Why don't atheists understand the age of the universe doesn't prove the Bible wrong?
2018-09-10 03:11:00 UTC
We have determined that the world is about 6,000 years old by calculating *human lineage*.

We know that everything was created around 6,000 years ago, but that doesn't mean that's the age of the universe!

Of course when scientists look at our planet, they find that Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and when they look at the universe, they find that it's 13.8 billion years old because that's their age!! But that doesn't mean it wasn't created 6,000 years ago!

God created it that old because it had to be at a certain level of maturity to be ripe enough for us!

THINK, man! You really think the GOD could be wrong?? 🤦‍♂️
56 answers:
Randy the Atheist
2018-09-11 09:14:56 UTC
The Bible says the universe was created in a single day as there was a morning and an evening each day. Thus everything was created within six 24-hour periods which is of course completely wrong.

It also places Adam in the Late Bronze Age (see Genesis 4:22) with full knowledge of plant and animal domestication (Genesis 4:2).

The 200,000 years of human activity before this point is entirely missing from Moses' story of creation. The reason is because oral and written records only went back to the dawn of agriculture. In order to go back further in time Moses would need the sciences of archaeology and anthropology - sciences that did not exist when Moses invented Genesis.
2018-09-21 09:09:27 UTC
God created the world in 7 days is a metaphor for the present day work week. Man (or God) works Monday thru Friday building God's kingdom on Earth.
Don Verto
2018-09-15 14:29:33 UTC
All people have beliefs,opinions.We as people believe what we hear or read.We have no way of proving the allegations.We as individuals may believe the Bible,other books or T.V. programs but it all comes down to a choice as to what we believe.Even the Scientists believe what other people told them and they do not have any absolute evidence either.
Roberta B
2018-09-13 15:42:19 UTC
What Your Word said is accurate.

Genesis 1:1 said "in the BEGINNING God created the heavens and the earth" The time between that creation and the time in which God began to prepare the earth for humans is not certain, neither is the length of each creative "day" The entire time in which he made earth and heaven was also called a "day". Days can be different although fixed lengths to God.

Genesis 2:4

4 This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time they were created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.

2 Peter 3:8

8 However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.

Psalm 90:4

4 For a thousand years are in your eyes just as yesterday when it is past,

Just as a watch during the night.

This is a dispute between the "old earth" and "new earth" believers, but God's time is different.

It is pretty clear, though based on the genalogy of humans that was recorded, that the years from Adam to the present are actual years.

There are a lot of possible explanations for why the age of humans in the Bible is different from what scientists are currently asserting. The references below present some of them.

For that matter, after all of their studies, scientists do not even know why humans grow old and die. It seems that our cells should keep on being renewed and that we should live forever. The book Hyojun Soshikigaku (Standard Histology) says: “It is a great mystery how the aging of cells is related to the aging and death of an individual.”

What does Genesis Really Say?

Why do we grow old and die?

Scientific Dates for Prehistoric Times
2018-09-12 19:02:07 UTC
The burden of proof doesn't even lie on atheists in the first place. If you make an extraordinary claim, which in this case is the existence of a 'GOD', you should have to prove his/her/its existence. And the bible doesn't even begin to suffice as a proof of that. Science on the other hand provides logical and plausible theories in lack of enough evidence instead of jumping to a 'god conclusion' straightaway.
2018-09-12 12:03:03 UTC
Why are you so needy? We are under no obligation to adopt your superstitious, wishful thinking in order to help you feel more secure in your fragile faith.
Steve B
2018-09-11 20:30:15 UTC
I don t accept your deity claims.

I don t really care what your bible says. Or the age of the universe.
2018-09-11 20:07:50 UTC
Why do people NOT UNDERSTAND THAT 2018 MORE YEARS HAVE ;PASSED SINCE THE 6000 YEAR ESTAMENT BEGAN? by now, it has now been 8018 years since earth has been created, maybe a couple thousand more than this, even.
Ernest S
2018-09-10 13:31:32 UTC
Just to point out to you,.Atheists are unable to understand anything that condemns them.

