Why do evolutionists refuse to believe they were created?
2007-06-04 21:28:31 UTC
Do they believe life happened spontaneously or life has been around for an infinite amount of time? If you're a Christian and an evolutionist, tell me why you doubt the book that your religion is based on. Why aren't things still evolving? How could all of us from different parts of the globe with different climates and conditions all evolve the same? I doubt you can give me a better answer than creation.
41 answers:
2007-06-04 21:40:37 UTC
Exactly what choice do they have given their atheistic worldview? Evolution is all there is!

An evolutionist would argue that he doesnt know how matter began, only how living things are reorganized into more complex creatures by nature. They might also things are still evolving, just at such a slow pace that it always seems the same to us. They would probably say that is exactly why the races of people have distinguishing characteristics but ya that is a great point. Who says they all have to evolve into humanoids.

Christian evolutionists feel the pressure to give in to atheistic philosophy and they do so at the expense of their own view of the Bible and a big part of their faith itself. These are also the same people that insist the Bible doesnt condemn homosexuality and there is no Heaven or hell. they have self-conceptualized their faith and even God.

Quite right. Although creation may be the easiest thing to accept and believe in terms of how we came into being, I believe it continues to be the most plausible in light of all the evidence Ive seen. God is a wonderful creator and in my prayer life Ive never known him to be a liar.
2007-06-04 21:34:12 UTC
Another person that has no idea what evolution is.

Evolution deals with life propagation, not its beginning.

No, we dont think life has been around for an infinite amount of itme, just a long 4 billion years.

Things are still evolving, it is too slow for humans because we have a new generation every 25 years. You can see it in organisms that have a new generation every 20 minutes.

We didnt evolve the same - as a species we are the "same" but we are much different from monkeys, trees and e. coli.

I doubt you can scientifically prove creation. Can you information anywhere outside of the bible?

Geekynerd: of course life was created somehow. The process is what is in question. Whether you think a supernatural being did it or a, like what many scientists speculate, by successive steps of pieces coming together are good hypothesis. Coming up with evidence is the hard part. A scientists cant be certain about how life started because..well, organic materials degrade, but if they dont have an answer, they say, "we cant reach any conclusions with the evidence we have." Unlike creationists, who pounce on this opportunity, just insert that they dont know so the answer must be creation. No proof anywhere.
2007-06-04 21:36:57 UTC
Evolutionists believe they were created, just not by god. By evolution. Maybe you should look into it, its a lot wittier answer then some 'god'. We did not evolve the same. Skin color, language. Different muscles. Different specialization in abilities. Things are still evolving. It doesn't happen over night. The earth has been around 4.5 billion years. It goes slower now as we have new technologies that make it so we no longer need to be more specialized. If you want to read your book, go ahead, everyone just wants some type of answer to feel secure and know they're going to a happy place called heaven in order to survive without going crazy. Why don't you just not worry about what other people think, keep your own beliefs, and let whatever happens happen.
Gamla Joe
2007-06-04 21:48:10 UTC
Well as a theist and one that understands that all life developed though a process called evolution maybe I can help you.

First I am not a Christian, I am Jewish. As such I believe I have a slightly better understanding of the text that my ancestors wrote and you borrow. Science dose not contradict theology,

if it happens to contradict your narrow view of the text that is your problem, not the problem of scientists that study the observable world around them.

To quote Maimonides a biblical scholar of The 12th century

if science and The Bible were misaligned, it was either because science was not understood or the Bible was misinterpreted. If science proved a point, then the finding should be accepted and scripture should be interpreted accordingly.

I believe science over the past 100 years has proved its point. Life has developed from simpler forms.

Additionally yes we are still evolving. We are not the same as our ancestors of even a few hundred years ago. Additionally we did not evolve the same, while it is true that all human life had a common origin out of Africa the very fact we have different ethnic and racial groups proves we did not develop the same way.

If these groups remained separate for millions instead of thousands of years you would see even more differences.
Bill K Atheist Goodfella
2007-06-04 21:43:35 UTC
Search for 'galapogos finches''ll see evidence that things are still evolving.

Life didn't just happen spontaneously...that's what creationists believe, nor has it been around infinitly. It took millions of chemical reactions, occuring under just the right conditions, for the first amino acids to form...and then eventually evolve into life.

Christians who can manage to look at the real world, and adapt their belief to the facts, as presented, are at least trying.

People from different parts of the world, with different climates and conditions didn't all evolve the same. There are differences in height, skin color, hair, the shape of the skull and nostrils, etc. The species is the same, however the body adapted to survive its environment.

You're last statement just proves that no matter how many responses you recieve that give you multiple answers better than creation, you're actually just looking for someone to agree with you.
2007-06-04 21:43:28 UTC
Because there is no proof that we were crated by a god. However, there is quite a lot of proof for evolution.

