Why is your religion the right religion?
2014-10-18 03:52:19 UTC
There are over 40000 denominations of christanity alone. Why do you believe yoursis the right one? As an atheist we reject god the same way you reject the gods of other religions. As atheists we go one god further.
86 answers:
2014-10-20 15:48:48 UTC
The "right religion" is not necessarily a single tradition or denomination so much as it pertains to a general, philosophical thread that runs through most of what we call "religion." I will, perhaps, go out on a proverbial limb to say that by "religion" we tend to mean a system of beliefs, philosophical tenets and rituals that aim to connect or reconnect the individual to the Absolute Whole.

Now, to be very clear, I am a Gaudiya Vaisnava. The expression of reconnecting the individual to the Absolute Whole that Vaisnavism takes is that of non-material souls realizing they are part and parcel of a personal God not too dissimilar to the Abrahamic view. If the question becomes why I choose the Vaisnava tradition over others, the short answer is that I've found it to be the most satisfying philosophically and practically. I have found that through it I can better understand other teachings as well. Does this mean that I believe all others to be wrong? Not at all. After all, religion is given to a people according to the time, place and circumstance.

Regarding your "one god further" statement, the assumption here is that the follower of one religion denies the existence of the god of another. This isn't necessarily true. While disagreements over certain specifics can be identified, in so far as each religion is pointing to some sort of supreme absolute reservoir, essence or foundation for all existence, they are all referring to the same "God."
2014-10-19 07:44:12 UTC
There are less than a dozen major religions in the world.

Yes there are many denominations but most of them barely differ from each other. Just because a church believes that baptism should occur at a different time or that women shouldn't be pastors does not mean that all the basic beliefs aren't the same. And even than there are only about a dozen major denominations of christianity.
2014-10-18 14:13:01 UTC
The right religion is the one that is true. All religions have some truth in them. If a religion was completely false no one would follow it. For example, all religion has a moral aspect. Doing good, not evil is a common aspect. No one in their right mind follows a religion that is all evil.

If you want to look at specific religions then we are getting into history. Christianity is based on a historical claim. That Jesus rose from the dead. This is what the early followers claimed despite being martyred. This is evidence because no one dies for what they know is false. One could die for a lie if they think it is true, but not if they know it is false. The disciples of Jesus eye witnessed his resurrection and then proceeded to go out and proclaim he is risen even to the point of death. So it is not a case of being mistaken since they are the witnesses. I don't think anyone who reads the NT would get the impression that they didn't in fact believe what they preached.
2014-10-18 20:52:26 UTC
I honestly believe from my experience Jehovah's Witnesses are the most sincere. They are really living by, and studying the Bible. And they actually preach despite the persecution. And they are not doing it for money they hand out too many free publications and books with zero pressure of donations from any members. That's a sincere religion.

People bash their Bible but the KJB was not relaying the message 400 years later and also has some evidence of influence from King James and his translators, imo. So they went back to the source and produced a current very pure and honest translation of the Bible. With special care to preserve the accuracy and message even when it conflicted with mainstream and even their own prior theology. Anonymously! Credentials were requested. Seriously? I couldn't translate Dr. Suess to Spanish. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
2014-10-19 08:36:43 UTC
I don't think that such thing as "the right religion" really exist, because all is about what you believe, and believing is not knowing, and saying that what one believes is the right or the truth just because one believes it is damn wrong.

Does god or Jesus exist? The answer is really uncertain; some believe they do, some believe the contrary, some believe just one of them does; but all that are just beliefs, nobody really knows the truth about all this, then we cannot claim like we knew that what we believe is the right or truth until we REALLY KNOW.

And what we know is what we experience, and what we experience is what we live, and we live with our senses, and what we sense is the only thing we can claim and surely affirm is real.

I fear that Theist and Atheist never get to understand this.

So; as religions are based on a god/deities, Jesus; so what the correct answer about what the "right" religion is is so uncertain as knowing the correct answer about if god/deities or Jesus exist and their histories are true.
2014-10-18 12:00:30 UTC
There is no "one right religion". And no two people practice exactly the same religion. Religion is personal, and everyone's relationship with their religion is different, even within a family. The main tenants of most religion are love, acceptance, cooperation, and faith. Only the allegories and our interpretations of them are different. It's a brilliant design, if you think about it. Regardless of what "higher power" you believe in, whether it be God, Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, The Ancestors, Star Woman, Ishtar, Quantum Physics, or Science, we all have our own stories as to why we believe the things we do.
2014-10-20 06:32:34 UTC
When I think about Jehovah our creator and how powerful he is, surely he can have records on how he wants to be worship. John 4:24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.” The Bible give us a clear understanding on how God want to be worship. Anything short of that is not acceptable.

There is only one true religion.​—Matthew 7:13, 14.

True religion is identified by its teachings and practices.​—Matthew 7:16, 17.

Jehovah’s Witnesses practice the worship that God approves.​—Isaiah 43:10.”