That is the whole point of Atheism.

...and it is abundantly demonstrated here by their posts.
2018-09-10 04:48:25 UTC
Are you really as stupid as the manner in which you have claimed? The Mayans of Mexico built their empire 10,000 years ago. Also, it is written in the bible "there was light and darkness, and that was the first day" and so on.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2018-09-10 03:27:40 UTC
God's not wrong, you are. The first verse of Genesis 1 says; In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. No time line there. The 6 days of creation were each of untold length, they were God's days of creation according to his time. The earth already existed, the six days were days for preparing the earth for life and the creation of the life God placed on the earth, the last day of his creating was man and woman, some 6000 years ago.
2018-09-24 03:29:31 UTC
The Bible might have a few things that are based on factual events, but you are a complete fool to believe spirits can create anything anywhere at any time. Atheists understand far more than people like you ever will, because we know better than to believe impossible was, and/or is, possible - no need for proof or tangible evidence - you only need faith? Wow. Faith is your proof. Well, that s great for you, and I wish you all the luck with that. Just be a good believer and STOP trying to put yourself on a pedestal, because that place isn t yours and never will be. Your "god" never told you it is ok to slam, criticize, question, or put your self above anyone who isn t a "believer". Oh - that might actually be a "sin".
2018-09-23 06:38:25 UTC
Bible was not written as a scientific book it was written as fairy tales
2018-09-21 21:41:37 UTC
Of course they do, speaking for the devil's advocate. Why should that be? The Bible is not just wrong on age of the earth, and the 'age' of Creation. It consistently contradicts itself, too, about science and social values. The real issue or problem for the non-scientist, or for people in ranking positions, is how to communicate locally to effect a change in the global picture.
Tom S
2018-09-20 18:25:35 UTC
Well there is nothing "proving" the bible right. We know that the Earth has been around much longer than 6000 years,we've got 7000 year old cheese. People can choose to believe otherwise, it just does not affect reality.
2018-09-16 21:29:09 UTC
The creation of the universe was not mass exploding into space. Rather, it was the creation of space and creation of time, as well. In the early expansion of space-time, measurement of time was not the same as it is today. Furthermore, there is no center of the explosion. Rather, everything is moving away from everything else (and accelerating away).
2018-09-16 10:53:37 UTC
why don’t Christians understand the age of the universe proves the bible wrong?
2018-09-13 13:46:19 UTC
The Bible is actually 2 books edited & printed together by authority of King James when the printing press came to the Bloody Roman Catholic Christians of England. Much of Mankind believes the 2 books are 1. The Tanakh (known as the Old Testament) was written est 200 BC. 9000 years ago. God YHWH is the God of the Tanakh- creater of Earth, it's inhabitants, creatures, & all we know, hear & see. We are Spiritual Beings experiencing mortal lives. Created in the image of YHWH. Now that is known, The New Testament was written in Koien Greek less than 2000 years ago. It is completely separate from the words YHWH spoke to the Hebrews. The New Testament tells of a new god-Jesus. The words of the Tanakh do not create the timeline for the age of the Earth. Earth is approximately 45 Billion years old in mankind's time frame. YHWH's time frame is 1000 years of mankind's time, is but 1 day in God's time table. In all the universes, space & time are eternal.
2018-09-12 09:13:38 UTC
why ( reasons ) don't atheist understand that the AGE of the UNIVERSE does not prove the Bible is WRONG ? ..

. ones ERROR is the use of the PROPOSITION ..

. " we know " EVERYTHING " was created 6000 years ago

... and then said that Scientist discover the Earth is 4.5 Billion years OLD ....

