Christians, if Catholics and Mormons arent true christians, why are Rick Santorum (Catholic) and Mitt Romney?
2012-01-08 02:24:42 UTC
candidates for President? Also, If Christians are supposed to be followers of Jesus, what are they doing in leadership positions?
Twelve answers:
2012-01-08 02:50:22 UTC
I like them both. Rick Santorum is a true Catholic unlike Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden who claim they are Catholics but they don't agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Not to mention that if Rick Santorum gets the Presidency he will be the second Catholic President of the United States.

Mitt Romney would also make a good President, I don't agree with his religion but Mormons are good people I wouldn't go as fare as saying they are Christians, but many of them act like what Christians are suppose to act like. I am a Catholic after all and if you knew what I know you would be saying the same thing.

I can definitely say that comparing them to President Obama they are definitely Christians, I know President Obama considers himself a Christian but he definitely does not have Christian values. But of course this is my opinion about him.
Old Timer Too
2012-01-08 02:37:11 UTC
There is no law in the United States regarding a person's faith/religion disqualifying him to run for President of the United States. Citizenship is required, yes, but religion is not.

John F. Kennedy was a Catholic and questions similar to this one were raised with especial concern over the false notion that Kennedy, if elected, would turn the United States into an extension of the Vatican. Similar bigoted stories are circulated about Romney making the United States into a Mormon country.

A study conducted about fifty years ago by the University of Washington (in Seattle) in comparative religion showed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints followed more of the teachings and practices found in the New Testament than any other Christian denomination included in the study. The Mormons came in at about 96 percent in following the New Testament teachings and practices (which include those taught by Jesus) while the next closest denomination was below 80 percent. (The study and newspaper reports about the study are not online.)

According to the study, the Mormons more closely follow Biblical Christianity than any other denomination.

Religious bigotry is alive and well in the United States, unfortunately.
2012-01-08 02:29:31 UTC
I know nothing that says Catholics are not Christians. Perhaps some people might feel that way, but that does not make it true. In reality, the Catholic church was the first Christian church. Do I agree with their doctrine all the time? No. But do they believe in the same principals of salvation through Christ? Yes.

As for Mormons, that's another matter. Against Scripture, they have "added" to the Bible, which is forbidden. Their doctrine in no way conforms to mainline Christianity, so I would certainly conclude that they are not Christians, even though they think they are.

As for Christians in leadership positions, I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you saying that if you're a Christian, you cannot hold a leadership position here on Earth? Why not? If your decisions are Christ based, you would certainly be in the favor of God. It's those who are in leadership positions now, who do unrighteous things, in opposition to the will of God, that I worry about.
2016-11-17 00:48:27 UTC
because of the fact they experience very not so good because of the fact the catholic church not basically has the catholic church have been given the various worlds greatest intellectuals (which the protestants admit) its been around for 1700years and can declare traditionally to be inspired by using the existence of Jesus. not basically like the early protestant church homes that have been around for on the main 500 yrs and have been inspired often for political benefit then we've the protestant Protestants who're inspired by using persons like Ellen White or Joseph Smith or in simple terms bible that's a Catholic e book. lots of the grievance is in keeping with lack of knowledge or some historic incorrect from the middle a protracted time. you besides mght ought to undergo in suggestions over 12 the worlds Christians are catholics
Sola Christus
2012-01-08 02:29:52 UTC
Only a small percentage would not consider Catholics Christian. Catholics are absolutely Christian. The vast majority of all Christians wouldn't consider Mormons Christian on any level.
2012-01-08 07:12:41 UTC
Because there is not supposed to be a litmus test of religion for those running for the Presidency...

Despite the political and even religious diatribe, most of which is innuendo and false accusations from the undereducated…

It’s still going to be about the economy and who can get the job done!

Romney knows and understands world economics.

In the private sector, for most of his life, he successfully and profitably managed large companies, helped turn around large companies that were sinking and helped other companies get started, saving and creating thousands of jobs, Domino’s Pizza, Sports Authority, and Staples to name just a few of many.

Funny. Half of MA loves what Romney did, the other half hate him, maybe because he left after completing only one term. Maybe he is not a “career” politician, do you always need a “career” politician to get the job done?

Yes, he worked as the MA governor for his entire term for FREE!!! Who else would have done that!?

Yes, during his 4 years as governor MA started out ranked 49th in job creation for half of his term before moving up to 47th in his final year. Not a stellar record to some.

Yet Romney also reduced corporate loopholes and cut state spending in order to cut taxes and increase consumer spending. MA had a huge deficit, about 3 Billion dollars when he started, and he left MA with a 600 million surplus and balanced budget at the end of his term (yes, he raised state “fees”, but still kept them below the national average). He can't help it if the government screwed up after he left.

