Hutu killers and led them to several thousand people who had sought shelter in her monastery. By force the doomed were driven out of the churchyard and were murdered in the presence of the nun right in front of the gate. The other one is also reported to have directly cooperated with the murderers of the Hutu militia. In her case again witnesses report that she watched the slaughtering of people in cold blood and without showing response. She is even accused of having procured some petrol used by the killers to set on fire and burn their victims alive..." [S2]


Noah's Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery

A professor of religious studies at Rhodes College and a Presbyterian minister, Haynes was inspired to explore his issue by the fact that Benjamin M. Palmer, the “father” of Rhodes College, himself used Christianity for extensive defenses of slavery and discrimination. How, he wondered, could an educator and a Christian advocate such evils?

The primary focus of those using Christianity to defend slavery and segregation is asserted right away in Haynes’ title: the story of Noah, and specifically the part where his son Ham is cursed to serve his brothers. This story has long functioned as a model for Christians to insist that God meant for Africans to be marked as the servants of others because they are descended from Ham. Somewhat secondarily they use the story of the Tower of Babel as a model for God’s desire to separate people generally rather than have them united in common cause and purpose.

“In western Europe prior to the modern period, the curse was invoked to explain the origins of slavery, the provenance of black skin, and the exile of Hamites to the less wholesome regions of the Earth. But these aspects of malediction were not integrated in an explicit justification for racial slavery until the fifteenth century, when dark-skinned people were enslaved by the Spanish, Portuguese, and the American the slave stereotype was stabilized. Thus, only with the growth of the slave trade and the increasing reliance on sub-Saharan Africa as a source for slaves did the curse’s role as a justification for racial slavery eclipse its function as a scriptural explanation of either “blackness” in particular or servitude in general.”

Also, Christian interpretations of Ham changed a great deal over time:

Noah's Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery

...For Luther, Ham’s laughter at his father’s nakedness is a serious offense indicating that Ham “regard[s] himself as more righteous, holier, and more pious than his father.”...Bible readers have blamed Ham and his progeny for everything from the existence of slavery and serfdom, to the perpetuation of sexual license and perversion, to the introduction of magical arts, astrology, idolatry, witchcraft, and heathen religion. They have associated Hamites with tyranny, theft, heresy, blasphemy, rebellion, war, and even deiced. Benjamin Braude’s observation that during the Middle Ages Ham was “an archetypal Other, the example of qualities not to be emulated,” could be fairly applied to the entire history of interpretation.”

Part of the problem for poor Ham is that the biblical text is rather silent on what exactly he did wrong. All it says is that the saw his father naked and told his brothers — hardly a good reason to curse all of his descendants. That, however, is what the Bible says the punishment was so it must be a fair and just punishment. Thus, readers have sought ever since to find a just explanation — and the supposed descendants of Ham have had to pay the price.

Honor meant protecting one’s personal image. It didn’t matter, for example, if one was honest or dishonest, but it did matter that no one said that you were dishonest. Black Africans, as the descendants of Ham, were perceived as lacking any honor and therefore deserving of slavery:


Europe by all sorts of crusading hordes. Lucky Jews were given a last-minute chance to convert to Christianity in accord with Augustine's doctrines. Even other Christians were not safe from the Christian crusaders. As they roamed the countryside, they spared no effort in pillaging towns and farms for food. When Peter the Hermit's army entered Yugoslavia, 4,000 Christian residents of the city of Zemun were massacred before they moved on to burn Belgrade.

Eventually the mass killings by amateur crusaders were taken over by professional soldiers — not so that fewer innocents would be killed, but so that they would be killed in a more orderly fashion. This time, ordained bishops followed along to bless the atrocities and make sure that they had official church approval. Leaders like Peter the Hermit and the Rhine Goose were rejected by the church not for their actions, but for their reluctance to follow church procedures.

Taking the heads of slain enemies and impaling them upon pikes appears to have been a favorite pastime among crusaders. Chronicles record a story of a crusader-bishop who referred to the impaled heads of slain Muslims as a joyful spectacle for the people of God. When Muslim cities were captured by Christian crusaders, it was standard operating procedure for all inhabitants, no matter what their age, to be summarily killed. It is not an exaggeration to say that the streets ran red with blood as Christians reveled in church-sanctioned horrors. Jews who took refuge in their synagogues would be burned alive, not unlike the treatment they received in Europe.

In his reports about the conquest of Jerusalem, Chronicler Raymond of Aguilers wrote that "It was a just and marvelous judgment of God, that this place [the temple of Solomon] should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers." St. Bernard announced before the Second Crusade that "The Christian glories in the death of a pagan, because thereby Christ himself is glorified."

Sometimes, atrocities were excused as actually being merciful. When a crusader army broke out of Antioch and sent the besieging army into flight, the Christians found that the abandoned Muslim camp was filled with the wives of the enemy soldiers. Chronicler Fulcher of Chartres happily recorded for posterity that "...the Franks did nothing evil to them [the women] except pierce their bellies with their lances."