“base their teachings on the Bible 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

worship only Jehovah and make his name known Matthew 6:9, Revelation 4:11, and Psalms 83:18

show genuine love for one another John 13:34:35

accept Jesus as God’s means of salvation John 17:3 , John 14:6

are no part of the world

preach God’s Kingdom as man’s only hope”
2014-10-18 09:48:21 UTC
When it comes to religion Jesus gave identifying marks to make sure we were following the right one. Here are the ways you can tell if your in the right religion or which one to follow.(1). on what is there teachings based? Are they from God, or are they largely from men 2Timothy 3:16 and Mark 7:7 (2).Consider whether it is making known the name of God. Jesus said in prayer to God: I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world. John 17:6 (3) Is true faith in Jesus Christ being demonstrated John 3:36 (4) Is it largely ritualistic, a formality, or is it a way of life? God strongly disapproves of religion that is merely a formalistic Isaiah 1:15-17.(5) Do its members truly love one another John 13:35 (6) Is it truly separate from the world which means no involvement in politics, war and our life build around material things John 15:19 and last (7) Are its members active witnesses concerning Gods kingdom. Matthew 24:14. What religion is really proclaiming God's Kingdom as the hope of mankind instead of encouraging people to look to human ruler ship to solve their problems. But In order to know which one is the truth you must examine God's word the bible first and that's were Jehovah Witness can help you to see the meaning of Gods word. If you like to learn more please visit
2014-10-19 13:48:14 UTC
I believe mine teaches what is true. I can find truths in other religions, but they are also in mine.

I can find truth in atheism because, as you say, it rejects gods which are false. My religion does that,too. I am convinced there is God which atheism denies, therefore I choose my religion over atheism.

While I don not have a list for every religion in the world for the error that ,ales me prefer my religion, they can be categorized into groups that I can reject with one falsehood. For example, I reject all Christianities that teach sola scripture because I am convinced it is false.

I think my question is not fully responsive because I have only answered how and not why. A full answer would require a list of religions, the teaching I think false, and why I think it false. This is more voluminous for me than you, because you can reject all religions that have a god, leaving incomplete only religions without a god.
2014-10-18 15:17:20 UTC
40,000 ? Not even close . Do your homework. The way to know if we have the right and proper God is simple. TRY HIM ! If you're willing to do the work you will find the true God of the Bible, Just remember, God can't be fooled. So if you're doing it to disprove HIM you simply won't find , hear or feel God in your life. But if you give yourself a chance you will come to know the goodness and greatness of God..
Joe Fox
2014-10-18 04:14:17 UTC
"Salvation through Christ" is the main pivot point of Christianity. Its essentially the ultimate life decision from a christian standpoint that sets your eternal destination. Any other beliefs that come after that had inadvertently become open to interpretation depending on the biases of each individual. Whether or not someone reads scripture more liberally or conservatively, none of that stuff really matters, just different interpretations of how god is god in there lives. Liberal interpretation: well... 1 day could've been billions of years for god. Conservative interpretation: 6 days means 6 days
2014-10-18 04:02:33 UTC
40000, huh? I hear that figure day in and day out... but it's a huge misnomer.

There are actually only a few mainstream **Divisions** of Christianity. The many *Denominations* of Christianity are divided on secondary issues, not the primary core values of Christianity.

If they were divided on those, then they wouldn't be called Christianity!

The core Christian values that most denominations believe (in layman's terms for you):

1. God made the entire universe and loves creation, and loves us.

2. Mankind rebelled against God and the Fall of Man happened, plunging us into a world of suffering and rejection of God.

4. Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah, the Son of God.

5. Jesus died and paid the price for our sin, so that we wouldn't have to, though we deserved to pay it ourselves

6. This is called Grace, and it grants us the perspective to love others as He has loved us, and be dead to sin and instead be alive in Christ.

7. All those who are in Christ are saved through him, and he is the only way to salvation and eternal life.

All legitimate Christian denominations believe these things, even the mainstream Divisions such as Greek Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic.

They may differ on secondary issues like how to structure church leadership, or what they think of evolution or whatever,


Focus on the primary issues. Christians are united in these.
2014-10-18 04:00:29 UTC
I belive that to understand the way the universe works you must combined some aspects of science anf religion. God = Greater being that we have a limited understanding of, think of an average American going back in time to the 11th century with an Smartphone, and antibiotics, and a car ect... the people of that time would precive these things as magic, but in reality we know them for what they are, advanced tech. So God, or the creator(s) to us are the same, beings with such advanced tech that even us in this day an age would view them as "Magic"

Having faith is not a bad thing, anyone who told you it is has severly dimiished your likability. Beliving in nothing is the equivalent of being an overbering Jew/Muslim/Catholic/Christian, your intentions may be good, but you still come off sounding like a jerk.
K Man
2014-10-20 00:27:47 UTC
To be honest it's doesn't manner what religion is the right religion, it's choice of your judgement witch religion is the right for you, weather it's Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Atheism,Secularism,Witchcraft, Voodoo or other religions is your own religion as long they are not illegal in your community.
Homam Jumaa
2014-10-18 15:43:59 UTC
Because, it makes sense.

