C.S. Lewis was one of the most influential Christian writers of all time.
"The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe" was originally written for his nieces/nephews as a more accessible version of the Easter story.
Aslan = Jesus
The Emperor Across the Sea = God
Contrary to popular belief;
The White Which =/= Satan.
Tash = Satan
The White Which = The Antichrist or some such figure. Substitutable for the devil if you must.
Another fantastic C.S Lewis book on the subject of religion is Perelandra AKA Voyage to Venus. It's based on the temptation of Eve by the Devil, or how it would have happened if Jesus had been there to argue against the devil. Sci-fi, but absolutely the most life changing book I have ever read, even though I'm an Atheist.
C.S. Lewis was arguably a controversial Christian. He didn't believe in eternal torture in the fires of hell, but more a loss of the individuality of the soul. But he also appeared to have a firm belief in Jesus/God/And the Bible, like many men of his time.
He went to school with, was friends with, and was in a writers club with, J.R.R. Tolkein.
If you have any specific questions, I know pretty much everything on the subject, so feel free to ask.