The Most Important Terrorism Is 'Ours'


"Randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan"

While a U.S. "helicopter hunter-killer team . . . was on a recon mission in Cambodia," its members fired rockets at buildings and "engaged various targets [in a small village] with machine-gun fire. Gunship preparatory fire preceded the landing of a South Vietnamese army platoon, which had been diverted from another mission. A U.S. captain accompanied the platoon on the ground in violation of standing orders. The South Vietnamese troops, reconnoitering by fire, did not search bunkers for enemy forces, nor were enemy weapons found. . . . Civilian casualties were estimated at eight dead, including two children, 15 wounded, and three or four structures destroyed. There is no evidence that the wounded were provided medical treatment by either U.S. or South Vietnamese forces. . . . Members of the South Vietnamese platoon returned to the aircraft with large quantities of civilian property. . . . The incident was neither properly investigated nor reported initially." Letters of reprimand were issued to a lieutenant colonel and a major. The captain received a letter of reprimand.

Since 1815, instead of spreading democracy, the US exported the ideology of white supremacy. Gradually they sought American hegemony over Mexico, the Philippines, much of the Caribbean basin, and indirectly, over other nations. It wasn’t long before the European national frontier emulating the Americans; the Britain exterminated Tasmanian Aborigines, and German’s pursued total war against Herrerd of Nambia. Most western nations have similar history.

We have to admit that Adolph Hitler displayed more knowledge of how Americans treated native Americans, than American high scholars who rely on their textbooks. Hitler admired American concentration camps for Indians in the west, and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of American extermination by starvation and uneven combat. He used this as the model for his extermination of Slavic people, Gypsies and Jews.

“These evil patterns or buds have sprouted from the same seed but different branches of big ‘ism-called Senate” by John Toland, “Adolf Hitler”, (Garden City) N.Y.,double Day, 1976 p.702 or Eric Margolis in Toronto “Sunday Sun” 2002.

When we fall prey to conforming to mass psychology, our unconsciousness makes us prone to potentially ignore and deny our individual perceptions and give away our power to others, which is the ‘group-think’ characteristic of our cults. We then become dis-associated from our ability to discern between our inner fantasy-image of what we believe to be true, and the reality of what is actually happening, which is a sign of madness.


Following the collapse of communist rule Bosnia like the other five federated States of Yugoslavia declared independence and was given recognition by the UNO. However, the Christian Serb community occupied the country with the help of Yugoslavian Serb army and began three years of slaughter.

Some 200,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed, 50,000 Muslim women raped, and over two million Muslims were forced to flee to the neighboring countries. Muslims sent to Serbian concentration camps were subjected to torture worse than the world saw under Nazi Germany. Muslim women and girls as young as 9-years were gang-raped, and people’s throat slashed and left them bleed to death. The main targets of Serb and Croats butchers were the religious leaders, the university professors, doctors, and the political leaders. Roughly, the Serbs and Croats destroyed 179 mosques and 46 churches – 156 mosque Imams were murdered.

The UN on its Own Complicity in the Genocide at Srebrenica

The report admits UN complicity in the genocide at the UN "Safe Area" of Srebrenica in July 1995, during which between 10,000 and 16,000 Bosnian civilians, unarmed men and boys, were separated out in front of UN troops and led away for extermination, and many Bosnian women were brutalized and raped. In the UN Report on Srebrenica, the following conclusion applies to Srebrenica but also throughout Bosnia from 1992 to 1995.

The tragedy that took place following the fall of Srebrenica is shocking for two reasons. It is shocking, first and foremost, for the magnitude of the crimes committed. Not since the horrors of World War II had Europe witnessed massacres on this scale. The mortal remains of close to 6,500 men and boys have been found on the surface, in mass gravesites and in secondary burial sites. Several thousand more men are still missing, and there is every reason to believe that additional burial sites, many of which have been probed but not exhumed, will reveal the bodies of thousands more men and boys. The great majority of those who were killed were not killed in combat: the exhumed bodies of the victims show large numbers had their hands bound, or were blindfolded, or were shot in the back or the back of the head. Numerous eyewitness accounts, now well corroborated by forensic evidence, attest to scenes of mass slaughter of unarmed victims.

The fall of Srebrenica is also shocking because the enclave inhabitants believed that the authority of the United Nations Security Council, the presence of UNPROFOR peacekeepers, and the might of NATO air power, would ensure their safety. Instead, the Serb forces ignored the Security Council, pushed aside the UNPROFOR troops, and assessed correctly that air power would not be used to stop them. They overran the safe area of Srebrenica with ease, and then proceeded to depopulate the territory within 48 hours. Their leaders then engaged in high-level negotiations with representatives of the international community while their forces on the ground executed and buried thousands of men and boys within a matter of days.

Questions must be answered, and foremost among these are the following: how can this have been allowed to happen? And how will the United Nations ensure that no future peacekeeping operation witnesses such a calamity on its watch?

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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.