I believe that this world has to have a creator, simply like your computer a lot of physical principles makes it run but at the end there is a designer who made that run. My religion is simple believing in that god.

My religion states that this god is the very mercy full and he is the most mercy full. So, he will not punish people who do bad unless he warn them, so he has sent us messengers to warn us that our bad doing can lead us to the sever punishment in this life and the next. So, we believe that he is our creator and he has warn us and guided us to the truth by his prophets such as Ibrahem Noah Moses Jesus and Mohammed peace be upon them all.

My religion is Islam that is the complete obedience surrender to him who has left for us the Quraan to further know him and know the truth.
2014-10-19 21:21:48 UTC
You are right about there being thousands of religions, but why is that? The Bible itself tells us why. 2 Peter 1 and 2 "However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct, and because of them the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively."

Some things that so called Christians are doing: Living together without being married, thus bringing children into the world who do not know their fathers is wrong in God's eyes. Homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes. These are only two of many wrongs committed by "so called Christians."

The Bible tells us that there is a world empire of false religion. The Scriptures even give her a name "Babylon the Great." The Scriptures call her a harlot and a prostitute. Rev.17:5 and 6

"On her forehead was written a name, a mystery, 'Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the disgusting things of the earth.' And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus."

Jesus tells us about false religion and true religion and what is happening even today. Matthew 7: 13 and 14 "Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it."

Yes, these thousands of so called Christians and other forms of religions that do not cling to God's Word of pure truth are on that broad and spacious road.

True followers of Christ are doing the will of his Father, Jehovah in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. Only God's Kingdom can and will rid this earth of the root of every problem we face, Satan the Devil and all who follow him by means of false religion. Yes, God's Kingdom of which Jesus Christ is King will take over earth's affairs fulfilling these Scriptures.

Psalms 37:10 No more wicked people to contend with

Psalms 46:9 No more wars that now cause much sorrow and death.

Psalms 37:11 and 29 Exquisite delight even forever for those who want to be subjects of God's Kingdom.

Revelation 21:3 and 4 No more tears, pain, mourning or even death.

Find the truthful answers to your Bible questions at

My religion tells me God's name, God's purpose for the human family and our beautiful home, earth and why things are what they are today. I love the prospect of a bright and wonderful future that only God's Word and our studying of it gives us.
2014-10-21 03:47:39 UTC
Islam is the correct religion and the only religion accepted by God. All the prophets were Muslim because they came with the message which is to believe in one God. Jesus (peace be upon him) delivered the same message. Sadly we find people worshiping him, then what was the point of the actual message God had sent him with? God guide us all to the truth Ameen :)
2014-10-19 22:57:54 UTC
There is no one true religion.

Everyone's opinion on the matter is purely of their own reasons only; if it suits them, they will proceed to cherish that religion and make it seem superior in their eyes.

I've figured that bit out for myself, and I'm not saying it'd be great for anyone else to follow it, but it'd be a good step in my eyes as I agree in it myself. I mean, I'm an atheist, but I'm not saying we all should be. Just that we all need to simply respect our opinions on the matter and stop shoving them down unwilling throats.
2014-10-19 10:51:38 UTC
My religion is the right one on two counts.

A. It is based upon 'Love' and directed towards 'Perfection'.

B. It opens the door to heaven to all of us that believes in Jesus since He rose from the dead to prove this point to us.
2014-10-18 19:07:09 UTC
It's so easy, we only have three religions that came through revelation: Islam, christianity, judaism. You just have to see every religion's proofs and facts and evidences and i'm pretty sure you'll find the right one because God didn't sent religion to confuse His servants, it's to guide them to the right path and for that He sent proofs and evidences with the right religion and make it clear to all. So just try and make your own research about and to make it short try to start with Islam.

Good luck
2014-10-18 18:20:24 UTC
Guys, I think I had a change of heart, I think I now believe that the internet should be a religion. Everyone on the internet is a whole, which is what a religion usually is about. When it comes to food, they're all meat lovers; when it comes to their looks they all have heads, a veiny body, and the balls of their feet; even when it comes to their names, they're all terrible.
Richard B
2014-10-20 21:38:07 UTC
My religion is the right one for me; but I don't believe it is the right one for everybody because each person has his/her own experience of the divine and from that come the ethics by which people will attempt to lead their lives.
2014-10-20 23:38:48 UTC
My religion is the right religion for me. Atheism is right for you. If I am wrong I lost nothing. If you're wrong you lost everything. Have a good night.
2014-10-21 07:59:12 UTC
I have no religion, but I will chime in here. We cannot know which religion is "right". Everyone is obviously going to say "my religion is right because it came from (insert god here)." In my opinion (I am a rationalist), I think that people should believe in what they believe. If you find it right, then good for you! Just keep your faith and stick to your ideals
2014-10-20 17:58:56 UTC
I don't believe there is 'one right religion'... religion is a set of beliefs and practices. If you're following one that you believe in then it's the right one for you.
2014-10-18 04:10:50 UTC
I'm a Jew I respect other religions but don't follow them. We have a higher amount of rules than Gentiles but God allows many paths to his love.
2014-10-18 05:36:39 UTC
That's right you go one God to many. There is only "one truth" and you reject it.