. AGE ( noun) LENGTH of TIME that a person or a THING has EXISTED

YEAR ( noun ) time it takes for the EARTH to make a complete rotation around the sun


the period of 365 days or 366 ( leap year ) starting from the 1st of january used for reckoning TIME in ordinary affairs....

great example of SOME theist conditioning
2018-09-11 01:35:30 UTC
The atheist assertion of millions/billions of years is an evolutionary concept inserted into reality to refute God, not an absolute measurement or observation; just an assumption you never address, and so fail before you begin. Atheists embody contradiction as a lifestyle. There are lots of things that work on paper but not in the real world, but a bit irrational to confuse reality with such things.

This place has become a cesspool of untruth, unfounded unsupported illogical irrational fabricated OPINION. The reason being, almost NOBODY presents any evidence in fact. Atheists don’t use facts or origins, so they don’t have a clue about much. I’ll wager not one person here knows the origin of the myth of millions/billions of years and why and how it began. You can even search for it, Google it, may not find it for several minutes, like it’s obscured, hidden, like most atheist assumptions. Go ahead and try before you read any further. Anyone can test my claims with the evidence/support supplied.

Billions of years is an unfounded unsupported fabricated OPINION originating with Charles Lyell (about 1840), birthed to support the new pseudo-science myth called evolution without any evidence whatsoever (that's right, about the same time as Darwin and Hume, the first humanist). Presented as fact by the humanist curriculum, much of evolution and billions of years is a pathetic bundle of lies based on opinion and materialism, false truth swallowed hook line and sinker as "fact" (for too long) by most of the entire world.

The support for my claim:

Lyell openly declared that he wanted to remove the influence of Moses (the human author of Genesis) from geology, revealing his motivation was spiritual, not scientific [R.S. Porter, “Charles Lyell and the Principles of the History of Geology,” British Journal, IX, 32 no. 2 (1976): 91–103].

This is the reason people are leaving the Church. If millions/billions of years is true, then the Bible is false, destroyed. What is there to believe in? Why do it in the first place? Ah, we see the ulterior motive of millions/billions of years and its creator, Charles Lyell. This is the reason people are leaving the church, because of a falsity of unfounded unsupported OPINION to support the myth of evolution and Darwin. Together with Hume, the first humanist, they were able to impregnate this new creation into our youth through the humanist school curriculum and now the media the world over. The propaganda machine for evolution is very successful in this regard.

Since we are all sheep and just read the headlines on the internet, they pulled the wool over the eyes of the entire world. Sounds like a conspiracy, quacks like one, walks like one. Why is nobody crying foul but me? Prove me wrong please, so I can stop my flag waving, but by definition to be first is either brilliant or rather silly.

If the Pope and religious leaders are telling the world that evolution and millions/billions of years is true and compatible with the Bible, then why wouldn't the average person believe him forthright? Most church leaders have succumbed to the pressures of science, and that is the aim of atheism, to insert doubt, confusion, contradiction, chaos and eventual destruction.

In doing so they have destroyed the accuracy and authority of the Bible, for it is not the same Bible if you change it; a grave sin, by the way. You can believe what you want, but when you preach false belief to others and lead them down that false path, then that is an even more grave sin.

After 2000 years, we still can’t decide what the first two verses of the Bible say; you’ll get 10 different OPINIONS here.

Nobody can successfully insert the myth of millions/billions of years into the Bible. Truth + Fable = LIES. The Bible has stood on its own for millennia and continues to do so; why try to change it now? Because the myth of evolution needs another myth of millions/billions of years in order to be possible? How delusional is that?

In line with the facile view that deniers of verifiable truth are misguided idiots, you are drowning in a sea of refutation, clutching at straws.

Those who assert Genesis is metaphorical really don't have much of a foundation for their faith and are akin to those building their house on sand.

What I would say to the Pope or any other Preacher or Christian leader:

Either drop your materialism or leave the Christian pulpit.

Genesis 1-11 is the eyewitness account of the origin of life and time "In the beginning". Genesis 1 is, itself, the beginning, with the evidence in fact that follows in Genesis 2-11. How could anything else come before the beginning? Neither is there any evidence or indication of the Bible borrowing from an inferior text or any other literature.

