If God told you to kill a child and you refused, is that a sin?
King Apologist
2016-01-18 10:29:28 UTC
God told Abraham to kill his own child.
God told Israel to kill their own children if they are disobedient or if they try to worship other gods.
God told Saul to kill thousands of Amalekite children.

If they had said "no" because their consciences wouldn't let them, is that a sin?
142 answers:
2016-01-18 10:35:06 UTC
Ever heard the phrase "You mess with the bull, he'll kill you"? Well that's exactly how God works. I wouldn't mess with him.
2016-01-18 16:38:18 UTC
A person of today that knows God and the new covenant know that God would not ask such a thing. Those things you mention were in the Old Testament and to the Jews only. Many doctors of today and Planned Parenthood are killing babies and don't care if it is a sin or not; over, an appalling 60 million, so far.
2016-01-18 21:43:19 UTC
Yes, it would be a sin; simple as that. This question has caused so much outrage because of the use of a child as an example, which preys on our emotions.

The simple fact is this: disobeying God is sin. If God told you to kill a child, for whatever the reason, disobeying Him would be sin. No matter how horrible the situation seems, given the example, it would be sin.

Since all of you seem so outraged by my answer, I have this to add: would God ever order us to kill a child? You seem disgusted at the idea of killing a child, and rightfully so; I very much doubt that God would ever ask us to do such a thing and have us go through with it. The fact remains, however, that disobeying God is a sin. I'm not here to sugarcoat or make excuses.
costi tottenham
2016-01-20 13:39:21 UTC
I personally believe that God would never ask such a thing as killing another person, being a child/adult/man/woman as long as He commanded "thou shalt not kill". Well, that particular thing that Abraham was asked to kill his son, first of all had happened as it is written, way before Moses received the Law on the mount of Sinai. Second of it, let us not forget God s reaction to whether the boy should die or not. He straight away sent an angel to stop that killing from happening. Why was that? Well, to my opinion, that happened for two main reasons. Reason number ONE: Humanity MUST learn by this, that God himself is and always was the one who SAVES, not the one who KILLS. Any occurrence in the Bible about God sending someone/anyone/armies to kill, especially after the Ten Commandments where released, is for sure a mere sign that either Satan was asking that, never God. Either men where doing anything they desired in the history of mankind, all that in the name of God. Well, what do you think, if God is love and is true that he dislike war and any kind of violent attitude, why then was any different hundreds of years ago? Was God cruel and now He is changed??? No way! And reason number TWO: His action towards Abraham s knife, the position He stood for against the killing is the same position He takes about any killing, that once and for all proves His good intentions, revealing in the same time the future events that needed to take place concerning His Son, Jesus Christ. Intention that means God did not send His Son into the world to die, but to bare witness to the truth. So, that my friends is the truth: THE REAL NATURE OF GOD WHICH IS LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND KINDNESS. As we all gathered to know the truth, even a five year old toddler would tell you that murder is born out of HATE...RAGE...MERCILESS.
brother trucker
2016-01-18 23:15:04 UTC
It wasnt just children, Israel practiced cultural genoside and wiped out entire nations.

Israels God is love and would never ask that of anyone. The fact that their Bible says He did and that person is considered the father of Israel shows how far from the true God they were.

They don't practice this anymore. It seems if we go far enough back in any culture we will eventually run into these type of acts. Most cultures don't report them though especially not in their holy books. The Jews do and need to be commended for their honesty. We have all learned quite a lot in the past 5000 years.,
2016-01-18 15:23:29 UTC
Not entirely. Even a strong follower of God is going to have some reluctance over the idea of killing another human being (let alone a child). What's in your heart, and what your intent is, when you refuse is just as important, if not more-so than the actual refusal itself.
2016-01-18 13:09:46 UTC
Please see my comments to Jessie. It would depend on why I was to kill the child. God has never told me to kill a child and there is nowhere in the Bible where it tells us to kill a child. When God told people in ancient times there was a good reason to do that. When the USA dropped a atomic bomb on 2 Japanese cities we first told Japan what we would do if they did not surrender and stop trying to kill us. Japan chose to not surrender until we had dropped atom bombs on 2 cities. By doing this we killed some innocent children but we saved the lives of 7 million 800 thousand Japanese lives and 1 million lives of American service men and women. It was a good trade.l
2016-01-18 13:56:43 UTC
God... is not real.

You say that...

God told Abraham to kill his own child...

God told Israel to kill their own children if they are disobedient or if they try to worship other gods...

and God told Saul to kill thousands of Amalekite children...

Guess what else God 'tells people to do these days'? He tells people to torture, rape, steal, even stab their husbands.

I've lost count of how many times that's people's defense for doing insane things... there's no god.... there are just insane people in search of excuses... because that's what religion's for - controlling and manipulating people.

Do you wonder why things like this don’t happen nowadays? Perhaps it has something to do with the criminal justice system we have in place… and the fact that people can’t get away with blatant religious lies anymore.

God’s sudden lack of action has coincided directly with lying becoming more difficult.

Might have something to do with the fact that God IS a lie.
Ernest S
2016-01-18 19:46:04 UTC
That is a strange question because God does ask any to kill their children yet very many do kill their children without any reference to God.

Additionally more have been killed by abortion in the last fifty years than in all the known wars in the history of the world.

Such is man's proud civilisation.

With regard to Abraham you deliberatley forget that God had promised Abraham that the Saviour would come from Isaac. So Abraham believed God would raise Isaac up. This is one of the clearest pictures of Christ that it is possible to give.

So neither you or any have any excuse.

With regard to the other references you make it is quite obvious why evildoers should suffer judgement.

That you deliberately twist and distort plain and perfectly understandable things shows a very ugly, deceitful and bitter motive, exactly to be expected from an unrepentant sinner that seeks to accuse others and excuse self even to the point of condemning God Himself.

That is the essence of sin, to deny itself, accuse and blame others and at the very least to minimise its own fault while maximising the supposed fault of others, all with the motive of keeping sin alive.

Your question reveals sin.
2016-01-19 04:27:00 UTC
its obvious that you have no idea of the hierarchy of command.

God is FIRST , ABOVE anything else.

when God COMMANDS, we obey, period.

and your argument is also misrepresented.

you argue only 1/2 but what about the other 1/2 that says God did not plan to carry out the killing of isaac .

in the story, eventually, God provided a ram, didn t He.

the point that I learn is that when God ... commands ... He wants to see whether we will obey.

when a general in a human army issues an order, everyone down the line do as they re told.

how much more when GOD gives an order .