MA’s super majority Democrat controlled legislature wanted desperately some kind of Universal Health care program. Romney worked with them to create one that would work, similar to mandated auto insurance (most states have such mandates). It is estimated that 98% of the residents are now covered. It was within projected budget (about 1% of the State budget) until Romney left and MA made changes to the program and now it is costing them. Romney believes that states -- not the federal government -- should be free to design their own plans for covering the uninsured if that is what they want to do.

Yes, he compromised on some political issues, again dealing with a super majority Democrat Legislature and Judicial Branch in MA, in order to keep the state government working together and moving forward.

He turned around a struggling 2002 Winter Olympics with millions in debt and made it into one of the most profitable Olympics in history. And only took a $1 dollar salary. Who else would have done that!?

He is against federalization and big government and believes in state’s rights to govern their own affairs.

He believes in marriage between a man and woman, the importance of family, and lives the example.

He is for a strong military and believes the borders should be better protected.

The list of real positives is far greater than the supposed list of negatives.

And the Democrat Party is most afraid of Romney.
2012-01-08 04:31:38 UTC
As an LDS-Christian, we are encouraged to take part in government, and law making matters, it seems unreasonable not to. One of my biggest problems with the Jehovah Witnesses is that they are encouraged ‘not’ to. It is imperative that we take part in the government that we are legislated by. These are the LAWS that we are required to live by, and if these LAWS are not moral then we are being asked by our government to be immoral, doesn’t make much sense does it.

The main reason this country was established was specifically so Christians could take part in government and not have a government sanctioned religion. It is so funny to me that in today’s society this would be turned around now. It is practically laughable that someone would not vote for a person based on their religion, it should be based on their behavior and their views on legislation.
2012-01-08 05:05:00 UTC
Huh? What was Clinton doing in a leadership position when he was an outright liar, religion notwithstanding? Because he was "elected" under the assumption of being the best person for a "civil" job, that's why. Our fiscal budget was balanced for the first time in years under his administration--again, morals notwithstanding. Then came "Christian" Bush and straight shot the whole thing into hell. Not all who claim the moniker are godly, it seems.

Shouldn't we be focusing on what the CIVIL job description is, exactly? To defend, protect, and promote the common good for US citizens. Personality has more bearing on the president influencing the country than religious morals. Haven't heard mentioned once in all the rhetoric flying around, the key components of a president worth my vote.... intelligence and vision. Shouldn't we be focusing on electing a president, not a "religious leader"? (Smoke signals instead of ballots, anyone?) Atheists are welcomed to run for president in my book. Only, where's the first one with guts to admit it, who won't tag on the favored religious moniker to legitimize him/herself, and can still stand up to rigorous testing? I'd rather vote for an intelligent, visonary, honest atheist, than for a dishonest claimant with their own ideas of "Christianity".

Christians are citizens of this country. They are allowed to run for office just like anyone else. But are we straying for the path (or being subliminally led down the primrose path?) with turning this election into being all about "religious morals"? Might want to ask Clinton that question, I say.
Jacqueline H
2012-01-08 02:29:17 UTC
Not everyone believes they "arent true Christians", enough people think that their "Christian" morals would be good for this country.

Who said followers of Jesus cannot be leaders? We have church leaders. And ALL leaders are put in their positions by God. Even heathen oppressive evil ones.
2012-01-08 02:26:52 UTC
you can only be president of the US if you're a christian. If you're not a christian, then you hate america. This is how the public things. I have to deal with people like that everyday. How is france, norway and canada's immigrant policies. I might move to either one
2012-01-08 02:38:21 UTC
The name Christian was first used in New Testament times to refer to followers/believers of Jesus Christ. includes the following definitions:

- A person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity.

- A person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ.

The core beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka LDS Church or Mormons), are summarized in the Articles of Faith, , the first of which reads:

"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."

The teachings and doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are centered on a belief that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, and Savior of the world. Our official website states:

“Jesus Christ is the only way by which we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. Jesus suffered and was crucified for the sins of the world, giving each of God’s children the gift of repentance and forgiveness. Only by His mercy and grace can anyone be saved. His subsequent resurrection prepared the way for every person to overcome physical death as well. These events are called the Atonement. In short, Jesus Christ saves us from sin and death. For that, he is very literally our Savior and Redeemer. ”

As with all other Christian denominations, there are also some biblical interpretations that distinguish us from others. The misunderstanding of these has led to many misconceptions about Mormons, and unfortunately the restrictions of this forum don't allow for an adequate discussion of these.

However, in Matthew 7 we read:

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

John goes on to say:

"If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15), and "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another" (John 13:34).

So despite our differences, may God bless us all in our sincere endeavors to show our faith in Christ by following his example of love and obedience in word and deed, so that others (and especially Christ himself) may recognize us as true Christians by our fruits, (rather than by our interpretation of scripture or our religious affiliation).

As for followers also being leaders, Christ himself appointed his Apostles to lead his Church after his Ascension.
Someone who cares
2012-01-08 02:28:19 UTC
They are.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.