Foolish men have been attempting to take apart or add to the Bible for millennia, yet it still stands, unchanged truth, more verified by time. By now, we should "know" what the Bible says. Of the top ten Hebrew departments in major cities around the world, there is no debate over what Genesis 1-11 of the Bible "says." Young Earth, literal six day creation. All agree, the narratives of the Creation event and Noah's Flood in Genesis are both written as literal events of history, documented in technicolor.

That men can speculate about the meaning of the stars, including adding religious interpretations has no bearing whatsoever on Christianity any more than astrology does.

The atheists here haven't even begun to use science and burden of proof. You don't have a position. But if you were to use a “science-only” position, it ignores other well-respected systems for obtaining knowledge. For example, the legal/historical method of discovering truth is used every day.

The legal method does not ignore testimony or facts because they are not reproducible or testable. By a process of elimination and corroboration, the legal method allows history and testimony to speak for itself until a verdict is reached beyond a reasonable doubt, and the balance of probability is achieved.

Biblical evidence of Creation and Noah’s Flood from Genesis qualifies as “observed” evidence by eyewitness account, mostly by verifiable persons (verifiable by the empirical evidence of the genealogy given all the way back to the first man, Adam).

Objectifying the inferences being made and validating everything with secondary lines of evidence as has been done for you in several ways means the burden has been met.. It's just that simple!

So if the Bible wins hands down in every earthly thing we can test, why don’t people trust what it says? The issue is not the truth of Scripture, but vain reasoning and “willful ignorance” (Romans 1:21; 2 Peter 3:5).

Nelson Glueck a Jewish scientist, and universally esteemed as one of the greatest archaeologists, said that no archaeological discovery has ever contradicted the Bible.

Why can't atheists figure out their ignorance does not constitute anybody else's error? Denying the evidence does not make it go away it just makes you look ignorant!
2018-09-10 16:38:07 UTC

temptations from demons

ignore them

2018-09-10 16:05:09 UTC
The age of the universe proves either

- 1) the Israelites who wrote Genesis were wrong, or

- 2) the religious scholars were wrong when adding the generations of biblical characters, or

- 3) the maths are correct, but the people 6000 years ago were not the first humans ever, just those who founded the first Israelite community in Canaan.
Coop 366
2018-09-10 16:01:23 UTC
True but they are stuck in the mire of disbelief and are grabbing anything to show they are correct even when it is wrong.
2018-09-10 15:43:53 UTC
Who said it was 6,000 years old? I’m an Athiest but it is much more than that. That’s not much further back than when the Egyptian Pyramids were built. We even had humans back then. You would have to go much much further back to even get to Neanderthals. Let alone to the beginning of life.
2018-09-10 12:27:11 UTC
That's like god put fossils in the earth to give it a back story. Please don't be ignorant.
2018-09-10 11:34:57 UTC
Why don't atheists understand the age of the universe doesn't prove the Bible wrong?

- It proves genesis wrong.

We have determined that the world is about 6,000 years old by calculating *human lineage*.

- Yes, you have, and since ALL of the lineage is made up, the 6000 years is a fantasy.

We know that everything was created around 6,000 years ago,

- Only idiots "know" that.

But that doesn't mean it wasn't created 6,000 years ago!

- You can't prove that everything was not created 5 minutes ago with all of the memories you presently have.

THINK, man!

- We do, you obviously don't.

You really think the GOD could be wrong?

- You really think a god actually exists?
2018-09-10 06:14:15 UTC
Science is based on PROOFS.

Bible = novel based on human imagination. See the difference?
2018-09-10 04:54:44 UTC
I'm almost certain you are a troll, but you bring up a good point. There is no way to argue that. Maybe God created the universe 2 years ago and created us all with false memories. Perhaps this explains the Mandela effect. We have false memories of a Sinbad movie about a genie because no movies existed prior to 2016.
MAGA Carta
2018-09-10 03:40:22 UTC
You bring up a good point. Adam and eve were created as adults, not babies. Likewise, the earth and universe may have been created in a matured state.
2018-09-10 03:15:34 UTC
Not to upset you or anything but I don't understand.