-- If God told you to kill a child --

the point is, God owns the soul of that child, not YOU.

therefore, as owner, God has the right to give life or take it back in w/ever way He decides.

therefore, if we disobey God, that is SIN.

this is the hierarchy and this is the system in place in heaven and on earth.

imagine if obama orders US troops to war w a country and his order is disobeyed.

WHO is in the wrong, his order or the disobedience ? those who disobey his order

its fun to u/stand heavenly matters.

i take great pleasure in it.

Peace to you.
2016-01-18 10:31:20 UTC
A person should never refuse to do anything God tells them, even if it is to kill a child. That is definitely a sin to not do what God told you to do.
2016-01-19 07:27:15 UTC
You're rather missing several points. When God told Abram to sacrifice Isaac, he was testing just how good Abram really was. Abram failed because there was no cause to kill Isaac and God is *IN NO WAY* amiable to human sacrifice (human sacrifice is in fact categorically an abomination to God, which is a trivial test to demonstrate the foundational falseness of Christianity). Because Abram didn't even so much as balk at human sacrifice (he certainly knew there was no cause for killing Isaac), although he did instead balk on a personal appeal level, God never spoke to him directly again (check very carefully exactly how the interaction between God and Abram and Abraham works out, and how it changes at that pivot point). Moral of the story: contrary to popular belief; God is NOT looking for "yes men."

On the other hand; if God had genuinely told somebody to kill a child (for some cause), God would have that right. Your question is indicative of deluding yourself into thinking that you (and others) are superior to God and should stand in judgment of him. Mistaking oneself to be equal to God is the false promise of the serpent in the garden, and one of the numerous false promises of Christianity. Mistaking oneself to be superior to God is a bizarrely common error of atheism, and an all-too-common interpretation of Christianity.

On some finer points, the distinction between not being a yes-man and not trying to stand in judgment of God may be a far finer edge than you're capable of wielding.

I'm sad to state the obvious, that: neither approach will work out well for people, ultimately.
2016-01-20 13:06:13 UTC
It would be a sin but God doesn't tell people to kill something HE made. For the people thinking Gods not real , then how are humans alive ? Learn . God Is real . If u think humans must came and there's no Jesus then clearly u have mental issues. Anyways yes that would be a sin in disobeying him but he wouldn't do that. Smh ^-^
2016-01-19 18:49:09 UTC
If one is given a command by Jehovah and doesn't obey, it is a sin. If the person has a conscience issue with what Jehovah told them, it wouldn't be beyond God to explain why He would be telling them to kill a child. However, regardless of what Jehovah tells someone to do, one must remember that all of His ways are just, and that His thoughts are beyond ours. (Deuteronomy 32:4, Isaiah 55:8 & 9)
2016-01-18 18:52:20 UTC
God would never tell you killing is the answer so whatever is telling you this may not be (of God) and you may need to ask for some advice if your hearing thing regarding to that( no disrespect or anything just trying to help you out) and no it would not be a sin since like I said it was probably not God speaking to you.
2016-01-18 15:12:59 UTC
All those things that you said the God told Abraham to kill his child etc. Remember those things were when God was still focused on building Earth and making sure mankind didn't go crazy. But now that the Earth has been created for billions of years, i don't think he would ask his people to kill someone. Although if he did, that wouldn't be God because it says in the Bible the by killing you go to hell and God wants everybody to spend eternal life with them in Heaven, so it must be Satan getting into your head so you can SUFFER with him in hell for eternal life.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-01-20 14:56:16 UTC
What sort of god would tell anyone to do that and not provide a get out? The ram for Abraham and Isaac. I wouldn't do it, until I was convinced it was from god and as an atheist I'm not sure what that conviction would take. If I was a believer I would bear in mind it could be the devil.
2016-01-19 03:18:29 UTC
God will not tell to kill a child. It would be one of the nasty bad spirits which live everywhere in this world. There are different type of spirits with different characters all over the world. Without spirits human beings are just moving toys without ability to think and talk. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2016-01-19 12:55:34 UTC
Well the ten commandments state quite clearly:thou shall not kill.I'm a christian but I honestly don't think I could do it to be honest and i wouldnt see the point because if god who I believe is the almighty creator of the universe wants someone death he just has to think it and this person is dead...i think if I heard a voice telling me to kill a child I'd go to the next best mental hospital and get help...and if I'm wrong with this course of action I hope god forgives me...
2016-01-18 11:02:04 UTC
Why people nit-pick is always beyond me. God told you to be a good well-behaved person. He did not put on you the burden to kill anyone. If I were you, I'd stop with the comparisons and lead a normal life.

Abraham was a prophet. Prophets no longer live in this day and age.
2016-01-19 08:38:12 UTC

In Abraham situation he must have had conflicting thoughts, between his morality and his ideas about God.

Should he had followed a moral decision I think he would NOT have committed a sin and his future would have taken a different path towards another field of salvation. Having decided to pursue his inspired ideas about God the result was that he was rewarded.
just me!
2016-01-19 03:22:53 UTC
Remember that God sent an angel to stop Abraham. His boy was not murdered. God does not tell us to kill. The Ten Commandments says "Thou Shalt Not Kill." If an entity is telling u to kill a child, trust and believe IT IS NOT GOD! If you are hearing that, get to a hospital quickly. They know how to turn off those kinds of voices!
2016-01-19 16:33:41 UTC
The "God" of the Old Testament was an evil god if you were to actually believe what is said in it. I think it was written by men who used symbolism and parable to explain reality as they saw it. I trust the New Testament far more, it just makes sense. If you wanna read some deep stuff though, read the writings of Baha'u'llah, Abdul Baha and Shogi Effendi. The Koran was a just a review of what was said in both books, if you actually take your time to read it through you'll be very surprised with what it has to say.
2016-01-18 13:17:14 UTC
When you have knowledge of the Bible and develop a relationship with God you don't ever have to ask this kind of question. You KNOW God would never ask you to do such a thing and how comforting that is. Yes, he did ask it of Abraham but that was a special case. Taking a life is wrong no matter WHAT the reason.
2016-01-19 12:56:01 UTC
If this question pertains to Abraham and His firstborn Son with His aged Wife Sarah? would not be a sin. This event happened at a time when most religious beliefs practiced sacrificial rites and sacrificing firstborn children was not unheard of. A person willing to carry out this action cannot be accused of failing in their conviction to their beliefs. In the Movie "Apocolypse Now", Colonel Kurtz(Marlen Brando) explains how he got into his situation. Cnl. Kurtz had his mind blown when he witnessed the conviction of this Cambodian sect and realized its importance. God was looking for this level of conviction from someone who still had faith in the unseen creator. Had abraham ignored his dreams, there most likely would not be a biblical account of it. Unlike Allah, you are the one who decides whether or not you have faith in a creator and find solace knowing the creator has purpose for your being a witness
2016-01-18 15:33:26 UTC
I would only kill in self defence. And I'm not religious.

