There is something all y'all christians need to understand. The bible is NOT the word of God. It is the inspired word of God, susceptible to human error, embellishment, and fallacy, and then subjected to several centuries of the telephone game known as oral tradition. Therefore, it absolutely cannot be read literally. For the most part, ESPICALLY EARLY GENESIS, its naught more than myth. For example, there are two creation accounts that contradict each other. Why? Because some people liked one myth, and some people liked the other. Same for the sin stories. They were written, just as the indian and norse myths were, to explain how the world and its people came into being. For example, the adam and eve story explains how divisions could be established among people and god (by failing to take responsibility for your actions, if you were wondering). Cain and Abel took this lesson a step further by showing the dangers of jealousy. The tower of babel merely explained the presence of different cultures, and Sodom and Gomorrah vividly explain the dangers of God's wrarth.
So, these stories explain the natural world and instill the values of personal responsibility, the danger of jealousy/covetousness, and the oppressive fear of a vengeful God. Sound like a few things that would placate and control a community of desert dwelling people 6,000 years ago called the JEWS.
You, you slimy pretentious fundies, you think you know everything about the bible teaching. YOU'RE WRONG. Scripture is like a great work of literature, it has to analyzed carefully and in context. So, how does this apply to evolution. Simple - Genesis is NOT A LITERAL STATEMENT, thus there is nothing to refute. It is only an account of the bedtime stories told to the early Jews when they asked why the sky was blue!
Sorry, rant was a little off topic. Anyway, its fine to for you to individually accept that God created you in all your glory, that fossils are the devils temptation, that disease is a test of faith, that your God-figure is the only true one, etc, etc. This is how the human race has progressed for millennial, and how it will for millennial hence.
However, what is not ok is you thinking that a) you need to try and 'save' us from out beliefs or b) you trying to foist your own beliefs off on us in the form of asinine laws are regulations. Evolution as an example: All this talk of teaching creationism in schools is complete and utter horseshit. Its fine in religious and other private schools, since that's your right. However, the freedom of religion is a long standing tradition in this country, and one group being allowed to authoritatively teach their belief alongside scientific theory goes completely against that.
So, how can i believe in evolution? The same way you can believe a heavenly deity reached down and personally created you - very easily. Really, we only differ in the literature we turn to for support - you myth, us research.
P.S., i would also like to note that the two ideas are not mutually exclusive, despite what your good ol' Pastor Tom may have said. The similarity of evolutionary progression to genesis (light, planet sky, water, fish, land animals, man) and the simple beauty of the underlying mechanisms allows for some leeway. God may not have designed each and every living thing, but he may have wrote the algorithms (laws of nature and physics) which did.