2011-06-17 18:34:02 UTC
One of my friends likes to use Ouija Board. Our group of friends likes to hang out every week on a specific night. Last week my friend brought her board and everyone started using it. I didn't because I know it's a Mortal sin and I didn't want to scare myself. I had a crucifix with me so I held onto that and frequently said The 'Our Father' and 'Hail Mary' and 'Glory Be.' I wrote down some stuff for them and was cracking a lot of jokes about the board, because I thought it was a toy: I didn't know it was REAL! My friends one by one scared themselves and stopped with the board and started playing a funny video game. I actually ended up letting my friend hold my crucifix so he wouldn't be so scared.
Only tonight I read about the dangers of the Ouija board and that's it's real and how dangerous and scary it is! I don't want my friends to use it. One of my best friends is bringing video games because he doesn't want to use the board so I figured this time I won't write things down and I'll play the video games with him and hopefully the others will join.
The friend who is really into using the boards doesn't like anything to do with the goodness of church so I couldn't convince her anyway, but I pray for her.
My aunt and I pray for my friends so they learn better, But is it still I sin that I'm in the same room that they're using it in?