I believe there are many congregations of the Truth. Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, Etc.

So we have minor differences but we believe in one God, Jesus.
Bobby Jim
2014-10-18 07:47:04 UTC
Fulfilled Bible prophesies establish the Bible and Christianity in particular as being the one true faith.

Forget all the Christian denominations; just find a good Bible teaching Christian Church and prepare to be amazed.
2014-10-20 04:29:54 UTC
there is no such thing as right or wrong since they are all derivatives from the one souce with major modifications as such. The one source generally means ancient wisdom teachings which in fact deny the existence of the one true God for us all and rely upon Nature as the source of all things in cosmos Om Shantih.
2014-10-18 04:18:19 UTC
Because It's from Allah

It's Islaam

I only read the title

2014-10-20 09:30:48 UTC
My religion is Islam . It is best in the world.
2014-10-19 16:43:22 UTC
I personally do not believe that any religion is the right religion, Simply because all religions were created by man-kind and not God................... For it can not be found in any-where in any Bible that God choose one religion over another religion.............. Also any bible that says differently was created by that religion to fool man-kind into accepting their words over the truth of God words, Like most man made religions do........................
2014-10-18 04:10:59 UTC
Only 2,000 in the USA. Where is your big difference at?

Get "Nelson's Book Of Denominations"! it basically describes all 2,000 of them
2014-10-20 09:30:18 UTC
Because I am human....hear me roar.

Just kidding.

Its all about the inside. Which has a lot to do with the interpretation of the outside.

All those sides come together to form "my side" in the brain.

Does that communicate well? =/
2014-10-20 14:00:03 UTC
islam is my religion, the only religion that is true in this world but people dont belief in this just because you cant see god

i think those people are stupid

islam is the best religi
2014-10-19 13:08:07 UTC
well if i didn't believe i was right then i wouldn't believe in my way at all.

i do my best to respect other's beliefs and faiths. even if i don't agree with them or think they are valid. i know that i don't have anything in my bag of evidence either.
2014-10-18 05:42:42 UTC
All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is God. Even Islam although they shall have a hard time in Hell
2014-10-18 09:16:19 UTC
Mormons are MODERN DAY CHRISTIAN JEWS...we have all the jews had

living prophets


the rroyal malkezedek priesthood

the royal Aaronic priesthood

the SEALING power

the abrahamaic covenant

all others are watered down
2014-10-18 13:46:12 UTC

Because God Himself says so. He's the One who established it in the first place.

< of christanity alone.>>

So it's 40,000 now?

< one god further.>>

No. As atheists, you don't do any god at all.


I don't call seeing you attribute any of your claims to any sources. . . . !

< please substantiate claims.>>

Again, You didn't attribute a single one of your claims to a single source. The whole "substantiate your claims" bs goes both ways!


Fox8 What? What SPECIFICALLY are you attributing to "FOX*!?!?!

< to find spirituality.>>

Take it from experts in spirituality - believers in God - it MAKES NO SENSE to be spiritual when has no belief in a higher power! The whole "I'm spiritual but not religious" - that's a SHAM for the confused and the lost!

< answered my question.>>

Oh, I answered.
2014-10-18 09:00:16 UTC
i would invite everyone to read the history of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints.

i believe the testimony of a 14 year old boy named Joseph smith jr. he was very sensitive about joining a church, and one day after reading James 1:4-5, he determined to ask God because he lacked the wisdom to know which church to he went to a place to pray... subsequently he received his First Vision.
Sleepy Mike
2014-10-18 10:51:29 UTC
Atheists are not a religion at all. The Mormons are right....I saw it on South Park.
2014-10-18 20:01:43 UTC
The Quran has never been altered. Teachings and practices have stayed the same. It has always been true. The end.
2014-10-22 13:23:57 UTC
My religion is the very best, NONE!
2014-10-22 00:56:54 UTC
My religion is the very best, NONE!
2014-10-21 00:56:22 UTC
My religion is the very best, NONE!
2014-10-20 20:40:03 UTC
My religion is the very best, NONE!
2014-10-18 04:01:27 UTC
Cornholio the Great!

Cornholio continually needs TP for his bunghole - is the only True Religion!
🤔 Jay
2014-10-18 04:02:55 UTC
Golly but I hate to repeat, but...

All religions are Man-made hokum!

That's all as in every!
2014-10-18 20:45:15 UTC
I believe that the gods of all religions are real, follow the god(s) of your own people and you are correct.
2014-10-19 15:54:29 UTC
There is one church of Christ. When you start talking about denominations you are talking about the buildings, and people who focus on different aspects of how to learn, worship and fellowship, you are not talking about different religions or even different churches. All who are honestly followers of Christ are members of the one universal church.
2014-10-19 13:32:39 UTC
My religion is the very best, NONE!
2014-10-19 13:00:50 UTC
there is no "right" religion, because all religions are man-made......//

2014-10-19 11:39:08 UTC
Adherence to God and God's Word the Bible above all else in their lives.