"scientists look at our planet, they find that Earth is 4.5 billion years old.." ok. So the 🌏is that old. I understand this.

"But that doesn't mean it wasn't created 6,000 years ago!"

why? Just giving effect to your comment. I usually put a question in my comments, too and answer them. (it's an actually question, too)

"God created it that old.."

Which number are you referring to when you say "God created it that old"? 4 billion or 6,000?

"because it had to be at a certain level of maturity to be ripe enough for us!"

Ok. I just need to clarify what you mean please.
2018-09-24 22:43:23 UTC
It doesn't prove it wrong, only the description of the age of the universe
2018-09-17 17:34:09 UTC
I like to believe in fairy tales like the bible. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing a book written by man that is full of falsehoods, lies, and hatred is real.
2018-09-17 10:48:49 UTC
I'm sure most of 'us' know that the Bible does not unfold like a Stephen King novel, or even like a CNN Headline News story. But still, it's a human interest, to speculate on Creation.

If you tell me about Adam and Eve and the Garden and the Tree was a true story, I would check on your mental health issues. It's an allegory and if that poses a challenge, you might be okay anyway. But listen to the story, find the meaning, or ask someone for meaning.
2018-09-16 11:29:25 UTC
man has been on the earth over six thousand years but the earth was created long before that
2018-09-16 06:40:25 UTC
It's not atheists you need to convince, it's your fellow young-earth creationists.
Kazoo M
2018-09-13 22:12:05 UTC
Sadly, both believers and non-believers become so distant from the actual meaning of the Bible.

Remember, the Bible is not a book of science nor should we attempt to view the word with a purely logical meaning.

As the Conciliar Document Dei Verbum points out, it is the book of the Word of God addressed to mankind via a message of love written by God to all of humanity in a language that dates back 2,000 or 3,000 years.

Furthermore, authors take liberty with their subject - the author of Genesis did, he uses a form of ancient writing that is far different from most of the history that authors write today. The above stylistic writing is called "genre litteraire", or literary form.
2018-09-13 03:43:19 UTC
Why don't Young Earth Christians admit that Bishop Ussher's work was a crock?
2018-09-12 12:41:07 UTC
Don't use god to explain your own ignorance about time lines. The biggest fraud perpetrated upon mankind came from those who wrote down on paper their own thoughts and desires and said they came from god! And the bible is simple answers for simple minds. Probable like yours. Have a nice day!
2018-09-10 18:04:24 UTC
Ah, so you think something can be 5 years old but only created a week ago - very interesting.
2018-09-10 15:00:05 UTC
"Of course when scientists look at our planet, they find that Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and when they look at the universe, they find that it's 13.8 billion years old because that's their age!! But that doesn't mean it wasn't created 6,000 years ago2

pass that by me again- cos I would say thats EXACTLY what it means

"God created it that old because it had to be at a certain level of maturity to be ripe enough for us! "

This dont make sense-

WHY does it have to be "ripe enough for us"

If you can create something 6000 years ago that looks like its 4.5 bill years old why couldnt you create creatures to live on it 6000 years ago? - (i.e why the f//k would it need to be "ripe"?)
2018-09-10 05:26:39 UTC
No, you have *claimed*. Big difference. There is copious evidence that the human lineage on Earth is ancient, and even more copious evidence that Earth is far older still. I think you're a Poe, though.


2018-09-10 04:58:39 UTC
Oh, but it does. Genesis says the Earth is 6000 years old. Science says the Earth is 4.56 billion years old. You can't have it both ways.

"If science disagrees with your holy book, that's too bad for your holy book. The universe is not going to rearrange itself to support your delusions".
Vincent G
2018-09-10 04:17:17 UTC
So what you are saying is that your imaginary god would have made something that is deliberately misleading?