Evolution is not a religion, and isn't based on a book.

Things are still evolving. It is just happening so slowly we can't tell.

Human life began in Africa. We then spread across the globe. Actually, we have evolved differently from each other since then. Why do you think people from hot climates have darker skin than those from cold ones?

Did I answer your questions sufficiently?
Shinkirou Hasukage
2007-06-04 21:40:56 UTC
Things are still evolving, that's why flu shots from 50 years ago won't protect you, the virus has developed immunity to them. The book of Genesis can also be interpreted as a primitive attempt at describing the big bang and the formation of our planet, followed by evolution. The human race started in Africa and spread out, and we adapted to the environment as we migrated. We are not the same, we have different racial features. An example of evolution in progress is the flu virus. A few virus cells mutate and develope an immunity to a flu vaccine. When we administer the vaccine, all of the ones without the immunity die, and the ones with it pass their genes onto the next generation, so that every cell is immune. The same things happens with animal traits, just on a slower scale, and many changes can add up to produce a new species...
Drew Kristjansson
2007-06-04 21:45:40 UTC
There is something all y'all christians need to understand. The bible is NOT the word of God. It is the inspired word of God, susceptible to human error, embellishment, and fallacy, and then subjected to several centuries of the telephone game known as oral tradition. Therefore, it absolutely cannot be read literally. For the most part, ESPICALLY EARLY GENESIS, its naught more than myth. For example, there are two creation accounts that contradict each other. Why? Because some people liked one myth, and some people liked the other. Same for the sin stories. They were written, just as the indian and norse myths were, to explain how the world and its people came into being. For example, the adam and eve story explains how divisions could be established among people and god (by failing to take responsibility for your actions, if you were wondering). Cain and Abel took this lesson a step further by showing the dangers of jealousy. The tower of babel merely explained the presence of different cultures, and Sodom and Gomorrah vividly explain the dangers of God's wrarth.

So, these stories explain the natural world and instill the values of personal responsibility, the danger of jealousy/covetousness, and the oppressive fear of a vengeful God. Sound like a few things that would placate and control a community of desert dwelling people 6,000 years ago called the JEWS.

You, you slimy pretentious fundies, you think you know everything about the bible teaching. YOU'RE WRONG. Scripture is like a great work of literature, it has to analyzed carefully and in context. So, how does this apply to evolution. Simple - Genesis is NOT A LITERAL STATEMENT, thus there is nothing to refute. It is only an account of the bedtime stories told to the early Jews when they asked why the sky was blue!

Sorry, rant was a little off topic. Anyway, its fine to for you to individually accept that God created you in all your glory, that fossils are the devils temptation, that disease is a test of faith, that your God-figure is the only true one, etc, etc. This is how the human race has progressed for millennial, and how it will for millennial hence.

However, what is not ok is you thinking that a) you need to try and 'save' us from out beliefs or b) you trying to foist your own beliefs off on us in the form of asinine laws are regulations. Evolution as an example: All this talk of teaching creationism in schools is complete and utter horseshit. Its fine in religious and other private schools, since that's your right. However, the freedom of religion is a long standing tradition in this country, and one group being allowed to authoritatively teach their belief alongside scientific theory goes completely against that.

So, how can i believe in evolution? The same way you can believe a heavenly deity reached down and personally created you - very easily. Really, we only differ in the literature we turn to for support - you myth, us research.

P.S., i would also like to note that the two ideas are not mutually exclusive, despite what your good ol' Pastor Tom may have said. The similarity of evolutionary progression to genesis (light, planet sky, water, fish, land animals, man) and the simple beauty of the underlying mechanisms allows for some leeway. God may not have designed each and every living thing, but he may have wrote the algorithms (laws of nature and physics) which did.
2007-06-04 21:47:25 UTC
We certainly are evolving, its going on everywhere. Did you know that there are parts of your body that are currently useless. Your Gall Bladder and Appendix are two, both were used to digest raw and wild things like meat and certain plant types that we (Being the animal known as humans) used to survive on, They could actually be removed at any time weather your having trouble with them or not and it will have no effect on you, I guess the fact that we used to live in caves but now build shelters isn't evolving. Or that we went from walking to horseback to cars and flying isn't any sort of evolution. What kind of car did Jesus Drive? None he was not yet evolved enough to even comprehend the idea of internal combustion engines.Things evolve differently in different climates, do you know what evolution is, or are you reciting what you Shepard told your flock at last Sundays grazing. Evolution is a theory, many many experiments and studies have been done and they all support. The ones that don't aren't actual studies as they are attempts to blindly dissuade, not stating fact but using arcane and anicent, "Holy" books as if they have any sort of intellectual bearing on the natural history of things. Know what your saying, and read a book full of facts not mythology.
2007-06-04 21:34:16 UTC
Things ARE still evolving. People were much, much shorter a hundred years ago, for example.