Follows the pattern set by Jesus Christ.

Uses God's name as He wants us too. (Psalm 83:18)

Preaches the good news of God's kingdom as Jesus and His disciples did. (Matthew 28:19,20)

Each one values their relationship with God and his commands in every area of their lives.

They don't think of their form of worship as a religion, but as a form of true worship the way God directs us from the Bible

(Matthew 7:21-23)

The primary book of worship is only the Bible

God's spirit and His word is alive and affects your life in the greatest most beneficial way (Isaiah 48:17,18)(Hebrews 4;12)(John 4:23,24)!

Visit JW.ORG to learn more
2014-10-19 11:37:38 UTC
I have never claimed that my religion is the 'right' one and I never will.
2014-10-19 11:34:14 UTC
It is not my religion it is the bible. It is true because it is from God's mouth and God is the almighty.
2014-10-19 10:30:03 UTC
Because It's from Allah

It's Islaam

I only read the title

2014-10-19 09:18:18 UTC
My Religion is Islam and i know its the right Religion because there is only one God in this world and he only made this world and he only made us and some mad people are thinking that there are many Gods and Godesses who helped create this world but its not true there is only one God [Allah] and He only made this universe. Thank you and if anyone doesnt like my comment please dont comment anything bad about my Religion [Islam] .
2014-10-19 08:10:05 UTC
Being a student of comparative religion, having seriously done studies on various religions for personal reasons, I am positive that Islam is the 'Ultimate Truth'.

You shall know why I said so if you watch these clips:
2014-10-19 05:09:25 UTC
You should learn to speak for yourself, atheists cannot "reject" what does not exist, "rejection" suggests existence.
2014-10-19 02:26:47 UTC
That overall decision of some people.
brother trucker
2014-10-18 21:17:00 UTC
I never said my religion was the right one. As a matter of fact I don't believe it is.

I don't think Gods will will ever be known until we sit down together as the family of man and discuss the truths God, the Creator of all has given to all the members of the human race. Only then will Gods entire truth be realized and mankind will find peace and brotherhood.

Until that day I will continue to search for truth by any means at my disposal and follow the truth I know.

If you want us to substantiate our answers why not substantiate the 40,000 figure for us? Why do you find dishonesty necessary to form a question? .
2014-10-22 11:47:38 UTC
That overall decision of some people.
2014-10-22 11:36:27 UTC
That overall decision of some people.
2014-10-21 09:42:42 UTC
That overall decision of some people.
2014-10-20 19:58:32 UTC
That overall decision of some people.
2014-10-18 03:59:22 UTC
No religion is the right religion.

I'll be fine knowing that.

2014-10-18 03:56:41 UTC
Nice rant. The only thing you told me is "don't bother, because I've already closed mt mind."
2014-10-19 04:45:46 UTC
There is not such a thing like right religion.
2014-10-18 03:59:10 UTC
atheists is a false religion since its anointed by Satan himself.
2014-10-18 07:14:06 UTC
all religions are based on opinions these different religions clash with each other same old ****
2014-10-18 05:03:48 UTC
eliminate that which is obviously wrong,Atheism, and the rest just sort of falls into place
2014-10-18 04:13:10 UTC
because, christianity works, In it's objective to let me meet eternal god


if it wasn't for this fact, that I have experience in life. I wouldn't tell you anything, since you are athiest
2014-10-20 05:10:49 UTC
Faith in Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to heaven!
Bamboo tiger
2014-10-18 19:30:05 UTC
One lady with whom I had this discussion previously made the comment “There is no truth.” However I pointed out to her that such a statement in itself was irrational and self contradictory. If the statement “There is not truth.” were true then the statement itself could not be true; since the contention that nothing could be true. There has to be something which is true, and even from an Atheist point of view there must be something true, and such a truth would imply that every other view on the same subject would not be true. The number of things which are not true is irrelevant. There could be one not true religion or millions of religions not true and the number of not true religions would have no bearing on the question of “Is there a true religion, and how can we identify it?”

Generally I have found that people who ask such a question as yours are not interested in an answer; or in other words, they are not searching for the truth. Also a person might assume from the viewpoint of your question that if there is a true religion the sheer number and variety of religions not true would make the search for identifying the one true religion as difficult as the proverbial needle in a hay stack. However on closer examination the one true religion is unique in its’ properties while the many which are not true are remarkably similar. For example, most people would think that there could hardly be any two religions more different from each other than the Roman Catholic Church of the West and Buddhism of the East. However, what do we see when we put aside the differences that could be attributed to language and culture? If we are objective about it, we have to admit that there is a great deal that the two have in common. Both Catholicism and Buddhism are steeped in rituals and ceremonies. These include the use of candles, incense, holy water, the rosary, images of saints, chants and prayer books, even the sign of the cross. Both religions maintain institutions of monks and nuns and are noted for celibacy of priests, special garb, holy days, special foods. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it serves to illustrate the point. Why are so many religions so similar?

