Why is the cross used by Christians when it's known to be pagan?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why is the cross used by Christians when it's known to be pagan?
35 answers:
Susan G
2007-10-03 12:06:03 UTC
I'm pretty sure that the word cross is used in the Bible (at the very least crucified is used - which means hung on a cross to die) and Christians adopted it as a symbol because Jesus of Nazareth was crucified on one by the Romans.
2007-10-03 12:04:32 UTC
We did not take the cross from pagan beliefs as a sign of our christianity. Jesus died on a cross shaped from the wood of a dogwood tree. He is our salvation and his death allows us to be forgiven of our sins and enter the kingdom of heaven when this life is over. Therefore we take the cross as a symbol of our faith in his life and death. I do know that pagans used crosses as well but that is not where we get the cross from. Those that do wear a cross or exhibit it in their home for pagan reasons are pagans. Those that display it as a christian take it from the life and death of Jesus Christ.
2007-10-03 12:03:17 UTC
Similarity does not mean descended from. What difference does it make, we know that Jesus died on a cross from the witnesses and that is why Christians use the cross as a symbol to remind them of Christ's sacrifice. I have no idea why the pagans may have used a cross nor does it matter to my Christian faith.

In Christ

Fr. Joseph
Tim 47
2007-10-03 12:02:59 UTC
Yes you and I know that, but for most in Christendom, they have some weird tendency towards making allowances for the pagan in their religion by dismissing the origins of the pagan symbols and traditions with the statement "well, it doesn't mean that to us".

Apparently they are not very concerned with the fact that God knows that the image of the cross started as a pagan 'phallic symbol'.

The cross was proved to have originated (much to the chagrin of Christian) all the way back in ancient Babylon.

When God mixed up the languages, the image of the cross, in it's various forms was spread throughout the earth.

That is why the European explorers were surprised to find the image of the cross in wide use by the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

It is quite amazing how sentimental people are for this inaccurate symbol of the murder weapon of one Jesus Christ!

Never mind that nowhere in scripture are we instructed to honor the execution of our Lord by making an image of the torture instrument, but that people refuse to acknowledge the historical inaccuracy of that murder weapon is nothing short of astonishing!

Just because the murder implement has been incorrectly regaled as a 'cross' for so many years, still does not make it true!

Jesus himself said that those worshiping the Father must do so in spirit and truth, so that to many of us would coincide with the fact that he also told us to be faithful in the smallest of things, so, if we 1.embrace a false symbol, 2. were not even told to make any image, and 3. then refuse to let it go after it has been proved to be false, then we are saying, it is our emotions and feelings that we are more concerned with, than as to what the Father and the Son think and feel.
2007-10-03 12:03:21 UTC
Your name is Brett, but I am sure that someone else has used that same name before. Is there a patent on it?

The Bible clearly and undeniably teaches that Jesus died on a cross (Matthew 27:32,40,42; Mark 15:21,30,32; Luke 23:26; John 19:17,19,25; Acts 2:23; 1 Corinthians 1:17-18; Colossians 1:20; 2:14-15). The Greek words in those Scriptures specifically identify a cross, not a pole or stake. The most common method of execution by the Romans in Jesus’ time was crucifying a person on a cross, with nails through their hands/wrists and feet/ankles. Sometimes people were tied to the cross in addition to being nailed to it. There were instances where people were crucified to poles, stakes, trees, x-shaped crosses, etc. But this was not the case with Jesus – He was crucified on a cross.
2007-10-03 12:04:16 UTC
You are right. The cross is pagan because it refers to the planet of the crossing. The planet Nibiru which enters our solar system every 3600 or so years. The Swastika is also related to the cross and this symbol.

Jesus died on a cross but we do not know what is looked like.

I do not believe Christians should ware or use any of these items myself. The German army had crosses on the military equipment airplanes and tanks etc. It is not Christian it is pagan.

Why do people do things? Ignorance of the truth.
great gig in the sky
2007-10-03 12:01:38 UTC
Pagans never used a Crucifixion cross as a symbol. The cross is a symbol of our crucified and risen Lord.