If your religion is based on the Bible why don't you study the earliest texts that he Bible is clearly based on?

People from different parts of the globe are not all the same. Why the hell do you think there are different colors and races?
2007-06-04 21:35:32 UTC
I was created... by evolution...

Things are still evolving! the process of creating new species takes a long time, but things like bacteria, and the flu virus are evolving all the time. Humans around the world are the same species because of migration. We started out in Africa, and slowly migrated throughout the planet. Whether you wish to turn a blind eye to facts is your decision, but the reality is that evolution is a fact, and can be backed up by scientific evidence.
2007-06-04 21:34:18 UTC
Why do creationists refuse to believe scientific facts that they were evolved?

- Things are still evolving- just not fast enough for you to see it during your less than 100 year lifetime. We have fossils and bones that show that evolution has and is happening.

- Everone from different parts of the globe didn't evolve the same. Thats why there is a difference in skin color, height, body structure, etc.
william c
2007-06-04 21:55:33 UTC
because their logic is based on fact, and there is overwhelming evidence that evolution does occur. Why believe in something (God)that you have never experience, accept by being told by others?

Life seems to be an inconceivable improbable occurrence. But things have had millions of years to adapt to their surroundings. The type of moth that blends in with the tree the best doesn't get eaten as often as the type of moth that is more detectable. So the type of moth that gets eaten more often does not reproduce as often, and the moth that is more hidden has a better chance of passing his siutable characteristics to its offspring. survival of the fittest.

This was dalton i think. fight of flight. his knowledge was based on what HE saw, then he relayed the message to ther people who thought it made sense. It gets passed down for generations and is accepted as true. But how can you be sure?

people gather up knowledge into their brains to form theories. I have a conundrum. How can you prove that 'knowledge' (theories) are correct? After all, how can you prove theories without using knowledge? Do i make any sense?

maybe its because ppl tend to think the same thing.
2007-06-05 07:24:49 UTC
It is sad how many blind people there are out there!

Here is some great info from my dad, who is a great man of God:

I believe it is nigh impossible to maintain a faith in christ and an adherence to the Bible as the inspired word of God while dismissing the reality of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, and the account of their lives as given to us in Genesis. If we do not believe that Adam and Eve were historical figures, then we have to question the whole book of Genesis, Deuteronomy, 1 Chronicles, Job, Luke, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 1 Timothy, and Jude - all of which speak of Adam as a real historical figure. Thus, to dismiss Adam and Eve as myth or symbolic, is to do great violence to the rest of the bible.

With no real Adam, there is no real fall, no sin, no need of redemption, no plan of salvation, no resurrection, etc.

Philip Mauro in his book that I am reading "The Chronology of the bible" shows that there is a chronological line present in the bible from the first Adam to the second Adam - Christ - that is remarkable and in itself a proof of the inspiration of the bible. Adam was created in the year BC 4046.

Taking that one step forward, I do not see how a Christian can adhere to a belief in Darwinian evolution and still say that they believe the bible. The plain reading of Genesis is that Adam was created "from the dust of the ground", in a moment of time, and that Eve was created from Adam's rib fully human with intelligence, speech, etc. There simply is no basis for belief in an evolution based on the Genesis account.

But now I must take a step back from Gensis 2 into Genesis 1 and say that the same reasoning applies. How can we believe in a historic Adam and Eve and yet dismiss the context of their existence? That is, how can we believe in Adam and Eve and yet believe that they were not created on the sixth day of creation as stated?
2016-11-26 04:49:16 UTC
i actually love your questions. you're curiously attempting to be an apologist, yet basically no longer extremely getting it. nevertheless, i think of you may desire to shop attempting. i'm confident C.S. Lewis did no longer get it appropriate on the 1st attempt, the two. besides, even although Lewis's arguments have been outstanding, I examine all and sundry of his apologies and am nevertheless an athiest. Planck in no way pronounced you could desire to have self belief in GOD. the religion mandatory via a scientist is faith that technological understanding works - that an test achieved in the present day could have the comparable effect next week if the circumstances are same; and that if issues are not working the way they could desire to, it incredibly is because you probably did some thing incorrect, no longer because of the fact the universe is inherently illogical. different than that, although, it incredibly is a competent quote. As has been reported, all your different scientists lived in cases whilst publicly renouncing faith became into tremendously plenty a dying sentence. besides the fact that, your records on Mendel is fake; he sent Darwin his effects. And Pasteur in no way 'declared warfare' on something, different than in all probability Rabies; he basically proposed the thought of biogenesis. Newton quite had severe subject concerns with faith - he saved attempting to characteristic his mechanics to God, yet then he'd discover some new clarification consistent with organic mathematical causality without Divine tension in sight. His Principia Mathematica incredibly ends with a shrug. and you probably did no longer even point out Galileo, who became into additionally a non secular Catholic, on an identical time as he undermined the muse for the Church's divine order of the cosmos. Do you think of by some capacity that Pasteur's biogenesis concept helps God becoming Adam from airborne dirt and mud? it incredibly continues to be existence from non-existence, isn't it? Face it, all technological understanding is undesirable for faith; if we would left nicely adequate on my own, we would nevertheless think of Earth became into the middle of the universe and the Church may be the undisputed grasp of all info. and you will in all probability have rabies, polio, smallpox, and bubonic plague, yet it quite is the fee you pay.
2007-06-04 21:40:57 UTC
Because evolution is real and happening today.