I would tell God to go f*** himself if I believed in him. I don't think that refusing to kill is a sin. It'd be stupid if it was.
The Goat Nose
2016-01-19 20:19:30 UTC
God wouldn't ask me to kill my child nor would he ask anyone else but Abraham.

You can't read scripture as a black and white fact-based historical narrative. You miss everything and understand nothing.

The "Binding of Issac" is a very complex and difficult story. We also read it through the lens of Christianity as it foretells the sacrifice of God's own Son Jesus.

If you have the ability, read Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling or Google it.
2016-01-19 17:44:41 UTC
Definitely yes, because sin is disobedience to God. Your reference to God commanding Abraham to kill his own son Isaac was indeed true, but the story did not end up Abraham killing Isaac. God was testing Abraham's submission and obedience (Genesis 22:1,12).

To those who say God is a lie, I am sorry for your soul. Even if all mankind will say there is no God, it will not alter the truth of God's existence. God is not created by the imagination of man. God exist because He is God. No one can fathom the mystery of God's existence. If your conclusion of God's non existence is based on the sufferings, killings and the troubles of all sorts happening in this world, you are mistaken sir. If you thought that God (if ever there is, you may say) is callous and does not care, does not take any action or just allow man to suffer while His up there watching doing nothing, then that is not true. If I will follow your reasoning, then I will also say there are killings and lots of criminality happening because there is no justice system. Right? But the question is, is there no justice system because there are killings all around as there is no God because there is so much troubles in this world? Would you say there are no barbers in this world because there are so many guys with long hair? There is justice system, it is just that those in authority did not implement the justice system. There are barbers all around, it is just that those who have long hair did not want to go to the barber and have their hair cut. I want you to consider this sir: If you don't believe in God only to find out when you die that there is, have pity on your soul. What will I lose if I believe in Jesus as my Savior only to find out that He is there is no God, NOTHING because there is no God after all to judge me. BUT when I die and it is true that there is God and that Jesus Christ is my Savior, all will be gain, and I loose nothing.

The reason there is just so much suffering in this world is actually because of the absence of fear in the True God, a wrong belief in a god or not believing in God at all. Sin is the root of all the troubles in this world. Those who torture, kill and terrorize people in the name of God is not serving the TRUE GOD, they are serving their god SATAN. The TRUE GOD is the God of LOVE.

Just sharing my thought.
2016-01-19 02:38:17 UTC
I don't think it would be a sin, but it would mean that you did not really trust God. Abraham's trust in God was so true, that he knew God would not ask him to do something that wasn't perfectly right.

What it tells us is that our own conscience is flawed. We often project on to God our own sense of compassion, forgiveness, etc. We justify our sins, convincing ourselves that God wouldn't really care if we did this or that, or that God wants us to be happy and "this sin" makes me happy, so God must be okay with it.
2016-01-18 12:39:40 UTC
Dod dont' tell us to kill a child.

But to kill an unborn baby is a sin. Exodus 21:22,23,
2016-01-18 17:24:54 UTC
Today? God would never ask that of us.

Context. Context. Context.

Abraham lived hundreds of years before the Ten Commandments were given to Moses and the Jewish people.

Abraham lived in a society where human sacrifice and child sacrifice was the normal thing to do.

God was just beginning to reveal himself to mankind and Abraham did not have the Bible or much of anything else to go on.

Abraham knew that his son was a gift from God. If God demanded that Abraham kill the son, then Abraham, although it probably broke his heart, would do it.

Under the same circumstances (context) would we be able to follow God's will?

Under the much easier circumstances that we live in today, can we follow God's will as Jesus revealed it to us?

With the Ten Commandments, the Prophets, and especially Jesus Christ as part of our current circumstances (context), God would not put us to this test.

But we do have similar issues to tackle, like abortion where we kill our children who are miraculous gifts from God just like Isaac was to Abraham.

In abortion we sacrifice our children to the gods of lust, convenience, economy, and selfishness.

With love in Christ.
2016-01-20 05:34:41 UTC
Why would God tell me to kill a child. That is what happens in modern human warfare. As far as Abraham goes it was not his will for him to kill Isaac. We know this because he stopped him. You should read the entire account and meditate on it.
Kim Audrey
2016-01-18 18:25:16 UTC
When God told Abraham to kill his son, God will test Abraham how deep the faith of him to God. I don't have a right to kill a child but if God told me I will show him how deep is my faith to him.
2016-01-19 17:21:21 UTC
We do no action without the will of God. If we kill it is due to will of God. If we save it is too due to will of God. What our selfishness or purpose decides if that action is a sin or good action. If we kill a person for our own sake or for our own selfishness or revenge then we have to pay for that it becomes a sin and results hell for us. If we kill a person to save life of others or for welfare of that being killed person or for welfare of other then we too have purpose of well wishing and this action if killing will reward us heaven. But if we have no own purpose for an action, no selfishness, no desire of fruit, no desire of revenge or welfare while performing any action wether of killing or any other action then the effect of that action will be neutral and we will progress toward God, Salvation or liberation.

If God tells us or wills to kill then we can not refuse because we have no right to refuse. We have to do as God wants. Every action we do is commanded by God in our life. But our selfishness, purpose linked with that action tie or link us with effect of that action.
2016-01-21 08:08:10 UTC
God would never tell anyone to kill a child
2016-01-18 10:54:16 UTC
If you joined the military and your country went to war, and they told you to drop a bomb over enemy territory ~ would you? Knowing children lived there? Or would you say "no" because your conscience wouldn't let you? Would that be a sin or crime against your country?

People proudly kill men, women, and children everyday for their country. People sacrifice their lives and that of their children by encouraging them to join and fight for their country. Yet when Jehovah kills or commands wicked people to be killed it's a problem...that's twisted and hypocritical!
2016-01-20 02:15:14 UTC
According to Christians, it's not excusable .. but you have an antichrist spirit and NOT A CLUE that your Old Testament references belong to ancient Israel, the first covenant, and nothing to do with Christianity.