WE would find that certain teachings and beliefs are almost universal among many religions. Most of us are familiar with such doctrines as the immortality of the human soul, heavenly reward for all good people, eternal torment for the wicked in an underworld, purgatory, a triune god or a godhead of many gods, and a mother-of-god or queen-of-heaven goddess. Where do such ideas come from? If they are from the Bible then why were they Incorporated in pagans religious beliefs before the time of Christ?

“The impression could arise that the Trinitarian dogma is in the last analysis a late 4th-century invention. In a sense, this is true . . . The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299.

“The Council of Nicaea met on May 20, 325 [C.E.]. Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussions, and personally proposed . . . the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, ‘of one substance with the Father.’ . . . Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination.”—Encyclopædia Britannica (1970), Volume 6, page 386.

Many centuries before the time of Christ, there were triads, or trinities, of gods in ancient Babylonia and Assyria. The French “Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology” notes one such triad in that Mesopotamian area: “The universe was divided into three regions each of which became the domain of a god. Anu’s share was the sky. The earth was given to Enlil. Ea became the ruler of the waters. Together they constituted the triad of the Great Gods.”

The book “The Symbolism of Hindu Gods and Rituals” says regarding a Hindu trinity that existed centuries before Christ: “Siva is one of the gods of the Trinity. He is said to be the god of destruction. The other two gods are Brahma, the god of creation and Vishnu, the god of maintenance. . . . To indicate that these three processes are one and the same the three gods are combined in one form.”—Published by A. Parthasarathy, Bombay.

The religious triad, or trinity, was a prominent feature of worship in Babylon. One Babylonian triad was composed of Sin (a moon-god), Shamash (a sun-god), and Ishtar (a goddess of fertility and war). In ancient Egypt, a god was often viewed as being married to a goddess who bore him a son, “forming a divine triad or trinity in which the father, moreover, was not always the chief, contenting himself on occasion with the role of prince consort, while the principal deity of the locality remained the goddess.” (New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology) One Egyptian triad consisted of the god Osiris, the goddess Isis, and their son Horus.

A Trinity, or the Trinity, is neither mentioned or described in the Bible, and to me it seems very logical to adopt the view that if a religion claims to represent all or part of the Bible, and yet their primary and central doctrines do not come from the Bible, and, in fact, contradict what the Bible teaches, then that religion has proven itself to be false, not true. Another example is the teaching concerning the soul. The Bible states many places that the soul is mortal, it dies, and even refers to “a dead soul” , for instance:

(Ezekiel 18:4) 4 Look! All the souls—to me they belong. As the soul of the father so also the soul of the son—to me they belong. The soul who sins is the one who will die.

(Leviticus 21:11) 11 He should not approach any dead person; he may not defile himself even for his father or his mother.

*** nwt Leviticus 21:11 ***

Or “any dead soul.” The Hebrew word ne′phesh is here connected to a Hebrew word meaning “dead.”

Of course here, when I mention the Bible, many Atheist reject any quote from it outright, with great prejudice, and often seek to justify themselves and appear intellectual by attempting to justify such a view by such terms as “circular reasoning” and any quote supporting the Bible view as “cherry picking”, but they don’t really comprehend the significance of such terminology, but are merely parroting something which they have heard from other Atheists. The facts are that some some who once accepting the Bible as from God have turned to Atheism out of ignorance because they did not receive answers to their questions from the Bible, and through their religious arrangement and institutions. On the other hand, some Atheists have changed their minds and now believe in God after studying the Bible and finding that it does indeed have the answers to their questions. So while Atheists often attempt to portray everyone, a blanket statement, who believes in God does so out of ignorance, it is in fact Atheists who are ignorant, whether this is willful, or out of sincerity. Just like in science religious truth as well is not a matter of some brief and cursory review of the evidence, but takes much time and study to uncover and understand.

I believe that my religion is the right one because I have studied the Bible, examined the evidence which proves that it must be from a source beyond and greater than any human, and I have studied what the Bible teaches and proven to myself that what my religion teaches is not of human origin, but comes from the Bible, and is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. Most people that I talk to who go to a church do not even attempt to prove what they believe from the Bible, and I must assume that they do not care. Generally churches are just social centers and are a part of family traditions and have only a Bible flavor so that people can feel good about themselves without making any real effort of sacrifice. However if you ask any one of Jehovah’s Witnesses what they believe they will show you and answer your questions from the Bible. That is one of the things which makes us different.
2014-10-19 12:15:34 UTC
None of them.
2014-10-18 05:15:18 UTC

A man that was brutally crucified doesn't walk out of the tomb that is guarded by battle hardened solders, past a 3 or 6 ton stone blocking the only entrance. Then that same man shows himself to hundreds of people later. Their lives were forever changed and they preached the good news till the end of their lives.


The odds of one man fulfilling the prophecies of the Messiah has been calculated to be at least 1 to the123rd power. God revealed that He was coming to save us and made it crystal clear who He was when He came.