And with infinite knowledge and insight, decided to not give the required 13 billion years to reach the present time just so that a stupid book could be "right"?

And you think we are going to accept that?

You are dumber than I thought.
2018-09-10 04:16:00 UTC
Your first and second sentences are totally WRONG.

Get your head out of the Bible and back into a Science book.
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2018-09-10 04:06:21 UTC
The universe does not come with a date stamp. Scientists who claim that it does are making metaphysical claims and are either unaware of this, or are outright lying to you.
2018-09-10 03:44:09 UTC
The age of my sagging behind doesn't disprove my noted abilities as a stripper, either, but that doesn't mean anyone's lining up with cash-in-hand, if you get my drift.
Dave D
2018-09-10 03:41:52 UTC
Troll alert!!! Why do so many atheists resort to this sort of thing?
2018-09-10 03:18:29 UTC
People have been arguing about words since before the tower of Babel
2018-09-10 03:14:51 UTC
If you want us Christians to believe you are not an islamic terrorist

2018-09-10 03:14:50 UTC
The Age Estimates are in constant flux as technological capabilities to see deeper into the Universe increase. We cannot trust the figures presented in more than a nominal sense. Regardless, God could make certain objects more Energetic or Light Emitting than others and what does it matter to you from a perspective of time? These things would be classified by Primitives only as descriptive signals of age. Age is inconsequential, only energy within the context of utility has descriptive or functional worth.
2018-09-13 19:36:51 UTC
"We have determined that the world is about 6,000 years old by calculating *human lineage*."

Just too, too funny. It's scary how many people think the bible is a history book.
2018-09-11 15:11:07 UTC
You sound confused.

WHY do you need to invent EXCUSES for your God?

WHY do you think YOU KNOW what a GOD thinks or WHY he did something?

I call it delusional and megalomania!
2018-09-10 16:37:11 UTC
Atheists have the education and intelligence to know the truth and live in reality!

The bible is what is called "Faction” A fictional story set in a factual time and place. Thus the time, place and real historical characters are all correct but the fictional characters and stories are not!

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!

Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until several hundred years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books more than a hundred years after they would have been dead?

Christianity is an invention of the Italians and that is why it came from the Holy ROMAN Catholic church!

Please realize that those claims for the Old historians are worthless since they were not even born until long after everyone in the stories would have been so long dead!

Josephus AD 37 – AD 100

Tacitus AD 56 – AD 120

Suetonius - 69 – 130 AD

Pliny the Younger, 61 AD – 112 AD

Justin Martyr (Saint Justin) AD103–165 AD

Lucian - AD 120 -180 AD but he was hostile to Christianity and openly mocked it.

Pamphilius AD 240-309 AD

Eusebius AD 263 – 339 AD

Photius AD 877 – 886 AD

Thallus - But there are no actual record of him except a fragment of writing which mentions the sack of Troy [109 BC] Showing that he was clearly not alive in biblical times.

Some even try to use Seneca. 4 BCE – 65 CE but as a Stoic Philosopher he opposed religion yet made not a single mention of a Jesus or Christianity!

Even funnier is trying to claim Celsus AD ? – 177 AD Who said that Jesus was a Jew who’se mother was a poor Jewish girl whose husband, who was a carpenter, drove her away because of her adultery with a Roman soldier named Panthera. She gave birth to an illegitimate child named Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus became learned in sorcery and upon his return presented himself as a god.
2018-09-10 13:09:20 UTC
How about coming back to GOD and history? A Federal Law was passed about 2008 that requires that ALL of the History in the Bible is now Required to be taught in ALL Public schools, because ALL of the History in the Bible have anything from three to over 250 proofs confirming ALL of the Bible!

In 2007 the Order was finished to Test every single item that the Atheists had claimed as their proofs, was done. And Scientists discovered that ALL that the Atheists had used are Fakes! Most of what the Atheists have claimed to be billions/millions of years old, are Not even fossils! The majority are New BONES! BONEs so new that most of them still have dried blood in them! And All form already known of animals to make each of their fake ones! Like there is no such thing as 'cavemen'!