Either get your facts right or find some Answers section like gardening or pets - that you may understand better.
2016-01-20 15:21:32 UTC
No, it isn't a sin. Its about disobedience to God. Its a story from ancient

times to frighten people out of disobeying their leaders. God, or whatever

being there might be who created the universe, expects us to use

our lives to love and have empathy towards our fellow creatures.
2016-01-18 15:30:02 UTC
Dear Friend,

First of all you are taking Scriptures out of context.

1. God told Abraham to kill his son Issac as a 'test' to see if Abraham trusted God. Abraham's relationship with God was so strong, that he believed that should he kill Issac, that God would resurrect him. God used this example for us today. That God took His only begotten son and sacrificed Him on the Cross as OUR substitutes for sin, in order that we too will be raised from the dead.

2. Yes, God did tell parents that they were to have their children stoned to death. But that was ONLY if the children were so "rebellious" that they would not change their wicked ways. God knew, that nothing good would come out of these children because their hearts were corrupt with ...SIN!

Deuteronomy 21:18–21 expands on the law:

If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.

“His bloodguiltiness is upon him” basically means that he brought this punishment on himself. He knew what he was supposed to do, and he didn’t do it. Also, it is important to remember that the Mosaic Law was for God’s covenant people, Israel, living in a theocracy. The Old Testament Law is not in force today (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23–25; Ephesians 2:15).

3. God told Saul to kill thousands of Amalekite children. Yes he did. We can safely assume that God knew Amalekite decedents would always bear rage against His people. In the book of Esther, Haman the son of the Agagite, who was an Amalekite king, sought to exterminate all the Jews. Even today, the name Amalek is a symbol for hatred against Jews. How different things might be had Israel obeyed God to the letter?

God 'is' the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the End. Ours is not to question in disrespect, but obedience. We are finite creatures. God is Spirit and is infinite. His ways are not our ways because He can see the BiGGER PICTURE of what "really" is going on and how things will be affected.

Look at it this way, remember the movie Back To The Future? Well, if certain things didn't happen in the present, it would affect the future. God knows what will happen when we disobey Him, because it can affect our future.

God does not sporadically expect us to kill anyone. We are never to shed innocent blood. there are times we must go to war and defeat our foe, in order for us to protect our nation, property, families, country.

I hope this information has helped you.

2016-01-18 10:44:54 UTC
Some people in Africa have the idea that some children are possessed by devils and think God is ordering them to kill them. In my view this is religious mania...a mental condition.

Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2016-01-19 11:08:08 UTC
Which god are we talking about?

I kill kids in jokes all the time. Per example:

The other day some kids were playing hide and seek in my neighborhood and one of them ended up in an abandoned refrigerator.

For weeks, that was all anyone talked about so finally I said, "Who cares? How many kids do you know get to die a winner?"
2016-01-19 18:27:52 UTC
Given the era we live in now I don't think God will ask such a thing. But if he did I guess I will have to hold my heart like Abraham and hope it's just a test.
2016-01-18 17:02:48 UTC
But aren't you committing a sin by killing which is a commandment given by God himself, I sense a paradox?
2016-01-18 12:46:56 UTC
God will never allowed you or tell you to kill cuz he gave Moses the law to give us to follow thou shall not kill know this the voice you may hear may not be God it can also be the demon pretending to be God ...God never break his own law if he were to say that then it mean he would not be God ......God said let vegeance be his all you need to do is serve him and do right and obey the Ten Commandments
2016-01-19 00:50:02 UTC
No he didn't.

Yeah you have to kill those kids. Like that red haired kid who bludgeoned the little boy and then stuck **** up his ***. Or those two dumb shits that tried to stab the other girl to death for slenderman. Kill them, do it.

Yes, the asshole amalekites were instigating battles. People have children. It was either that or leave them to die in horrible ways, they chose the lesser of two evils. Today we do it different, we just leave them to wander about in the mine fields and starve with no families.

I will however suggest that god is a complete arsehole for making this place in the first place and trapping us all here with the need to run in a pack. God has done an evil thing in the making of earth. The stupid son of a ***** actually thinks we need it, can you believe that?

He trapped us all here you know. People would have ended up like tom hanks knocking out their teeth in a cave with a freaking ice skate all alone. He knew people would have to have kids.

And kill me while you are at it please? Please? Suicide clinic?
2016-01-20 16:57:57 UTC
I could give a fook if it is a sin. If God wants kids dead, he has managed to murder plenty without my help, that fact alone makes him a count of such a magnitude that he isn't even in Ian Brady's league.
2016-01-18 11:59:04 UTC
God will never tell you to kill your children, and remember if he does he has the power to resurrect such ones. God told Abraham to kill his son but did he let him go through it no. Plus Abraham knew if he did kill his son God could resurrect him he had that much faith in God.
2016-01-18 11:23:08 UTC
No. Abraham's father was an idolater who believed in human sacrifice (along with basically everyone in Ur and the surrounding area.) The point of the story with Abraham and Isaac was that his new, one God didn't want human sacrifice like his previous, many gods.



*looks around*

Was Isaac sacrificed? No. For a horribly immoral tale supposedly containing human sacrifice, it's light on the human sacrifice. There is none. Leave it to modern anti-theists to complain about what isn't there.
2016-01-18 11:32:56 UTC
Nah ... it wouldn't be a sin, because it wouldn't be *God* who would speak such filth.

And to prove it, Deuteronomy 18:9-13 comes to mind.

It would probably be 'christ' during his "better-late-than-never" second coming, along with

his continuing want of once again imitating God, that would pronounce such perfect sin with his mouth.

'christ' = Satan .... I'd tell the little bastaard where to shove it.
2016-01-18 10:36:55 UTC
God is evil. He needs help. it is a sin to kill, and God should learn not to recommend evil. That is a misuse of power.
2016-01-19 07:58:18 UTC
God would not have allowed it in the first place.

People that criticize the Bible is because they have never read the Bible and have not gotten to know God whose main quality is love, and who is just, as one of his attributes is justice. 1 John 4:8

Job 34:10. "It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly,

For the Almighty to do wrong!"

Mankind is the one that does not respect life:


In 2011, approximately 1.06 million abortions took place in the U.S., down from an estimated 1.21 million abortions in 2008, 1.29 million in 2002,

1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in 1996. From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred in the U.S. (AGI).

Based on available state-level data, an estimated 984,841 abortions took place in 2013—down from an estimated 1.02 million abortions in 2012.


And those numbers are for abortions that were legally reported only.
2016-01-20 17:35:30 UTC
geesh I will never understand how people can read passages of scripture and never understand what they read

the entire story of Abraham and why God lead him to the Mountain and to give his own son was to show how Abraham BELIEVED God....and also how GOD would Provide a sacrifice for mankind

and you come up with IF God told you to kill a child ? GOD never intended for Abraham to kill his son...had YOU read scripture you would have read what Blood line the Promise ( JESUS ) would come through

and WHO the sacrifice was even then.

