im a christian but on a documentary i just watched it said the earth was billions of yrs old?
2010-05-12 20:39:04 UTC
but my chruch they say that the earth is only 6000 years old, and my parents say not to believe the scientist. which to believe? what do other christians (and ATHIESTS i guess) have to say on this matter
37 answers:
Pouts for boys
2010-05-12 20:41:26 UTC
You have only just found out that the earth is more than 6000 years old??

How old are you?? I thought this was biology for 7 year olds.
james o
2010-05-12 20:59:44 UTC
Examine not the claims, but the evidence.

What is the evidence that the earth is more than four billion years old? You saw the documentary. What evidence does it give?

And as for the young earth theory, again the same question applies: What is the evidence?

The fossil record suggests that there were creatures on the earth for an incredibly long time before humans came. As for the young earth theory, what is the evidence that these fossils are incorrectly interpreted? You can't say they are fraudulent, because they are being dug out of the earth every day, all over the planet. There is a hot spot underneath Yellowstone. It has formed a caldera which is perhaps one of the largest in the world. It has erupted before. If you travel in the Southwest, you can see where it has erupted before, many millions of years ago. It appears that the hot spot has been in the same spot for millions of years, but the earth's crust has been very slowly moving in a south-westerly direction, which is why the earlier signs of eruption are southwest of the present site of the caldera. For these geological signs to be the way they are, the earth must be millions of years old. The same thing is true of the hot spot underneath the Hawaiian islands. The earth's crust there is under water, but it is also slowly moving, and that is why the site of former and current eruptions is very different.

The last glacier finally stopped just south of what we now call New York City, and the debris left behind is what makes up a good portion of Long island. This all happened a long time before history.

Take the evidence from botany, biology, geology, astronomy, etc, and you wind up with a long laundry list of events that cannot have happened in just six thousand years. The evidence comes from all sorts of different fields, and it's overwhelming and it's pretty uniform in its implications. It is not contradictory most of the time, and when it is, there's usually a very small aspect to the contradictions, and these contradictions can in fact be explained.

Evidence for a young earth? The Bible. But not just any Bible -- it has to be read literally. I've never found any evidence that suggests that the Bible ought to be read literally, so I don't read the Bible literally. If and when I encounter evidence that suggests that the bible must be read literally, no matter how confused it makes everything in it, then I'll consider said evidence. I haven't seen anything like that.
2016-06-02 05:15:46 UTC
It's an open question for me. The gap between the two is very wide. Scientists may revise their calculations and come up with new theories. Bible scholars may have new interpretations of the Word. We may think that one is right and the other is wrong. But it may be possible that both are wrong or both are partially correct. We are assuming that the earth is progressing without a discontinuous event that may have drastically altered the timeline. We are also assuming that everything ages at the same rate through history and that no radiation materials from outside earth can alter such records. There are too many assumptions and speculations. We are talking about billions of years, many things can happen in that period. If you consider the God's timing, that is even further, from the alpha to omega, the beginning to the end.
2010-05-12 20:48:21 UTC
I assume your parents also told you the Earth was 6000 years old.

Okay, now, remember when they told you about Santa Claus as if he was literally real...? And that the tooth fairy was putting money under your pillow while you slept at night?

Perhaps your parents don't even really believe that the Earth is really 6,000 years old. Maybe they pretend to believe it so they won't be judged. Or maybe they just never figured out that their parents didn't really believe in all of it, so they're still playing along with something from when they were kids.
2010-05-12 20:45:46 UTC
Science has documented cases of actually saving people's lives with things like medicine, and is based on evidence.

There is nothing in the Bible about the age of the earth. There is plenty of evidence in science that says that the Earth is over 4 billion years old.

I like to stick to what the evidence says, and not what someone just tells me to believe with no evidence to back it up.

I would ask your parents to show you where in the Bible it says it is 6000 years old if I were you.
2010-05-12 20:46:00 UTC
This is my own theory, the universe is billions of years old (as scientists say) but has only been around for 6,000 years. Contradictory? Not at all.

When God created Adam He made him as a fully grown man not a baby.

If someone were to bring a say 25 year old man to you and say "look at this guy, he's only ten minutes old!"

But that was not true in the case of Adam. At the moment of his creation he was a full-grown man, yet was only seconds old.