Come to GOD and real Facts!

Ask any atheists, even their scientists, to explain how anything they claim to beleive, could have develop into their next belief. None can!
2018-09-10 12:22:55 UTC
So basically your entire argument is your god created earth 6000 years old but made it look like its 4.5 billion years old? That is total logical fallacy.

Why would an alleged god go to so much trouble to conceal the true age of our planet? Sounds more like you are trying to dig the bible out of a hold nonsense.

Do I really think god could be wrong? Atheists do not believe in any gods. What is so difficult about the concept. If you don't believe god exists, there is no higher being there to be wrong about anything. The bible is man made. Written by fallible men.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2018-09-10 03:19:17 UTC
The universe proves the Bible is wrong.

That is because the cosmos that the Bible describes its god as having created is not the universe that science has uncovered, and which you yourself apparently accept as being real.

That is because the Bible describes a god-created cosmos that does not actually exist. Since that cosmos is a manifestation and attribute of that god, the god who created the non-existing biblical cosmos does not exist either.

Note: Because only a few verses would not make the case, the material below is necessarily quite extensive and shows that the Bible has a consistent view of the structure of the cosmos throughout, with parts that are fully consistent with each other. That structural consistency indicates that it accurately represents the cosmos as conceived by the writers of the Bible.

According to Ecclesiastes 1:5 the sun goes (hasteth) around the earth

"The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose"

--as, of course, it must, since, according to Ps 93:1, Ps 96:10, and 1 Chr 16:30, the earth does not move. And the earth cannot move because, according to 1 Samuel 2:8 and Ps 75:3, it is placed on pillars. And because it is placed on pillars, it has an underside and an upper side, as confirmed by Isaiah 40:22 which indicates that the earth is a circle--i.e., a flat disk.

That is also confirmed by Proverbs 8:27, which describes god as beginning the creation of the world when he "drew a circle on the face of the deep" (ESV). The Hebrew word translated as “circle,” "compass, “ and “horizon” in the different Bibles is the same word used for circle in Isaiah 40:22. The ancient Hebrews would have gotten the idea of a circular earth by viewing the horizon from the top of a mountain.

(The Hebrew word translated as "circle" in Isaiah 40:22 is chuwg, which means "circle" not "sphere." Strong's Concordance: "circle"..."describe a circle." Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament: "Circle...the earth conceived as a disc, Is 40:22." Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old Testament: "draw round, make a circle." If Isaiah actually meant "sphere" he could have used the Hebrew word duwr, meaning "ball" as he did in Isaiah 22:18.)

(But what is particularly significant is that the Jewish scholars who translated the Hebrew scriptures into the Greek Septuagint during the third century B.C. used the Greek word gyron--γῦρον--meaning circle, instead of "sphaíra"--σφαίρα--meaning sphere, for their translation of the Hebrew chuwg in Isaiah 40:22. So those scholars CLEARLY understood what Isaiah was saying, in contrast to those today who ignorantly say that chuwg means "sphere.")

Underneath the flat disk of the earth is the abyss, the bottomless pit, which is referred to several times in the Bible (ex. Rev. 9:1,2).

That is also what is being referred to in Job 26:7 when it says that the earth hangs over nothing. (The Hebrew word translated "upon" in the KJV also means "over.") The actual sphere of the earth in space is not "suspended' or "hanging" "over" or "upon" nothing. It is orbiting the sun at 66,700 miles per hour. If the earth can be considered "hanging" over anything, it is the sun, which certainly is NOT nothing.

Several other verses in the Bible also indicate the earth is flat, such as Nebuchadnezzar's vision in Dan 4:10-11 (the tree could not be seen from all the earth if it were not flat). Dan 2:28 states that the visions of Nebuchadnezzar are from God. If the biblical god says the biblical earth is flat, it must be flat.