Please learn to read and comprehend what you read.
2016-01-19 01:25:42 UTC
We are all child of GOD and do you think any father would kill or order to kill their own child.
2016-01-19 13:46:08 UTC
Disobedience to God is always a sin. But God will never command such a thing. His word the Holy Bible is now complete.
2016-01-18 11:56:17 UTC
If God told me that, I would say, "If you wanted this child dead, God, you could do it yourself." I would think that God doesn't give us commands because he wants certain outcomes in this temporary world. He gives us commands for the benefit of our own individual spirit.

In the case of Abraham, as the story goes, God stopped Abraham, therefore it was merely a display of his obedience.
2016-01-21 06:52:55 UTC
The fact of the matter, God would not ask for a bunt offering or a blood sacrifice now, they are ceremonial laws of God and they have all been fulfilled by God Jesus Christ, because God Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the prophecy of God word as the lamb of God, that was to be slain before the foundation of the world. as it is written in God word the bible only, No man comes to the father but through the son Jesus Christ, he did all the work before the foundation of the world, that is why he is called the lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
2016-01-18 10:39:40 UTC
Numbers 31:17-18 God wants everyone inc.children slaughtered. Apart from the virgin children, they are spared and only have to be raped and used as slaves.

God is merciful and loving and xtians worship and condone this behavior.
2016-01-18 11:29:41 UTC
Of course not! I mean if God was willingly saying that, he should not be God and maybe that explains why tehres so much cruelty in this world. If someone orders you around, don't listen u have freedom and you should live however you want.
2016-01-19 00:06:06 UTC
Abraham was probably crazy to begin with wanting to kill his son, believing he heard something along the lines of his son being dead. It's like the people who say they see Jesus or Mohammed on a a burnt piece of toast or on a wall or in the flesh walking amongst us.
2016-01-19 18:58:39 UTC
The point isn't and wasn't the killing. The point is obedience. The point was for Abraham to prove to God that his Son, the thing he valued the most, was not more important than God. God wanted to show us how much faith Abraham had to trust God to do something so audaciously crazy! I won't talk much but I hope you get my point ..
Give Me
2016-01-19 08:56:50 UTC
If God told me to kill a child, I'd tell the c*nt to f*ck off.
2016-01-18 10:32:45 UTC
I think it's wrong to kill kids under any circumstances. How do you know the difference between God telling you to kill kids or if it's just insanity?
2016-01-18 14:24:18 UTC
Given that science proves god does not exist I would suggest that if people hear voices telling them to kill someone (children or not) then they should seek immediate medical help as there is a modern name for such behaviour.....Insanity!
2016-01-19 19:37:25 UTC
God will not tell me to kill a child. Since your hypothetical is non-existent there is no point on surmising on the outcome of the situation presented.
2016-01-19 10:35:15 UTC
It would certainly be a test of one s obedience & whole desire to please God. It would be to me not a sin but a wake-up call from God to obey Him & listen to Him because up to that point we have obviously not been that close to Him or paying attention to Him. For example, if we had been too lenient on our child in terms of discipline, that would be telling me to be more diligent in my discipline of that child or to be more responsive to the care of my child. It would also be a push to be very much more vigilant in my walk with God & be very sure of what it was He wanted me to do & what my motives were for that.
2016-01-19 09:52:43 UTC
This is a strange question cause the god will never tell you to kill child.
2016-01-20 14:57:36 UTC
Well it does create a dangerous precedent. For example christians can kill children and pretend that god told them to do it...
2016-01-18 12:04:40 UTC
I would tell any being, god or otherwise to go screw themselves. If that were a sin in this beings eyes, then it wasn't worthy of worship to begin with.
2016-01-18 15:24:53 UTC
Firstly, I did not tell Abraham to do any such thing! Abraham was obviously a schizophrenic. GOD told me troll yahoo answers and i must obey.
2016-01-18 10:34:13 UTC
Children should never be killed for any reason. If you're doing it because some magic being from another dimension said so, then you should have your head examined.
2016-01-19 01:13:49 UTC

God took much difficult tests of Prophets

Some Prophets even laid their lives for sake of God
2016-01-20 13:45:03 UTC
Disobeying gods commands is a sin
2016-01-18 11:07:25 UTC
It would be a sin for God to tell you that because pro-life and stuff... of course, that didn't stop him from telling it to Abraham.
2016-01-18 23:50:53 UTC
God is not evil. He promised to bring Issac back to life. It was a test, and He didn't make Abraham do it anyway.
2016-01-20 22:49:22 UTC
NO. You have protected a life. It is a merit.

Any way a god never ask to kill any one. He is surely a demon or a ghost who has processed him.

God ask spread love to animals too and protect animals.
2016-01-19 13:11:51 UTC
What God told abraham to do was a test.

God would never tell you do such a thing. So your question is invalid
2016-01-18 18:15:49 UTC
God wants you to exercise your free will, but if you do, He'll punish you. Don't worry, it's all part of the master plan for humanity.
Doug Freyburger
2016-01-20 16:03:30 UTC
That's how Christianity defines sin, which is why so many people of other faiths reject the Christian idea of what sin means.
2016-01-19 23:37:04 UTC
God would never tell u to kill a child that would be the devil play with u mind
2016-04-30 17:03:35 UTC
Well if it is, God would have to send me to hell. I just couldn't do it! But I doubt he'd ever do that! He'd take the child's life himself!
2016-01-18 18:06:15 UTC
Who is god?

I have not read the book, nor seen the film, so I am confused as to how you are asking me a question about a character I have no knowledge of.
2016-01-18 23:22:41 UTC
Actually, GOD didn't tell Abram to kill Isaac. GOD told Abram to circumcise his son. The "binding" was to prep Isaac for circumcism.

GOD said to sacrifice (the foreskin of the penis).
Devarajan Sekaran
2016-01-20 04:37:40 UTC
God doesn't ask any sacrification to take in a faith of human! It's a brutal mistake of we human!
2016-01-19 15:03:44 UTC
How can it be a sin to be more moral than the kind of god which would make such a command?
2016-01-18 13:24:29 UTC
He wouldn't. What I hope your are referring to is Old Testament. We no longer have to offer sacrifices because JESUS made the ultimate sacrifice for us. If the voices in your head are telling you to kill you professional help.
2016-01-21 11:26:51 UTC
< that a sin?>>

If you have a point to make, just make it. Will you?