This is not a secret. The problem with your JW way of thinking is that Romans used crosses to crucify people, not stakes or poles.
2007-10-03 14:24:47 UTC
well actually the cross was used by Romans to torture the Jewish Jewish law torture is not allowed so the Romans being smartass.s at the time would hang Jewish people whom they did not like on crosses because it was torture and took a bit to kill the person in that manner so i think they got the "cross" from that era
2007-10-03 11:59:28 UTC
For Christians it's the symbol of grace. No matter what Pagan thing took place before Christ, he was still crucified on a cross - a t-shaped piece of wood.
2007-10-05 06:47:29 UTC
If you would do some unbiased research into the Christian use of the cross, you would find that the word stauros was used, not just of a stake, but also of ALL torture stakes, even those with crosspieces. The BASIC meaning of stauros is "stake", but the word was used to describe T-shaped torture stakes also. One example is the use of the word "stauros" by the writer of the Letter of Barnabas around 100-133 AD where he describes a stauros as a T.

The word "xylon" basically means "wood", but it is also sometimes translated as "stake" and other things made of wood. If you rule out the use of the word "stauros" as a cross just because its basic meaning is "stake", then you should also rule out translating "xylon" as "stake" because it's basic meaning is "wood", not stake.

The Christian symbol of the cross is based on the belief that Jesus died on an instrument of torture in the shape of a cross, and through his death, the world was redeemed. The apostle Paul often spoke of Jesus' 'stauros' as representative of the sacrifice Jesus made, and eventually the shape of that torture device became a symbol of his sacrifice. If pagans used crosses to symbolize their gods - which is doubtful - it is entirely irrelevant. Pagans of the third century actually criticized Christians because of the esteem they placed on Jesus' "stauros". (Writings of the early Christian, Minucius Felix - Ante-Nicene Fathers)
~Heathen Princess~
2007-10-03 12:03:59 UTC
Thank Constantine for that one. He decided it would be the new symbol since he claimed a vision of one is what converted him.
Robin Runesinger
2007-10-03 12:00:44 UTC
Just like Easter and Yule, they incorporated the cross and other pre-Christian symbols into Christian tradition in order to get them to convert.
The Sponge
2007-10-03 12:01:25 UTC
Seriously? Are you seriously asking this question? I think it has something to do with a roman execution device in the first century...
2007-10-03 12:00:20 UTC
actually Jesus was nailed to a tree - that's what the Bible states, but it is refered to as a cross since it had resembled one
2007-10-03 12:02:07 UTC
JW? Right.

When i was a child I had a Friend who was jw and he said Jesus was just a man who died on a pole. What do you all teach now?
2007-10-03 11:59:47 UTC
The same reason as they use christmas, it's a perfectly reasonable religious, symbol/celebration..........why waste it. Pagan's don't mind sharing, never have.
2007-10-03 11:59:32 UTC
Jesus died on it!
2007-10-03 11:59:18 UTC
they stole a bunch of things from the pagans while they were slaughtering their men, women, and children

in fact, two christian holidays easter and christmas come from pagan holidays
2007-10-03 11:59:43 UTC
Christ died on a cross, that's why.

It's just a coincidence that it was used by pagans thousands of years prior.
s. grant
2007-10-03 12:04:03 UTC
Early Christian writers have said that Jesus was crucified on a pole with a cross arm for the hands. It is not the cross that is sacred to Christians it is the one who died on it that is. The cross is the devise used by Jesus to give up His life for the sake of all mankind. We sing the old rugged cross to remind ourselves of the death of our dear Savior.
2007-10-03 12:03:06 UTC
It is what Christ was crusified on and is most certianly not pagan,and the word cross does appear in the Bible which tell,s me you have never picked up a bible.
2007-10-03 12:03:43 UTC
Ah, yes.

The Romans used it as a popular method of execution. The Romans were considered pagan, right?
2007-10-03 12:01:05 UTC
the word cross is used in the KJV many times.