The original Hebrew word translated as firmament is raqiya, which is a noun derived from the Hebrew word raqa. That word is a verb meaning "to beat out," and is used in the bible in reference to beating out metal into plates or expanses of the metal (as in Exodus 39:3). So raqiya, as a noun, would literally mean "that which is beaten out."

The biblical firmament, or sky, is therefore a solid, beaten out expanse or vault set on the rim of the flat disk of the earth. That is confirmed in Job 37:18, which states:

"Can you beat out the vault of the skies as he does,

hard as a mirror of cast metal?" (New English Bible).

There, the Hebrew word translated as "beat out" (or "spread out" in other versions) is, as noted above, raqa.

The solid, or firm, nature of the biblical firmament is also indicated by Proverbs 8:27-28:

27. When he established the heavens...

28. When he made firm the skies above... [ASV, ESV, NRSV, NASV, NAB]

The Hebrew word translated as "firm" there is amats, which has a meaning of "be hard".

The solid vault of heaven is also implied in verses such as Deut 4:32:

"Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created man on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of?"

The "ends of heaven" would be the base of the vault of heaven where it rests on the rim of the disk of the earth.

See also Ps 19:1-6, Isaiah 13:4-5, and, particularly, Matt 24:31, which states Jesus as saying:

"And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

The elect are those on the earth who will be saved in the last days. Jesus is saying there that the angels would gather the elect from all over the earth, from one side, or end, of the base of the vault of heaven to the other side or end, from the east, west, north, and south, which is what the reference to the four winds means.

Isaiah 34:4 likewise indicates that the firmament is solid rather than being the upper atmosphere or the emptiness of space.

"the skies will roll up like a scroll,

and all the stars will fall"

The material making up the vault of the firmament will roll up, and the stars that were attached to it will fall to the earth.

The solid vault of heaven has a specific purpose in the Bible. As the Genesis story in chapter one indicates, the whole cosmos consisted of water before the creation process began. As it is described in the Genesis creation story, god created the firmament of heaven on the second day so it would hold back the waters above the firmament when he created the earth on the third day.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.

So that passage clearly indicates that the purpose of the solid firmament was to hold back the waters above the heaven. Furthermore, those waters continued to exist in the biblical cosmos, as indicated by Psalm 104:1-3 and Psalm 148:4. Also, the firmament of heaven has windows that are opened to let the water above the firmament fall as rain, as indicated by Genesis 7:11 and 8:2,

The stars in the biblical cosmos are just lights set in the firmament. As mere lights in the sky, they will fall to the earth in the Last Days (Matt 24:29), which conflicts with finding that the actual stars are other suns and many times larger than the earth.

So, according to the Bible the earth is a flat, immovable disk, supported by pillars and covered with a solid vault of heaven, the rim of which is is resting on the perimeter of the disk of the earth, and the stars are just lights set in the vault of heaven.

That this is the correct view of the biblical cosmos is shown by the fact that it describes a structure with parts that are fully consistent with each other. That structural consistency indicates that it accurately represents the cosmos as conceived by the ancient Hebrews and as its writers incorporated that view in the Bible.

In addition, according to the Bible, earth is the centerpiece of creation and in the Last Days god will destroy the earth and the heavens and create a new heaven and earth as part of his plan for mankind. (2 Peter 3:10-13).

Is that really realistic considering the vastness of the universe and its enormous number of galaxies? In the actual universe that science has uncovered, the earth is an insignificant mote, even more insignificant than the size of an atom is with respect to the size of the earth. Watch this three-minute video.

It is the height of geocentric IDIOCY to think that the whole universe was created merely for the sake of the earth and its inhabitants.

All of which goes to show that the cosmos of the Bible does not exist, and therefore, because that cosmos is an attribute and manifestation of that god, the god who created that cosmos does not exist either.

So, if one fully accepts the modern, present-day view of the universe as factual, then one would have to conclude that the Bible reflects the ignorant, myth-based beliefs of its writers and is not the word of god.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.