Antisemitism question...?
2008-07-08 08:09:34 UTC
I have seen countless numbers of "questions" that are nothing more than an attempt to denigrate Jews and Judaism.

Can any one of these posters please tell me WHY? Is there some incident in your past that makes you hate Jews so much?
I do not see any reason for a wholesale hatred of any member of a religion.

I would particularly like to hear from Michael W or fugyu2 as they seem to be the most blatant recently.
Seventeen answers:
Annt Hu DeShalit
2008-07-09 10:56:35 UTC
The phenomenon is well known at Yahoo! Answers in two sections:

Religion and Spirituality

Israel Travel

For example, one such person who calls himself Bosco who makes no bones about taking over the Israel section.

He wrote:

"Why not occupy the so-called "israel" travel category?"

The details of that question were as follows:

"I mean,I assume all Muslims sympathize with the Palestinians. It would be like a cyber version of a revolution. If enough Muslims just start posting on there - either issues relating to the Pals or just the same sort of thing you might post here - wouldn't you be ousting the yahoodi if enough people were doing it? It's not against the rules after all. Think of it...take over and convert it a de facto Palestine category.


You can find his plan at

And you can help to destroy Yahoo Answers by doing as Bosco suggests.

Or you can work to make Yahoo Answers a decent place.

2016-05-29 04:23:15 UTC
Since Anti-semite was a term that was coined as a hatred of Jews then it is defined as a hatred of Jews. Otherwise most Semites are dead. Arabs are not Semites. Arabs by descent are half Egyptian so they are semitic and hamitic. Jews by descent are semitic and semitic, so they are semites. Anti-semitism by definition is also called judeophobia. If you are against Israel you are not an anti-semite. Most of it boils down to language. If you are caught using the word Jew then you are most likely an anti-semite. Most Jews do not live in Israel so why blame Jews. Arabs in America are not terrorists, but some are in the middle east..........are you going to call arabs in America terrorists as well. This is actually being done in America. "But by today's definition it means anyone who is pro-Palestinian, anyone who is critical of the Israeli government, and anyone who wants justice for Palestine." That is not true. If you notice Finkelstein gets the anti-semitic term much less (and he's a jew so he would logically get it the most) because he never uses the term Jew and supports a 2 state solution. You can be critical and not anti-semitic. It's just that most people who are critical of Israel always talk about Jews. "Exactly. You're right." So if by definition she is wrong........then she is right? "One Israeli user even said that anyone who is pro-Palestine is either antisemitic or uneducated." Just one? So that proves your point. Like I said, if you just use the word Israeli.........then you are not antisemitic and anyone who calls you that is a joke. Antisemitism has not changed over the years. If arabs were not semitic before then they are not Semitic now. There are however people who will call you antisemitic if you support Hamas. They have every right to do so and I support their perspective on that issue. Because if one side says All Jews should die and you support that side then clearly you support what they are saying. For example: "But taking over and taking land is not? " Uneducated response.
2008-07-08 09:18:20 UTC
I want to thank you so much for this question. IMHO, there is no "why" to hating Jews. I think it's a form of psychosis wherein the person is being controlled by their reptilian brain and they allow their emotions to completely rule their intellect. I think they believe that Judaism is a rebuke to their carefully constructed view of the world. They believe Christ is the Messiah and we don't. How can that be..they ask themselves? Why aren't the Jews poor and suffering? They should be..they say...because they are not blessed by Jesus and do not accept him. And I don't think you'll get an answer from any of our resident Jew-haters. People like that have no critical thinking skills and couldn't articulate their hatred without sounding crazy. And this ridiculous notion that Jews and Pagans are somehow blending their religions is absurd. We just support each other....what on earth is wrong with that?
The angels have the phone box.
2008-07-09 07:39:38 UTC
Well, kids, it all started when the Jews wouldn't lie down and assimilate nicely to Roman ways and worship their gods.

The Romans had a real bee up their butt about us and that infected Christianity, which unfortunately proved a very fertile nest for Roman slander to grow into the raving beast that is anti-Semitism.

We see it, complete with its highly selective use of history, in today's debate over 'Palestine.' That name comes from the Philistines, who were an Aegean peoples from Greece and Crete and an old enemy of Judea. So when the Romans wanted to eradicate Jewish identity once and for all following the Bar Kochba rebellion and two years of Jewish rule, besides massacring the people, they renamed the land Syria-Palestina.

And today that name is being used to rewrite history in the Arab quest to destroy the state of Israel by any means necessary. Including using their kindred as pawns and well-meaning westerners as dupes.

It's not about something that anyone has done to someone else. It's about people's quickness to believe without question anything that casts Jews in a bad light.
Big Atheist
2008-07-08 08:16:35 UTC
They're idiots, plain and simple.

I do have an honest question though, it says in the Torah G-d specifically instructs the Children of Israel to 'turn away' from the practises of their Pagan neighbours.

How does JPA fit into that?

Fiona M
2008-07-09 11:22:52 UTC
If you are a jew you are going to be sensative to the hateful remarks on YA,

If you are a Chrisian you are going to be sensative to the hate towards Christians and the same applies for everyone...Muslims aswell... we should maybe take a look at their Q&A ...?