If you have to invent some outrageous circumstance to illustrate some ludicrous point, that only goes to show how ludicrous your point was to begin with.


God NEVER intended to have Abraham actually carry out the deed.

< worship other gods.>>

"Children" includes ADULTS!

< of Amalekite children.>>

God told Saul to kill Amalekites. . . . . . . for whatever reason, you're just offended and fixated on the "children" only!

< that a sin?>>

Absolutely it would have been a sin. One cannot disobey God.

What you have to understand is that God is the author of life. Only He has the authority to decide when it begins. And only He has the authority to decide when it ends. For some reason, this rather common-sense ideal offends you.
2016-01-19 15:13:56 UTC
if you killed your child today and said god made you do it... you're going to prison and hopefully will be executed.

i say FAHQ any FAHQING piece of SH!!T "god" who tells you to kill your own child or anyone else's.


and *if* that means *I* am a sinner and will burn in hell then so be it but you will NEVER catch me killing any child to comply with a "VOICE IN MY HEAD".

and this is EXACTLY why i believe in god but NOT in christianity.


you christians can have all your CRAP bible CRAP teachings... i don't need them!!!

i know that god does NOT require a middleman and that salvation is a MYTH.

i will pay for all my own sins, no one will bear them for me or for anyone else.

you break it, you pay for it!!
River Euphrates
2016-01-19 12:06:35 UTC
No - it would mean you are just sane enough to not listen to the voices in your head.

I would still suggest getting help if you had voices telling you to kill children though.
2016-01-18 10:47:14 UTC
Israel never put to death small children for disobedience or wanting to follow other gods. It was a crime for adults to curse their parents and wanting to follow other gods. Lucky we are no longer under the law, we are under grace.
2016-01-19 15:10:07 UTC
the bible answers this question and what he was thinking Abraham had faith that God could resurrect Issac Hebrews 11:19

18it was he to whom it was said, "IN ISAAC YOUR DESCENDANTS SHALL BE CALLED." 19He considered that God is able to raise people even from the dead, from which he also received him back as a type.
2016-01-18 11:11:48 UTC
One of the Ten Commandments is 'do not kill' so this whole ******* religion is quite contradictory don't you think?
2016-01-20 12:09:34 UTC
If it is, guess I'd be going to hell, which I expect to go to anyway, because I would refuse and not feel sorry.
Eddie D
2016-01-19 11:54:31 UTC
Look, if you want to get rational just leave god out of it and do some straight thinking.
déjà vu
2016-01-18 10:49:46 UTC
I am Hindu and ex atheist. in Hinduism we believe God is cosmic consciousness, God is formless, action-less omnipresent and infinite. there is no question of him giving any command.
2016-01-18 16:11:53 UTC
All depends on the reasons why God would ask such a thing of you?..

Suppose the child was the child of the Devil?..
Brigalow Bloke
2016-01-19 20:02:58 UTC
God said to Abraham "Kill me a son."

Abe said "Man you must be putting me on."

God said "No", Abe say "What"

God said "You can do what you want hey but

The next time you see me comin' you better run."

Abe say "Where you want this killin' done?"

God said "Out on Highway 61".
2016-01-18 19:01:19 UTC
the Bible has several instances where God appears to be

just too [reference to intercourse]ing STUPID to think up a way to accomplish his goals without leaving PILES of dead babies as PROOF of his infinite Wisdom.

(Flood, Passover, Amalekites for starters)

It should come as no surprise that the people who imagine this God really exists, would not hesitate to imagine that it wants them to commit violence.
2016-01-19 11:29:22 UTC
God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac (Ishmael in Islam). But at the last moment he is stopped by an angel and told to sacrifice a goat instead.

In rabbinic texts and in Jewish liturgy, the episode has the title Aqedah ("binding"), and is interpreted as a perfect self-sacrifice by Isaac that atones for the sins of his descendants. In Genesis, however, no reason is given for God's demand that Abraham should sacrifice his son. The emphasis lies on the terrible challenge that the death of his son poses to the continuation of the line of Israel. It also presents Abraham as a paragon of righteous obedience, for which he is rewarded with a divine blessing.

In two respects the story serves as an explanatory myth. According to Hebrew law, the firstborn offspring of humans and animals had to be offered in sacrifice to God but, in the case of human beings, an animal victim could be substituted. The episode explains the origin of this practice and also the origin of the place-name Yahweh-yireh (traditionally rendered Jehovah Jireh). It is said to mean "Yahweh will provide", referring to the ram that was given by God. This follows a pattern that occurs frequently in the Bible, in which a particular place is authenticated as sacred through what is commonly referred to as a theophany, a manifestation of the deity.

Deuteronomy 21:18 demands the stoning to death of rebellious teenagers, endorsed by Jesus according to Matthew 15:1-9.

