2011-10-19 10:48:46 UTC
Please help me answer this: I am an atheist and was confused as why this atheist admitted in debate that atheism contradicts itself. If you go to the web site above you'll see a video debate on the right titled "proof atheism is madness". In the debate here is what happened.
ShockofGod defeated the atheist 98% of the people said. One of the big errors the atheist made in the debate is ShockofGod asked him "Do you agree the claim it's possible for God to exist contradicts the claim it's impossible for God to exist?" The atheist said yes. Then shockofGod said "Do you admit atheism makes both these claims?" The atheist said yes. Then the atheist was asked "do you concede atheism therefore contradicts itself?"
There was a few seconds where the atheist debater stuttered and finally he said yes.
How would you have answered this question? Please listen to the debate video and let me know as I am going to be debating shockofGod and if he asks me this in debate I don't want to be left without an answer thanks.
So in short my question is: How do I address the problem of atheism contradicting itself?