Little fish come forth knowing how to swim, because swimming is important to fish.
Little spiders come forth, knowing how to excrete web material, because to do so is important to spiders.
Little humans come forth not knowing which of the Gods and Goddesses which have been worshiped since before the beginnings of written history actually DO exist, and which are just products of the human imagination, because it is not important to have a God or Goddess to worship.
Atheism is a lack of belief in the same Gods and Goddesses everybody else lacks belief in.
People in THIS HERE religion lack belief in the Gods and Goddesses of THAT THERE religion, and people in THAT THERE religion lack belief in the Gods and Goddesses in THIS HERE religion, and atheists agree with BOTH groups on that point.
If YOU have a religion, please post an update with the names of other religions in whose Gods and Goddesses you DO believe.
Otherwise, you are almost as much an atheist as anyone.