2010-08-05 14:44:07 UTC
In your answer, you must not say any of the following:
"The disciples had faith" - how do you explain all of those mircales that they claimed to have seen? You really think Jesus could have staged his walking on water? Ockam's razor says the simplest explanation is usually the most accurate.
"The disciples wanted to control the masses" - the disciples were not like Mohammad. We know Mohammad invented Islam so that he could get followers to help him rob Caravans. The disciples were humble, going for days without food and devoting their lives to preaching, EVEN WHEN THREATENED WITH DEATH.
"The disciples were crazy" - you expect me to believe that the disciples were mad? That ALL of them were just nuts?
These men spent the rest of their lives witnessing about Christ. They frequently went without food; they were mocked, beaten, and thrown into prison. In the end, all but one died a painful martyr’s death. Would they have done this for a lie? They did it because they were convinced beyond a doubt that they had seen the risen Christ.
Don't forget Ockam's razor.