Same with the universe.

God created it over the first six days as an already-functioning system. So for it to be functioning it must appear old and have "age".

That is how it can be both billions of years old, yet only six-thousand. Does your head ache yet?
2010-05-12 20:49:55 UTC
Well I would tell you to look to your parents for this. But you say you are a christian, so am I. but what does your definition of christianity mean? do you just believe jesus is the son of God and he died for the sins of the world? Or have you been baptized, filled with the holyghost and know God for yourself? Well i said all of that to say this. when you get to know God you will know everything he has done on earth will be tested by scientist. God did not make everything so easy for them to figure out,so don't trust in that. when ever we spend our time trying to figure out Gods mind and the things he's done we are only hurting ourselves. The bible says our thoughts are not his thoughts and his thoughts are not as ours. I hope this helped! Just remember scientist can NEVER comprehend God!
the re - chosen one
2010-05-12 20:55:45 UTC
Here is the reason behind why there is such a discrepancy in the age of the Earth between Creationists and evolutionists. Mankind has mistranslated the God Yahweh's Creation Story in the book of Genesis. Yahweh is not counting the many prehistoric eras of evolution that existed on Earth in His creation story but is only counting the last six or seven eras of modern evolution in His creation story. Yahweh used the world wide flood that is already in progress and covering the Earth on the first day of creation to wipe out or drown the last prehistoric era before starting the first or oldest era of modern evolution of life on Earth. Yahweh is not referring to 24 hour days but eras of modern evolution. He is not referring to the sun rising when saying morning came but is referring to the start of an era of evolution and when He says evening came He is not referring to the sun setting but is referring to the end of an era of modern evolution. The seventh day or era when He rested is referring to this era of evolution we are still living through. So the entire creation story from the beginning and up through Jesus and into today consists of only modern eras of time on Earth. So the dinosaurs are as old as we are dating them and the Earth is much older than the creation story is leading us to believe.
2010-05-13 13:31:04 UTC
There is a DVD on this, I do not believe this as a christian. One main reason they say this is because they believe dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before people came along, (evolution) but this is easily disprooven because in Job 40:15-24 15 it says-

¶ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

16 Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly.

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18 His bones [are as] strong pieces of brass; his bones [are] like bars of iron.

19 He [is] the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his

sword to approach [unto him].

20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

22 The shady trees cover him [with] their shadow; the willows of the brook

compass him about.

23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, [and] hasteth not: he trusteth that he

can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

24 He taketh it with his eyes: [his] nose pierceth through snares.

This is thought to be describing that long necked dinosaur the brontosaurus. It says his tail sways like a ceder, which according to many other verses obviously is depicted as a big tree:

Psalms 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon (would this verse make much sense if it were referring to a small or medium sized tree?)

Isaiah 2:13 And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, [that are] high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan,

Isaiah 37:24 By thy servants hast thou reproached the Lord, and hast said, By the multitude of my chariots am I come up to the height of the mountains, to the sides of Lebanon; and I will cut down the tall cedars…

This tells me that dinosaurs were alive in biblical times not millions of years ago. Also some creation scientists studied the bible and made a graph showing the time line of the age of biblical people aging about 4000 years before Jesus was born (2000 years ago) And they also calculated that if people were alive billions of years ago instead of just 6000 then the earth would have hundreds of people per square inch! Carbon dating is also inaccurate because of weathering etc. so I do believe it is around 6k years old.
2010-05-12 20:42:11 UTC
Well, science points to a much older earth. I think that you can be a Christian and still believe in what science has to say. You shouldn't act as if they are directly contradictory. A friend of mine, who is a Christian, says that science is a means of understanding God's plan. He believes in evolution and thinks that many of the stories in the Bible are metaphors, rather than true events.
2010-05-12 20:42:41 UTC
We know that no gods or devils exist outside of a brainwashed mind . And the earth is 4.5 billion years old give or take a few days . Did you really believe the bible was dictated by a god ? Common man is the source of all written deceit .
Peeing in the Shower
2010-05-12 20:41:58 UTC
Using the bible as a "dating reference" says the world is 6,000 years old. (roughly)

Science says it's like 4.6Billion.

