2014-04-05 00:31:51 UTC
Luke 20:34-38.
You really have to put the to together to get the fullness of it in understanding. KJV.
matt because you do not know the power of God...which you do not???? for in the Resurrection THEY neither marry or are given in marriage and are cursed for it sure the heck is not being blessed to be without your wife to be like the angels.. (those that do not know the power of God).
38> god says he was never God over your dead marriage for he is not GOD OF THE DEAD, but God of the living.
NOW on to Luke.
20:34-35 as God calls you all CHILDREN of the WORLD, or people who do not know the power of God, followers of the world and the lust of the flesh and not things of the spirit. Followers of the world will be vs 35: and ONLY when you get to heaven he calls you all his children, after he puts a sword to all your families and brain washes you. BUT THEY that are accounted worthy to obtain that world will not marry. 36. ONLY when you get to heaven he calls you his children being children of the Resurrection after he brain washes you and kills of your mate.
37-38 again God says he is not God of the dead, and that is all your marriage is a blessing from a dead God, and he is only your God when he kills it all off when you reach the Resurrection.
NOW go over your point of view, talking about the power of God, CHILDREN of the world...look up followers of the world, children of the devil, "children" of THIS "world" and your dead marriage.