However, in Judges 11 Jephthah the Gileadite made a vow to the Lord: “If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.” His daughter turns out to be the one who does that; she says “you have given your word to the Lord. Do to me just as you promised, now that the Lord has avenged you of your enemies, the Ammonites. But grant me this one request,” she said. “Give me two months to roam the hills and weep with my friends, because I will never marry.” He acquiesces to her request and then sacrifices her. I suspect that this story illustrates Jephthah and his daughters’ devotion to God. To me, it shows barabarism just like the other stories in the books of Judges, Samuel and Kings, and many other places in the Bible. This story also reminds me of the story of Agamemnon sacrificing his daughter Iphigeneia in Greek myth. In this story, refusing to sacrifice the daughter, or resistance by her, might have been considered a sin.
2016-01-18 14:46:47 UTC
"If you talk to God that's called prayer. If God talks to you that's called schizophrenia." ~ Thomas Szasz
2016-01-19 07:58:30 UTC
Christians obviously think this is true. Just look at Leeah Alcorn.
2016-01-20 01:36:34 UTC
God was testing Abraham's faith, because you cannot love anyone more then him we have to sarafice it all. and the other ones I beilieve was due to strange flesh (not God's seed).
2016-01-19 08:07:10 UTC
If god told you to get a brain would he be wasting his time.
2016-01-18 12:45:26 UTC
It is a sin to ask stupidly foolish questions.
2016-01-18 13:59:07 UTC
If i told you to jump off the top of a skyscraper would you do it?. Answers is ruined by all you religious nutters.
2016-01-18 20:19:00 UTC
And you know the story so why are you even asking? In Abrahams case it would demonstrate a lack of faith.
2016-01-19 17:27:50 UTC
yes everything is a sin in the eyes of the lord that means no fun if your board you will go to heaven
2016-01-18 22:20:13 UTC
Yes of course.
2016-01-19 14:52:03 UTC
For the record God HATED that kid and i was only following orders
2016-01-20 08:16:44 UTC
No even if god is Charles Manson, Rev. Jim Baker, or even Rev. Jim Jones, or RABBI Poop and Scoop. ...0120.2016
2016-01-20 10:05:44 UTC
If you hear such a voice, you need to see a shrink. Quickly.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-01-18 20:44:57 UTC
You're damn right it is. Especially if you don't throw that babby on the barby you sinner!
2016-01-18 14:56:56 UTC
Today God would never tell you to do that.
Wellll... hello then!
2016-01-19 12:43:30 UTC
Theres a verse in the KJ bible that explains that idea,funnyou never seen it in your reading of THE BOOK!
2016-01-20 11:36:30 UTC
if god told me to kill a child...i tell him funk off...!!!
2016-01-19 08:47:15 UTC
Yes, in theory, God's word is meant to be law to christians - isn't that why the bible is so holy? The point of wether or not God would ask you to do something is irrelevant, the question you should ask yourself after thinking about this is now if this is the case, is God someone to be loved, or feared? You will find that the basis of all religion was from the greeks, who defined good people (translating literally) as "God fearing". The delusion of society today that the worship of God is because you love him, whereas the origins of worship were due to a fear of what was to come if they didn't worship. This then makes you consider if God is to be feared, is he indeed the epitome of goodness? If we are to follow his word to be good men, yet the basis of religion was a fear of a higher power, are we following his word for the selfish purpose of getting into heaven, or for the selfless purpose of helping others - if the prior, you haven't followed God's word and teachings, if the latter, why do you need a large stick and carrot to do what you do if you are truly selfless, you would do what you do regardless. The whole notion of God as a saviour is therefore deluded, due to the huge conflicting references both in the bible, and in the differing logic over the years about what a God or God really is. There is no absolute train of thought to categorically prove every aspect of God, yet it only takes one to disprove one aspect of his being to disprove the idea, as each aspect links the whole picture together. Therefore I am suggesting that the idea of God is actually a mass delusion of the ancient times when people didn't understand something they could explain with this concept.

For example, the death of Galileo: upon his discovery that the earth orbited the sun, now common knowledge among humans, the pope at the time ordered an inquisition upon Galileo to prove his worship of God. This is due to the bible saying that the earth was created before anything else in the 7 days of creation, and if the earth was created before the sun, why would the earth orbit the sun? All of his publishings on this matter were banned as they went against the word of the church. Galileo's actual method of dying is uncertain, some sources say he died of natural causes, some say he was sentenced to a death without bloodshed (burnt at the stake) by the pope, but this is irrelevant. The religious views were later changed on this matter to accommodate for the following overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Here lies the point, religious views, apparent words of God, were changed to cover up the error. This has two implications, either the interpreters of the words of God were incorrect, or the word of God was incorrect. The latter has obvious conclusions, so let's explore the former. The interpreters being incorrect may be simply a human error, yet if we are meant to follow the word of God to it's every aspect, why has he made it difficult to follow? Why has he not allowed other animals to follow the word, and only humans? After all, there is significant evidence we evolved from other animals, why did God choose that particular species rather than others (as we know animals do not worship God from inspection). Is it not incredibly cruel not to let all living things access to paradise? Did we evolve, or did God create us according to the bible, regardless of the large contrary evidence?

By the way, now is a good time for the following; apologies to feminists for my reference to God as a he, the reason behind this is due to the constant references in the bible. However, the likelihood is that an all powerful being was simply given the male gender, as, in the past, women were very wrongly thought to be inferior to men, and God was naturally given the gender due to this incorrect assumption.

This brings me to yet another quandary: if God created the world, did he also create all the other Gods that many of the other religions around the world worship, or do they not exist? If the former, why do so many people around the world believe in a different and contradictory way of life, that has lead to countless wars, all at the fault of God for creating contradictory opinions? If the latter, surely it is the hight of cruelty to build someone's expectations for a better life of paradise, when they are actually following the incorrect steps towards getting there, negating the point of their life ambition?

Hopefully with all of this thinking you can further understand your own opinions about this matter, but I urge you to consider all of them before coming to a conclusion: you may disagree with one, and think another is beside the point, but if any single one makes you think twice, consider that the word of God is, according to christianity, law, and anything which contradicts reality or itself needs to be considered to be a lie or foolish, and for someone like God, who is meant to know everything, and follow all of the values he sets for humans, there is clearly something wrong.

As a note to end on, I find it fascinating how the views of religion have echoed the views of society throughout the years, for example how slavery was not mentioned in the bible, as if it were commonplace and not a sin, yet kidnapping today is looked on harshly by the vast majority of churches. Regardless, if you or anyone want's to discus any point of this, I will be happy to engage.
2016-01-19 06:15:46 UTC
Yes, because Abraham chose the goat instead.
2016-01-19 21:02:40 UTC
yes it would but god dosnt take human sacrifices it would obvisly be a test of faith
2016-01-18 20:40:58 UTC
Think of these stories as allegorical which they are and you will figure out the correct meaning.
2016-01-18 13:40:16 UTC
I don't know, I wouldn't count it as one but these harsh asses in the bible probably would.
2016-01-18 21:34:34 UTC
It would be advisable to seek mental health help.
2016-01-20 02:46:37 UTC
you can't go against i guess it's a sin.
2016-01-19 03:13:23 UTC
He won't and if he does, it is a test.
2016-01-20 07:15:10 UTC
Praise Jesus
2016-01-18 15:02:45 UTC
That would only happen to someone mentally ill.
2016-01-19 12:40:27 UTC
He wouldn't tell anyone to do that!
Nobody Knows Anything
2016-01-18 14:53:54 UTC
The Christian god is a psychopath.
2016-01-18 11:38:25 UTC
do what god says
2016-01-19 12:39:19 UTC
2016-01-19 09:20:40 UTC
No, it would be not obeying an hallucination.
2016-01-20 04:26:17 UTC
Depends on circumstances when someone chooses to have an abortion but please consider adoption
2016-01-19 16:22:32 UTC
What did you do?
2016-01-19 00:04:16 UTC
2016-01-21 12:15:39 UTC
No way.
2016-01-19 02:09:12 UTC
you obviously are off your head
2016-01-19 20:25:25 UTC
no just schizophrenic
2016-01-19 10:22:03 UTC
What does the Bible say?
2016-01-19 00:40:27 UTC
2016-01-19 11:59:48 UTC
it is what it is
2016-01-19 18:00:12 UTC
Of course not, If he asked such a thing I would ask him WTF you been smoking marijuana or what??
2016-01-19 18:38:14 UTC
✡mama pajama✡
2016-01-20 09:31:43 UTC
Sin by definition is a violation of a commandment from God...technicially IF God commanded this..yes.