Let me ask you a question. Does it matter which one you believe. I believe I've got a greater purpose in my life right now then to worry about when the earth began. For some people that's what they think they must do, so be it.
2010-05-12 20:42:15 UTC
Both are wrong, the Earth is a lot younger than that seeing as the Universe was created in 1969, when Santana opened up for Woodstock.
2010-05-12 20:41:52 UTC
Only a cloth eared twit would believe that the earth was six thousand years old simple observation without any scientific data at all would indicate that it is Billions not thousands of years old
2010-05-12 21:04:33 UTC
You just found this out now? Did you go to school?

The earth is about 4.6 billions year old!

Whatever recorded history we have, including paleontological and geological history, is basically the period at the end of this sentence compared to the earth's overall history.
2010-05-12 20:46:03 UTC
just by one video you get confused. There are also people who say different read this site this man claims the world is 6000 years old. He has became Christian later but read it.
2010-05-12 20:42:02 UTC
Maybe you should stop trying to get answers from other people and do some research on your own. If you want to go based on fact, then your church and your parents aren't going to be very happy. But guess what? You're your own person, and believe it or not you actually are entitled to your own opinion.
2010-05-12 20:46:10 UTC
have you read the first of Genesis where there is a double Creation? that is where God created Creation and satan fell from grace and destroyed Creation and God recreated it. so the earth maybe millions of years but the ashes and residue that we study only goes back to Noah's time.
night bird
2010-05-12 20:51:19 UTC
the scientists you're being told to not believe are responsible for many of the things you use every day.

i'm with mellaban. study. research on your own. you'll be surprised at what you don't know and at how finding out what you don't know makes you want to know more.

good luck.
2010-05-12 20:43:00 UTC
Trust the scientists. Anyone who says the world is young because the bible says so, has mistranslated and misunderstood the bible teachings.
2010-05-12 20:41:53 UTC
the Quran separate age of earth from history of man on earth
2010-05-12 20:49:46 UTC
Read any of Richard Dawkins books, I am an athiest now, they showed me that Relegions are past history to my thinking now.
Luke Obsidia
2010-05-12 20:41:43 UTC
Well one thing you shouldn't believe is that there is one huge conspiracy in the scientific community against religion. That's just absurd.

If the Earth was 6,000 years old, then science would have verified it.
2010-05-12 20:40:55 UTC
idk, why do people watch TV anyway? It's the instrument of Satan. (Who is a pitbull and Jesus' pet dog, but no, nobody figured out my last question!!!)
2010-05-12 20:43:41 UTC
listen to the people who have actually done the research, not crack open an old book written by goat herders 3000 years ago.
2010-05-12 20:43:00 UTC
Which would you rather trust: Provable evidence backed by hard data, or an unprovable ancient myth backed only by blind belief?

The choice is yours.
2010-05-12 20:41:35 UTC
Science put a man on the moon. Believe the scientist.
2010-05-12 20:41:53 UTC
"my parents say not to believe the scientist"

Your parents hahahahaha you are so so sad....

Science has taken us to the freaking moon. I think you can trust science.
Haitham Emad
2010-05-12 20:40:44 UTC
6000 = hardly 120 successive generations .
2010-05-12 20:41:43 UTC
The bible doesn't tell us exactly how old the earth is....I don't believe it is only 6000 years old...but I don't believe it is billions of years old either.

I don't think the age of the earth is as important as who created the earth.
Christopher E
2010-05-12 20:41:14 UTC
Where in the bible did it say that earth is only 6000 years old?
2010-05-12 20:43:15 UTC
Big bang and the millions of years old crap is a way to try to trick people into rejecting Jesus. See atheist do what they feel like and could care less who they hurt with their lies.

Big bang comes from hatred of God's law.
2010-05-12 20:41:22 UTC
Believe whatever feels right to you. I'm not going to tell you what to believe in, and neither should any one else.
2010-05-12 20:41:14 UTC
It doesn't matter wheither it is trillons of years old or 6000, christs impact doesn't change nor does his word
son of God
2010-05-12 20:44:44 UTC
Science kills as you see how it is trying to kill the relationships with your church and your parents!!!
2010-05-12 20:41:22 UTC
It was a documentary dont listen to it
A Modest Proposal
2010-05-12 20:40:36 UTC
Follow the K-Ar road, follow the K-Ar road,

Follow follow follow follow, follow the K-Ar road...

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