Many animal species are dying off right now because of climate change and if they are not they are adapting by changing their mating seasons and migrating. Some animal populations are exploding because they are already adapted to the warmer conditions.

We all evolved the same because we have the same ancestor and we are all related to one another. We belong to the same family - the same species. We have children born from parents of the same species. GET IT
2007-06-04 21:32:13 UTC
We are still evolving. Go look it up.

I asked a Christian Evolutionist how he could believe both when I was 12, he stated he believes that God started evolution.
2007-06-04 21:32:54 UTC
There are many theories about abiogenesis. This, however, is a different study than evolution.

Things are still evolving. That is why you need to get yearly flu shots.

Organisms evolved to different climates.
2007-06-04 21:32:03 UTC
Because it is dumb to think such when we have traits in common with life forms other than humans, unless you explain that by saying your bible characters did it with animals, AND when you STILL cannot explain the clear evolutionary process the human fetus goes through.

Evolutionists do not claim human came from monkey. Too bad certain peoples brains didn't work well enough to understand that after it has been said a million times on this web site alone.
2007-06-04 21:47:28 UTC
well I gotta say is that I checked out a news article today on msn homepage, they found another 24 new species, so were always evolving and new things are being created every day.
2007-06-04 21:36:28 UTC
Well, how did your god get here if creation is the answer? Who created the god?

I believe man created god- not the other way around.
2007-06-04 21:34:48 UTC
Because the proof is in the pudding. They are realists and realistically speaking it wasnt let there be light, let there be water. Who created him and where was he at when this took place and who made this place before the water and light.
2007-06-04 21:45:13 UTC
Evolution has nothing to do with abiogenesis. Do you understand the difference?

Evolution has much evidence that supports it.
2007-06-04 21:35:56 UTC
Yes life is actually magic it has nothing to do with God. Why can't you believe in magic?
Lao Pu
2007-06-04 21:34:40 UTC
Why do you ask for tea when you cup is full? All this which you have asked for will just spill down the sides.
2007-06-04 21:33:04 UTC
Evolutionists believe in evolution the same as Christians believe in creationism.
2007-06-04 21:33:40 UTC
you actually believe that 'god' made a woman out of a mans rib????

how is that possibile? if anyone knows, drop me a love to hear from you.
2007-06-04 21:32:24 UTC
can't wait to see the answers
2007-06-04 21:31:09 UTC
I'm glad you have an open mind.
2007-06-04 21:32:20 UTC
and I am taking shot for me and a shot for Adeline. (someone has to cover her...and I guess I will)
2007-06-04 21:31:51 UTC
take a deep breath, what im about to say may shock you

evolution is real, and still happens; trust me, i would know
Michael B
2007-06-04 21:33:30 UTC
Romans 1 (says it all........)

19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
2007-06-04 21:30:30 UTC
oi. I'm taking a big swig this time....of pepsi *rubs belly*
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2007-06-04 21:30:38 UTC
Because... there's... no... evidence?

Because it's a baseless speculation?

Because there's actual proof for evolution?

And if you're wanting to know about the origins of ALL life on this planet, you ought to be asking about abiogenesis, not evolution. They're NOT the same things.
2007-06-04 21:31:58 UTC
I'd like the evolutionists to answer this; if life wasn't created then were did it come from? Has it always been around? If you say "no" then it must have been created. They say the universe hasn't been around forever which means life was obviously started somehow...

Okay...sorry, that did not answer your question at all.
2007-06-04 21:36:52 UTC

*stumbles and falls on floor*
2007-06-04 21:30:56 UTC
Ugh, not again.
Dennis James
2007-06-04 21:33:35 UTC
they would rather believe they were beamed down by aliens.
pancakes & hyrup
2007-06-04 21:31:35 UTC
They have less liability when ignoring or not believing in God. Then they don't have a guilty conscience.
2007-06-04 21:33:38 UTC
we might think they don't, but they do. the only reason for their refusal is that they hate God like their father Satan.
2007-06-04 21:32:11 UTC
I agree completely with you. They have little or no faith, they are the people that need proof, if they can't see it, it ain't so.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.