The only thing valid about your q is that sadly, there are people who have justified many murders claiming

righteousness or following what they claimed was justified from the Bible...when in fact, they've abused the Torah to do so.

Your examples fail to prove what you've claimed based upon several fallacies of extension and other misrepresentations though...some of them based upon later dogma from other religions...others upon misrepresentation out of context.

Abraham’s covenant was groundbreaking in the ancient world in that it was a rejection/separation from all the surrounding religions that relied on human sacrifice and beliefs that humans, (Pharaohs and other kings) could be incarnations or representations of gods in human form or deities outright. This narrative of Abraham and Isaac in its context teaches that the Creator who gave us life would never find it acceptable to kill our children to appease or seek atonement.Torah forever forbids human sacrifice and the consumption of any blood. Abraham’s covenant was groundbreaking in the ancient world in that it was a rejection/separation from all the surrounding religions that relied on human sacrifice and beliefs that humans, (Pharaohs and other kings) could be incarnations or representations of gods in human form or deities outright. This narrative of Abraham and Isaac in its context teaches that the Creator who gave us life would never find it acceptable to kill our children to appease or seek atonement. Another replacement theology tries to alter this story based upon the reference to his only son. Hagar and Ishmael were nowhere near Abraham in this narrative. The narrative has Hagar and Ishmael in exile. Ishmael was no longer considered by Abraham to be a son and he was not the son of his wife, but of a concubine, thus, never his heir according to the Torah and the promise of God to Abraham and Sarah.

Neither Yitzak (Isaac) or Ishmael were sacrificed according to the Torah. If God was showing that human sacrifice was acceptable, this was a very strange way to do it. God providing the ram indicated that his child was not an appropriate sacrifice. Abraham‘s dedication to do as God asked, despite Abraham‘s belief that it was wrong to sacrifice his child showed his complete trust in God, remember he told Isaac that God would provide the sacrifice. He trusted that God would not permit the death of the son whose heirs were to continue the eternal covenant promised.

I will run out of room showing how the other premises of your q are equally fallacious..for example...even when Jewish courts were in practice in the ancient Jewish kingdom, the execution of apostate Jews was not something performed except in the most extreme of circumstances and do you know why? Commandments from God in how to judge...

the death penalty was RARELY ever enacted. Any Jewish that enacted more than one execution in 70 years was considered cruel. < this is a place you can learn why the Jews rarely executed anyone, for any offense that could possibly result in death as a punishment for the offense.

Abraham told his servant waiting at the bottom of the mountain that he and the boy would return after sacrificing to God. This is said to reveal faith that God would not demand of him what he'd actually told him to do, that he already trusted that God would provide and spare this miracle child of his old age, promised to be the father of an eternal nation.

Another thing that jumped out at me the very first time I read this story as a child: He didn't mention a thing to Sarah, the woman who gave birth to the child in her old age. She was neither told or consulted when it came to the decision to offer her miracle child up as a human sacrifice. . How could God and Abraham do this..not say a THING to Sarah? Wasn't she the one to whom the miracle of his birth was given..doesn't she have any say in this? The story appears to indicate that right after this Abraham and Sarah separated.

19. And Abraham returned to his young men, and they arose and went together to Beer sheba; and Abraham remained in Beer sheba.

Note the next time Sarah is even mentioned.

And the life of Sarah was one hundred years and twenty years and seven years; [these were] the years of the life of Sarah.

2. And Sarah died in Kiriath arba, which is Hebron, in the land of Canaan, and Abraham came to eulogize Sarah and to bewail her.

( she didn't die in Beersheba, he had to come to her)

4. "I am a stranger and an inhabitant with you. Give me burial property with you, so that I may bury my dead from before me."

After the incident on the mountain with Isaac, Abraham returned to the servants he left below the mountain and with whom he left for Beersheba afterward. Nothing is mentioned of telling, asking or consulting Sarah or telling her they would return, nor is there mention that Abraham and Sarah were EVER together again until her burial!

As a mother,I think the whole incident was just too much for Sarah! Abraham did not question God about wanting the life of his very own son, yet he had challenged God over the destruction of strangers at Sodom and Gomorrah..this was viewed as a failure on his part to do what he should have done. It isn't forbidden to question God. Isaac's son Jacob's struggle with the messenger of God gave us the very name of our covenant nation, Israel, struggle with God..we strive toward a path of righteousness, testing and questioning to make sure what we follow is valid and is honoring our obligations given to us by God in the eternal covenant.

Abraham didn't just have children with Hagar and Sarah, and he didn't just have two sons, he also had Zimran, Jokshan, Medan Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah as recorded in Genesis chapter 25.

Not one of them were members of the covenant between God and Abraham.

God established the eternal covenant with Abraham and promised to continue it eternally through his progeny through Sarah, and all who joined them in affirmation and dedication to the path of instruction God gave for all the Yehudim. The word Jew comes from the Hebrew word Yehudi meaning to praise God. The angels visited Sarah to promise that her son would pass the covenant.

If God had wanted Isaac dead, how could the covenant have then been passed though him until today?

Murder is forbidden by commandment from God. Israel trusts that God does not violate the commandments given to us, nor expect us to violate them.

Killing in self defense is not considered murder..the instances of Israel killing off any people in the context of the narrative are in defense of their own existence. Don't forget about all the nation peoples ( tribal entties etc) that the Israelites encountered that they peacefully passed through and co-existed with who did not try to exterminate them that are also mentioned in the Torah.

Abraham's words to his servant he left at the bottom of the mountain and his words to Isaac showed him that HIS conscience told him that he knew God would not permit him to murder his child. So, that destroys the premise of your q even without going into any further detail as I did that destroyed a few others.

edit: Robert's answer is a great one. If anyone ever hears a voice saying to go kill a child ( OR ANYONE ELSE) and you think it's God telling you to do this..please check yourself into the nearest psychiatric facility for a complete work up.

if there had been mental health facilities in Abraham's day...I would have advised him to do the same. .....of course he knew he wouldn't have to kill Isaac..but the very idea that he'd be preparing his son for a sacrifice would have had Sarah sending a truck with men in white to put him in a straightjacket and cart him away if that had been an option and if she'd have known is something I don't doubt for a moment.
2016-01-20 08:25:26 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.