I live in Northern Ireland, where Catholics have slaughtered protestant children in the streets...where protestant militants have slaughtered Catholic parents in front of thier children!

WE ALL live in a world full of distain for a fellow human if they are different from ourselves, because lack of understanding or listening brings misunderstanding, leading to mistrust leading to jealousy, anger and murder. Revenge upon revenge which leads to generations of inability to forget.

We can all get the persecution complex.... each era has its stories to tell of persecution.

Everyone of faith is under attack from some sector.

And it is worldwide!

Christains attacked by muslims

Muslims attacked by Christians

Jews attacked by muslims

Muslims attacked by Jews

Christians attacked by atheists and Pagans

Pagans attacked by Christians , Jews attacked by Christians

All the factions of Islam attacking and slaughtering one another,

All the denominations of Christianity never aggreeing on who has the truth and have slaughtered in the past in the inquisition for example..and it is prophecied will attack one another also in the futre.

Until in the will cease

The problem lies with each faith believing it is the only true path to God. But I honestly see no one faith being persecuted more than another in todays society.....truly we cannot understand fully unless we walk a mile in another mans shoes......
2008-07-09 11:03:53 UTC
Classical anti-Semitism has its roots in Christianity.

But I do think that on Yahoo Answers, anti-Semtism, in small part, is a reaction to this alliance between Jews and pagans.

Pganism is absolutely unacceptable to Judaism, and allying themselves with pagans just makes these certain Jews here very unpopular among all non-pagans (Jews and Christians alike).

We wish that this strange alliance would come to a speedy end.
2008-07-09 04:08:22 UTC
Maybe they feel the Jews are getting in their way or stopping them from reaching their goal...whatever that might be.

It's a hard question to answer. But's it's based on ignorance and their unwillingess to take the time to learn.

Otherwise they're just jealous.

Michael W's answers are disgusting. Ugh.
2008-07-09 06:23:33 UTC
From the beginning of mankind, the question has always been "whose God is more powerful?" or "my God is better than your god." Christianity and Islam have taken it to the extreme by exterminating "non-believers" in their own version of God.

Each century has a new method of extermination. This century the method seems to be to love us to death (convert) via Messianic "Jews." As long as Jews continue to exist, there will be doubt about the divinity of Jesus.

2008-07-08 08:24:55 UTC

Yes, lately there are a few people who jump at the mention of 'jewish' only to then malign and bash us. And it doesn't matter what we say in return. They just don't want to know.


You little moron. Here is someone who sees anti semitism and SPEAKS OUT ON OUR BEHALF and YOU go and say that???

You may be an orthodox Jew, but you're NOT a decent PERSON.

PHOENIX - please, please ignore 'j unit'. She does NOT represent Jews.


That 'disgrace of a state called Israel' is the ONLY democracy in the entire middle east! And that's the country you condemn?

It's the only nation in that region that follows the rule of law, it's the ONLY country on this EARTH that people would expect to just sit back while being attacked day and night by TERRORISTS!

Oh, and AMBER? Yes - singling out ONLY the JEWISH state IS anti semitism! You don't like that? Learn the FACTS.
Lady Annabella-VInylist
2008-07-08 08:35:30 UTC
You are right to ask this question and yet, sometimes there cannot be any rational explanation to some forms of antisemitism. Do you know that there are places in the world where you can find antisemitism and NO Jews??? (or hardly any).

Antisemitism is insidious and it is now taking new forms, such as SOME instances of anti-Zionism.
2008-07-08 08:30:05 UTC
I think the people who really have hatred for the Jews is because they blame them they think they are the trouble in the Middle East they hate that they are the ones who brought one GOD to the world they hate that they have never been wiped out as many have tried...

ONTOH- I think people debate forms of Jewish belief die to Jesus Christ as millions of Christians await for him as Messiah of the world that is just theological debate there is no hate involved..

My 2 cents...:)
Tiny Clanger
2008-07-08 09:45:22 UTC
I wonder whether part of the hatred of Jews is to do with the fact that they aren't trying to convert anyone. They don't want anyone else in their religion (I hear it is very difficult to convert) and that makes people suspicious and suspicion begets fear and fear begets hatred.
2008-07-08 08:15:14 UTC
Phoenix - can I add something to your question?

I'd like those who answer to separate out hating Jews vs. hating Zionists; I'd really not like to see a reason for anti-Semitism be Israel (that's political, not religious).

2008-07-08 21:36:15 UTC
People hate us 'cuz we're COOL! They're just jealous.

*Random thought*

Isn't it weird how the summary of every Jewish holiday's story is, "They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat?"
marlese 999
2008-07-08 08:20:58 UTC
I have nothing against Jews but I have a huge problem with zionism and the disgrace of a state that they call Israel.

Apparently, that somehow makes me antisemitic.

Edit: I'm singling out Israel not because it is Jewish but because it doesn't belong there. Palestinians deserve to go back home, not to be fenced in cage-cities.
Eye of the Beholder
2008-07-08 08:24:38 UTC


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.