Is there one true religion?
2010-12-30 09:14:31 UTC
I believe that God has only established one true religion, and that all others are false. This makes the most sense to me because the beliefs of different religions are so drastically different, they can't all be right. How do you feel about this?
29 answers:
2010-12-30 09:17:22 UTC
If God established one true religion, He did a damned good job in obscuring it.

Which is why I finally decided that the only way so many religions could have sprung up is if NONE of them are true.
2010-12-30 09:20:19 UTC
How are the beliefs "so drastically different"? All of the enduring religions teach compassion, love, and faith. All religions emphasize following the Golden Rule. Most religions teach the need to surrender to a higher Spirit/God and to use a calming practice (meditation/chanting/prayer) to calm the mind and open the heart.

To me, after studying many religions during my lifetime, it makes more sense that there is not "one true religion" but rather, as Gandhi said, one tree with many branches. Besides, if, say, Christianity is the one true religion...well, which type of Christianity?

A life committed to love, compassion, and peace is the goal. I don't think it matters much to God/the gods/The Spirit what road we take along the way. Peace.
2010-12-30 09:26:54 UTC
I believe you can tell if something is worth following by watching the people who already follow it. Like produces like, you know. So if you believe something is "true" but it inspires horrific behavior, intolerance and the overwhelming desire to force others to adhere to aspects of your faith depriving them of their own free will in the process, or attempting to regulate non-harmful to you and others behaviors that are none of your concern, you religion may be the one "true" one established by your god, but your god has inspired evil behaviors in its followers and is therefore to be avoided, true or not. I am not real keen on the idea of forced compliance to rules established by an evil entity.

The beliefs even within the same religion can also be radically, drastically different. It isn't up to us to decide who is "wrong" or who is "right". If someone has the urge to do so I can only assume they lack faith that their own god has the power to do so and do so correctly. If they had faith they would let others be and find their own spiritual path in their own time rather than try to do the job they have said their god will do themselves. This is why the minute - no, the nanosecond - someone says another person of either another faith path or even one of the same base faith they follow is not a "real" or "true" whatever they are or is following a "wrong" path or "false god" or whatever, I know in that nanosecond they do not actually have any faith of their own in their own deity. So is their religion "right"? Maybe. Not my job to decide that - that's up to the divine. Whether right or "wrong" though they've just proven with their own words they don't truly believe it.
Edward N
2010-12-30 09:43:34 UTC
In my opinion, your question relates to whether we embrace the tenets of "religion" objectively or subjectively. Human nature which seeks comfort, convenience and pleasure, tends to observe and judge "others" rather than focus internally on self. It is uncomfortable and inconvenient to totally commit to ANYTHING and as long as we can observe and criticise we can postpone or totally avoid ourselves. That "one true religion" your question addresses can only be found in your own heart and mind. That is not the whole equation however. The other half is "who" or "what" do you look up to, what do you respect, what do you admire, love, worship, adore? It is my understanding that the very first requirement of God, or the first "commandment" is to love Him with all out hearts, minds and strength. Wow. What then, is loveable about God? Make a list. You'll be amazed how long it grows. His providence is virtually endless, including the sacrafice of His Only Begotten Son for His Agape Love of you and those like you.

If I may quote the words of Jesus: "My sheep will know my voice".

There is a "sympathetic resonance" of truth in the hearts of believers, when they hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ which I believe will lead you to that one true religion you seek.

May He bless and keep you.
2010-12-30 09:45:05 UTC
The one true relgion would have these elements that Christ himself established when he walked the earth.

Christ organized the Church (Eph 4:11-14)

The true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ (Eph 5:23)

The true church must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets (Eph 2:19-20)

The true church must have the same organization as Christ's Church (Eph 4:11-14)

The true church must claim divine authority (Heb 4:4-10)

The true church must have no paid ministry (Acts 20:33-34; John 10:11-13)

The true church must baptize by immersion (Matt 3:13-16)

The true church must bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:14-17)

The true church must practice divine healing (Mark 3:14-15)

The true church must teach that God and Jesus are separate and distinct individuals (John 17:11; 20:17)

The true church must teach that God and Jesus have bodies of flesh and bone (Luke 23:36-39; Acts 1:9-11; Heb 1:1-3)

The officers must be called by God (Heb 4:4; Ex 28:1; 40:13-16)

The true church must claim revelation from God (Amos 3:7)

The true church must be a missionary church (Matt 28:19-20)

The true church must be a restored church (Acts 3:19-20)

The true church must practice baptism for the dead (1Cor 15:16&29)

"By their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt 7:20)

There is a church that has all of these elements. And that is why I am a
2010-12-30 09:21:44 UTC
I don't think this can ever be answered, (I'm not religious btw, but its interesting learning about certain religions) I think some religions are just certain people's interpretations of the same idea. Anyways, all religions share pretty much one main idea but explained differently by different people.
2010-12-30 09:17:36 UTC
OHH!! You're getting so close!