God the Son always existed with God the Father. Jesus is God the Son, YHWH.

The Bible says that Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN Son of God.

"Begotten" is translated from the Greek word monogenes (mon-og-en-ace'), which means "single of its kind; only."

God didn't Beget a son..didn't procreate, this Son is the only one and this Son is exactly like, is God but in a different form, a different personage. God refers to Himself in the Garden of Eden when God looks at Adam after God created Adam and breathed life into Adam. God said to Himself: "Behold he (Adam) is like one of Us" Go and read that in scripture.


The entire Bible has references to God and the coming Messiah. Jesus is the one that fulfilled all the prophecies of the Messiah. The odds against one person fulfilling all of them is at least 1 to the 123rd power. Jesus also accepted worship. He was worshiped as God. Nobody can get that except God Himself. The Jews even picked up stones to kill Jesus on more than one occasion for accepting worship and Him stating "Before Abraham was, I Am." Jesus claimed to be God.

Jesus was never laid a hand on except when He was crucified on the cross for our sins.


Jesus died and rose again 3 days later. The enemies of Jesus who, put Him on the cross, obtained a Roman guard . This guard was battle hardened soldiers put around the tomb but they couldn't prevent the God Man, Jesus from rising from the grave or as they stated and feared that Jesus' Disciples would come and steal the body. When they asked Pilate for help in preventing the theft of the body, they were told by Pilate "you have a guard, go and make (the tomb) AS SECURE AS YOU KNOW HOW." Therefore, I would assume they had dozens of soldiers there to prevent any grave robbery.


Even the enemies of Jesus admitted that he performed miracles. He brought people back from the dead, He touched and healed people of all sorts of ailments. Jesus healed at least one Blind man who was blind from birth. That man appeared before the top court in Israel and was examined by those lawyers as well and even his parents were brought in to be examined. The lawyers couldn't discount that this was a true miracle, not at all, there were too many witnesses and far to much evidence to the contrary. The scripture records crowds laying the sick and crippled people out on the roads as Jesus passed by and they were healed. Jesus commanded the elements, the storms to cease and be still, He walked on water in front of 12 men as witnesses. He multiplied a handful of fish and bread and feed at least 5,000 men and their families on more than one occasion. There were thousands of witnesses to these acts and had any of this been written down in scripture and they lied about it, then his disciples could have been executed on the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses. This is only part of the case for Jesus being God.


Jesus, who is God the Son, took on humanity, coming as a man to save us. Satan orchestrated a contract with sin with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Since that time, sin passes through man, therefore, Jesus was born of a virgin in order to save us of our sins & get us out of the contract. God worked out legal grounds, through Abraham, in order to save us & pour the sins of humanity on to Jesus on the Cross. Roughly 2000 years after Abraham was asked to kill / sacrifice his son, God sent His Son, on the same spot, to die for us. A man (Adam) put us in sin, a man (Jesus) gets us out of the contract. A pardon, actually more than a pardon is available to us now through Jesus Christ. However, a Pardon may be legally rejected. It's your decision and God can't force you to take it. But the consequences are eternal.
2014-10-18 03:57:46 UTC
islam is the true one.
Forrest Toney
2014-10-18 14:12:53 UTC

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2014-10-19 08:25:39 UTC
40000, are you sure..... :[
2014-10-20 13:41:20 UTC

5 How can ‘the road to life’ be found? Jesus said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of the people who practice it. “By their fruits you will recognize them,” he said. “Every good tree produces fine fruit.” (Matthew 7:16, 17) In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. Although they are not perfect and they make mistakes, true worshipers as a group seek to do God’s will. Let us consider six features that identify those who practice true religion.

6 God’s servants base their teachings on the Bible. The Bible itself says: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man [or woman] of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) To his fellow Christians, the apostle Paul wrote: “When you received God’s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13) Hence, beliefs and practices of the true religion are not based on human views or tradition. They originate in God’s inspired Word, the Bible.

7 Jesus Christ set the proper example by basing his teachings on God’s Word. In prayer to his heavenly Father, he said: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Jesus believed the Word of God, and everything he taught harmonized with the Scriptures. Jesus often said: “It is written.” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10) Then Jesus would quote a scripture. Similarly, God’s people today do not teach their own ideas. They believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and they base their teachings firmly on what it says.

8 Those who practice the true religion worship only Jehovah and make his name known. Jesus declared: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matthew 4:10) Thus, God’s servants worship no one other than Jehovah. This worship includes letting people know what the name of the true God is and what he is like. Psalm 83:18 states: “You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.” Jesus set the pattern in helping others to get to know God, as he said in prayer: “I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world.” (John 17:6) Similarly, true worshipers today teach others about God’s name, his purposes, and his qualities.

