If you are a jew you are going to be sensative to the hateful remarks on YA,
If you are a Chrisian you are going to be sensative to the hate towards Christians and the same applies for everyone...Muslims aswell... we should maybe take a look at their Q&A ...?
I live in Northern Ireland, where Catholics have slaughtered protestant children in the streets...where protestant militants have slaughtered Catholic parents in front of thier children!
WE ALL live in a world full of distain for a fellow human if they are different from ourselves, because lack of understanding or listening brings misunderstanding, leading to mistrust leading to jealousy, anger and murder. Revenge upon revenge which leads to generations of inability to forget.
We can all get the persecution complex.... each era has its stories to tell of persecution.
Everyone of faith is under attack from some sector.
And it is worldwide!
Christains attacked by muslims
Muslims attacked by Christians
Jews attacked by muslims
Muslims attacked by Jews
Christians attacked by atheists and Pagans
Pagans attacked by Christians , Jews attacked by Christians
All the factions of Islam attacking and slaughtering one another,
All the denominations of Christianity never aggreeing on who has the truth and have slaughtered in the past in the inquisition for example..and it is prophecied will attack one another also in the futre.
Until in the end...it will cease
The problem lies with each faith believing it is the only true path to God. But I honestly see no one faith being persecuted more than another in todays society.....truly we cannot understand fully unless we walk a mile in another mans shoes......