It was a symbol of Christ's death

Pagans use God's symbols the pentagram was Gods first
Ish Var Lan Salinger
2007-10-03 12:00:25 UTC
Some still use the symbol, presumably becuase they don't believe the information that it isn't correct, or because they don't want to.

I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and glad to have Bible truths, such as the fact that Christ died on a stake.

In response to those who claim to know my beliefs.

We never believed Jesus was "just some man".
2007-10-03 12:04:40 UTC
They are blind to the facts of what it is, what about Christmas and Easter? They practice things that they have no knowledge of.
2007-10-03 12:01:20 UTC
because Jesus, who is our Savior died on a cross. it's a symbol of his undying love and his sacrifice for our sins

(and this is what christians believe, i'm not forcing this upon anyone)

its a coincidence that it has the same basic symbol as paganism
2007-10-03 12:04:21 UTC
the fish was the original christian symbol. clandestine believers would draw a fish on the sand to let other believers know where to meet.

the catholic church adopted the cross in the 6th century.
2007-10-03 12:01:16 UTC
um because jesus was nailed to the cross smart one. and look at your definition SATKE OR POLE he was carring his cross which turned out to be a SATKE in the ground on which he was nailed to obviously you dont have the right bible.
2007-10-03 12:00:55 UTC
Most Christian stuff was borrowed from earlier religions. Christmas, Easter, the fable of Jesus was borrowed from the story of Hercules from the Greeks.
2007-10-03 12:00:05 UTC
Ever here of Mithras? He was nailed to it--and Biblejesus was modeled after him
2007-10-03 11:59:21 UTC
It was adopted along with all of the other Pagan things.
2007-10-03 12:00:59 UTC
Oh it belongs to pagans and no one else can us it. How silly can you get.

2007-10-03 12:00:34 UTC
All religion is screwy! I think they ate too many wild berries
2007-10-03 12:24:36 UTC
Vine's explains: "The shape of the [two-beamed cross] had its origin in ancient Chaldea, and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name) in that country and in adjacent lands, including Egypt. By the middle of the 3rd cent. A.D. the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of the Christian faith.

"In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system pagans were received into the churches ...and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau, or T, in its most frequent form, with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the 'cross' of Christ'" (ibid.).

Thus we see that the most common symbol of Christ and Christianity was a symbol that long predated Jesus and biblical Christianity.

"The Chaldean Mysteries can be traced up to the days of Semiramis, who lived only a few centuries after the flood, and who is known to have impressed upon them the image of her own depraved and polluted mind. That beautiful but abandoned queen of Babylon was not only herself a paragon of unbridled lust and licentiousness, but in the Mysteries which she had a chief hand in forming, she was worshipped as Rhea, the great 'Mother' of the gods, with such atrocious rites as identified her with Venus, the Mother of all impurity, and raised the very city where she had reigned to a bad eminence among the nations, as the grand seat at once of idolatry and consecrated prostitution. Thus was this Chaldean queen a fit and remarkable prototype of the 'Woman' in the Apocalypse, with the golden cup in her hand, and the name on her forehead, 'Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.' The Apocalyptic emblem of the Harlot woman with the cup in her hand was even emodied in the symbols of idolatry derived from ancient Babylon, as they were exhibited in Greece; for thus was the Greek Venus originally represented" (The Two Babylons, pp. 5-6).

This Babylonian system of idolatrous worship spread all over the world as the inhabitants of the city itself were scattered (Genesis 11:9). As they went from Babylon, these men took their worship of mother and child, and the various "mystery" symbols, with them. Herodotus, the world traveler and historian of antiquity, witnessed the mystery religion and its rites in many countries, and wrote of how Babylon was the prime evil source from which all systems of idolatry flowed. In his noted work, Nineveh and Its Remains, Layard wrote that we have the united testimony of sacred and profane history that idolatry originated in the area of Babylonia. Alexander Hislop quotes these historians and others confirming this point in his remarkable treatise mentioned above.