You're right, all religions can't be right. That means only 1 religion can be right, or none of them. Perhaps God's message was lost with the folly of man.

You are so close to having a free mind. Keep searching for the truth, and remember, magic isn't real.
No Chance without Safi
2010-12-30 10:13:08 UTC
"Kindness to all living creatures is the true religion." ~~ Buddha

Outside of that, I believe there may be a "best answer" for each person, but the same answer does not apply, necessarily, to anyone else. Many paths, many destinations, none necessarily better than another.

Find what is true for you, and let your brother find what is true for him. That is all.

Heart of the Matter
2010-12-30 09:25:38 UTC
Yes there is one "true religion" and by that I define that as: There is only one Church on the face of the Earth that holds the true and authorized Priesthood of God.

That Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Holding the true Priesthood allows the ordinances of salvation to be performed and recognized by God as being vallid. (Ordinances such as baptism)
2010-12-30 09:22:38 UTC
your question is going to cause quite an uproar because anyone who believes in a religion believe in it as the one true religion.

Islam is the true religion, christianity coming close to it only because christianity was derived from Islam. Islam is complete and it is the religion sent to us by God Himself so its not possible that its a false religion.
2010-12-30 09:17:19 UTC
If there is a God, I believe that all theist religions worship the SAME God, just with different cultural practices.
2010-12-30 09:17:23 UTC
I believe that religion is just an interpretation of God.

There is no wrong religion, because we are all believing in the same god, but we have different interpretations of him.

Your view seems somewhat provincial to me, but you are entitled to your own opinion

Happy Trolling :P
2010-12-30 09:20:20 UTC
You are right there is only ONE....think back to the very beginning in Genesis.....there was only one way to worship God.....until the sin and then that started man going his own way....that is why the flood took place...because of the wickedness....which was because of sin.....John 17:3 is the way to begin finding the true have to research and study the not let anyone tell you what is in it......1Peter the model that we order to see the way things should be done questions to be answered
2010-12-30 09:51:09 UTC
There HAS TO BE.

Otherwise God would be promoting half-truths which are lies or have a dual personality favoring some over others.

There must be one and only one true church with the fullness of His gospel in it.
2010-12-30 09:17:59 UTC
I like the Hitchens quote, but a lot of the discussion here hinges on religion as "fixed immutable doctrine." Which isn't _my_ religion, anyway.

For me the question is sort of like "Is there one true science?"
2010-12-30 09:18:56 UTC
"Christianity is NOT Religion. The Latin word from which the English word "religion" is derived means "to bind up." Jesus did not come to bind us up in rules and regulations or rituals of devotion, but to set us free to be man as God intended." - James A. Fowler
Meshuggah Yam-Gazlen
2010-12-30 09:33:26 UTC
agnosticism is the only pure "religion"

all "religion" is wrong - because all are attempts to know the unknowable
Arizona Knight Wolf
2010-12-30 09:21:26 UTC
The words "TRUE" and "RELIGION" should never be spoken together in the same sentence. LIke "SUPER BOWL" and "CARDINALS". Or WORLD SERIES and CUBS.
2010-12-30 09:16:09 UTC
My head tells me there is no absolute metaphysical certainty.

My gut asks me to stab it and die.
2010-12-30 09:17:11 UTC
pick one, any one, and you will end up rotting just like everyone else. lucky religious bastards at least get to die with a smile on their face, we have to settle with a smug grin.
2010-12-30 09:20:53 UTC
there is only one true religion spiritual satanism hail enki!
Craig W. Dressler
2010-12-30 09:17:43 UTC
I would heartily agree. For nearly ten years I searched numerous religions obtaining to find truth and peace. Only after I made Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord did I find the peace that surpasses all understanding and begin to understand what real love is.
2010-12-30 09:16:33 UTC
I believe in God the Father almighty.
2010-12-30 09:17:06 UTC
I believe whole-heartedly that you are correct. There is only One God, One Lord, One Word of God, one faith, and one way to heaven, ie, one TRUE religion, ie, one religion that is The Truth, christianity.
2010-12-30 09:15:28 UTC
Yes, there's one true religion.

All praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster for he is lord!
2010-12-30 09:16:43 UTC
There is one truth. All religion, per definition, is bankrupt and futile, according to Jesus Christ.
2010-12-30 09:15:14 UTC
"Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong."
Psalms 83:18, Revelation 21:3,4
2010-12-30 09:17:52 UTC
There is one true religion.

Finding it is what needs to be done.

I already have ^^
2010-12-30 09:15:57 UTC
No. they are all a lie!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.