Is it true that we are all a work in progress, why do certain things take so long?
2006-10-28 08:26:55 UTC
I am going through a lot of change in my life and I know to trust God and read the word but my problem is that I want everything solved as as soon as possible. Is it ture that we are a work in progress that in ongoing and continual? and why does certain goals and dreams take so long to acheive especially when I desire them? How have you handeled or dealt with this situaion in your life? Godly, practical and spiritual answers only please.
Seven answers:
2006-10-28 08:39:53 UTC
I went through the same thing, God removed the homosexuality from me along with craving drugs and such, but it wasn't until 5 years later that he healed me of alcoholism. Many times these things happen the way they do because there is something more important to God that he wants to change in you before the healing will stick. Why would God make a man a millionaire if the man is a fool with his money? Likewise with addictions, if a man has a tendency to be self righteous and God just heals him of it, then that man would be unbearable to other alcoholics who are praying for healing. Pray to God that he would reveal to you the things he is trying to change in you, hidden sins, wrong attitudes, many times they seem like small stuff, but it's always the small stuff that creates big problems.
2006-10-28 15:39:38 UTC
I am in exactly the same situation - and this change has been going on for a long time - like 3 years. I think the problem is that we continually try to work our will instead of being patient and learning the lessons we are supposed to learn along the way. I feel like I keep getting close to a resolution, and then I think "oh good, back to my plan" and it falls through. I later think "If that was the right way it would have worked the first time." Sometimes we have already considered every avenue so carefully and are so convinced there is no solution that there is no way for heaven to send one. Sometimes we are so frigtened of the new that we continually go back and "settle" for what we know and are comfortable with again and again, then have to start practically anew on the goal we started.

Now I am really close (again!) - the resolution is just in my grasp and I am trying hard to be patient, to see the lessons, to be open to the will of heaven. I try to focus my mind and my attention on the favorable outcome, rather than how hard it was to get here or any lingering problems that could wreck my plans. Whenever I start to think negatively or doubt the outcome I stop myself and say "This is all going to work out perfectly. I await the will of heaven and I know I have angelic help and support. A favorable outcome awaits my positive expectations."

Your desires will be realized, but not necessarily in a predictable manner. If we can just maintain our aim, remain faithful and happy for long enough, we are rewarded many times over for our patience. Wish me luck - my issues should resolve on Monday.



Take the next Answer for example bigez3804 - perhaps it was an order thing for him. It is possible that this person simply could not have accomplished his initial goals without retaining one vice, but now that 5 years have passed he has overcome and is strong enough to deal with the alcoholism. There are steps that must be undertaken in a proper order. If he had tried to give up alcohol first he might have fought with himself aimlessly for some time, yet if we allow change to flow from heaven and progress at it's own pace with faith - we can realize our goals and not make ourselves sick from trying to work our will all along the way. I hope this help - peace and best wishes to you!
2006-10-28 15:37:13 UTC
Positionally and experientially. I'll try to explain that.

First of all, our position in Christ has to do with whether or not we've accepted Him. If we have, then we are "seated in heavenly places with God." We are perfect in His eyes, and His work is done in us.

However, experience is a little different. While all Christians are on the same level positionally, our faith is always growing and being shaped. God will never be done teaching you things, and there will constantly be ways that your faith is tried and tested so that it can grow. If your problem is that you want everything done now, then maybe God is going to purposely slow things down a little, just so that you learn to rely on Him even more, and trust His timing. For me, sometimes the issue is just pride in being a Christian. I have such a faith in God, and it's easy for me to look at other people and feel like I'm a "better" Christian. So, for me, God will often bring people in my life who will ask questions I can't answer about the Bible, or He'll plan it so I sit in on a sermon about something I've never thought about...just so that I can learn that I DON'T know it all. And my faith grows.

So, positionally: you are complete. Experiencially, you are still growing. Continue to talk God, CONSTANTLY. Ask Him to help you be patient. Remember that He's your daddy, and whatever He's putting you through is just going to make you better in the end.
2006-10-28 15:44:42 UTC
Such a great question.

God does things in his time - and this is according to his wisdom.

What that means is.... he knows just how long it will take to accomplish in you what he wants to accomplish - and it is almost always longer than we think we need.

I went through a terrible divorce five years ago. I was married for 21 years with four amazing kids. I became a believer after ten years of marriage and my wife never did. We had so many differences and when she decided she wanted out she did it by detroying the marriage within a year. There was alot of suffering and I was very hurt and angry. And for the first time in my life very lonely. The time seemed like forever - but God was doing a work in me. I learened some thinghs about myself and about life I needed to understand. I kept saying and thinking God was working in me, which I knew, but it was hard.

God never stops working in us - from birth to death. He is not interested in our comfort, but in our character, and that we become more like him - and I would not want it any other way. We don't learn much when things are flowing along and we are satisfied - we learn much more when we have to go through things, learn and be humbled. Then we also know that our God suffered more than we are, and was gentle and humble in spirit.

There was a beautiful smart woman at my church who was going through the same thing I was. She is a teacher and I became a teacher, and we married last year. She is mature and kind and giving, and I try to be the same to her - now we both know that when God is the center of your life you have purpose, meaning and joy.

"Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you." You need only to focus on him and he will take care of the rest.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4

These are God's promises and will never fail.

Trust God, love him, thank him, stay in the word as you are - he appraently loves you very much and is close.

You are his masterpiece in progress.
2006-10-28 15:49:31 UTC
*smile* remember, to God a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand a day. I had the same thought once. God is changing me, but He's taking a considerable amount of time to do it. And then I thought, why should He hurry? He's got eternity.

We have to remember that, even though the word of God says that His purpose for us is that we be conformed to the image of His son, God's timing is much different than ours. Yes, we are a work in progress. And, as in all things, His timing is perfect. There will be a day when Jesus presents you before the Father as perfect, unblemished. Trust Him and His timing, give yourself to Him as clay in the hands of the Master Potter. Wait and watch and see what He does. You will be amazed at the outcome of His work one of these days!
Mark Highmind
2006-10-28 15:31:06 UTC
If your god is so nice, then why doesn't he just make you right all at once. If is a meaningless non-event. The only goal in life is to make it last as long as possible and get as much out of it as you can. So if you are going through changes, it is because you are deluding yourself with the thoughts that there is a higher purpose.
2006-10-28 15:31:28 UTC
I asked the same question in a meditation once.

Almost immediately an answer came into my thoughts. It said " simplicity teaches not"

The answer carried so much authority that I never doubted where it came from.

It makes sense.

Love and blessings


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.