Later, the Roman Empire assimilated into its system the gods and religions of the countries over which it ruled. Since Babylon was the source of this paganism, we can easily see how Rome's early religion was a form of Babylonish worship that had developed under different forms and different names in the countries to which it had gone. In his well-documented book, Pagan and Christian creeds, Edward carpenter wrote: "The similarity of ancient pagan legends and beliefs with Christian traditions was so great that they excited the attention and undisguised wrath of the early Christian... not knowing how to explain it, they fell back to the theory the devil, centuries before, caused the pagans to adopt certain beliefs and practices" (p. 25).

Carpenter also quoted Tertullian, and early "church father" living between 160-220 AD, as saying: "The devil, by the mysteries of his idols, imitates even the main part of the divine mysteries" (ibid.).

Also, Carpenter, noted: "Cortez, too, complained that the devil had possibly taught the Mexicans the same thing that God taught Christendom" (ibid.). The famous Spanish explorer found that the originally pagan inhabitants of Mexico were already practicing he same pagan rites, and had many of the same pagan beliefs, that the Roman Catholic church had assimilated!

Since the practices of today's churches are not the same as the early true church recorded in the New Testament, it is vital to know whether there has been a purposeful mixing of false pagan practices with the true teachings of Christ, the apostles and the Bible. Many historians, such as Edward Gibbon, have noted the change brought about by great numbers of pagans flocking into the early Christian church and mixing their pagan customs and beliefs with those of the church (see Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1 chapter 15).

Notice how today's churches have sprung from the same root as paganism! Satan has created an entire system of "counterfeit Christianity." He has cleverly guided vain religious leaders to introduce completely pagan ideas, concepts and practices into "Christianity." Since the world "Christianity" is stamped on the outside of the package, most people assume that the religion of Jesus Christ is being offered. Little do they realize that totally false concepts of god, of Jesus Christ and His message, of the purpose of eternal life and of the way to eternal life—have been wrapped up in a package called "Christianity." But theirs is a "counterfeit" Christianity that has cut most of mankind off from the true God, and has caused enormous confusion, suffering and death! Martin Luther's earliest New Testament translations include many illustrations picturing the "Whore of Babylon" as the Roman Catholic Church. Describing this widely understood interpretation, Roland Bainton tells us: "Fallen Babylon is plainly Rome" (Here I Stand, p. 258).

Countless Protestant books, pamphlets, and tracts make that same identification today. They brand the Roman Catholic Church as the "great Whore" of Revelation 17.

But, it must be admitted, most Protestant denominational writers have stopped making this identification. After publishing those editions of the Bible, and pamphlets and tracts, they suddenly came to the embarrassing realization that they were telling on themselves!

For the corrupt Roman "mother" church has given birth to harlot daughters! If the clear, consistent principles of scriptural identification are to be honestly applied, the Protestant churches are "harlot daughters" of a paganized, apostate Rome!

They came out of her in protest. But, as we have clearly seen, they retained most of her pagan doctrines and concepts. They are still following Rome's example of mixing in the politics and wars of this world. And we have seen abundant Protestant testimony that they recognize she is their "mother" church!

Protestant historian Rufus Jones wrote that Luther "started out to inaugurate a Church composed of those who had faith and spiritual vision, and who revealed an ability and power to proclaim the Word of God. But, in reality, he left in full operation a large relic of the ancient creeds, an extensive 'rump' of superstitions, traditions and magic, and a heavy inheritance of external authority" (The Church's Debt to Heretics, p. 228).

In other words, the Protestants still retain many pagan doctrines and traditions inherited from Rome. We have seen that some of these false traditions involve the pagan holidays that the early Catholics adopted and gave Christian-sounding names. We ought to look into these things!

The Protestant churches stand clearly identified by God Almighty as the "harlot daughters" of apostate Rome!

Speaking of this entire Babylonish system, God commands: "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues" (Revelation 18:4).

The question is whether or not we will obey our Maker!..........
Maria b
2007-10-03 11:59:23 UTC
Ever hear of Jesus? He was nailed to one-that's why.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.