9 God’s people show genuine, unselfish love for one another. Jesus said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35) The early Christians had such love for one another. Godly love overcomes racial, social, and national barriers and draws people together in an unbreakable bond of true brotherhood. (Colossians 3:14) Members of false religions do not have such a loving brotherhood. How do we know that? They kill one another because of national or ethnic differences. True Christians do not take up weapons to kill their Christian brothers or anyone else. The Bible states: “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother. . . . We should have love for one another; not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother.”—1 John 3:10-12; 4:20, 21.

10 Of course, genuine love means more than not killing others. True Christians unselfishly use their time, energy, and resources to help and encourage one another. (Hebrews 10:24, 25) They help one another in times of distress, and they deal honestly with others. In fact, they apply in their lives the Bible counsel to “work what is good toward all.”—Galatians 6:10.

11 True Christians accept Jesus Christ as God’s means of salvation. The Bible says: “There is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” (Acts 4:12) As we saw in Chapter 5, Jesus gave his life as a ransom for obedient humans. (Matthew 20:28) In addition, Jesus is God’s appointed King in the heavenly Kingdom that will rule the entire earth. And God requires that we obey Jesus and apply his teachings if we want everlasting life. That is why the Bible states: “He that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son will not see life.”—John 3:36.

12 True worshipers are no part of the world. When on trial before the Roman ruler Pilate, Jesus said: “My kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) No matter what country they live in, Jesus’ true followers are subjects of his heavenly Kingdom and thus maintain strict neutrality in the world’s political affairs. They take no part in its conflicts. However, Jehovah’s worshipers do not interfere with what others choose to do about joining a political party, running for office, or voting. And while God’s true worshipers are neutral regarding politics, they are law-abiding. Why? Because God’s Word commands them to “be in subjection” to the governmental “superior authorities.” (Romans 13:1) Where there is a conflict between what God requires and what a political system requires, true worshipers follow the example of the apostles, who said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:29; Mark 12:17.

13 Jesus’ true followers preach that God’s Kingdom is mankind’s only hope. Jesus foretold: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Instead of encouraging people to look to human rulers to solve their problems, true followers of Jesus Christ proclaim God’s heavenly Kingdom as the only hope for mankind. (Psalm 146:3) Jesus taught us to pray for that perfect government when he said: “Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matthew 6:10) God’s Word foretold that this heavenly Kingdom “will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [now existing], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.”—Daniel 2:44.

14 On the basis of what we have just considered, ask yourself: ‘What religious group bases all its teachings on the Bible and makes known Jehovah’s name? What group practices godly love, exercises faith in Jesus, is no part of the world, and proclaims that God’s Kingdom is the only real hope for mankind? Of all the religious groups on earth, which one meets all these requirements?’ The facts clearly show that it is Jehovah’s Witnesses.—Isaiah 43:10-12.


15 Simply believing in God is not enough to please him. After all, the Bible says that even the demons believe that God exists. (James 2:19) Obviously, though, they do not do God’s will and do not have his approval. To be approved by God, not only must we believe in his existence but we must also do his will. We must also break free from false religion and embrace true worship.

16 The apostle Paul showed that we must not take part in false worship. He wrote: “‘Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’; ‘and I will take you in.’” (2 Corinthians 6:17; Isaiah 52:11) True Christians therefore avoid anything that is connected with false worship.

17 The Bible shows that all the many forms of false religion are part of “Babylon the Great.”* (Revelation 17:5) That name calls to mind the ancient city of Babylon, where false religion started up after the Flood of Noah’s day. Many teachings and practices now common in false religion originated long ago in Babylon. For example, the Babylonians worshiped trinities, or triads, of gods. Today, the central doctrine of many religions is the Trinity. But the Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God, Jehovah, and that Jesus Christ is his Son. (John 17:3) The Babylonians also believed that humans have an immortal soul that survives the body after death and can suffer in a place of torment. Today, belief in the immortal soul or spirit that can suffer in hellfire is taught by most religions.

18 Since ancient Babylonian worship spread throughout the earth, modern Babylon the Great can properly be identified as the world empire of false religion. And God has foretold that this empire of false religion will come to a sudden end. (Revelation 18:8) Do you see why it is vital that you separate yourself from every part of Babylon the Great? Jehovah God wants you to “get out of her” quickly while there is still time.—Revelation 18:4.

By serving Jehovah with his people, you will gain far more than you could ever lose

19 As a result of your decision to quit practicing false religion, some may choose to stop associating with you. By serving Jehovah with his people, however, you will gain far more than you could ever lose. Like Jesus’ early disciples who left other things to follow him, you will come to have many spiritual brothers and sisters. You will become part of a large worldwide family of millions of true Christians, who show you genuine love. And you will have the wonderful hope of everlasting life “in the coming system of things.” (Mark 10:28-30) Perhaps in time, those who abandoned you because of your beliefs will look into what the Bible teaches and become worshipers of Jehovah.

20 The Bible teaches that God will soon bring an end to this wicked system of things and will replace it with a righteous new world under the rulership of his Kingdom. (2 Peter 3:9, 13) What a marvelous world that will be! And in that righteous new system, there will be only one religion, one true form of worship. Is it not the course of wisdom for you to take the necessary steps to come into association with true worshipers right now?


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.